 * Initialize the spline with X and Y values.
 * @param aN the number of X and Y values
 * @param aXValues the X values
 * @param aYValues the Y values
void SimmSpline::init(Function* aFunction)
    if (aFunction == NULL)

    SimmSpline* ncs = dynamic_cast<SimmSpline*>(aFunction);
    if (ncs != NULL) {
    } else {
        XYFunctionInterface xyFunc(aFunction);
        if (xyFunc.getNumberOfPoints() == 0) {
            // A SimmSpline must have at least 2 data points.
            // If aFunction is a Constant, use its Y value for both data points.
            // If it is not, make up two data points.
            double x[2] = {0.0, 1.0}, y[2];
            Constant* cons = dynamic_cast<Constant*>(aFunction);
            if (cons != NULL) {
                y[0] = y[1] = cons->calcValue(SimTK::Vector(0));
            } else {
                y[0] = y[1] = 1.0;
            *this = SimmSpline(2, x, y);
        } else if (xyFunc.getNumberOfPoints() == 1) {
            double x[2], y[2];
            x[0] = xyFunc.getXValues()[0];
            x[1] = x[0] + 1.0;
            y[0] = y[1] = xyFunc.getYValues()[0];
            *this = SimmSpline(2, x, y);
        } else {
            *this = SimmSpline(xyFunc.getNumberOfPoints(),
                xyFunc.getXValues(), xyFunc.getYValues());
 * Initialize the function with X and Y values.
 * @param aN the number of X and Y values
 * @param aXValues the X values
 * @param aYValues the Y values
void PiecewiseConstantFunction::init(Function* aFunction)
       if (aFunction == NULL)

       PiecewiseConstantFunction* sf = dynamic_cast<PiecewiseConstantFunction*>(aFunction);
       if (sf != NULL) {
       } else {
             XYFunctionInterface xyFunc(aFunction);
             if (xyFunc.getNumberOfPoints() == 0) {
                  // A PiecewiseConstantFunction must have at least 2 data points.
                  // If aFunction is a Constant, use its Y value for both data points.
                  // If it is not, make up two data points.
                  double x[2] = {0.0, 1.0}, y[2];
                  Constant* cons = dynamic_cast<Constant*>(aFunction);
                  if (cons != NULL) {
                      y[0] = y[1] = cons->calcValue(SimTK::Vector(1, 0.));
                  } else {
                      y[0] = y[1] = 1.0;
                  *this = PiecewiseConstantFunction(2, x, y);
             } else if (xyFunc.getNumberOfPoints() == 1) {
                  double x[2], y[2];
                  x[0] = xyFunc.getXValues()[0];
                  x[1] = x[0] + 1.0;
                  y[0] = y[1] = xyFunc.getYValues()[0];
                  *this = PiecewiseConstantFunction(2, x, y);
             } else {
                  *this = PiecewiseConstantFunction(xyFunc.getNumberOfPoints(),
                      xyFunc.getXValues(), xyFunc.getYValues());