void ParamsBasicApp::update(){
    drawCube = receiver.getValue(0);
    mCameraDistance = receiver.getValue(1,1,100);
    r = receiver.getValue(2);
    g = receiver.getValue(3);
//    b = receiver.getValue(4);
    a = receiver.getValue(4,-1,1);
    e = receiver.getValue(5,-1,1);
    c = receiver.getValue(6,-1,1);
//    x = receiver.getValue(8,-1,1);
//    y = receiver.getValue(9,-1,1);
//    z = receiver.getValue(10,-1,1);
    mEye = Vec3f(a,e,c);
     Color( CM_HSV, 0.7f, 0.85f, 1.0f );
    mColor.set(r, g, b,1);
    mColor.set( Color( CM_HSV, r, g, 1 ));
    Vec3f nDist = mEye * mCameraDistance;
    mCam.lookAt( nDist,Vec3f( 0, 0, 0 ) );
//    mObjOrientation.set(a, e, c, d);
//    mLightDirection.set(x, y, z);
//    mLightDirection.rotateX(x);
//    mLightDirection.rotateX(y);
//    mLightDirection.rotateX(z);
    console() << a << e << c << endl;
* Renders a 2d polyline in the viewport.
void ViewportSceneRenderer::render2DPolyline(const Point2* points, int count, const ColorA& color, bool closed)
	OVITO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(points[0]) == 2*sizeof(GLfloat));

	// Load OpenGL shader.
	QOpenGLShaderProgram* shader = loadShaderProgram("line", ":/core/glsl/lines/line.vs", ":/core/glsl/lines/line.fs");
		throw Exception(tr("Failed to bind OpenGL shader."));

	bool wasDepthTestEnabled = glIsEnabled(GL_DEPTH_TEST);

	GLint vc[4];
	glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, vc);
	QMatrix4x4 tm;
	tm.ortho(vc[0], vc[0] + vc[2], vc[1] + vc[3], vc[1], -1, 1);
	OVITO_CHECK_OPENGL(shader->setUniformValue("modelview_projection_matrix", tm));

	QOpenGLBuffer vertexBuffer;
	if(glformat().majorVersion() >= 3) {
			throw Exception(tr("Failed to create OpenGL vertex buffer."));
				throw Exception(tr("Failed to bind OpenGL vertex buffer."));
		vertexBuffer.allocate(points, 2 * sizeof(GLfloat) * count);
		OVITO_CHECK_OPENGL(shader->setAttributeBuffer("position", GL_FLOAT, 0, 2));
	else {
		OVITO_CHECK_OPENGL(glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, points));

	if(glformat().majorVersion() >= 3) {
		OVITO_CHECK_OPENGL(shader->setAttributeValue("color", color.r(), color.g(), color.b(), color.a()));
	else {

	OVITO_CHECK_OPENGL(glDrawArrays(closed ? GL_LINE_LOOP : GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, count));

	if(glformat().majorVersion() >= 3) {
	else {
	if(wasDepthTestEnabled) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
* Determines the display color of a single particle.
ColorA ParticleDisplay::particleColor(size_t particleIndex, ParticlePropertyObject* colorProperty, ParticleTypeProperty* typeProperty, ParticlePropertyObject* selectionProperty, ParticlePropertyObject* transparencyProperty)
	OVITO_ASSERT(colorProperty == nullptr || colorProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::ColorProperty);
	OVITO_ASSERT(typeProperty == nullptr || typeProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::ParticleTypeProperty);
	OVITO_ASSERT(selectionProperty == nullptr || selectionProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::SelectionProperty);
	OVITO_ASSERT(transparencyProperty == nullptr || transparencyProperty->type() == ParticleProperty::TransparencyProperty);

	// Check if particle is selected.
	if(selectionProperty) {
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < selectionProperty->size());
			return selectionParticleColor();

