文件: panel.cpp 项目: jcbaar/ClassLib
BOOL ClsPanel::OnGetMinSize( ClsSize& szMinSize )
	// Use the minimum button size.
	szMinSize.CX() = szMinSize.CY() = 0;
	m_pPanelCaption->OnGetMinSize( szMinSize );

	// Store the button height.
	m_nCaptionHeight = szMinSize.CY();
	return TRUE;
// For the layout engine.
BOOL ClsFlatButton::OnGetMinSize( ClsSize& szMinSize )
	// Add room for the frame.
	szMinSize.CX() += ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFRAME ) * 3;

	// For vista and up we use different numbers.
	if ( ClsGetApp()->GetMajorVersion() >= 6 )
		szMinSize.CY() += ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYFRAME ) * 1 + 4;
		szMinSize.CY() += ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYFRAME ) * 3;

	// Images?
	int cxi = 0, cyi = 0;
	if ( m_hImages && ImageList_GetImageCount( m_hImages ))
		// Get the image size.
		ImageList_GetIconSize( m_hImages, &cxi, &cyi );

		// Make room.
		cxi += 4;

		// Add sizes.
		szMinSize.CX() += cxi;
		szMinSize.CY() += cyi;

	// Do we have a caption?
	ClsString str( GetSafeHWND());
	if ( str.GetStringLength())
		// Setup the DC.
		ClsGetDC dc( this );
		ClsFont font;
		GetFont( font );
		ClsSelector sel( &dc, font );

		// Measure the caption.
		ClsRect rc;
		dc.DrawText( str, rc, DT_CALCRECT );

		// Add the width of the caption.
		szMinSize.CX() += rc.Width() + 4;

		// Adjust the height if necessary.
		if ( rc.Height() > cyi )
			szMinSize.CY() += rc.Height() - cyi;
	return TRUE;
文件: panel.cpp 项目: jcbaar/ClassLib
LRESULT ClsPanel::WindowProc( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
	// What's up?
	switch ( uMsg )
		case	WM_SETFONT:
			// Pass to the client and the caption
			// button.
			if ( m_pPanelCaption ) 
				m_pPanelCaption->SendMessage( WM_SETFONT, wParam, lParam );
			if ( m_pClient ) 
				m_pClient->SendMessage( WM_SETFONT, wParam, lParam );
			m_hFont = ( HFONT )wParam;

			// Do we have a panel caption?
			if ( m_pPanelCaption )
				// Get the minimum size of the
				// panel caption.
				ClsSize sz;
				ClsRect rc = GetClientRect();
				m_pPanelCaption->OnGetMinSize( sz );

				// Save the new value.
				m_nCaptionHeight = sz.CY();

				// Simulate a resize of the control. This will
				// re-evaluate the caption and client positions.
				OnSize( 0, rc.Width(), rc.Height());

				// Make sure our parent, which _MUST_
				// be a ClsPanelBar or drived object,
				// relayouts it's panels.
				ClsPanelBar *pParent = reinterpret_cast<ClsPanelBar *>( GetParent());
				if ( pParent ) pParent->LayoutPanels();

		case	WM_GETFONT: 
			// Return the stored font.
			return ( LRESULT )m_hFont;
	// Pass to the base class.
	return ClsWindow::WindowProc( uMsg, wParam, lParam );
// For the layout engine.
BOOL ClsSplitter::OnGetMinSize( ClsSize& szMinSize )
	// Setup values.
	szMinSize.CX() = szMinSize.CY() = SPLITTER_SIZE;
	return TRUE;
// Calculate the minimum size of a
// vertical group.
BOOL ClsLayoutEngine::GroupVMinSize( ClsSize& szMinSize )
	// Reset values.
	m_nFixedSize = m_nFullWeight = 0;

	// Query minimum sizes.
	if ( MaxMinSize() == FALSE )
		return FALSE;

	// Iterate members.
	ClsMember *pMember;
	for ( pMember = m_Members.GetFirst(); pMember; pMember = m_Members.GetNext( pMember )) 
		// Is it a spacing member?
		if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_SPACING ) != ClsMember::MF_SPACING ) 
			// Is it a equal height group?
			if ( m_dwFlags & LF_EQUALHEIGHT )
				// Make the group it's minimum height the
				// member it's minimum height.
				pMember->m_nMinHeight = m_nMaxMinHeight;

