void RMSDForceImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(CalcRMSDForceKernel::Name(), context);

    // Check for errors in the specification of particles.
    const System& system = context.getSystem();
    int numParticles = system.getNumParticles();
    if (owner.getReferencePositions().size() != numParticles)
        throw OpenMMException("RMSDForce: Number of reference positions does not equal number of particles in the System");
    set<int> particles;
    for (int i : owner.getParticles()) {
        if (i < 0 || i >= numParticles) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "RMSDForce: Illegal particle index for RMSD: ";
            msg << i;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (particles.find(i) != particles.end()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "RMSDForce: Duplicated particle index for RMSD: ";
            msg << i;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
    kernel.getAs<CalcRMSDForceKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
void CustomNonbondedForceImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(CalcCustomNonbondedForceKernel::Name(), context);

    // Check for errors in the specification of parameters and exclusions.

    const System& system = context.getSystem();
    if (owner.getNumParticles() != system.getNumParticles())
        throw OpenMMException("CustomNonbondedForce must have exactly as many particles as the System it belongs to.");
    if (owner.getUseSwitchingFunction()) {
        if (owner.getSwitchingDistance() < 0 || owner.getSwitchingDistance() >= owner.getCutoffDistance())
            throw OpenMMException("CustomNonbondedForce: Switching distance must satisfy 0 <= r_switch < r_cutoff");
    vector<set<int> > exclusions(owner.getNumParticles());
    vector<double> parameters;
    int numParameters = owner.getNumPerParticleParameters();
    for (int i = 0; i < owner.getNumParticles(); i++) {
        owner.getParticleParameters(i, parameters);
        if (parameters.size() != numParameters) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomNonbondedForce: Wrong number of parameters for particle ";
            msg << i;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
    for (int i = 0; i < owner.getNumExclusions(); i++) {
        int particle1, particle2;
        owner.getExclusionParticles(i, particle1, particle2);
        if (particle1 < 0 || particle1 >= owner.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomNonbondedForce: Illegal particle index for an exclusion: ";
            msg << particle1;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (particle2 < 0 || particle2 >= owner.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomNonbondedForce: Illegal particle index for an exclusion: ";
            msg << particle2;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (exclusions[particle1].count(particle2) > 0 || exclusions[particle2].count(particle1) > 0) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomNonbondedForce: Multiple exclusions are specified for particles ";
            msg << particle1;
            msg << " and ";
            msg << particle2;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
    if (owner.getNonbondedMethod() == CustomNonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic) {
        Vec3 boxVectors[3];
        system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(boxVectors[0], boxVectors[1], boxVectors[2]);
        double cutoff = owner.getCutoffDistance();
        if (cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[0][0] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[1][1] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[2][2])
            throw OpenMMException("CustomNonbondedForce: The cutoff distance cannot be greater than half the periodic box size.");
    kernel.getAs<CalcCustomNonbondedForceKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
void AmoebaWcaDispersionForceImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    const System& system = context.getSystem();
    if (owner.getNumParticles() != system.getNumParticles())
        throw OpenMMException("AmoebaWcaDispersionForce must have exactly as many particles as the System it belongs to.");

    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(CalcAmoebaWcaDispersionForceKernel::Name(), context);
    kernel.getAs<CalcAmoebaWcaDispersionForceKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
void RPMDIntegrator::initialize(ContextImpl& contextRef) {
    if (owner != NULL && &contextRef.getOwner() != owner)
        throw OpenMMException("This Integrator is already bound to a context");
    if (contextRef.getSystem().getNumConstraints() > 0)
        throw OpenMMException("RPMDIntegrator cannot be used with Systems that include constraints");
    context = &contextRef;
    owner = &contextRef.getOwner();
    kernel = context->getPlatform().createKernel(IntegrateRPMDStepKernel::Name(), contextRef);
    kernel.getAs<IntegrateRPMDStepKernel>().initialize(contextRef.getSystem(), *this);
void NonbondedForceImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(CalcNonbondedForceKernel::Name(), context);

    // Check for errors in the specification of exceptions.

