bool RayTracer::shadow_ray_intersection(SbVec3f *point_of_intersection, SbVec3f *ray_direction,  int light_source){
    float t_value;
    for(int j=0; j< objects.size(); j++){
        //Cube tempCube;
        bool intersects = false;
        int shapetype = 0;
        shapetype = objects.at(j).shapeType ;

        if(shapetype == 1){
            Sphere tempSphere = objects.at(j);
            if(tempSphere.transparency > 0 && refraction_on) continue;
            intersects = tempSphere.intersection(point_of_intersection, ray_direction, &t_value);
            //intersects = tempSphere.intersection(&poi, &ray_direction, &t_value);
        else if (shapetype ==2){

            Cube tempCube = objects.at(j);
            if(tempCube.transparency > 0 && refraction_on) continue;
            intersects = tempCube.intersection(point_of_intersection, ray_direction, &t_value);
            //temp = (Cube)tempCube;
        }else if (shapetype == 3){
            Cone tempCone = objects.at(j);
            if(tempCone.transparency > 0 && refraction_on)  continue;
            intersects = tempCone.intersection(point_of_intersection, ray_direction, &t_value);

            Cube tempCylinder = objects.at(j);
            if(tempCylinder.transparency > 0 && refraction_on) continue;
            intersects = tempCylinder.intersection(point_of_intersection, ray_direction, &t_value);
            //intersects = tempCube.intersection(&poi, &ray_direction, &t_value);
            //temp = (Cube)tempCube;
            return true;

    return false;
bool RayTracer::shade(SbVec3f *ray_origin, SbVec3f *ray_direction, SbVec3f *retColor, int recursionDepth, int flag){
	float t_value, t_min = 999;
	float epsilon = 0.01;
	SbVec3f normal_at_intersection;
	SbVec3f normal_at_intersection1, actual_ray_direction ;
	bool should_color = false;
    SbVec3f color;
    color[0] = 0.0;
    color[1] = 0.0;
    color[2] = 0.0;
    //Cone *tempCone = new Cone();
    for(int k =0; k<objects.size(); k++){
        //Object temp1 ;
        //temp1 = spheres.at(k);
        Sphere tempSphere;
        Cube tempCube;
        Cone tempCone;
        Object temp;
        bool intersects = false;
        int shapetype = 0;
        shapetype = objects.at(k).shapeType ;
        if(shapetype == 1){
            tempSphere = objects.at(k);
            intersects = tempSphere.intersection(ray_origin, ray_direction, &t_value);
        else if (shapetype ==2){
            tempCube = objects.at(k);
            intersects = tempCube.intersection(ray_origin, ray_direction, &t_value);
            //temp = (Cube)tempCube;
            tempCone = objects.at(k);
            intersects = tempCone.intersection(ray_origin, ray_direction, &t_value);


            if(t_value < t_min && t_value > 0 && t_value !=999) {
                t_min = t_value;
                SbVec3f V = -(*ray_direction); //view vector
                SbVec3f point_of_intersection ;

                if(shapetype == 1){
                    normal_at_intersection = tempSphere.calculate_normal(ray_origin, ray_direction, t_value);
                    normal_at_intersection.normalize(); // N vector at the point of intersection
                    point_of_intersection = tempSphere.point_of_intersection( ray_origin, ray_direction, t_value);
                    temp = tempSphere;
                }else if(shapetype == 2){
                    normal_at_intersection = tempCube.calculate_normal(ray_origin, ray_direction, t_value);
                    normal_at_intersection.normalize(); // N vector at the point of intersection
                    point_of_intersection = tempCube.point_of_intersection( ray_origin, ray_direction, t_value);
                    temp = tempCube;
                    normal_at_intersection = tempCone.calculate_normal(ray_origin, ray_direction, t_value);
                    normal_at_intersection.normalize(); // N vector at the point of intersection
                    point_of_intersection = tempCone.point_of_intersection( ray_origin, ray_direction, t_value);
                    temp = tempCone;


                for(int i = 0; i <3; i++) {// set the ambient color component
                        color[i] = (0.2 *  temp.material->ambientColor[0][i] * (1 - temp.transparency ));
                //*retColor = color; return true;//ntc
                // iterate through all the lights and add the diffuse and specular component
                for(int j = 0; j < lights.size(); j++){
                        SbVec3f poi;