	// Iterate members.
	UINT nWidth = 0, nHeight = 0;
	for ( pMember = m_Members.GetFirst(); pMember; pMember = m_Members.GetNext( pMember )) 
		// Does the member have fixed minimum dimensions?
		if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_ASKMIN ) != ClsMember::MF_ASKMIN) 
			// Is it a fixed height member?
			if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDHEIGHT )
				// Increase the group it's fixed height.
				m_nFixedSize += pMember->m_nFixedHeight;
				// Increase the group height and total weight.
				nHeight	      += pMember->m_nMinHeight;
				m_nFullWeight += pMember->m_nWeight;
			// Is it a fixed height member?
                        if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDHEIGHT ) 
				// Make the fixed height the minimum height.
				m_nFixedSize	       += pMember->m_nMinHeight;
				pMember->m_nFixedHeight = pMember->m_nMinHeight;
				// Increase the group height and total weight.
				nHeight	      += pMember->m_nMinHeight;
				m_nFullWeight += pMember->m_nWeight;

		// Does the member have fixed minimum dimensions?
                if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_ASKMIN ) != ClsMember::MF_ASKMIN ) 
			// Does it have a fixed width?
			if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDWIDTH ) 
				// Store the width when it is larger than
				// the width sofar.
				if ( pMember->m_nFixedWidth > nWidth )
					nWidth = pMember->m_nFixedWidth;
				// Store the width when it is larger than
				// the width sofar.
				if ( pMember->m_nMinWidth > nWidth )
					nWidth = pMember->m_nMinWidth;
			// Does it have a fixed width?
			if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDWIDTH )
				// Make the fixed width the minimum width.
				pMember->m_nFixedWidth = pMember->m_nMinWidth;

			// Store the width when it is larger than the width
			// sofar.
			if ( pMember->m_nMinWidth > nWidth )
				nWidth = pMember->m_nMinWidth;

	// Add the offsets etc. to the sizes. The result will be the total
	// group minimum dimensions.
	nHeight += m_nFixedSize + ( m_rcOffsets.Top() + m_rcOffsets.Bottom() + (( m_Members.GetSize() - 1 ) * m_nSpacing ));
	nWidth  += ( m_rcOffsets.Left() + m_rcOffsets.Right());

	// Adjust for the frame.
	if ( m_bFrameGroup && m_Frame.GetSafeHWND())
		nWidth  += ( ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXEDGE )) * 2 + ( m_nSpacing * 2 );
		nHeight += ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYEDGE ) + ( m_nFontHeight + ( m_nSpacing * 2 ));

	// Store the values.
	szMinSize.CX() = max( 1, nWidth  );
	szMinSize.CY() = max( 1, nHeight );

	// Success...
	return TRUE;
// Calculate the minumum size of a
// horizontal group.
BOOL ClsLayoutEngine::GroupHMinSize( ClsSize& szMinSize )
	// Reset values.
	m_nFullWeight = m_nFixedSize = 0;

	// Query minimum sizes.
	if ( MaxMinSize() == FALSE )
		return FALSE;

	// Scan through the members.
	ClsMember *pMember;
	UINT nWidth = 0, nHeight = 0;
	for ( pMember = m_Members.GetFirst(); pMember; pMember = m_Members.GetNext( pMember )) 
		// Is this a spacing member?
		if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_SPACING ) != ClsMember::MF_SPACING ) 
			// No. If this group has equal widths we set the
			// witdth of the member to the group width.
			if ( m_dwFlags & LF_EQUALWIDTH )
				pMember->m_nMinWidth = m_nMaxMinWidth;

		// Does the member have fixed minimum dimensions?
		if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_ASKMIN ) != ClsMember::MF_ASKMIN ) 
			// No. Is it a fixed width object?
			if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDWIDTH )
				// Increase the group it's total fixed width.
				m_nFixedSize += pMember->m_nFixedWidth;
				// Increase the groups width and the total
				// weight.
				nWidth	      += pMember->m_nMinWidth;
				m_nFullWeight += pMember->m_nWeight;
			// Is it a fixed width member?
			if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDWIDTH ) 
				// Increase the total fixed width by the member
				// it's minimum width.
				m_nFixedSize	      += pMember->m_nMinWidth;
				pMember->m_nFixedWidth = pMember->m_nMinWidth;
				// Increase the group width and the total weight.
				nWidth	      += pMember->m_nMinWidth;
				m_nFullWeight += pMember->m_nWeight;

		// Does the member have fixed minimum dimensions?
		if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_ASKMIN ) != ClsMember::MF_ASKMIN ) 
			// Is it a fixed height object?
			if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDHEIGHT ) 
				// Store the member height when it is larger than
				// the height sofar.
				if ( pMember->m_nFixedHeight > nHeight )
					nHeight = pMember->m_nFixedHeight;
				// Store the member minimum height when it is larger
				// than the height sofar.
				if ( pMember->m_nMinHeight > nHeight )
					nHeight = pMember->m_nMinHeight;
			// Is it a fixed height object?
			if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDHEIGHT )
				// Store the minimum height as the fixed height.
				pMember->m_nFixedHeight = pMember->m_nMinHeight;