	ColorA c = defaultParticleColor();
	if(colorProperty) {
		// Take particle color directly from the color property.
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < colorProperty->size());
		c = colorProperty->getColor(particleIndex);
	else if(typeProperty) {
		// Return color based on particle types.
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < typeProperty->size());
		ParticleType* ptype = typeProperty->particleType(typeProperty->getInt(particleIndex));
			c = ptype->color();

	// Apply alpha component.
	if(transparencyProperty) {
		OVITO_ASSERT(particleIndex < transparencyProperty->size());
		c.a() = FloatType(1) - transparencyProperty->getFloat(particleIndex);

	return c;
void redEyeApp::update() {
    //--osc input
    while(mListener.hasWaitingMessages()) {
		osc::Message msg;
        mOsc= msg.getAddress();
        for(uint32_t i= 0; i<msg.getNumArgs(); i++) {
            mOsc= mOsc+" "+msg.getArgAsString(i, true);
        if(msg.getAddress()=="/numSamples") {
            mNumSamples= math<int32_t>::clamp(msg.getArgAsInt32(0, true), 1, 2048);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/downSample") {
            mDownSample= math<int32_t>::clamp(msg.getArgAsInt32(0, true), 0, 2047);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/amplitude") {
            mAmplitude= msg.getArgAsFloat(0, true);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/width") {
            mWidth= math<float>::clamp(msg.getArgAsFloat(0, true), 0, 1000);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/colorBack") {
            ColorA col= ColorA(0, 0, 0, 1);
            for(uint32_t i= 0; i<min(msg.getNumArgs(), 4); i++) {
                col[i]= msg.getArgAsFloat(i, true);
            mColorBack.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/scale0") {
            Vec3f sca= Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            for(uint32_t i= 0; i<min(msg.getNumArgs(), 3); i++) {
                msg.getArgAsFloat(i, true);
            mScale0.set(sca.x, sca.y, sca.z);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/scale1") {
            Vec3f sca= Vec3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            for(uint32_t i= 0; i<min(msg.getNumArgs(), 3); i++) {
                msg.getArgAsFloat(i, true);
            mScale1.set(sca.x, sca.y, sca.z);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/rotate0") {
            Vec3f rot= Vec3f::zero();
            for(uint32_t i= 0; i<min(msg.getNumArgs(), 3); i++) {
                rot[i]= msg.getArgAsFloat(i, true);
            mRotate0.set(rot.x, rot.y, rot.z);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/rotate1") {
            Vec3f rot= Vec3f::zero();
            for(uint32_t i= 0; i<min(msg.getNumArgs(), 3); i++) {
                rot[i]= msg.getArgAsFloat(i, true);
            mRotate1.set(rot.x, rot.y, rot.z);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/translate0") {
            Vec3f tra= Vec3f::zero();
            for(uint32_t i= 0; i<min(msg.getNumArgs(), 3); i++) {
                tra[i]= msg.getArgAsFloat(i, true);
            mTranslate0.set(tra.x, tra.y, tra.z);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/translate1") {
            Vec3f tra= Vec3f::zero();
            for(uint32_t i= 0; i<min(msg.getNumArgs(), 3); i++) {
                tra[i]= msg.getArgAsFloat(i, true);
            mTranslate1.set(tra.x, tra.y, tra.z);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/color0") {
            ColorA col= ColorA(0, 0, 0, 1);
            for(uint32_t i= 0; i<min(msg.getNumArgs(), 4); i++) {
                col[i]= msg.getArgAsFloat(i, true);
            mColor0.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
        } else if(msg.getAddress()=="/color1") {
            ColorA col= ColorA(0, 0, 0, 1);
            for(uint32_t i= 0; i<min(msg.getNumArgs(), 4); i++) {
                col[i]= msg.getArgAsFloat(i, true);
            mColor1.set(col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
    //--audio input
    mPcmBuffer= mInput.getPcmBuffer();
    if(mPcmBuffer) {
        mBufferSize= mPcmBuffer->getSampleCount();
        //std::cout<<"mBufferSize: "<<mBufferSize<<std::endl;
        mBufferLeft= mPcmBuffer->getChannelData(audio::CHANNEL_FRONT_LEFT);
        //mBufferRight= mPcmBuffer->getChannelData(audio::CHANNEL_FRONT_RIGHT);
        mFftLeft= audio::calculateFft(mPcmBuffer->getChannelData(audio::CHANNEL_FRONT_LEFT), mBufferSize/2);
        //mFftRight= audio::calculateFft(mPcmBuffer->getChannelData(audio::CHANNEL_FRONT_LEFT), mBufferSize/2);
        mAmplitude= 0.0f;
        for(uint32_t i= 0; i<mBufferSize; i++) {
            mAmplitude += abs(mBufferLeft->mData[i]);
        mAmplitude /= float(mBufferSize);   //average amplitude
        Surface32f mSurfaceSnd(mBufferSize, 1, true);
        Surface32f::Iter sndIter(mSurfaceSnd.getIter());
        uint32_t i= 0;
        while(sndIter.line()) {
            while(sndIter.pixel()) {
                sndIter.r()= mBufferLeft->mData[i];
        mTextureSnd= gl::Texture(mSurfaceSnd);
        Surface32f mSurfaceFft(mBufferSize/2, 1, true);
        Surface32f::Iter fftIter(mSurfaceFft.getIter());
        uint32_t j= 0;
        float *fftBuffer= mFftLeft.get();
        while(fftIter.line()) {
            while(fftIter.pixel()) {
                fftIter.r()= fftBuffer[j];
        mTextureFft= gl::Texture(mSurfaceFft);
    if(mShader!=NULL) {
        if((fs::last_write_time(mPathFrag)>mTimeFrag) || (fs::last_write_time(mPathVert)>mTimeVert)) {
            loadShader();   //hot-loading shader
    mFps= getAverageFps();
void GlslParams::parse( const string &source )
	auto trim = []( const string &input, const string &key ) {
		string temp = input;
		size_t foundKey = temp.find( key );
		while( foundKey != string::npos ) {
			temp = temp.replace( foundKey, key.length(), "" );
			foundKey = temp.find( key );
		return temp;