    const System& system = context.getSystem();
    if (owner.getNumParticles() != system.getNumParticles())
        throw OpenMMException("NonbondedForce must have exactly as many particles as the System it belongs to.");
    if (owner.getUseSwitchingFunction()) {
        if (owner.getSwitchingDistance() < 0 || owner.getSwitchingDistance() >= owner.getCutoffDistance())
            throw OpenMMException("NonbondedForce: Switching distance must satisfy 0 <= r_switch < r_cutoff");
    vector<set<int> > exceptions(owner.getNumParticles());
    for (int i = 0; i < owner.getNumExceptions(); i++) {
        int particle1, particle2;
        double chargeProd, sigma, epsilon;
        owner.getExceptionParameters(i, particle1, particle2, chargeProd, sigma, epsilon);
        if (particle1 < 0 || particle1 >= owner.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "NonbondedForce: Illegal particle index for an exception: ";
            msg << particle1;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (particle2 < 0 || particle2 >= owner.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "NonbondedForce: Illegal particle index for an exception: ";
            msg << particle2;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (exceptions[particle1].count(particle2) > 0 || exceptions[particle2].count(particle1) > 0) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "NonbondedForce: Multiple exceptions are specified for particles ";
            msg << particle1;
            msg << " and ";
            msg << particle2;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
    if (owner.getNonbondedMethod() == NonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic ||
            owner.getNonbondedMethod() == NonbondedForce::Ewald ||
            owner.getNonbondedMethod() == NonbondedForce::PME) {
        Vec3 boxVectors[3];
        system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(boxVectors[0], boxVectors[1], boxVectors[2]);
        double cutoff = owner.getCutoffDistance();
        if (cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[0][0] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[1][1] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[2][2])
            throw OpenMMException("NonbondedForce: The cutoff distance cannot be greater than half the periodic box size.");
        if (owner.getNonbondedMethod() == NonbondedForce::Ewald && (boxVectors[1][0] != 0.0 || boxVectors[2][0] != 0.0 || boxVectors[2][1] != 0))
            throw OpenMMException("NonbondedForce: Ewald is not supported with non-rectangular boxes.  Use PME instead.");
    kernel.getAs<CalcNonbondedForceKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
void GBSAOBCForceImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(CalcGBSAOBCForceKernel::Name(), context);
    if (owner.getNumParticles() != context.getSystem().getNumParticles())
        throw OpenMMException("GBSAOBCForce must have exactly as many particles as the System it belongs to.");
    if (owner.getNonbondedMethod() == GBSAOBCForce::CutoffPeriodic) {
        Vec3 boxVectors[3];
        context.getSystem().getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(boxVectors[0], boxVectors[1], boxVectors[2]);
        double cutoff = owner.getCutoffDistance();
        if (cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[0][0] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[1][1] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[2][2])
            throw OpenMMException("GBSAOBCForce: The cutoff distance cannot be greater than half the periodic box size.");
    kernel.getAs<CalcGBSAOBCForceKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
static double computeShiftedKineticEnergy(ContextImpl& context, vector<double>& inverseMasses, double timeShift, ReferenceConstraintAlgorithm* constraints) {
    const System& system = context.getSystem();
    int numParticles = system.getNumParticles();
    vector<RealVec>& posData = extractPositions(context);
    vector<RealVec>& velData = extractVelocities(context);
    vector<RealVec>& forceData = extractForces(context);
    // Compute the shifted velocities.
    vector<RealVec> shiftedVel(numParticles);
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i) {
        if (inverseMasses[i] > 0)
            shiftedVel[i] = velData[i]+forceData[i]*(timeShift*inverseMasses[i]);
            shiftedVel[i] = velData[i];
    // Apply constraints to them.
    if (constraints != NULL) {
        constraints->applyToVelocities(numParticles, posData, shiftedVel, inverseMasses);
    // Compute the kinetic energy.
    double energy = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i)
        if (inverseMasses[i] > 0)
            energy += (shiftedVel[i].dot(shiftedVel[i]))/inverseMasses[i];
    return 0.5*energy;
 * Compute the kinetic energy of the system, possibly shifting the velocities in time to account
 * for a leapfrog integrator.
static double computeShiftedKineticEnergy(ContextImpl& context, vector<double>& masses, double timeShift) {
    vector<RealVec>& posData = extractPositions(context);
    vector<RealVec>& velData = extractVelocities(context);
    vector<RealVec>& forceData = extractForces(context);
    int numParticles = context.getSystem().getNumParticles();
    // Compute the shifted velocities.
    vector<RealVec> shiftedVel(numParticles);
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i) {
        if (masses[i] > 0)
            shiftedVel[i] = velData[i]+forceData[i]*(timeShift/masses[i]);
            shiftedVel[i] = velData[i];
    // Apply constraints to them.
    vector<double> inverseMasses(numParticles);
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
        inverseMasses[i] = (masses[i] == 0 ? 0 : 1/masses[i]);
    extractConstraints(context).applyToVelocities(posData, shiftedVel, inverseMasses, 1e-4);
    // Compute the kinetic energy.
    double energy = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i)
        if (masses[i] > 0)
            energy += masses[i]*(shiftedVel[i].dot(shiftedVel[i]));
    return 0.5*energy;
void CustomIntegrator::initialize(ContextImpl& contextRef) {
    if (owner != NULL && &contextRef.getOwner() != owner)
        throw OpenMMException("This Integrator is already bound to a context");
    vector<std::string> variableList;
    set<std::string> variableSet;
    variableList.insert(variableList.end(), globalNames.begin(), globalNames.end());
    variableList.insert(variableList.end(), perDofNames.begin(), perDofNames.end());
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) variableList.size(); i++) {
        string& name = variableList[i];
        if (variableSet.find(name) != variableSet.end())
            throw OpenMMException("The Integrator defines two variables with the same name: "+name);
        if (contextRef.getParameters().find(name) != contextRef.getParameters().end())
            throw OpenMMException("The Integrator defines a variable with the same name as a Context parameter: "+name);
    set<std::string> globalTargets;
    globalTargets.insert(globalNames.begin(), globalNames.end());
    for (map<string, double>::const_iterator iter = contextRef.getParameters().begin(); iter != contextRef.getParameters().end(); ++iter)
    for (int i = 0; i < computations.size(); i++) {
