bool save(ColorPalette& palette, const QString& suggested_filename = QString())
        // Attempt to save with the existing file names
        if ( !suggested_filename.isEmpty() && attemptSave(palette, suggested_filename) )
            return true;
        if ( attemptSave(palette, palette.fileName()) )
            return true;

        // Set up the save directory
        QDir save_dir(save_path);
        if ( !save_dir.exists() && !QDir().mkdir(save_path) )
            return false;

        // Attempt to save as (Name).gpl
        QString filename =".gpl";
        if ( !save_dir.exists(filename) &&
                attemptSave(palette, save_dir.absoluteFilePath(filename)) )
            return true;

        // Get all of the files matching the pattern *.gpl
        save_dir.setNameFilters(QStringList() << "*.gpl");
        QStringList existing_files = save_dir.entryList();

        // For all the files that match (Name)(Number).gpl, find the maximum (Number)
        QRegularExpression name_regex(QRegularExpression::escape("([0-9]+)\\.gpl");
        int max = 0;
        for ( const auto& existing_file : existing_files )
            QRegularExpressionMatch match = name_regex.match(existing_file);
            if ( match.hasMatch() )
                int num = match.captured(1).toInt();
                if ( num > max )
                    max = num;

        return attemptSave(palette,
 void fixUnnamed(ColorPalette& palette)
     if ( )