//in ClusterGraph??
//is not yet recursive!!!
node collapseCluster(ClusterGraph& CG, cluster c, Graph& G)
	OGDF_ASSERT(c->cCount() == 0)

	ListIterator<node> its;
	SListPure<node> collaps;

	//we should check here if not empty
	node robinson = (*(c->nBegin()));

	for (its = c->nBegin(); its.valid(); its++)

	CG.collaps(collaps, G);

	if (c != CG.rootCluster())

	return robinson;
// Recursive call for testing c-planarity of the clustered graph
// that is induced by cluster act
bool CconnectClusterPlanar::planarityTest(
	ClusterGraph &C,
	cluster &act,
	Graph &G)
	// Test children first
	ListConstIterator<cluster> it;
	for (it = act->cBegin(); it.valid();)
		ListConstIterator<cluster> succ = it.succ();
		cluster next = (*it);
		if (!planarityTest(C,next,G))
			return false;
		it = succ;

	// Get induced subgraph of cluster act and test it for planarity

	List<node> subGraphNodes;
	for (node s : act->nodes)

	Graph subGraph;
	NodeArray<node> table;

	// Introduce super sink and add edges corresponding
	// to outgoing edges of the cluster

	node superSink = subGraph.newNode();
	EdgeArray<node> outgoingTable(subGraph,nullptr);

	for (node w : act->nodes)
		//adjEntry adj = w->firstAdj();
		for(adjEntry adj : w->adjEntries)
			edge e = adj->theEdge();
			edge cor = nullptr;
			if (table[e->source()] == nullptr) // edge is connected to a node outside the cluster
				cor = subGraph.newEdge(table[e->target()],superSink);
				outgoingTable[cor] = e->source();
			else if (table[e->target()] == nullptr) // dito
				cor = subGraph.newEdge(table[e->source()],superSink);
				outgoingTable[cor] = e->target();

			// else edge connects two nodes of the cluster
	if (superSink->degree() == 0) // root cluster is not connected to outside clusters
		superSink = nullptr;

	bool cPlanar = preparation(subGraph,act,superSink);

	if (cPlanar && act != C.rootCluster())
		// Remove induced subgraph and the cluster act.
		// Replace it by a wheel graph
		while (!subGraphNodes.empty())
			node w = subGraphNodes.popFrontRet();
//			C.unassignNode(w);

		cluster parent = act->parent();

		if (superSink && m_clusterPQTree[act])

		if (m_clusterPQTree[act] != nullptr) // if query necessary for clusters with just one child
			delete m_clusterPQTree[act];

	else if (!cPlanar)
			m_errorCode = nonCPlanar;
		}//if not cplanar

	return cPlanar;