			// Store the height when it is larger than
			// the height sofar.
			if ( pMember->m_nMinHeight > nHeight )
				nHeight = pMember->m_nMinHeight;

	// Add the offsets etc. to the sizes. The result will be the total
	// group minimum dimensions.
        nWidth  += m_nFixedSize + ( m_rcOffsets.Left() + m_rcOffsets.Right() + (( m_Members.GetSize() - 1 ) * m_nSpacing ));
        nHeight += ( m_rcOffsets.Top() + m_rcOffsets.Bottom());

	//	Adjust for the frame.
	if ( m_bFrameGroup && m_Frame.GetSafeHWND())
		nWidth  += ( ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXEDGE ) * 2 ) + ( m_nSpacing * 2 );
		nHeight += ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYEDGE ) + ( m_nFontHeight + ( m_nSpacing * 2 ));

	// Store the values.
	szMinSize.CX() = max( 1, nWidth );
        szMinSize.CY() = max( 1, nHeight );

	// Success...
	return TRUE;
// Scale a vertical group.
void ClsLayoutEngine::ScaleVGroup()
	// Find out the group domain.
	ClsRect rc = GetWindowRect();

	// Calculate offsets.
	UINT nLeftOff = rc.Left() + m_rcOffsets.Left();
	UINT nTopOff  = rc.Top()  + m_rcOffsets.Top();

	// Calculate the effective height
	// in which the objects are scaled.
	UINT nEffHeight = ( rc.Height() - ((( m_Members.GetSize() - 1 ) * m_nSpacing ) + m_rcOffsets.Top() + m_rcOffsets.Bottom()));
	UINT nEffWidth  = ( rc.Width()  - ( m_rcOffsets.Left() + m_rcOffsets.Right()));

	// Decrease the effective height with
	// the total fixed height.
	nEffHeight -= m_nFixedSize;

	// Any framing?
	if ( m_bFrameGroup && m_Frame.GetSafeHWND()) 
		// Reposition and resize the
		// frame object.

		// Adjust offsets.
		nLeftOff += ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXEDGE ) + m_nSpacing;
		nTopOff  += m_nFontHeight + m_nSpacing;

		// And sizes.
		nEffWidth  -= ( ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXEDGE ) * 2 ) + ( m_nSpacing * 2 );
		nEffHeight -= ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYEDGE ) + m_nFontHeight + ( m_nSpacing * 2 );

        // Scale the objects.
        ScaleGroup( nEffHeight );

	// Iterate members.
	ClsMember *pMember;
	UINT nMemberWidth, nMemberHeight, nTotal = 0;
	for ( pMember = m_Members.GetFirst(); pMember; pMember = m_Members.GetNext( pMember )) 
		// Calculate object dimensions.
                nMemberWidth = ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDWIDTH  ) ? pMember->m_nFixedWidth  : nEffWidth;
		if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDHEIGHT ) nMemberHeight = pMember->m_nFixedHeight;
                        nMemberHeight = pMember->m_nScaledSize;
                        nTotal += nMemberHeight;

		// Adjust when necessary. This may get a somewhat ugly
		// result in some cases.
		if ( pMember == m_Members.GetLast()) 
			// Was the member scaled to large?
			if ( nTotal > nEffHeight ) nMemberHeight -= ( nTotal - nEffHeight );
				// If the member does not have a fixed height we stretch
				// it to fill the area.
				if ( ! ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_FIXEDHEIGHT )) 
					if ( nTotal < nEffHeight )
						nMemberHeight += ( nEffHeight - nTotal );

		// Align (if necessary).
		UINT nLeftAdjust;
		if ( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_ALIGN ) nLeftAdjust = max( nEffWidth - nMemberWidth, 0 );
		else						nLeftAdjust = 0;
		// Spacing member?
		if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_SPACING ) != ClsMember::MF_SPACING ) 
			// Setup object.
			ClsRect points( nLeftOff + nLeftAdjust, nTopOff, nLeftOff + nLeftAdjust + nMemberWidth, nTopOff + nMemberHeight );

			// Extra lines?
			if ( pMember->m_nExtraLines ) 
				if ( pMember->m_nLineSize == 0 )
					// Compute the line size.
					ClsGetDC dc( pMember->m_pMember );
					ClsSelector sel( &dc, ( HFONT )pMember->m_pMember->SendMessage( WM_GETFONT )); 
					ClsSize sz = dc.GetTextExtent( _T( "W" ), 1 );
					pMember->m_nLineSize = sz.CY();

