// Generates and displays a two-column list of choices for the use
// to choose from. The return value is the string the user has chosen.
static  string  getSettingByList( const RaceAnalyzer::StrSet  &data,
                                  const char                  *prompt )
  cout  <<  endl;

  // Determine how many rows there will be in the 2-column display
  size_t  numRows  =  ( data.size() / 2 ) + ( data.size() % 2 );

  // Generate the container of row/string data
  ColumnData  columnData  =  buildColumnData(data, numRows);

  // Display the multi-column choice list.
  RaceAnalyzer::StrSet::const_iterator  midIter  =  data.begin();
  advance( midIter, numRows-1 );

  for_each( columnData.begin(), columnData.end(), DisplayChoice(numRows, *midIter) );

  if  (data.size() % 2)
    cout  << endl;

  // Get (and validate) the user's choice
  unsigned  num;

    string  numStr  =  getSetting(prompt);

    if  ( ! numStr.size() )   // blank indicates "all"
      return  numStr;

    num = atoi( numStr.c_str() );

    if  ( num >= 1  &&  num <= data.size() )

    cout  <<  endl
          <<  "  *** Invalid number. Try Again. ***"
          <<  endl;

  // Return the chosen string from the user's numeric input.
  RaceAnalyzer::StrSet::const_iterator  iter  =  data.begin();

  advance( iter, num-1 );

  return  *iter;
// Builds a container made up of rows, each of which has multiple
// columns. This is used for multi-column choice lists.
static  ColumnData  buildColumnData( const RaceAnalyzer::StrSet  &data, size_t  numRows )
  ColumnData  result;

  transform( data.begin(),
             inserter(result, result.end()),
             StrToRowPair(numRows) );

  return  result;
Bool_t IsBlacklisted(Int_t index, ColumnData& blacklist)
    Double_t val = index;
    return std::binary_search(blacklist.begin(), blacklist.end(), val);