	multimap<string, string> uiTypeMap = {
		{ "int", "slider" },
		{ "int", "dialer" },

		{ "float", "ui" },
		{ "float", "slider" },
		{ "float", "dialer" },

		{ "vec2", "pad" },
		{ "vec2", "range" },
		{ "vec2", "ui" },
		{ "vec2", "slider" },
		{ "vec2", "dialer" },

		{ "vec3", "ui" },
		{ "vec3", "slider" },
		{ "vec3", "dialer" },

		{ "vec4", "ui" },
		{ "vec4", "slider" },
		{ "vec4", "color" },
		{ "vec4", "dialer" },

		{ "bool", "button" },
		{ "bool", "toggle" }
	bool ignore = false;
	vector<string> lines = split( source, '\n' );
	for( auto &it : lines ) {
		string original = it;
		string line = it;

		string ignoreStart( "/*" );
		string ignoreEnd( "*/" );
		if( !ignore && line.find( ignoreStart ) != string::npos ) {
			ignore = true;

		if( ignore && line.find( ignoreEnd ) == string::npos ) {
		else {
			ignore = false;

		std::transform( line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::tolower );
		string uniform( "uniform " );
		string semicolon( ";" );
		string colon( ":" );
		string space( " " );
		string comment( "//" );
		string comma( "," );
		string newLine( "/n" );

		size_t foundUniform = line.find( uniform );
		if( foundUniform == string::npos ) {
		size_t foundComment = line.find( comment );
		if( foundComment == string::npos || foundUniform > foundComment ) {
		size_t foundType = string::npos;
		size_t foundUIType = string::npos;
		string type;
		string uitype;
		string key;