				// OK?
				if ( pMember->m_nLineSize ) 
					// Add extra height.
					points.Bottom() += ( pMember->m_nExtraLines * pMember->m_nLineSize ) + 4;

			// Convert the screen coordinates 
			// to the target client.
			GetParent()->ScreenToClient( points );

			// Layout the member.
			pMember->m_pMember->MoveWindow( points, FALSE );

			// If this member is a layout engine force
			// it to re-layout it's members.
			if ( pMember->m_pMember->SendMessage( WM_ISLAYOUTENGINE ))
				pMember->m_pMember->SendMessage( WM_RELAYOUT );
		// Increase top offset.
		nTopOff += ( nMemberHeight + m_nSpacing );
// Window procedure override. Handles layout engine private messages.
LRESULT ClsLayoutEngine::WindowProc( UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
	// Interpred message.
	switch ( uMsg )
		case	WM_CREATE:
			// Get the default font height used
			// by the layout control. This information
			// is needed if the control font is not
			// set.
			ClsGetDC dc( this );
			ClsSize sz = dc.GetTextExtent( _T( "W" ), 1 );
			m_nFontHeight = sz.CY();

		case	WM_GETFONT:
			// Valid font?
			return ( LRESULT )( m_Font.IsValid() ? ( HFONT )m_Font : NULL );

		case	WM_SETFONT:
			// Detach old font.

			// Valid?
			if ( wParam )
				// Attach the new font.
				m_Font.Attach(( HFONT )wParam, FALSE );

				// Set the font to the frame
				// if it exists.
				if ( m_Frame.GetSafeHWND())
					m_Frame.SetFont( &m_Font, FALSE );

				// Pass this message to all our members
				// when they do not have a font set.
				ClsMember *pMember;
				for ( pMember = m_Members.GetFirst(); pMember; pMember = m_Members.GetNext( pMember ))
					// Skip spacing members.
					if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_SPACING ) != ClsMember::MF_SPACING )
						// Does it have a font?
						if ( pMember->m_pMember->SendMessage( WM_GETFONT ) == NULL )
							// No. Set it.
							pMember->m_pMember->SendMessage( WM_SETFONT, wParam, MAKELPARAM( FALSE, 0 ));

				// Pickup the font height.
				ClsGetDC dc(this);
				ClsSelector sel( &dc, ( HFONT )wParam );
				ClsSize sz = dc.GetTextExtent( _T( "W" ), 1 );

				// Store the height.
				m_nFontHeight = sz.CY();

				m_dwFlags &= ~LF_DIMENSIONED;

			// Yes, we really are a layout engine...
			return TRUE;

			// Organize the members.
			m_dwFlags &= ~LF_ORGANIZED;
			return TRUE;

			// Add members to the passed list.
			GetControls(( ClsLinkedList<ClsCNode> * )lParam );
			return TRUE;

		case	WM_ERRORS:
			// Return error bool.
			return ( LRESULT )(( BOOL )( m_dwFlags & LF_ADDERROR ));

		//case	WM_SIZE:
			// Resize the frame.
		//	if ( m_bFrameGroup && m_Frame.GetSafeHWND())
		//	{
		//		ClsRect rc;
		//		GetClientRect( rc );
		//		m_Frame.MoveWindow( rc, FALSE );
		//	}
		//	return 0;

			// Group dimensioned? When ever a group contents
			// has changed we need to call the OnGetMinSize()
			// method before we re-layout. This is to make sure
			// the layout engine always works with the latest
			// information.
			if (( m_dwFlags & LF_DIMENSIONED ) != LF_DIMENSIONED ) 
				ClsSize szMinSize( 0, 0 );

				// OK?
				if ( OnGetMinSize( szMinSize ) == FALSE )
					return FALSE;

			// Is this the master group?
			if ( m_dwFlags & LF_MASTER ) 
				// Organized?
				if (( m_dwFlags & LF_ORGANIZED ) != LF_ORGANIZED )

				// Get the parent it's client rectangle.
				ClsRect rc = GetParent()->GetClientRect();

				// Re-size the group.
				MoveWindow( rc, FALSE );

			// Scale the group members.
			if ( m_bIsHorizontal ) ScaleHGroup();
			else		       ScaleVGroup();

			// Master group?
			if ((( m_dwFlags & LF_MASTER ) == LF_MASTER ) && GetParent()->IsWindowVisible())
				// Force the parent to redraw.
			return TRUE;