        if (computations[i].type == ComputeGlobal && globalTargets.find(computations[i].variable) == globalTargets.end())
            throw OpenMMException("Unknown global variable: "+computations[i].variable);
    context = &contextRef;
    owner = &contextRef.getOwner();
    kernel = context->getPlatform().createKernel(IntegrateCustomStepKernel::Name(), contextRef);
    kernel.getAs<IntegrateCustomStepKernel>().initialize(contextRef.getSystem(), *this);
    kernel.getAs<IntegrateCustomStepKernel>().setGlobalVariables(contextRef, globalValues);
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) perDofValues.size(); i++) {
        if (perDofValues[i].size() == 1)
            perDofValues[i].resize(context->getSystem().getNumParticles(), perDofValues[i][0]);
        kernel.getAs<IntegrateCustomStepKernel>().setPerDofVariable(contextRef, i, perDofValues[i]);
double CpuCalcForcesAndEnergyKernel::finishComputation(ContextImpl& context, bool includeForce, bool includeEnergy, int groups) {
    // Sum the forces from all the threads.
    SumForceTask task(context.getSystem().getNumParticles(), extractForces(context), data);
    return referenceKernel.getAs<ReferenceCalcForcesAndEnergyKernel>().finishComputation(context, includeForce, includeEnergy, groups);
void VariableLangevinIntegrator::initialize(ContextImpl& contextRef) {
    if (owner != NULL && &contextRef.getOwner() != owner)
        throw OpenMMException("This Integrator is already bound to a context");
    context = &contextRef;
    owner = &contextRef.getOwner();
    kernel = context->getPlatform().createKernel(IntegrateVariableLangevinStepKernel::Name(), contextRef);
    kernel.getAs<IntegrateVariableLangevinStepKernel>().initialize(contextRef.getSystem(), *this);
		void Integrator::initialize( ContextImpl &contextRef ) {
			context = &contextRef;
			if( context->getSystem().getNumConstraints() > 0 ) {
				throw OpenMMException( "LTMD Integrator does not support constraints" );
			kernel = context->getPlatform().createKernel( StepKernel::Name(), contextRef );
			( ( StepKernel & )( kernel.getImpl() ) ).initialize( contextRef.getSystem(), *this );
			//(dynamic_cast<StepKernel &>( kernel.getImpl() )).initialize( contextRef.getSystem(), *this );
void CpuCalcForcesAndEnergyKernel::beginComputation(ContextImpl& context, bool includeForce, bool includeEnergy, int groups) {
    referenceKernel.getAs<ReferenceCalcForcesAndEnergyKernel>().beginComputation(context, includeForce, includeEnergy, groups);
    // Convert positions to single precision and clear the forces.
    InitForceTask task(context.getSystem().getNumParticles(), context, data);
void DrudeLangevinIntegrator::initialize(ContextImpl& contextRef) {
    if (owner != NULL && &contextRef.getOwner() != owner)
        throw OpenMMException("This Integrator is already bound to a context");
    const DrudeForce* force = NULL;
    const System& system = contextRef.getSystem();
    for (int i = 0; i < system.getNumForces(); i++)
        if (dynamic_cast<const DrudeForce*>(&system.getForce(i)) != NULL) {
            if (force == NULL)
                force = dynamic_cast<const DrudeForce*>(&system.getForce(i));
                throw OpenMMException("The System contains multiple DrudeForces");
    if (force == NULL)
        throw OpenMMException("The System does not contain a DrudeForce");
    context = &contextRef;
    owner = &contextRef.getOwner();
    kernel = context->getPlatform().createKernel(IntegrateDrudeLangevinStepKernel::Name(), contextRef);
    kernel.getAs<IntegrateDrudeLangevinStepKernel>().initialize(contextRef.getSystem(), *this, *force);
void MonteCarloAnisotropicBarostatImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(ApplyMonteCarloBarostatKernel::Name(), context);
    kernel.getAs<ApplyMonteCarloBarostatKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
    Vec3 box[3];
    context.getPeriodicBoxVectors(box[0], box[1], box[2]);
    double volume = box[0][0]*box[1][1]*box[2][2];
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        volumeScale[i] = 0.01*volume;
        numAttempted[i] = 0;
        numAccepted[i] = 0;
    init_gen_rand(owner.getRandomNumberSeed(), random);
void MonteCarloBarostatImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(ApplyMonteCarloBarostatKernel::Name(), context);
    kernel.getAs<ApplyMonteCarloBarostatKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
    Vec3 box[3];
    context.getPeriodicBoxVectors(box[0], box[1], box[2]);
    double volume = box[0][0]*box[1][1]*box[2][2];
    volumeScale = 0.01*volume;
    numAttempted = 0;
    numAccepted = 0;
    int randSeed = owner.getRandomNumberSeed();
    // A random seed of 0 means use a unique one
    if (randSeed == 0) randSeed = osrngseed();
    init_gen_rand(randSeed, random);
double ReferenceIntegrateRPMDStepKernel::computeKineticEnergy(ContextImpl& context, const RPMDIntegrator& integrator) {
    const System& system = context.getSystem();
    int numParticles = system.getNumParticles();
    vector<RealVec>& velData = extractVelocities(context);
    double energy = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i) {
        double mass = system.getParticleMass(i);
        if (mass > 0) {
            RealVec v = velData[i];
            energy += mass*(v.dot(v));
    return 0.5*energy;
void CpuIntegrateLangevinStepKernel::execute(ContextImpl& context, const LangevinIntegrator& integrator) {
    double temperature = integrator.getTemperature();
    double friction = integrator.getFriction();
    double stepSize = integrator.getStepSize();
    vector<RealVec>& posData = extractPositions(context);
    vector<RealVec>& velData = extractVelocities(context);
    vector<RealVec>& forceData = extractForces(context);
    if (dynamics == 0 || temperature != prevTemp || friction != prevFriction || stepSize != prevStepSize) {
        // Recreate the computation objects with the new parameters.
        if (dynamics)
            delete dynamics;
        RealOpenMM tau = (friction == 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0/friction);
        dynamics = new CpuLangevinDynamics(context.getSystem().getNumParticles(), stepSize, tau, temperature, data.threads, data.random);
        prevTemp = temperature;
        prevFriction = friction;
        prevStepSize = stepSize;
    dynamics->update(context.getSystem(), posData, velData, forceData, masses, integrator.getConstraintTolerance());
    ReferencePlatform::PlatformData* refData = reinterpret_cast<ReferencePlatform::PlatformData*>(context.getPlatformData());
    refData->time += stepSize;
void CpuCalcNonbondedForceKernel::copyParametersToContext(ContextImpl& context, const NonbondedForce& force) {
    if (force.getNumParticles() != numParticles)
        throw OpenMMException("updateParametersInContext: The number of particles has changed");
    vector<int> nb14s;
    for (int i = 0; i < force.getNumExceptions(); i++) {
        int particle1, particle2;
        double chargeProd, sigma, epsilon;
        force.getExceptionParameters(i, particle1, particle2, chargeProd, sigma, epsilon);
        if (chargeProd != 0.0 || epsilon != 0.0)
    if (nb14s.size() != num14)
        throw OpenMMException("updateParametersInContext: The number of non-excluded exceptions has changed");

