void buildConnectorRouteCheckpointCache(Router *router)
    for (ConnRefList::const_iterator curr = router->connRefs.begin(); 
            curr != router->connRefs.end(); ++curr) 
        ConnRef *conn = *curr;
        if (conn->routingType() != ConnType_Orthogonal)

        PolyLine& displayRoute = conn->displayRoute();
        std::vector<Point> checkpoints = conn->routingCheckpoints();
        // Initialise checkpoint vector and set to false.  There will be
        // one entry for each *segment* in the path, and the value indicates
        // whether the segment is affected by a checkpoint.
        displayRoute.segmentHasCheckpoint = 
                std::vector<bool>(displayRoute.size() - 1, false);
        size_t nCheckpoints = displayRoute.segmentHasCheckpoint.size();

        for (size_t cpi = 0; cpi < checkpoints.size(); ++cpi)
            for (size_t ind = 0; ind < displayRoute.size(); ++ind)
                if (displayRoute.ps[ind].equals(checkpoints[cpi]))
                    // The checkpoint is at a bendpoint, so mark the edge
                    // before and after and being affected by checkpoints.
                    if (ind > 0)
                        displayRoute.segmentHasCheckpoint[ind - 1] = true;

                    if (ind < nCheckpoints)
                        displayRoute.segmentHasCheckpoint[ind] = true;
                else if ((ind > 0) && pointOnLine(displayRoute.ps[ind - 1], 
                         displayRoute.ps[ind], checkpoints[cpi]) )
                    // If the checkpoint is on a segment, only that segment is
                    // affected.
                    displayRoute.segmentHasCheckpoint[ind - 1] = true;
void buildConnectorRouteCheckpointCache(Router *router)
    for (ConnRefList::const_iterator curr = router->connRefs.begin();
            curr != router->connRefs.end(); ++curr)
        ConnRef *conn = *curr;
        if (conn->routingType() != ConnType_Orthogonal)

        PolyLine& displayRoute = conn->displayRoute();
        std::vector<Checkpoint> checkpoints = conn->routingCheckpoints();

        // Initialise checkpoint vector and set to false.  There will be
        // one entry for each *segment* in the path, and the value indicates
        // whether the segment is affected by a checkpoint.
        displayRoute.checkpointsOnRoute =
            std::vector<std::pair<size_t, Point> >();

        for (size_t ind = 0; ind < displayRoute.size(); ++ind)
            if (ind > 0)
                for (size_t cpi = 0; cpi < checkpoints.size(); ++cpi)
                    if (pointOnLine(displayRoute.ps[ind - 1],
                                    displayRoute.ps[ind], checkpoints[cpi].point) )
                        // The checkpoint is on a segment.
                            std::make_pair((ind * 2) - 1,

            for (size_t cpi = 0; cpi < checkpoints.size(); ++cpi)
                if (displayRoute.ps[ind].equals(checkpoints[cpi].point))
                    // The checkpoint is at a bendpoint.
                        std::make_pair(ind * 2, checkpoints[cpi].point));