// change the node associated with nodeName to newNode; used in the KL-reg based adaptation to reduce feature copy
// need to update all the mappings as well childrens
void ComputationNetwork::ChangeNode(wstring nodeName, ComputationNodeBasePtr newNode)

    ComputationNodeBasePtr oldNode = GetNodeFromName(nodeName);
    if (oldNode->OperationName() != newNode->OperationName())
        InvalidArgument("newNode must have the same type as the old node.");

    // change children
    for (auto nodeIter = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); nodeIter != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); nodeIter++)
        ComputationNodeBasePtr node = nodeIter->second;
        for (int i = 0; i < node->GetNumInputs(); i++)
            if (node->GetInputs()[i] == oldNode)
                node->SetInput(i, newNode);

    // change name map
    m_nameToNodeMap[nodeName] = newNode;
    for (int i = 0; i < oldNode->GetNumInputs(); i++)
        newNode->SetInput(i, oldNode->GetInputs()[i]);

    // change other maps
    for (auto groupIter : GetAllNodeGroups())
        auto& group = *groupIter;
        for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); i++)
            if (group[i] == oldNode)
                group[i] = newNode;
// only copy a complete independent tree
// when node name exists
void ComputationNetwork::CopySubTree(const ComputationNetwork& fromNet,
                                     const std::wstring fromName, std::wstring toNamePrefix,
                                     const CopyNodeFlags flags)

    if (!(flags & CopyNodeFlags::copyNodeValue))
        LogicError("CopySubTree: you cannot copy a tree without copying the node values.");

    ComputationNodeBasePtr fromRoot = fromNet.GetNodeFromName(fromName);

    for (const auto& fromNode : GetEvalOrder(fromRoot))
        wstring fromNodeName = fromNode->NodeName();
        wstring toNodeName = toNamePrefix + fromNodeName;

        ComputationNodeBasePtr toNode = CopyNode(fromNet, fromNodeName,

        if (flags & CopyNodeFlags::copyNodeChildren)
            // copy the children structure but use the new nodes generated
            for (int i = 0; i < fromNode->GetNumInputs(); i++)
                toNode->SetInput(i, GetNodeFromName(toNamePrefix + fromNode->GetInputs()[i]->NodeName()));
// We only remove the node, not delete it.
void ComputationNetwork::RemoveFeatureNode(ComputationNodeBasePtr featureNode)

    wstring nodeName = featureNode->NodeName();
    if (!NodeNameExists(nodeName))
        RuntimeError("RemoveFeatureNode: feature node does not exist.");

    // Removes links.
    for (auto nodeIter = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); nodeIter != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); ++nodeIter)
        ComputationNodeBasePtr node = nodeIter->second;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetNumInputs(); ++i)
            ComputationNodeBasePtr child = node->GetInputs()[i];
            if (child == featureNode)
                node->SetInput(i, NULL);

    // Removes from feature list.
    auto search = std::find(m_features.begin(), m_features.end(), featureNode);
    if (search != m_features.end())

void ComputationNetwork::ReplaceFinalCriterionNode(wstring oldNodeName, ComputationNodeBasePtr newNode)

    // Checks if the node is a criterion node.
    int index = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_finalCriteria.size(); ++i)
        if (m_finalCriteria[i]->NodeName() == oldNodeName)
            index = i;
    if (index == -1)
        RuntimeError("ReplaceFinalCriterionNode: the node to be replaced is not a criterion node.");

    // Replaces children.
    for (int i = 0; i < newNode->GetNumInputs(); ++i)
        if (m_nameToNodeMap.find(newNode->GetInputs()[i]->NodeName()) == m_nameToNodeMap.end())
            RuntimeError("Child node does not exist.");
        newNode->SetInput(i, m_nameToNodeMap[newNode->GetInputs()[i]->NodeName()]);