    // Record the values.

    double sumSquaredCharges = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; ++i) {
        double charge, radius, depth;
        force.getParticleParameters(i, charge, radius, depth);
        data.posq[4*i+3] = (float) charge;
        particleParams[i] = make_pair((float) (0.5*radius), (float) (2.0*sqrt(depth)));
        sumSquaredCharges += charge*charge;
    if (nonbondedMethod == Ewald || nonbondedMethod == PME)
        ewaldSelfEnergy = -ONE_4PI_EPS0*ewaldAlpha*sumSquaredCharges/sqrt(M_PI);
        ewaldSelfEnergy = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < num14; ++i) {
        int particle1, particle2;
        double charge, radius, depth;
        force.getExceptionParameters(nb14s[i], particle1, particle2, charge, radius, depth);
        bonded14IndexArray[i][0] = particle1;
        bonded14IndexArray[i][1] = particle2;
        bonded14ParamArray[i][0] = static_cast<RealOpenMM>(radius);
        bonded14ParamArray[i][1] = static_cast<RealOpenMM>(4.0*depth);
        bonded14ParamArray[i][2] = static_cast<RealOpenMM>(charge);
    // Recompute the coefficient for the dispersion correction.

    NonbondedForce::NonbondedMethod method = force.getNonbondedMethod();
    if (force.getUseDispersionCorrection() && (method == NonbondedForce::CutoffPeriodic || method == NonbondedForce::Ewald || method == NonbondedForce::PME))
        dispersionCoefficient = NonbondedForceImpl::calcDispersionCorrection(context.getSystem(), force);
void ReferenceCalcMBPolElectrostaticsForceKernel::getSystemElectrostaticsMoments(ContextImpl& context, std::vector< double >& outputElectrostaticsMoments){

    // retrieve masses

    const OpenMM::System& system             = context.getSystem();
    vector<RealOpenMM> masses;
    for (int i = 0; i <  system.getNumParticles(); ++i) {
        masses.push_back( static_cast<RealOpenMM>(system.getParticleMass(i)) );

    MBPolReferenceElectrostaticsForce* mbpolReferenceElectrostaticsForce = setupMBPolReferenceElectrostaticsForce( context );
    vector<RealVec>& posData                                     = extractPositions(context);
    mbpolReferenceElectrostaticsForce->calculateMBPolSystemElectrostaticsMoments( masses, posData, charges, tholes,
                                                                          dampingFactors, polarity, axisTypes, 
                                                                          multipoleAtomZs, multipoleAtomXs, multipoleAtomYs,
                                                                          multipoleAtomCovalentInfo, outputElectrostaticsMoments );

    delete mbpolReferenceElectrostaticsForce;

void ReferenceIntegrateDrudeSCFStepKernel::execute(ContextImpl& context, const DrudeSCFIntegrator& integrator) {
    vector<RealVec>& pos = extractPositions(context);
    vector<RealVec>& vel = extractVelocities(context);
    vector<RealVec>& force = extractForces(context);
    // Update the positions and velocities.
    int numParticles = particleInvMass.size();
    vector<RealVec> xPrime(numParticles);
    RealOpenMM dt = integrator.getStepSize();
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
        if (particleInvMass[i] != 0.0) {
            vel[i] += force[i]*particleInvMass[i]*dt;
            xPrime[i] = pos[i]+vel[i]*dt;
    // Apply constraints.
    if (constraints != NULL)
        constraints->apply(numParticles, pos, xPrime, particleInvMass);
    // Record the constrained positions and velocities.
    RealOpenMM dtInv = 1.0/dt;
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
        if (particleInvMass[i] != 0.0) {
            vel[i] = (xPrime[i]-pos[i])*dtInv;
            pos[i] = xPrime[i];
    // Update the positions of virtual sites and Drude particles.
    ReferenceVirtualSites::computePositions(context.getSystem(), pos);
    minimize(context, integrator.getMinimizationErrorTolerance());
    data.time += integrator.getStepSize();
void DrudeForceImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(CalcDrudeForceKernel::Name(), context);
    const System& system = context.getSystem();

    // Check for errors in the specification of particles.

    set<int> usedParticles;
    for (int i = 0; i < owner.getNumParticles(); i++) {
        int particle, particle1, particle2, particle3, particle4;
        double charge, k, k2, k3;
        owner.getParticleParameters(i, particle, particle1, particle2, particle3, particle4, charge, k, k2, k3);
        if (particle < 0 || particle >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Illegal particle index: ";
            msg << particle;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (particle1 < 0 || particle1 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Illegal particle index: ";
            msg << particle1;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (particle2 < -1 || particle2 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Illegal particle index: ";
            msg << particle2;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (particle3 < -1 || particle3 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Illegal particle index: ";
            msg << particle3;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (particle4 < -1 || particle4 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Illegal particle index: ";
            msg << particle4;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (usedParticles.find(particle) != usedParticles.end()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Particle index is used by two different Drude particles: ";
            msg << particle;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (usedParticles.find(particle1) != usedParticles.end()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Particle index is used by two different Drude particles: ";
            msg << particle1;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());

    // Check for errors in the specification of screened pairs.

    vector<set<int> > screenedPairs(owner.getNumParticles());
    for (int i = 0; i < owner.getNumScreenedPairs(); i++) {
        int particle1, particle2;
        double thole;
        owner.getScreenedPairParameters(i, particle1, particle2, thole);
        if (particle1 < 0 || particle1 >= owner.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Illegal particle index for a screened pair: ";
            msg << particle1;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (particle2 < 0 || particle2 >= owner.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Illegal particle index for a screened pair: ";
            msg << particle2;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (screenedPairs[particle1].count(particle2) > 0 || screenedPairs[particle2].count(particle1) > 0) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "DrudeForce: Multiple screened pairs are specified for particles ";
            msg << particle1;
            msg << " and ";
            msg << particle2;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
    kernel.getAs<CalcDrudeForceKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
void CustomHbondForceImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(CalcCustomHbondForceKernel::Name(), context);

    // Check for errors in the specification of parameters and exclusions.

    const System& system = context.getSystem();
    vector<set<int> > exclusions(owner.getNumDonors());
    vector<double> parameters;
    int numDonorParameters = owner.getNumPerDonorParameters();
    for (int i = 0; i < owner.getNumDonors(); i++) {
        int d1, d2, d3;
        owner.getDonorParameters(i, d1, d2, d3, parameters);
        if (d1 < 0 || d1 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Illegal particle index for a donor: ";
            msg << d1;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (d2 < -1 || d2 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Illegal particle index for a donor: ";
            msg << d2;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (d3 < -1 || d3 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Illegal particle index for a donor: ";
            msg << d3;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (parameters.size() != numDonorParameters) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Wrong number of parameters for donor ";
            msg << i;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
    int numAcceptorParameters = owner.getNumPerAcceptorParameters();
    for (int i = 0; i < owner.getNumAcceptors(); i++) {
        int a1, a2, a3;
        owner.getAcceptorParameters(i, a1, a2, a3, parameters);
        if (a1 < 0 || a1 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Illegal particle index for an acceptor: ";
            msg << a1;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (a2 < -1 || a2 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Illegal particle index for an acceptor: ";
            msg << a2;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (a3 < -1 || a3 >= system.getNumParticles()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Illegal particle index for an acceptor: ";
            msg << a3;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (parameters.size() != numAcceptorParameters) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Wrong number of parameters for acceptor ";
            msg << i;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
    for (int i = 0; i < owner.getNumExclusions(); i++) {
        int donor, acceptor;
        owner.getExclusionParticles(i, donor, acceptor);
        if (donor < 0 || donor >= owner.getNumDonors()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Illegal donor index for an exclusion: ";
            msg << donor;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (acceptor < 0 || acceptor >= owner.getNumAcceptors()) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Illegal acceptor index for an exclusion: ";
            msg << acceptor;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
        if (exclusions[donor].count(acceptor) > 0) {
            stringstream msg;
            msg << "CustomHbondForce: Multiple exclusions are specified for donor ";
            msg << donor;
            msg << " and acceptor ";
            msg << acceptor;
            throw OpenMMException(msg.str());
    if (owner.getNonbondedMethod() == CustomHbondForce::CutoffPeriodic) {
        Vec3 boxVectors[3];
        system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(boxVectors[0], boxVectors[1], boxVectors[2]);
        double cutoff = owner.getCutoffDistance();
        if (cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[0][0] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[1][1] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[2][2])
            throw OpenMMException("CustomHbondForce: The cutoff distance cannot be greater than half the periodic box size.");
    kernel.getAs<CalcCustomHbondForceKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
void ReferencePlatform::contextCreated(ContextImpl& context, const map<string, string>& properties) const {
    context.setPlatformData(new PlatformData(context.getSystem()));
void ReferenceCustomDynamics::update(ContextImpl& context, int numberOfAtoms, vector<RealVec>& atomCoordinates,
                                     vector<RealVec>& velocities, vector<RealVec>& forces, vector<RealOpenMM>& masses,
                                     map<string, RealOpenMM>& globals, vector<vector<RealVec> >& perDof, bool& forcesAreValid, RealOpenMM tolerance) {
    if (invalidatesForces.size() == 0)
        initialize(context, masses, globals);
    int numSteps = stepType.size();
    globals.insert(context.getParameters().begin(), context.getParameters().end());
    for (map<string, RealOpenMM>::const_iterator iter = globals.begin(); iter != globals.end(); ++iter)
        expressionSet.setVariable(expressionSet.getVariableIndex(iter->first), iter->second);
    oldPos = atomCoordinates;
    // Loop over steps and execute them.
    for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; ) {
        if ((needsForces[step] || needsEnergy[step]) && (!forcesAreValid || context.getLastForceGroups() != forceGroupFlags[step])) {
            // Recompute forces and/or energy.
            bool computeForce = needsForces[step] || computeBothForceAndEnergy[step];
            bool computeEnergy = needsEnergy[step] || computeBothForceAndEnergy[step];
            recordChangedParameters(context, globals);
            RealOpenMM e = context.calcForcesAndEnergy(computeForce, computeEnergy, forceGroupFlags[step]);
            if (computeEnergy) {
                energy = e;
            forcesAreValid = true;
        // Execute the step.

