void Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFileAndBroadcast(
  const std::string &xmlFileName,
  const Ptr<ParameterList> &paramList,
  const Comm<int> &comm
  if (comm.getSize()==1)
    updateParametersFromXmlFile(xmlFileName, paramList);
  else {
    if (comm.getRank()==0) {
      XMLParameterListReader xmlPLReader;
      xmlPLReader.setAllowsDuplicateSublists( false );
      FileInputSource xmlFile(xmlFileName);
      XMLObject xmlParams = xmlFile.getObject();
      std::string xmlString = toString(xmlParams);
      int strsize = xmlString.size();
      broadcast<int, int>(comm, 0, &strsize);
      broadcast<int, char>(comm, 0, strsize, &xmlString[0]);
      updateParametersFromXmlString(xmlString, paramList);
    else {
      int strsize;
      broadcast<int, int>(comm, 0, &strsize);
      std::string xmlString;
      broadcast<int, char>(comm, 0, strsize, &xmlString[0]);
      updateParametersFromXmlString(xmlString, paramList);
mergeCounterNames (const Comm<int>& comm,
                   const Array<std::string>& localNames,
                   Array<std::string>& globalNames,
                   const ECounterSetOp setOp)
    const int myRank = comm.getRank();
    const int left = 0;
    const int right = comm.getSize() - 1;
    Array<std::string> theGlobalNames;
    mergeCounterNamesHelper (comm, myRank, left, right,
                             localNames, theGlobalNames, setOp);

    // Proc 0 has the list of counter names.  Now broadcast it back to
    // all the procs.
    broadcastStrings (comm, theGlobalNames);

    // "Transactional" semantics ensure strong exception safety for
    // output.
    globalNames.swap (theGlobalNames);
  MachineRepresentation(const Comm<int> &comm):
    networkDim(0), numProcs(comm.getSize()), myRank(comm.getRank()),
    // WIll need this constructor to be specific to RAAMP (MD).
    // Will need a default constructor using, e.g., GeometricGenerator
    // or nothing at all, for when RAAMP is not available as TPL.
    // (AG) In addition, need to be able to run without special
    // privileges in system (e.g., on hopper).
    // Notes:  For now, all cores connected to same NIC will get the
    // same coordinates; later, we could add extra coordinate dimensions
    // to represent nodes or dies (using hwloc info through RAAMP
    // data object).

    // (MD) will modify mapping test to use machine representation
    // #ifdef HAVE_ZOLTAN2_OVIS

    // Call initializer for RAAMP data object (AG)

    //get network dimension.
    //TODO change.
    // Call RAAMP Data Object to get the network dimension (AG)
    networkDim = 3;

    //allocate memory for processor coordinates.
    procCoords = new nCoord_t *[networkDim];
    for (int i = 0; i < networkDim; ++i){
      procCoords[i] = new nCoord_t [numProcs];
      memset (procCoords[i], 0, sizeof(nCoord_t) * numProcs);
    //obtain the coordinate of the processor.
    this->getMyCoordinate(/*nCoord_t &xyz[networkDim]*/);
    // copy xyz into appropriate spot in procCoords. (MD)  // KDD I agree with this

    //reduceAll the coordinates of each processor.