                        actual_ray_direction = lights.at(j).position - point_of_intersection ;
                        poi = point_of_intersection + (epsilon * actual_ray_direction);
                        bool shadowFlag = false;
                        if(shadow_on == 0 || shadow_on == 1)
                            if(shadow_on == 1)
                                shadowFlag = shadow_ray_intersection(&poi, &actual_ray_direction , j );
                            //shadowFlag = true;
                                SbVec3f L = lights.at(j).position - point_of_intersection;
                                SbVec3f R;
                                R = (2 * normal_at_intersection.dot(L) * normal_at_intersection) - L;

                                float NdotL = normal_at_intersection.dot(L);
                                float cos_theta = V.dot(R);

                                for(int i = 0; i <3; i++){
                                    if(NdotL > 0)
                                        color[i] += (( NdotL * temp.material->diffuseColor[0][i] * lights.at(j).intensity * lights.at(j).color[i]  * (1 - temp.transparency )));
                                    if(cos_theta > 0)
                                        color[i] += (( pow(cos_theta, 50) * temp.material->specularColor[0][i]* lights.at(j).intensity * lights.at(j).color[i]) );
                    { // soft shadows

                         //shadowLevel = soft_shadow_ray_intersection(&point_of_intersection, j );
                            SbVec3f actual_ray_direction, offset_ray_direction;
                            SbVec3f tempu, tempv, tempn;
                            int number_of_shadow_rays;
                            number_of_shadow_rays = NUMBER_OF_SHADOW_RAYS;
                            float epsilon = 0.01;
                            float R = 0.1;
                            actual_ray_direction = lights.at(j).position - point_of_intersection ;
                            SbVec3f point = point_of_intersection + (epsilon * actual_ray_direction);

                            calculate_coordinate_system(&tempu, &tempv, &tempn, actual_ray_direction);

                            for(int ir =0; ir< number_of_shadow_rays; ir++){

                                    float du, dv;
                                    //float t;
                                    du = get_random_number();
                                    dv = get_random_number();
                                    du = R * (du - 0.5);
                                    dv = R * (dv - 0.5);
                                    offset_ray_direction = actual_ray_direction + (du * tempu) + (dv * tempv);

                                    //offset_ray_direction = actual_ray_direction - (R/2 * u) - (R/2 * v) + (du * R * u) + (dv *R * v);
                                    SbVec3f poi;
                                    poi = point + (epsilon * offset_ray_direction);
                                    //offset_ray_direction = actual_ray_direction;
                                    if(!shadow_ray_intersection(&poi, &offset_ray_direction, j)){
                                        //normal_at_intersection = temp.calculate_normal(&poi, &offset_ray_direction, t_value);
                                        SbVec3f V = -1 * (*ray_direction); //view vector
                                        SbVec3f L = offset_ray_direction;
                                        SbVec3f R;
                                        R = (2 * normal_at_intersection.dot(L) * normal_at_intersection) - L;

                                        float NdotL = normal_at_intersection.dot(L);
                                        float cos_theta = V.dot(R);
                                        //if(temp.transparency > 0) std::cout<<"trnas";
                                        for(int i = 0; i <3; i++){
                                                if(NdotL > 0)
                                                    color[i] += (( NdotL * temp.material->diffuseColor[0][i] * lights.at(j).intensity * lights.at(j).color[i]  * (1 - temp.transparency ))/ number_of_shadow_rays);
                                                if(cos_theta > 0)
                                                    color[i] += (( pow(cos_theta, 50) * temp.material->specularColor[0][i]* lights.at(j).intensity * lights.at(j).color[i]) / number_of_shadow_rays);




                SbVec3f refColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
                SbVec3f refracColor(0.0,0.0,0.0);
                // if the current depth of recustion is less than the maximum depth,
                //reflect the ray and add the color returned dude to the result of reflection
                if(refraction_on && recursionDepth < 2){
                        SbVec3f T;
                        if(refract(ray_direction, &normal_at_intersection, &T)){
                            SbVec3f poi;
                            poi = point_of_intersection + (epsilon * T);
                            shade(&poi, &T, &refracColor, recursionDepth+1);
                            color = color + (temp.transparency * refracColor);

                if(reflection_on && recursionDepth < 2){

                    if(temp.isShiny){//} && !temp.isTransparent){
                        // compute replection of the ray, R1
                        SbVec3f R1;
                        R1 = reflect(&normal_at_intersection, ray_direction);
                        SbVec3f poi;
                        poi = point_of_intersection + (epsilon * R1);
                        shade(&poi, &R1, &refColor, recursionDepth+1);
                        color = color + ((1 - temp.transparency) * temp.shininess * refColor);


                should_color = true;

    *retColor = color;
    return should_color;