        int nextStep = step+1;
        switch (stepType[step]) {
            case CustomIntegrator::ComputeGlobal: {
                uniform = SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getUniformlyDistributedRandomNumber();
                gaussian = SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber();
                RealOpenMM result = stepExpressions[step][0].evaluate();
                globals[stepVariable[step]] = result;
                expressionSet.setVariable(stepVariableIndex[step], result);
            case CustomIntegrator::ComputePerDof: {
                vector<RealVec>* results = NULL;
                if (stepVariableIndex[step] == xIndex)
                    results = &atomCoordinates;
                else if (stepVariableIndex[step] == vIndex)
                    results = &velocities;
                else {
                    for (int j = 0; j < integrator.getNumPerDofVariables(); j++)
                        if (stepVariableIndex[step] == perDofVariableIndex[j])
                            results = &perDof[j];
                if (results == NULL)
                    throw OpenMMException("Illegal per-DOF output variable: "+stepVariable[step]);
                computePerDof(numberOfAtoms, *results, atomCoordinates, velocities, forces, masses, perDof, stepExpressions[step][0]);
            case CustomIntegrator::ComputeSum: {
                computePerDof(numberOfAtoms, sumBuffer, atomCoordinates, velocities, forces, masses, perDof, stepExpressions[step][0]);
                RealOpenMM sum = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAtoms; j++)
                    if (masses[j] != 0.0)
                        sum += sumBuffer[j][0]+sumBuffer[j][1]+sumBuffer[j][2];
                globals[stepVariable[step]] = sum;
                expressionSet.setVariable(stepVariableIndex[step], sum);
            case CustomIntegrator::ConstrainPositions: {
                getReferenceConstraintAlgorithm()->apply(oldPos, atomCoordinates, inverseMasses, tolerance);
                oldPos = atomCoordinates;
            case CustomIntegrator::ConstrainVelocities: {
                getReferenceConstraintAlgorithm()->applyToVelocities(oldPos, velocities, inverseMasses, tolerance);
            case CustomIntegrator::UpdateContextState: {
                recordChangedParameters(context, globals);
                globals.insert(context.getParameters().begin(), context.getParameters().end());
                for (map<string, RealOpenMM>::const_iterator iter = globals.begin(); iter != globals.end(); ++iter)
                    expressionSet.setVariable(expressionSet.getVariableIndex(iter->first), iter->second);
            case CustomIntegrator::IfBlockStart: {
                if (!evaluateCondition(step))
                    nextStep = blockEnd[step]+1;
            case CustomIntegrator::WhileBlockStart: {
                if (!evaluateCondition(step))
                    nextStep = blockEnd[step]+1;
            case CustomIntegrator::BlockEnd: {
                if (blockEnd[step] != -1)
                    nextStep = blockEnd[step]; // Return to the start of a while block.
        if (invalidatesForces[step])
            forcesAreValid = false;
        step = nextStep;
    ReferenceVirtualSites::computePositions(context.getSystem(), atomCoordinates);
    recordChangedParameters(context, globals);
void AmoebaMultipoleForceImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {

    const System& system = context.getSystem();
    if (owner.getNumMultipoles() != system.getNumParticles())
        throw OpenMMException("AmoebaMultipoleForce must have exactly as many particles as the System it belongs to.");

    // check cutoff < 0.5*boxSize

    if (owner.getNonbondedMethod() == AmoebaMultipoleForce::PME) {
        Vec3 boxVectors[3];
        system.getDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(boxVectors[0], boxVectors[1], boxVectors[2]);
        double cutoff = owner.getCutoffDistance();
        if (cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[0][0] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[1][1] || cutoff > 0.5*boxVectors[2][2])
            throw OpenMMException("AmoebaMultipoleForce: The cutoff distance cannot be greater than half the periodic box size.");

    double quadrupoleValidationTolerance = 1.0e-05;
    for( int ii = 0; ii < system.getNumParticles(); ii++ ){

        int axisType, multipoleAtomZ, multipoleAtomX, multipoleAtomY;
        double charge, thole, dampingFactor, polarity ;
        std::vector<double> molecularDipole;
        std::vector<double> molecularQuadrupole;

        owner.getMultipoleParameters( ii, charge, molecularDipole, molecularQuadrupole, axisType, multipoleAtomZ, multipoleAtomX, multipoleAtomY,
                                      thole, dampingFactor, polarity );

