void ShaderToyApp::loader( gl::ContextRef ctx )
    // This only works if we can make the render context current.

    // Loading loop.
    while( !mThreadAbort ) {
        // Wait for a request.
        if( mRequests->isNotEmpty() ) {
            // Take the request from the buffer.
            LoaderData data;
            mRequests->popBack( &data );

            // Try to load, parse and compile the shader.
            try {
                std::string vs = loadString( loadAsset( "common/shadertoy.vert" ) );
                std::string fs = loadString( loadAsset( "common/shadertoy.inc" ) ) + loadString( loadFile( data.path ) );

                data.shader = gl::GlslProg::create( gl::GlslProg::Format().vertex( vs ).fragment( fs ) );

                // If the shader compiled successfully, pass it to the main thread.
                mResponses->pushFront( data );
            catch( const std::exception& e ) {
                // Uhoh, something went wrong, but it's not fatal.
                CI_LOG_EXCEPTION( "Failed to compile the shader: ", e );
        else {
            // Allow the CPU to do other things for a while.
            std::chrono::milliseconds duration( 100 );
            std::this_thread::sleep_for( duration );
void ShaderToyApp::fileDrop( FileDropEvent event )
    // Send all file requests to the loading thread.
    size_t count = event.getNumFiles();
    for( size_t i = 0; i < count && mRequests->isNotFull(); ++i )
        mRequests->pushFront( event.getFile( i ) );
void FlickrTestMTApp::update()
	double timeSinceLastImage = getElapsedSeconds() - mLastTime;
	if( ( timeSinceLastImage > 2.5 ) && mImages->isNotEmpty() ) {
		mLastTexture = mTexture; // the "last" texture is now the current text
		mImages->popBack( &mTexture );
		mLastTime = getElapsedSeconds();
		// blend from 0 to 1 over 1.5sec
		timeline().apply( &mFade, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.5f );
void ShaderToyApp::setup()
    // Create our thread communication buffers.
    mRequests = new ConcurrentCircularBuffer<LoaderData>( 100 );
    mResponses = new ConcurrentCircularBuffer<LoaderData>( 100 );

    // Start the loading thread.
    if( !setupLoader() ) {
        CI_LOG_E( "Failed to create the loader thread and context." );

    // Load our textures and transition shader in the main thread.
    try {
        gl::Texture::Format fmt;
        fmt.setWrap( GL_REPEAT, GL_REPEAT );

        mChannel0 = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( loadAsset( "presets/tex16.png" ) ), fmt );
        mChannel1 = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( loadAsset( "presets/tex06.jpg" ) ), fmt );
        mChannel2 = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( loadAsset( "presets/tex09.jpg" ) ), fmt );
        mChannel3 = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( loadAsset( "presets/tex02.jpg" ) ), fmt );

        mShaderTransition = gl::GlslProg::create( loadAsset( "common/shadertoy.vert" ), loadAsset( "common/shadertoy.frag" ) );
    catch( const std::exception& e ) {
        // Quit if anything went wrong.
        CI_LOG_EXCEPTION( "Failed to load common textures and shaders:", e );

    // Tell our loading thread to load the first shader. The path is converted to LoaderData implicitly.
    mRequests->pushFront( getAssetPath( "hell.frag" ) );
void FlickrTestMTApp::loadImagesThreadFn( gl::ContextRef context )
	ci::ThreadSetup threadSetup; // instantiate this if you're talking to Cinder from a secondary thread
	// we received as a parameter a gl::Context we can use safely that shares resources with the primary Context
	vector<Url>	urls;

	// parse the image URLS from the XML feed and push them into 'urls'
	const Url sunFlickrGroup = Url( "https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/groups_pool.gne?id=52242317293@N01&format=rss_200" );
	const XmlTree xml( loadUrl( sunFlickrGroup ) );
	for( auto item = xml.begin( "rss/channel/item" ); item != xml.end(); ++item ) {
		const XmlTree &urlXml = ( ( *item / "media:content" ) );
		urls.push_back( Url( urlXml["url"] ) );

	// load images as Textures into our ConcurrentCircularBuffer
	while( ( ! mShouldQuit ) && ( ! urls.empty() ) ) {
		try {
			// we need to wait on a fence before alerting the primary thread that the Texture is ready
			auto fence = gl::Sync::create();
			auto tex = gl::Texture::create( loadImage( loadUrl( urls.back() ) ) );
			// wait on the fence
			mImages->pushFront( tex );
		catch( ci::Exception &exc ) {
			console() << "failed to create texture, what: " << exc.what() << std::endl;
void ShaderToyApp::update()
    LoaderData data;

    // If we are ready for the next shader, take it from the buffer.
    if( !mShaderNext && mResponses->isNotEmpty() ) {
        mResponses->popBack( &data );

        mPathNext = data.path;
        mShaderNext = data.shader;

        // Start the transition.
        mTransitionTime = getElapsedSeconds();
        mTransitionDuration = 2.0;

        // Update the window title.
        getWindow()->setTitle( std::string( "ShaderToyApp - Fading from " ) + mPathCurrent.filename().string() + " to " + mPathNext.filename().string() );
void ShaderToyApp::loader( HDC hdc, HGLRC renderContext )
	// This only works if we can make the render context current.
	if( !SUCCEEDED(::wglMakeCurrent( hdc, renderContext )) )

	// Loading loop.
		// Wait for a request.
			// Take the request from the buffer.
			LoaderData data;

			// Try to load, parse and compile the shader.
			try {
				std::string vs = loadString( loadAsset("common/shadertoy.vert") );
				std::string fs = loadString( loadAsset("common/shadertoy.inc") ) + loadString( loadFile( data.path ) );

				data.shader = gl::GlslProg::create( vs.c_str(), fs.c_str() );

				// If the shader compiled successfully, pass it to the main thread.
				mResponses->pushFront( data );
			catch( const std::exception& e ) {
				// Uhoh, something went wrong, but it's not fatal.
				console() << "Failed to compile the shader: " << e.what() << endl;
		else {
			// Allow the CPU to do other things for a while.
			std::chrono::milliseconds duration( 100 );
			std::this_thread::sleep_for( duration );

	// Delete render context when done.
	::wglDeleteContext( renderContext );
	renderContext = NULL;
void ShaderToyApp::random()
    const fs::path assets = getAssetPath( "" );

    // Find all *.frag files.
    std::vector<fs::path> shaders;
    for( fs::recursive_directory_iterator it( assets ), end; it != end; ++it ) {
        if( fs::is_regular_file( it->path() ) )
            if( it->path().extension() == ".frag" )
                shaders.push_back( it->path() );

    if( shaders.empty() )

    // Load random *.frag file, but make sure it is different from the current shader.
    size_t idx = getElapsedFrames() % shaders.size();
    if( shaders.at( idx ) == mPathCurrent )
        idx = ( idx + 1 ) % shaders.size();

    if( mRequests->isNotFull() )
        mRequests->pushFront( shaders.at( idx ) );