OutputDevices::outputDeviceForGeometry (
	const CompWindow::Geometry& gm,
	int strategy,
	CompSize* screen) const
    int          overlapAreas[outputDevs.size ()];
    int          highest, seen, highestScore;
    int          x, y;
    unsigned int i;
    CompRect     geomRect;

    if (outputDevs.size () == 1)
	return 0;

    if (strategy == CoreOptions::OverlappingOutputsSmartMode)
	/* We're only going to use geomRect for overlapping area calculations,
	   so the window rectangle is enough. We don't need to consider
	   anything more like the border because it will never be significant
	   to the result */
	geomRect = gm;
	/* for biggest/smallest modes, only use the window center to determine
	   the correct output device */
	x = (gm.x () + (gm.width () / 2) + gm.border ()) % screen->width ();
	if (x < 0)
	    x += screen->width ();
	y = (gm.y () + (gm.height () / 2) + gm.border ()) % screen->height ();
	if (y < 0)
	    y += screen->height ();

	geomRect.setGeometry (x, y, 1, 1);

    /* get amount of overlap on all output devices */
    for (i = 0; i < outputDevs.size (); i++)
	CompRect overlap = outputDevs[i] & geomRect;
	overlapAreas[i] = overlap.area ();

    /* find output with largest overlap */
    for (i = 0, highest = 0, highestScore = 0;
	 i < outputDevs.size (); i++)
	if (overlapAreas[i] > highestScore)
	    highest = i;
	    highestScore = overlapAreas[i];

    /* look if the highest score is unique */
    for (i = 0, seen = 0; i < outputDevs.size (); i++)
	if (overlapAreas[i] == highestScore)

    if (seen > 1)
	/* it's not unique, select one output of the matching ones and use the
	   user preferred strategy for that */
	unsigned int currentSize, bestOutputSize;
	bool         searchLargest;

	searchLargest =
	    (strategy != CoreOptions::OverlappingOutputsPreferSmallerOutput);

	if (searchLargest)
	    bestOutputSize = 0;
	    bestOutputSize = UINT_MAX;

	for (i = 0, highest = 0; i < outputDevs.size (); i++)
	    if (overlapAreas[i] == highestScore)
		bool bestFit;

		currentSize = outputDevs[i].area ();

		if (searchLargest)
		    bestFit = (currentSize > bestOutputSize);
		    bestFit = (currentSize < bestOutputSize);

		if (bestFit)
		    highest = i;
		    bestOutputSize = currentSize;

    return highest;
SvgWindow::glDraw (const GLMatrix     &transform,
		   const GLWindowPaintAttrib &attrib,
		   const CompRegion   &region,
		   unsigned int       mask)
    bool status = gWindow->glDraw (transform, attrib, region, mask);

    if (!status)
	return status;

    const CompRegion &reg = (mask & PAINT_WINDOW_TRANSFORMED_MASK) ?
			    infiniteRegion : region;

    if (context && reg.numRects ())
	GLTexture::MatrixList matrix (1);
	int		      x1, y1, x2, y2;
	CompRect              rect = context->box.boundingRect ();

	x1 = MIN (rect.x1 (), sScreen->zoom.x1 ());
	y1 = MIN (rect.y1 (), sScreen->zoom.y1 ());
	x2 = MAX (rect.x2 (), sScreen->zoom.x2 ());
	y2 = MAX (rect.y2 (), sScreen->zoom.y2 ());

	rect.setGeometry (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < context->texture[0].textures.size (); i++)
	    matrix[0] = context->texture[0].matrices[i];

	    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->begin ();
	    gWindow->glAddGeometry (matrix, context->box, reg);
	    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->end ();


	    gWindow->glDrawTexture (context->texture[0].textures[i], transform,
	                            attrib, mask);

	    if (rect.width () > 0 && rect.height () > 0)
		float    xScale, yScale;
		float    dx, dy;
		int      width, height;

		rect.setGeometry (rect.x1 () - 1,
				  rect.y1 () - 1,
				  rect.width () + 1,
				  rect.height () + 1);

		xScale = screen->width  () /
		         (float) (sScreen->zoom.width ());
		yScale = screen->height () /
		         (float) (sScreen->zoom.height ());

		dx = rect.width ();
		dy = rect.height ();

		width  = dx * xScale + 0.5f;
		height = dy * yScale + 0.5f;

		if (rect   != context->rect          ||
		    width  != context->size.width () ||
		    height != context->size.height ())
		    float x1, y1, x2, y2;

		    context->rect = rect;
		    context->size.setWidth (width);
		    context->size.setHeight (height);

		    dx = context->box.boundingRect ().width ();
		    dy = context->box.boundingRect ().height ();

		    x1 = (rect.x1 () - context->box.boundingRect ().x ()) / dx;
		    y1 = (rect.y1 () - context->box.boundingRect ().y ()) / dy;
		    x2 = (rect.x2 () - context->box.boundingRect ().x ()) / dx;
		    y2 = (rect.y2 () - context->box.boundingRect ().y ()) / dy;

		    finiTexture (context->texture[1]);

		    if (initTexture (context->source, context->texture[1],
			renderSvg (context->source, context->texture[1],
				   context->size, x1, y1, x2, y2);

			updateSvgMatrix ();

		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < context->texture[1].textures.size (); j++)
		    GLTexture::Filter saveFilter;
		    CompRegion        r (rect);

		    matrix[0] = context->texture[1].matrices[j];

		    saveFilter = gScreen->filter (SCREEN_TRANS_FILTER);
		    gScreen->setFilter (SCREEN_TRANS_FILTER, GLTexture::Good);

		    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->begin ();
		    gWindow->glAddGeometry (matrix, r, reg);
		    gWindow->vertexBuffer ()->end ();

		    gWindow->glDrawTexture (context->texture[1].textures[j],
					    transform, attrib, mask);

		    gScreen->setFilter (SCREEN_TRANS_FILTER, saveFilter);
	    else if (context->texture[1].size.width ())
		finiTexture (context->texture[1]);
		initTexture (source, context->texture[1], CompSize ());

		memset (&context->rect, 0, sizeof (BoxRec));
		context->size.setWidth (0);
		context->size.setHeight (0);

    return status;