       // check quadrupole is traceless and symmetric

       double trace = fabs( molecularQuadrupole[0] + molecularQuadrupole[4] + molecularQuadrupole[8] );
       if( trace > quadrupoleValidationTolerance ){
             std::stringstream buffer;
             buffer << "AmoebaMultipoleForce: qudarupole for particle=" << ii;
             buffer << " has nonzero trace: " << trace << "; AMOEBA plugin assumes traceless quadrupole.";
             throw OpenMMException(buffer.str());
       if( fabs( molecularQuadrupole[1] - molecularQuadrupole[3] ) > quadrupoleValidationTolerance  ){
             std::stringstream buffer;
             buffer << "AmoebaMultipoleForce: XY and YX components of quadrupole for particle=" << ii;
             buffer << "  are not equal: [" << molecularQuadrupole[1] << " " << molecularQuadrupole[3] << "];";
             buffer << " AMOEBA plugin assumes symmetric quadrupole tensor.";
             throw OpenMMException(buffer.str());

       if( fabs( molecularQuadrupole[2] - molecularQuadrupole[6] ) > quadrupoleValidationTolerance  ){
             std::stringstream buffer;
             buffer << "AmoebaMultipoleForce: XZ and ZX components of quadrupole for particle=" << ii;
             buffer << "  are not equal: [" << molecularQuadrupole[2] << " " << molecularQuadrupole[6] << "];";
             buffer << " AMOEBA plugin assumes symmetric quadrupole tensor.";
             throw OpenMMException(buffer.str());

       if( fabs( molecularQuadrupole[5] - molecularQuadrupole[7] ) > quadrupoleValidationTolerance  ){
             std::stringstream buffer;
             buffer << "AmoebaMultipoleForce: YZ and ZY components of quadrupole for particle=" << ii;
             buffer << "  are not equal: [" << molecularQuadrupole[5] << " " << molecularQuadrupole[7] << "];";
             buffer << " AMOEBA plugin assumes symmetric quadrupole tensor.";
             throw OpenMMException(buffer.str());

       // only 'Z-then-X', 'Bisector', Z-Bisect, ThreeFold  currently handled

        if( axisType != AmoebaMultipoleForce::ZThenX     && axisType != AmoebaMultipoleForce::Bisector &&
            axisType != AmoebaMultipoleForce::ZBisect    && axisType != AmoebaMultipoleForce::ThreeFold &&
            axisType != AmoebaMultipoleForce::ZOnly      && axisType != AmoebaMultipoleForce::NoAxisType ) {
             std::stringstream buffer;
             buffer << "AmoebaMultipoleForce: axis type=" << axisType;
             buffer << " not currently handled - only axisTypes[ ";
             buffer << AmoebaMultipoleForce::ZThenX   << ", " << AmoebaMultipoleForce::Bisector  << ", ";
             buffer << AmoebaMultipoleForce::ZBisect  << ", " << AmoebaMultipoleForce::ThreeFold << ", ";
             buffer << AmoebaMultipoleForce::NoAxisType;
             buffer << "] (ZThenX, Bisector, Z-Bisect, ThreeFold, NoAxisType) currently handled .";
             throw OpenMMException(buffer.str());
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(CalcAmoebaMultipoleForceKernel::Name(), context);
    kernel.getAs<CalcAmoebaMultipoleForceKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
void RBTorsionForceImpl::initialize(ContextImpl& context) {
    kernel = context.getPlatform().createKernel(CalcRBTorsionForceKernel::Name(), context);
    kernel.getAs<CalcRBTorsionForceKernel>().initialize(context.getSystem(), owner);
void ReferenceIntegrateDrudeLangevinStepKernel::execute(ContextImpl& context, const DrudeLangevinIntegrator& integrator) {
    vector<RealVec>& pos = extractPositions(context);
    vector<RealVec>& vel = extractVelocities(context);
    vector<RealVec>& force = extractForces(context);
    // Update velocities of ordinary particles.
    const RealOpenMM vscale = exp(-integrator.getStepSize()*integrator.getFriction());
    const RealOpenMM fscale = (1-vscale)/integrator.getFriction();
    const RealOpenMM kT = BOLTZ*integrator.getTemperature();
    const RealOpenMM noisescale = sqrt(2*kT*integrator.getFriction())*sqrt(0.5*(1-vscale*vscale)/integrator.getFriction());
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) normalParticles.size(); i++) {
        int index = normalParticles[i];
        RealOpenMM invMass = particleInvMass[index];
        if (invMass != 0.0) {
            RealOpenMM sqrtInvMass = sqrt(invMass);
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                vel[index][j] = vscale*vel[index][j] + fscale*invMass*force[index][j] + noisescale*sqrtInvMass*SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber();
    // Update velocities of Drude particle pairs.
    const RealOpenMM vscaleDrude = exp(-integrator.getStepSize()*integrator.getDrudeFriction());
    const RealOpenMM fscaleDrude = (1-vscaleDrude)/integrator.getDrudeFriction();
    const RealOpenMM kTDrude = BOLTZ*integrator.getDrudeTemperature();
    const RealOpenMM noisescaleDrude = sqrt(2*kTDrude*integrator.getDrudeFriction())*sqrt(0.5*(1-vscaleDrude*vscaleDrude)/integrator.getDrudeFriction());
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) pairParticles.size(); i++) {
        int p1 = pairParticles[i].first;
        int p2 = pairParticles[i].second;
        RealOpenMM mass1fract = pairInvTotalMass[i]/particleInvMass[p1];
        RealOpenMM mass2fract = pairInvTotalMass[i]/particleInvMass[p2];
        RealOpenMM sqrtInvTotalMass = sqrt(pairInvTotalMass[i]);
        RealOpenMM sqrtInvReducedMass = sqrt(pairInvReducedMass[i]);
        RealVec cmVel = vel[p1]*mass1fract+vel[p2]*mass2fract;
        RealVec relVel = vel[p2]-vel[p1];
        RealVec cmForce = force[p1]+force[p2];
        RealVec relForce = force[p2]*mass1fract - force[p1]*mass2fract;
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            cmVel[j] = vscale*cmVel[j] + fscale*pairInvTotalMass[i]*cmForce[j] + noisescale*sqrtInvTotalMass*SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber();
            relVel[j] = vscaleDrude*relVel[j] + fscaleDrude*pairInvReducedMass[i]*relForce[j] + noisescaleDrude*sqrtInvReducedMass*SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber();
        vel[p1] = cmVel-relVel*mass2fract;
        vel[p2] = cmVel+relVel*mass1fract;

    // Update the particle positions.
    int numParticles = particleInvMass.size();
    vector<RealVec> xPrime(numParticles);
    RealOpenMM dt = integrator.getStepSize();
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
        if (particleInvMass[i] != 0.0)
            xPrime[i] = pos[i]+vel[i]*dt;
    // Apply constraints.
    extractConstraints(context).apply(pos, xPrime, particleInvMass, integrator.getConstraintTolerance());
    // Record the constrained positions and velocities.
    RealOpenMM dtInv = 1.0/dt;
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
        if (particleInvMass[i] != 0.0) {
            vel[i] = (xPrime[i]-pos[i])*dtInv;
            pos[i] = xPrime[i];