    // Addes it to criterion node list.
    m_finalCriteria[index] = newNode;
    m_nameToNodeMap[newNode->NodeName()] = newNode;
// only copy a complete independent tree
// when node name exists
void ComputationNetwork::CopySubTree(const ComputationNetwork& fromNet,
                                     const std::wstring fromName, std::wstring toNamePrefix,
                                     const CopyNodeFlags flags)

    if (!(flags & CopyNodeFlags::copyNodeValue))
        LogicError("CopySubTree: you cannot copy a tree without copying the node values.");

    ComputationNodeBasePtr fromRoot = fromNet.GetNodeFromName(fromName);

    if (!fromNet.EvalOrderExists(fromRoot))

    for (const auto& fromNode : fromNet.GetEvalOrder(fromRoot)) // BUGBUG: This probably will fail because the precomputed eval orders are invalid at this point.
        wstring fromNodeName = fromNode->NodeName();
        wstring toNodeName = toNamePrefix + fromNodeName;

        ComputationNodeBasePtr toNode = CopyNode(fromNet, fromNodeName,

        if (flags & CopyNodeFlags::copyNodeInputLinks)
            // copy the children structure but use the new nodes generated
            for (int i = 0; i < fromNode->GetNumInputs(); i++)
                toNode->SetInput(i, GetNodeFromName(toNamePrefix + fromNode->GetInputs()[i]->NodeName()));
// add a new criterion node and at the same time orphan the previous one (it won't be removed)
// The newNode can have the same name and come with pre-connected inputs, which will be used to connect to existing nodes of the same name.
// BUGBUG: Can this operate on both new and existing nodes?
void ComputationNetwork::ReplaceFinalCriterionNode(wstring oldNodeName, ComputationNodeBasePtr newNode)

    // remove old criterion node
    // BUGBUG: The old node is not removed from the network. Seems strangely inconsistent.
    bool wasThere = RemoveFromNodeGroup(L"criterion", GetNodeFromName(oldNodeName));
    if (!wasThere)
        RuntimeError("ReplaceFinalCriterionNode: The node to be replaced is not a criterion node.");

    // replace children
    // This looks for nodes in the network that have the same name as its current inputs, and then relinks its inputs to those.
    // I.e. this allows to move a node from network to another and reconnect by the names if its inputs.
    for (int i = 0; i < newNode->GetNumInputs(); ++i)
        if (m_nameToNodeMap.find(newNode->GetInputs()[i]->NodeName()) == m_nameToNodeMap.end())
            RuntimeError("Child node %ls is not part of the network.", newNode->GetInputs()[i]->NodeName().c_str());
        newNode->SetInput(i, m_nameToNodeMap[newNode->GetInputs()[i]->NodeName()]);

    // add it to the network

    // add new node to criterion node group
    AddToNodeGroup(L"criterion", newNode);
// replace a named node by newNode of the same type under the same name, including moving over all network links
// This is used in 
// 1. Update nodes to quantized versions.
// 2. The KL-reg based adaptation to reduce feature copy (deprecated)
// need to update all the mappings as well childrens.
void ComputationNetwork::ReplaceNode(wstring nodeName, ComputationNodeBasePtr newNode)
    ComputationNodeBasePtr oldNode = GetNodeFromName(nodeName);

    if (newNode->NodeName() != nodeName) // TODO: This was not tested for earlier; I hope no code depends on this.
        InvalidArgument("ChangeNode: newNode must have the same name as the old node.");


    // change all nodes that have old node as input to point to the new node instead
    ChangeNodeInputs(oldNode, newNode);

    // change all inputs of this new node to share the old one's inputs
    for (int i = 0; i < oldNode->GetNumInputs(); i++)
        newNode->SetInput(i, oldNode->GetInputs()[i]); // TODO: use AttachInput()?
        //oldNode->SetInput(i, nullptr); // BUGBUG: old node should no longer point into the network

