void Constraints::substIntoEquates(ConstraintMap& in) {
	// Substitute the fixed types into the equates. This may generate more
	// fixed types
	ConstraintMap extra;
	ConstraintMap cur = in;
	while (cur.size()) {
		ConstraintMap::iterator kk;
		for (kk = cur.begin(); kk != cur.end(); kk++) {
			Exp* lhs = kk->first;
			std::map<Exp*, LocationSet, lessExpStar>::iterator it = equates.find(lhs);
			if (it != equates.end()) {
				// Possibly new constraints that
				// typeof(elements in it->second) == val
				Exp* val = kk->second;
				LocationSet& ls = it->second;
				LocationSet::iterator ll;
				for (ll = ls.begin(); ll != ls.end(); ll++) {
					ConstraintMap::iterator ff;
					ff = fixed.find(*ll);
					if (ff != fixed.end()) {
						if (!unify(val, ff->second, extra)) {
							if (VERBOSE || DEBUG_TA)
								LOG << "Constraint failure: " << *ll << " constrained to be " <<
									((TypeVal*)val)->getType()->getCtype() << " and " <<
									((TypeVal*)ff->second)->getType()->getCtype() << "\n";
					} else
						extra[*ll] = val;	// A new constant constraint
				if (((TypeVal*)val)->getType()->isComplete()) {
					// We have a complete type equal to one or more variables
					// Remove the equate, and generate more fixed
					// e.g. Ta = Tb,Tc and Ta = K => Tb=K, Tc=K
					for (ll = ls.begin(); ll != ls.end(); ll++) {
						Exp* newFixed = new Binary(opEquals,
							*ll,		// e.g. Tb
							val);		// e.g. K
		cur = extra;	// Take care of any "ripple effect"
	}					// Repeat until no ripples