void ProductionCompressorBC5_Luma::compressBlock(ColorSet & set, nvtt::AlphaMode alphaMode, const nvtt::CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, void * output)
    BlockATI2 * block = new(output) BlockATI2;

    AlphaBlock4x4 tmp;
    tmp.init(set, /*channel=*/0);
    OptimalCompress::compressDXT5A(tmp, &block->x);

    // Decode block->x
    AlphaBlock4x4 decoded;

    const float R = 1.0f / 256.0f; // Maximum residual that we can represent. @@ Tweak this.

    // Compute residual block.
    for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        float in = set.color(i).x;                      // [0,1]
        float out = float(decoded.alpha[i]) / 255.0f;   // [0,1]

        float residual = (out - in);                    // [-1,1], but usually [-R,R]

        // Normalize residual to [-1,1] range.
        residual /= R;

        // Pack in [0,1] range.
        residual = residual * 0.5f + 0.5f;

        tmp.alpha[i] = nv::ftoi_round(nv::saturate(residual) * 255.0f);

    OptimalCompress::compressDXT5A(tmp, &block->y);
void CompressorBC7::compressBlock(ColorSet & tile, AlphaMode alphaMode, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, void * output)
	// !!!UNDONE: support channel weights
	// !!!UNDONE: set flags once, not per block (this is especially sketchy since block compression is multithreaded...)

	AVPCL::mode_rgb = false;
	AVPCL::flag_premult = (alphaMode == AlphaMode_Premultiplied);
	AVPCL::flag_nonuniform = false;
	AVPCL::flag_nonuniform_ati = false;

	// Convert NVTT's tile struct to AVPCL's.
	AVPCL::Tile avpclTile(tile.w, tile.h);
	memset(avpclTile.data, 0, sizeof(avpclTile.data));
	for (uint y = 0; y < tile.h; ++y)
		for (uint x = 0; x < tile.w; ++x)
			avpclTile.data[y][x] = tile.color(x, y) * 255.0f;

	AVPCL::compress(avpclTile, (char *)output);
void CompressorBC6::compressBlock(ColorSet & tile, AlphaMode alphaMode, const CompressionOptions::Private & compressionOptions, void * output)
	// !!!UNDONE: support channel weights
	// !!!UNDONE: set flags once, not per block (this is especially sketchy since block compression is multithreaded...)

	NV_UNUSED(alphaMode); // ZOH does not support alpha.

    if (compressionOptions.pixelType == PixelType_UnsignedFloat ||
        compressionOptions.pixelType == PixelType_UnsignedNorm ||
        compressionOptions.pixelType == PixelType_UnsignedInt)
        ZOH::Utils::FORMAT = ZOH::UNSIGNED_F16;
        ZOH::Utils::FORMAT = ZOH::SIGNED_F16;

	// Convert NVTT's tile struct to ZOH's, and convert float to half.
	ZOH::Tile zohTile(tile.w, tile.h);
	memset(zohTile.data, 0, sizeof(zohTile.data));
	memset(zohTile.importance_map, 0, sizeof(zohTile.importance_map));
	for (uint y = 0; y < tile.h; ++y)
		for (uint x = 0; x < tile.w; ++x)
			Vector3 color = tile.color(x, y).xyz();
			uint16 rHalf = to_half(color.x);
			uint16 gHalf = to_half(color.y);
			uint16 bHalf = to_half(color.z);
			zohTile.data[y][x].x = ZOH::Tile::half2float(rHalf);
			zohTile.data[y][x].y = ZOH::Tile::half2float(gHalf);
			zohTile.data[y][x].z = ZOH::Tile::half2float(bHalf);
			zohTile.importance_map[y][x] = 1.0f;

    ZOH::compress(zohTile, (char *)output);