    // replace the node in the network

    // also update node groups
    for (auto groupIter : GetAllNodeGroups())
        auto& group = *groupIter;
        for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); i++)
            if (group[i] == oldNode)
                group[i] = newNode;
// change all nodes that have fromNode as input to have toNode as input instead
void ComputationNetwork::ChangeNodeInputs(ComputationNodeBasePtr fromNode, ComputationNodeBasePtr toNode)
    for (auto nodeIter = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); nodeIter != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); nodeIter++)
        ComputationNodeBasePtr node = nodeIter->second;
        for (int i = 0; i < node->GetNumInputs(); i++)
            if (node->GetInputs()[i] == fromNode)
                node->SetInput(i, toNode);
// replace the old node with the current node, assuming the old node is a leaf node
// need to update those nodes who use oldNode as their child
// TODO: Can this be called with a node that's already part of the network? This is currently allowed, but should it?
// BUGBUG: Seems ReplaceNode() also updates node groups. Why doesn't this function?
// BUGBUG: What if newNode is the one referenced by oldNodeName?
// BUGBUG: Or what if an unrelated node of the same name exists?
void ComputationNetwork::ReplaceLeafNode(wstring oldNodeName, ComputationNodeBasePtr newNode)

    ComputationNodeBasePtr oldNode = GetNodeFromName(oldNodeName);

    // relink the input of those nodes whose child is oldNode to point to the new one instead
    for (auto nodeIter = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); nodeIter != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); nodeIter++)
        ComputationNodeBasePtr node = nodeIter->second;
        for (int i = 0; i < node->GetNumInputs(); i++)
            if (node->GetInputs()[i] == oldNode)
                node->SetInput(i, newNode);

    // add the new, remove the old
    DeleteNode(oldNodeName); // TODO: can this just be RemoveNodeFromNet()?
// replace the old node with the current node, assuming the old node is a leaf node
// need to update those nodes who use oldNode as their child
void ComputationNetwork::ReplaceLeafNode(wstring oldNodeName, ComputationNodeBasePtr newNode)

    ComputationNodeBasePtr oldNode = GetNodeFromName(oldNodeName);

    // change the input of those nodes whose child is oldNode
    for (auto nodeIter = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); nodeIter != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); nodeIter++)
        ComputationNodeBasePtr node = nodeIter->second;
        for (int i = 0; i < node->GetNumInputs(); i++)
            if (node->GetInputs()[i] == oldNode)
                node->SetInput(i, newNode);
    m_nameToNodeMap[newNode->GetName()] = newNode;

    // now the old node becomes a orphan node , remove it
    // RemoveOrphanNode(oldNode);
void ComputationNetwork::DeleteNode(const std::wstring& nodeName)

    ComputationNodeBasePtr nodeToDelete = GetNodeFromName(nodeName);

    // first delete links, if this node is involved, the whole connection will be removed
    for (auto nodeIter = m_nameToNodeMap.begin(); nodeIter != m_nameToNodeMap.end(); nodeIter++)
        ComputationNodeBasePtr node = nodeIter->second;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetNumInputs(); i++)
            ComputationNodeBasePtr child = node->GetInputs()[i];

            // nodeToDelete is a child
            if (child == nodeToDelete)
                // this used to call DetatchInputs(), but it's better for MEL to retain other inputs
                node->SetInput(i, nullptr);

    // nodeToDelete is a parent
    nodeToDelete->DetachInputs(); // deref all its inputs; if we don't do that, we might end up with a mem leak due to a circular reference

    // unlink from all node-group sets
    for (auto groupIter : GetAllNodeGroups())
        auto search = std::find(groupIter->begin(), groupIter->end(), nodeToDelete);
        if (search != groupIter->end())

    // Note: the necessary update of m_allSEQNodes is hanlded by the InvalidateCompiledNetwork() call above

    // delete the node itself
    m_nameToNodeMap.erase(nodeName); // this will deref the node and possibly deallocate it