		bool valid = false;
		for( auto &ui : uiTypeMap ) {
			foundType = line.find( ui.first );
			//			string tempkey = comment + ui.second + colon;
			string tempkey = comment + ui.second;
			foundUIType = line.find( tempkey );
			if( foundType != string::npos && foundUIType != string::npos ) {
				valid = true;
				type = ui.first;
				uitype = ui.second;
				key = tempkey;

		if( !valid ) {

		string uniformName = original;
		size_t foundSemicolon = uniformName.find( semicolon );
		uniformName = uniformName.substr( 0, foundSemicolon );
		uniformName = uniformName.replace( foundType, type.length(), "" );
		uniformName = uniformName.replace( foundUniform, uniform.length(), "" );
		uniformName = trim( uniformName, " " );

		string uiParams = line.substr( foundUIType + key.length() );
		uiParams = trim( uiParams, ":" );

		vector<string> params = split( uiParams, "," );
		if( params.size() == 1 ) {
			if( params[0].length() == 0 ) {
		int size = params.size();

		vector<float> values;
		bool invalidParams = false;
		for( auto &it : params ) {
			try {
				values.emplace_back( stof( it ) );
			catch( std::exception &exc ) {
				invalidParams = true;

		if( invalidParams ) {

		valid = false;

		if( type == "bool" ) {
			if( size == 1 ) {
				bool val = values[0] > 0.5 ? true : false;
				mBoolParams[uniformName] = val;
			else {
				mBoolParams[uniformName] = true;
			valid = true;
		else if( type == "int" ) {
			if( size > 2 ) {
				mIntParams[uniformName] = values[2];
				mIntRanges[uniformName] = { values[0], values[1] };
			else {
				mIntParams[uniformName] = 50;
				mIntRanges[uniformName] = { 0, 100 };
			valid = true;
		else if( type == "float" ) {
			if( size > 2 ) {
				mFloatParams[uniformName] = values[2];
				mFloatRanges[uniformName] = { values[0], values[1] };
			else {
				mFloatParams[uniformName] = 0.5f;
				mFloatRanges[uniformName] = { 0.0f, 1.0f };
			valid = true;
		else if( type == "vec2" ) {
			if( size > 2 ) {
				if( uitype == "range" && size > 3 ) {
					mVec2Params[uniformName] = vec2( values[2], values[3] );
				else {
					mVec2Params[uniformName] = vec2( values[2] );
				mVec2Ranges[uniformName] = { values[0], values[1] };
			else {
				mVec2Params[uniformName] = vec2( 0.25f, 0.75f );
				mVec2Ranges[uniformName] = { 0.0f, 1.0f };
			valid = true;
		else if( type == "vec3" ) {
			if( size > 2 ) {
				mVec3Params[uniformName] = vec3( values[2] );
				mVec3Ranges[uniformName] = { values[0], values[1] };
			else {
				mVec3Params[uniformName] = vec3( 0.5f );
				mVec3Ranges[uniformName] = { 0.0f, 1.0f };
			valid = true;
		else if( type == "vec4" && uitype == "color" ) {
			ColorA clr;
			if( size > 3 ) {
				clr.set( ColorModel::CM_RGB, vec4( values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3] ) );
				mColorParams[uniformName] = clr;
			else {
				clr.set( ColorModel::CM_RGB, vec4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
				mColorParams[uniformName] = clr;
			valid = true;
		else if( type == "vec4" ) {
			if( size > 2 ) {
				mVec4Params[uniformName] = vec4( values[2] );
				mVec4Ranges[uniformName] = { values[0], values[1] };
			else {
				mVec4Params[uniformName] = vec4( 0.5f );
				mVec4Ranges[uniformName] = { 0.0f, 1.0f };
			valid = true;

		if( valid ) {
			mTypeMap.insert( { uniformName, { type, uitype } } );
			mParamOrder[mParamOrder.size()] = uniformName;