int main(int argc, char **argv) { Graph g; GraphAttributes ga(g); if (!GraphIO::readGML(ga, g, "uk_Pack_Bary_EC_FRENC.gml")) { cerr << "Could not load Graph" << endl; return 1; } node v; forall_nodes(v, g) { ga.width(v) = ga.height(v) = 10.0; } MultilevelGraph mlg(ga); FastMultipoleEmbedder *fme = new ogdf::FastMultipoleEmbedder(); fme->setNumIterations(1000); fme->setRandomize(false); LocalBiconnectedMerger *lbcm = new ogdf::LocalBiconnectedMerger(); lbcm->setFactor(2.0); lbcm->setEdgeLengthAdjustment(0); BarycenterPlacer *bp = new ogdf::BarycenterPlacer(); bp->weightedPositionPriority(true); ScalingLayout *sl = new ogdf::ScalingLayout(); sl->setExtraScalingSteps(1); sl->setScaling(5.0, 10.0); sl->setScalingType(ogdf::ScalingLayout::st_relativeToDesiredLength); sl->setSecondaryLayout(fme); sl->setLayoutRepeats(1); ModularMultilevelMixer *mmm = new ModularMultilevelMixer; mmm->setLayoutRepeats(1); mmm->setLevelLayoutModule(sl); mmm->setInitialPlacer(bp); mmm->setMultilevelBuilder(lbcm); TileToRowsCCPacker *ttrccp = new TileToRowsCCPacker; ComponentSplitterLayout *cs = new ComponentSplitterLayout; cs->setPacker(ttrccp); cs->setLayoutModule(mmm); PreprocessorLayout ppl; ppl.setLayoutModule(cs); ppl.setRandomizePositions(true);; mlg.exportAttributes(ga); GraphIO::writeGML(ga, "uk_Pack_Bary_EC_FRENC-mmmnotwist.gml"); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Graph g; GraphAttributes ga(g); if (!GraphIO::readGML(ga, g, "uk_Pack_Bary_EC_FRENC.gml")) { cerr << "Could not load Graph" << endl; return 1; } for (node v : g.nodes) ga.width(v) = ga.height(v) = 10.0; MultilevelGraph mlg(ga); FastMultipoleEmbedder *fme = new ogdf::FastMultipoleEmbedder(); fme->setNumIterations(1000); fme->setRandomize(false); SolarMerger *sm = new ogdf::SolarMerger(false, false); SolarPlacer *sp = new ogdf::SolarPlacer(); ScalingLayout *sl = new ogdf::ScalingLayout(); sl->setExtraScalingSteps(0); sl->setScaling(2.0, 2.0); sl->setScalingType(ogdf::ScalingLayout::st_relativeToDrawing); sl->setSecondaryLayout(fme); sl->setLayoutRepeats(1); ModularMultilevelMixer *mmm = new ModularMultilevelMixer; mmm->setLayoutRepeats(1); mmm->setLevelLayoutModule(sl); mmm->setInitialPlacer(sp); mmm->setMultilevelBuilder(sm); TileToRowsCCPacker *ttrccp = new TileToRowsCCPacker; ComponentSplitterLayout *cd = new ComponentSplitterLayout; cd->setPacker(ttrccp); cd->setLayoutModule(mmm); PreprocessorLayout ppl; ppl.setLayoutModule(cd); ppl.setRandomizePositions(true);; mlg.exportAttributes(ga); GraphIO::writeGML(ga, "uk_Pack_Bary_EC_FRENC-mmmfast.gml"); }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " (0|1|2)" << std::endl; return 255; } // We first declare a Graph G with GraphAttributes GA and load it from // the GML file sierpinski_04.gml. Graph g; GraphAttributes ga(g); if (!GraphIO::read(ga, g, "uk_Pack_Bary_EC_FRENC.gml", GraphIO::readGML)) { std::cerr << "Could not load Graph" << std::endl; return 1; } // We assign a width and height of 10.0 to each node. for (node v : g.nodes) { ga.width(v) = ga.height(v) = 10.0; } // Then we create a MultilevelGraph from the GraphAttributes. MultilevelGraph mlg(ga); // The FastMultipoleEmbedder is used for the single level layout. FastMultipoleEmbedder *fme = new FastMultipoleEmbedder(); // It will use 1000 iterations at each level. fme->setNumIterations(1000); fme->setRandomize(false); // To minimize dispersion of the graph when more nodes are added, a // ScalingLayout can be used to scale up the graph on each level. ScalingLayout *sl = new ScalingLayout(); sl->setLayoutRepeats(1); // The FastMultipoleEmbedder is nested into this ScalingLayout. sl->setSecondaryLayout(fme); // Set the merger and placer according to the wanted configuration. MultilevelBuilder *merger; InitialPlacer *placer; switch (argv[1][0]) { case 2: configureFastLayout(sl, merger, placer); break; case 1: configureNiceLayout(sl, merger, placer); break; default: configureNoTwistLayout(sl, merger, placer); break; } // Then the ModularMultilevelMixer is created. ModularMultilevelMixer *mmm = new ModularMultilevelMixer; mmm->setLayoutRepeats(1); // The single level layout, the placer and the merger are set. mmm->setLevelLayoutModule(sl); mmm->setInitialPlacer(placer); mmm->setMultilevelBuilder(merger); // Since energybased algorithms are not doing well for disconnected // graphs, the ComponentSplitterLayout is used to split the graph and // computation is done separately for each connected component. ComponentSplitterLayout *csl = new ComponentSplitterLayout; // The TileToRowsPacker merges these connected components after computation. TileToRowsCCPacker *ttrccp = new TileToRowsCCPacker; csl->setPacker(ttrccp); csl->setLayoutModule(mmm); // At last the PreprocessorLayout removes double edges and loops. PreprocessorLayout ppl; ppl.setLayoutModule(csl); ppl.setRandomizePositions(true);; // After the computation the MultilevelGraph is exported to the // GraphAttributes and written to disk. mlg.exportAttributes(ga); GraphIO::write(ga, "output-multilevelmixer-.gml", GraphIO::writeGML); return 0; }