    // Apply hard wall constraints.

    const RealOpenMM maxDrudeDistance = integrator.getMaxDrudeDistance();
    if (maxDrudeDistance > 0) {
        const RealOpenMM hardwallscaleDrude = sqrt(kTDrude);
        for (int i = 0; i < (int) pairParticles.size(); i++) {
            int p1 = pairParticles[i].first;
            int p2 = pairParticles[i].second;
            RealVec delta = pos[p1]-pos[p2];
            RealOpenMM r = sqrt(delta.dot(delta));
            RealOpenMM rInv = 1/r;
            if (rInv*maxDrudeDistance < 1.0) {
                // The constraint has been violated, so make the inter-particle distance "bounce"
                // off the hard wall.
                if (rInv*maxDrudeDistance < 0.5)
                    throw OpenMMException("Drude particle moved too far beyond hard wall constraint");
                RealVec bondDir = delta*rInv;
                RealVec vel1 = vel[p1];
                RealVec vel2 = vel[p2];
                RealOpenMM mass1 = particleMass[p1];
                RealOpenMM mass2 = particleMass[p2];
                RealOpenMM deltaR = r-maxDrudeDistance;
                RealOpenMM deltaT = dt;
                RealOpenMM dotvr1 = vel1.dot(bondDir);
                RealVec vb1 = bondDir*dotvr1;
                RealVec vp1 = vel1-vb1;
                if (mass2 == 0) {
                    // The parent particle is massless, so move only the Drude particle.

                    if (dotvr1 != 0.0)
                        deltaT = deltaR/abs(dotvr1);
                    if (deltaT > dt)
                        deltaT = dt;
                    dotvr1 = -dotvr1*hardwallscaleDrude/(abs(dotvr1)*sqrt(mass1));
                    RealOpenMM dr = -deltaR + deltaT*dotvr1;
                    pos[p1] += bondDir*dr;
                    vel[p1] = vp1 + bondDir*dotvr1;
                else {
                    // Move both particles.

                    RealOpenMM invTotalMass = pairInvTotalMass[i];
                    RealOpenMM dotvr2 = vel2.dot(bondDir);
                    RealVec vb2 = bondDir*dotvr2;
                    RealVec vp2 = vel2-vb2;
                    RealOpenMM vbCMass = (mass1*dotvr1 + mass2*dotvr2)*invTotalMass;
                    dotvr1 -= vbCMass;
                    dotvr2 -= vbCMass;
                    if (dotvr1 != dotvr2)
                        deltaT = deltaR/abs(dotvr1-dotvr2);
                    if (deltaT > dt)
                        deltaT = dt;
                    RealOpenMM vBond = hardwallscaleDrude/sqrt(mass1);
                    dotvr1 = -dotvr1*vBond*mass2*invTotalMass/abs(dotvr1);
                    dotvr2 = -dotvr2*vBond*mass1*invTotalMass/abs(dotvr2);
                    RealOpenMM dr1 = -deltaR*mass2*invTotalMass + deltaT*dotvr1;
                    RealOpenMM dr2 = deltaR*mass1*invTotalMass + deltaT*dotvr2;
                    dotvr1 += vbCMass;
                    dotvr2 += vbCMass;
                    pos[p1] += bondDir*dr1;
                    pos[p2] += bondDir*dr2;
                    vel[p1] = vp1 + bondDir*dotvr1;
                    vel[p2] = vp2 + bondDir*dotvr2;
    ReferenceVirtualSites::computePositions(context.getSystem(), pos);
    data.time += integrator.getStepSize();
void ReferenceCustomDynamics::update(ContextImpl& context, int numberOfAtoms, vector<RealVec>& atomCoordinates,
                                     vector<RealVec>& velocities, vector<RealVec>& forces, vector<RealOpenMM>& masses,
                                     map<string, RealOpenMM>& globals, vector<vector<RealVec> >& perDof, bool& forcesAreValid, RealOpenMM tolerance) {
    int numSteps = stepType.size();
    globals.insert(context.getParameters().begin(), context.getParameters().end());
    oldPos = atomCoordinates;
    if (invalidatesForces.size() == 0) {
        // Some initialization can't be done in the constructor, since we need a ContextImpl from which to get the list of
        // Context parameters.  Instead, we do it the first time this method is called.

        vector<int> forceGroup;
        vector<vector<Lepton::ParsedExpression> > expressions;
        CustomIntegratorUtilities::analyzeComputations(context, integrator, expressions, comparisons, blockEnd, invalidatesForces, needsForces, needsEnergy, computeBothForceAndEnergy, forceGroup);
        for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < (int) expressions[i].size(); j++)
            if (stepType[i] == CustomIntegrator::BeginWhileBlock)
                blockEnd[blockEnd[i]] = i; // Record where to branch back to.

        // Record the variable names and flags for the force and energy in each step.

        forceGroupFlags.resize(numSteps, -1);
        forceName.resize(numSteps, "f");
        energyName.resize(numSteps, "energy");
        vector<string> forceGroupName;
        vector<string> energyGroupName;
        for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
            stringstream fname;
            fname << "f" << i;
            stringstream ename;
            ename << "energy" << i;
        for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) {
            if (needsForces[i] && forceGroup[i] > -1)
                forceName[i] = forceGroupName[forceGroup[i]];
            if (needsEnergy[i] && forceGroup[i] > -1)
                energyName[i] = energyGroupName[forceGroup[i]];
            if (forceGroup[i] > -1)
                forceGroupFlags[i] = 1<<forceGroup[i];
        // Build the list of inverse masses.
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAtoms; i++) {
            if (masses[i] == 0.0)
                inverseMasses[i] = 0.0;
                inverseMasses[i] = 1.0/masses[i];
    // Loop over steps and execute them.
    for (int step = 0; step < numSteps; ) {
        if ((needsForces[step] || needsEnergy[step]) && (!forcesAreValid || context.getLastForceGroups() != forceGroupFlags[step])) {
            // Recompute forces and/or energy.
            bool computeForce = needsForces[step] || computeBothForceAndEnergy[step];
            bool computeEnergy = needsEnergy[step] || computeBothForceAndEnergy[step];
            recordChangedParameters(context, globals);
            RealOpenMM e = context.calcForcesAndEnergy(computeForce, computeEnergy, forceGroupFlags[step]);
            if (computeEnergy)
                energy = e;
            forcesAreValid = true;
        globals[energyName[step]] = energy;
        // Execute the step.

