/// unionWith - Return the range that results from the union of this range with
/// another range.  The resultant range is guaranteed to include the elements of
/// both sets, but may contain more.  For example, [3, 9) union [12,15) is
/// [3, 15), which includes 9, 10, and 11, which were not included in either
/// set before.
ConstantRange ConstantRange::unionWith(const ConstantRange &CR) const {
  assert(getBitWidth() == CR.getBitWidth() && 
         "ConstantRange types don't agree!");

  if (   isFullSet() || CR.isEmptySet()) return *this;
  if (CR.isFullSet() ||    isEmptySet()) return CR;

  if (!isWrappedSet() && CR.isWrappedSet()) return CR.unionWith(*this);

  if (!isWrappedSet() && !CR.isWrappedSet()) {
    if (CR.Upper.ult(Lower) || Upper.ult(CR.Lower)) {
      // If the two ranges are disjoint, find the smaller gap and bridge it.
      APInt d1 = CR.Lower - Upper, d2 = Lower - CR.Upper;
      if (d1.ult(d2))
        return ConstantRange(Lower, CR.Upper);
      return ConstantRange(CR.Lower, Upper);

    APInt L = Lower, U = Upper;
    if (CR.Lower.ult(L))
      L = CR.Lower;
    if ((CR.Upper - 1).ugt(U - 1))
      U = CR.Upper;

    if (L == 0 && U == 0)
      return ConstantRange(getBitWidth());

    return ConstantRange(L, U);

  if (!CR.isWrappedSet()) {
    // ------U   L-----  and  ------U   L----- : this
    //   L--U                            L--U  : CR
    if (CR.Upper.ule(Upper) || CR.Lower.uge(Lower))
      return *this;

    // ------U   L----- : this
    //    L---------U   : CR
    if (CR.Lower.ule(Upper) && Lower.ule(CR.Upper))
      return ConstantRange(getBitWidth());

    // ----U       L---- : this
    //       L---U       : CR
    //    <d1>  <d2>
    if (Upper.ule(CR.Lower) && CR.Upper.ule(Lower)) {
      APInt d1 = CR.Lower - Upper, d2 = Lower - CR.Upper;
      if (d1.ult(d2))
        return ConstantRange(Lower, CR.Upper);
      return ConstantRange(CR.Lower, Upper);

    // ----U     L----- : this
    //        L----U    : CR
    if (Upper.ult(CR.Lower) && Lower.ult(CR.Upper))
      return ConstantRange(CR.Lower, Upper);

    // ------U    L---- : this
    //    L-----U       : CR
    assert(CR.Lower.ult(Upper) && CR.Upper.ult(Lower) &&
           "ConstantRange::unionWith missed a case with one range wrapped");
    return ConstantRange(Lower, CR.Upper);

  // ------U    L----  and  ------U    L---- : this
  // -U  L-----------  and  ------------U  L : CR
  if (CR.Lower.ule(Upper) || Lower.ule(CR.Upper))
    return ConstantRange(getBitWidth());

  APInt L = Lower, U = Upper;
  if (CR.Upper.ugt(U))
    U = CR.Upper;
  if (CR.Lower.ult(L))
    L = CR.Lower;

  return ConstantRange(L, U);
/// unionWith - Return the range that results from the union of this range with
/// another range.  The resultant range is guaranteed to include the elements of
/// both sets, but may contain more.  For example, [3, 9) union [12,15) is
/// [3, 15), which includes 9, 10, and 11, which were not included in either
/// set before.
ConstantRange ConstantRange::unionWith(const ConstantRange &CR) const {
  assert(getBitWidth() == CR.getBitWidth() && 
         "ConstantRange types don't agree!");

  if (   isFullSet() || CR.isEmptySet()) return *this;
  if (CR.isFullSet() ||    isEmptySet()) return CR;

  if (!isWrappedSet() && CR.isWrappedSet()) return CR.unionWith(*this);

  APInt L = Lower, U = Upper;

  if (!isWrappedSet() && !CR.isWrappedSet()) {
    if (CR.Lower.ult(L))
      L = CR.Lower;

    if (CR.Upper.ugt(U))
      U = CR.Upper;

  if (isWrappedSet() && !CR.isWrappedSet()) {
    if ((CR.Lower.ult(Upper) && CR.Upper.ult(Upper)) ||
        (CR.Lower.ugt(Lower) && CR.Upper.ugt(Lower))) {
      return *this;

    if (CR.Lower.ule(Upper) && Lower.ule(CR.Upper)) {
      return ConstantRange(getBitWidth());

    if (CR.Lower.ule(Upper) && CR.Upper.ule(Lower)) {
      APInt d1 = CR.Upper - Upper, d2 = Lower - CR.Upper;
      if (d1.ult(d2)) {
        U = CR.Upper;
      } else {
        L = CR.Upper;

    if (Upper.ult(CR.Lower) && CR.Upper.ult(Lower)) {
      APInt d1 = CR.Lower - Upper, d2 = Lower - CR.Upper;
      if (d1.ult(d2)) {
        U = CR.Lower + 1;
      } else {
        L = CR.Upper - 1;

    if (Upper.ult(CR.Lower) && Lower.ult(CR.Upper)) {
      APInt d1 = CR.Lower - Upper, d2 = Lower - CR.Lower;

      if (d1.ult(d2)) {
        U = CR.Lower + 1;
      } else {
        L = CR.Lower;

  if (isWrappedSet() && CR.isWrappedSet()) {
    if (Lower.ult(CR.Upper) || CR.Lower.ult(Upper))
      return ConstantRange(getBitWidth());

    if (CR.Upper.ugt(U)) {
      U = CR.Upper;

    if (CR.Lower.ult(L)) {
      L = CR.Lower;

    if (L == U) return ConstantRange(getBitWidth());

  return ConstantRange(L, U);