			// Show/Hide members.
			ClsMember *pMember;
			for ( pMember = m_Members.GetFirst(); pMember; pMember = m_Members.GetNext( pMember )) 
				// A spacing member?
				if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_SPACING ) != ClsMember::MF_SPACING )
					if ( pMember->m_pMember->SendMessage( WM_ISLAYOUTENGINE )) pMember->m_pMember->SendMessage( WM_SHOWMEMBERS, wParam );
						pMember->m_pMember->ShowWindow( wParam ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE );
						if ( wParam ) pMember->m_pMember->UpdateWindow();

			// Show/Hide the frame.
			if ( m_bFrameGroup && m_Frame.GetSafeHWND())
				m_Frame.ShowWindow( wParam ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE );
				if ( wParam ) m_Frame.UpdateWindow();
			return TRUE;

		case	WM_REFRESH:
			// Do longer dimensioned or organized...
			m_dwFlags &= ~( LF_ORGANIZED | LF_DIMENSIONED );

			// Refresh layout engine members.
			ClsMember *pMember;
			for ( pMember = m_Members.GetFirst(); pMember; pMember = m_Members.GetNext( pMember )) 
				// A spacing member?
				if (( pMember->m_dwFlags & ClsMember::MF_SPACING ) != ClsMember::MF_SPACING )
					// Is it a layout engine?
					if ( pMember->m_pMember->SendMessage( WM_ISLAYOUTENGINE )) 
						pMember->m_pMember->SendMessage( WM_REFRESH );

			// Are we the master?
			if ( m_dwFlags & LF_MASTER )
				// Layout the group.
				SendMessage( WM_RELAYOUT );
			return TRUE;

	// Call the base class.
	return ClsWindow::WindowProc( uMsg, wParam, lParam );
文件: Main.cpp 项目: x2on/NiLogViewer
	// Called after ClsDialog has distributed the dialog
	// font to it's children.
	virtual void OnFontDistributed()
		// Setup static controls. Attach them to the objects and
		// add them to the layout engine controls.
		for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
			m_Statics[ i ].Attach( GetDlgItemHandle( IDC_STATIC_1 + i ));
			m_Left.AddMember( &m_Statics[ i ], NULL, ATTR_FixMinSize, TRUE, ATTR_RightAlign, TRUE, TAG_END );

		// Add the controls to the layout engine controls.
		m_Right.AddMember( &m_Find, NULL, TAG_END );
		m_Right.AddMember( &m_Type, NULL, TAG_END );
		m_Right.AddMember( &m_Folder, NULL, TAG_END );
		m_Right.AddMember( &m_Proc, NULL, ATTR_UseControlSize, TRUE, TAG_END );
		m_StatBut.AddMember( &m_Occ, NULL, TAG_END );
		m_StatBut.AddMember( &m_About, NULL, ATTR_UseControlSize, TRUE, ATTR_FixMinWidth, TRUE, TAG_END );
		m_StatBut.AddMember( &m_Go, NULL, ATTR_UseControlSize, TRUE, ATTR_FixMinWidth, TRUE, TAG_END );
		m_Right.AddMember( &m_StatBut, NULL, TAG_END );

		// Get the minimum size of the "m_Right" layout-engine without
		// the checkboxes.
		ClsSize szRight; m_Right.OnGetMinSize( szRight );

		// Add the checkboxes.
		m_Right.AddMember( &m_Recur, NULL, ATTR_FixMinWidth, TRUE, TAG_END );
		m_Right.AddMember( &m_Case, NULL, ATTR_FixMinWidth, TRUE, TAG_END );

		// Combine left and right layout-engine controls.
		m_LeftRight.AddMember( &m_Left, NULL, ATTR_FixMinWidth, TRUE, ATTR_FixHeight, szRight.CY(), TAG_END );
		m_LeftRight.AddMember( &m_Right, NULL, TAG_END );

		// Setup the master layout engine.
		m_Master.AddMember( &m_LeftRight, NULL, ATTR_FixMinHeight, TRUE, TAG_END );
		m_Master.AddMember( &m_List, NULL, TAG_END );

		// Any errors?
		if ( m_Master.Error())
			// Bye...
			EndDialog( TRUE );

		// Compute the minimum size of the master group.
		if ( m_Master.OnGetMinSize( m_MinSize ) == FALSE )
			// Bye...
			EndDialog( 0 );

		// Add frame and caption sizes so that we know the minimum
		// size of the dialog.
		m_MinSize.CY() += ( ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYFRAME ) * 2 ) + ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYCAPTION );
		m_MinSize.CX() += ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXFRAME ) * 2;
		// Relayout the master layout engine control.

		// No thread running.
		m_bSearchInProgress = FALSE;
		// Call the base class.