        int nextStep = step+1;
        switch (stepType[step]) {
            case CustomIntegrator::ComputeGlobal: {
                map<string, RealOpenMM> variables = globals;
                variables["uniform"] = SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getUniformlyDistributedRandomNumber();
                variables["gaussian"] = SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber();
                globals[stepVariable[step]] = stepExpressions[step][0].evaluate(variables);
            case CustomIntegrator::ComputePerDof: {
                vector<RealVec>* results = NULL;
                if (stepVariable[step] == "x")
                    results = &atomCoordinates;
                else if (stepVariable[step] == "v")
                    results = &velocities;
                else {
                    for (int j = 0; j < integrator.getNumPerDofVariables(); j++)
                        if (stepVariable[step] == integrator.getPerDofVariableName(j))
                            results = &perDof[j];
                if (results == NULL)
                    throw OpenMMException("Illegal per-DOF output variable: "+stepVariable[step]);
                computePerDof(numberOfAtoms, *results, atomCoordinates, velocities, forces, masses, globals, perDof, stepExpressions[step][0], forceName[step]);
            case CustomIntegrator::ComputeSum: {
                computePerDof(numberOfAtoms, sumBuffer, atomCoordinates, velocities, forces, masses, globals, perDof, stepExpressions[step][0], forceName[step]);
                RealOpenMM sum = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAtoms; j++)
                    if (masses[j] != 0.0)
                        sum += sumBuffer[j][0]+sumBuffer[j][1]+sumBuffer[j][2];
                globals[stepVariable[step]] = sum;
            case CustomIntegrator::ConstrainPositions: {
                getReferenceConstraintAlgorithm()->apply(oldPos, atomCoordinates, inverseMasses, tolerance);
                oldPos = atomCoordinates;
            case CustomIntegrator::ConstrainVelocities: {
                getReferenceConstraintAlgorithm()->applyToVelocities(oldPos, velocities, inverseMasses, tolerance);
            case CustomIntegrator::UpdateContextState: {
                recordChangedParameters(context, globals);
                globals.insert(context.getParameters().begin(), context.getParameters().end());
            case CustomIntegrator::BeginIfBlock: {
                if (!evaluateCondition(step, globals))
                    nextStep = blockEnd[step]+1;
            case CustomIntegrator::BeginWhileBlock: {
                if (!evaluateCondition(step, globals))
                    nextStep = blockEnd[step]+1;
            case CustomIntegrator::EndBlock: {
                if (blockEnd[step] != -1)
                    nextStep = blockEnd[step]; // Return to the start of a while block.
        if (invalidatesForces[step])
            forcesAreValid = false;
        step = nextStep;
    ReferenceVirtualSites::computePositions(context.getSystem(), atomCoordinates);
    recordChangedParameters(context, globals);
void ReferenceIntegrateDrudeLangevinStepKernel::execute(ContextImpl& context, const DrudeLangevinIntegrator& integrator) {
    vector<RealVec>& pos = extractPositions(context);
    vector<RealVec>& vel = extractVelocities(context);
    vector<RealVec>& force = extractForces(context);
    // Update velocities of ordinary particles.
    const RealOpenMM vscale = exp(-integrator.getStepSize()*integrator.getFriction());
    const RealOpenMM fscale = (1-vscale)/integrator.getFriction();
    const RealOpenMM kT = BOLTZ*integrator.getTemperature();
    const RealOpenMM noisescale = sqrt(2*kT*integrator.getFriction())*sqrt(0.5*(1-vscale*vscale)/integrator.getFriction());
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) normalParticles.size(); i++) {
        int index = normalParticles[i];
        RealOpenMM invMass = particleInvMass[index];
        if (invMass != 0.0) {
            RealOpenMM sqrtInvMass = sqrt(invMass);
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                vel[index][j] = vscale*vel[index][j] + fscale*invMass*force[index][j] + noisescale*sqrtInvMass*SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber();
    // Update velocities of Drude particle pairs.
    const RealOpenMM vscaleDrude = exp(-integrator.getStepSize()*integrator.getDrudeFriction());
    const RealOpenMM fscaleDrude = (1-vscaleDrude)/integrator.getDrudeFriction();
    const RealOpenMM kTDrude = BOLTZ*integrator.getDrudeTemperature();
    const RealOpenMM noisescaleDrude = sqrt(2*kTDrude*integrator.getDrudeFriction())*sqrt(0.5*(1-vscaleDrude*vscaleDrude)/integrator.getDrudeFriction());
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) pairParticles.size(); i++) {
        int p1 = pairParticles[i].first;
        int p2 = pairParticles[i].second;
        RealOpenMM mass1fract = pairInvTotalMass[i]/particleInvMass[p1];
        RealOpenMM mass2fract = pairInvTotalMass[i]/particleInvMass[p2];
        RealOpenMM sqrtInvTotalMass = sqrt(pairInvTotalMass[i]);
        RealOpenMM sqrtInvReducedMass = sqrt(pairInvReducedMass[i]);
        RealVec cmVel = vel[p1]*mass1fract+vel[p2]*mass2fract;
        RealVec relVel = vel[p2]-vel[p1];
        RealVec cmForce = force[p1]+force[p2];
        RealVec relForce = force[p2]*mass1fract - force[p1]*mass2fract;
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            cmVel[j] = vscale*cmVel[j] + fscale*pairInvTotalMass[i]*cmForce[j] + noisescale*sqrtInvTotalMass*SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber();
            relVel[j] = vscaleDrude*relVel[j] + fscaleDrude*pairInvReducedMass[i]*relForce[j] + noisescaleDrude*sqrtInvReducedMass*SimTKOpenMMUtilities::getNormallyDistributedRandomNumber();
        vel[p1] = cmVel-relVel*mass2fract;
        vel[p2] = cmVel+relVel*mass1fract;

    // Update the particle positions.
    int numParticles = particleInvMass.size();
    vector<RealVec> xPrime(numParticles);
    RealOpenMM dt = integrator.getStepSize();
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
        if (particleInvMass[i] != 0.0)
            xPrime[i] = pos[i]+vel[i]*dt;
    // Apply constraints.
    if (constraints != NULL)
        constraints->apply(numParticles, pos, xPrime, particleInvMass);
    // Record the constrained positions and velocities.
    RealOpenMM dtInv = 1.0/dt;
    for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++) {
        if (particleInvMass[i] != 0.0) {
            vel[i] = (xPrime[i]-pos[i])*dtInv;
            pos[i] = xPrime[i];
    ReferenceVirtualSites::computePositions(context.getSystem(), pos);
    data.time += integrator.getStepSize();