static void drawGlyphsShadow(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, cairo_t* context, const FloatPoint& point, PangoLayoutLine* layoutLine, PangoRegionType renderRegion) { ContextShadow* shadow = graphicsContext->contextShadow(); ASSERT(shadow); if (!(graphicsContext->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) || shadow->m_type == ContextShadow::NoShadow) return; FloatPoint totalOffset(point + shadow->m_offset); // Optimize non-blurry shadows, by just drawing text without the ContextShadow. if (!shadow->mustUseContextShadow(context)) { cairo_save(context); cairo_translate(context, totalOffset.x(), totalOffset.y()); setSourceRGBAFromColor(context, shadow->m_color); gdk_cairo_region(context, renderRegion); cairo_clip(context); pango_cairo_show_layout_line(context, layoutLine); cairo_restore(context); return; } FloatRect extents(getPangoRegionExtents(renderRegion)); extents.setLocation(FloatPoint(point.x(), point.y() - extents.height())); cairo_t* shadowContext = shadow->beginShadowLayer(context, extents); if (shadowContext) { cairo_translate(shadowContext, point.x(), point.y()); pango_cairo_show_layout_line(shadowContext, layoutLine); // We need the clipping region to be active when we blit the blurred shadow back, // because we don't want any bits and pieces of characters out of range to be // drawn. Since ContextShadow expects a consistent transform, we have to undo the // translation before calling endShadowLayer as well. cairo_save(context); cairo_translate(context, totalOffset.x(), totalOffset.y()); gdk_cairo_region(context, renderRegion); cairo_clip(context); cairo_translate(context, -totalOffset.x(), -totalOffset.y()); shadow->endShadowLayer(context); cairo_restore(context); } }
static void drawTextCommon(GraphicsContext* ctx, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to, const QFont& font, bool isComplexText) { if (to < 0) to = run.length(); QPainter *p = ctx->platformContext(); QPen textFillPen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) textFillPen = fillPenForContext(ctx); QPen textStrokePen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) textStrokePen = strokePenForContext(ctx); String sanitized = Font::normalizeSpaces(run.characters(), run.length()); QString string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized); QPointF pt(point.x(), point.y()); if (from > 0 || to < run.length()) { if (isComplexText) { QTextLayout layout(string, font); QTextLine line = setupLayout(&layout, run); float x1 = line.cursorToX(from); float x2 = line.cursorToX(to); if (x2 < x1) qSwap(x1, x2); QFontMetrics fm(font); int ascent = fm.ascent(); QRectF boundingRect(point.x() + x1, point.y() - ascent, x2 - x1, fm.height()); QRectF clip = boundingRect; ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { qreal dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy1 = 0, dy2 = 0; if (ctxShadow->offset().x() > 0) dx2 = ctxShadow->offset().x(); else dx1 = -ctxShadow->offset().x(); if (ctxShadow->offset().y() > 0) dy2 = ctxShadow->offset().y(); else dy1 = -ctxShadow->offset().y(); // expand the clip rect to include the text shadow as well clip.adjust(dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2); clip.adjust(-ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, -ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, ctxShadow->m_blurDistance); } p->save(); p->setClipRect(clip.toRect(), Qt::IntersectClip); pt.setY(pt.y() - ascent); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (!ctxShadow->mustUseContextShadow(ctx)) { p->save(); p->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); } else { QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(ctx, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); line.draw(shadowPainter, pt); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(ctx); } } } p->setPen(textFillPen); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); return; } int skipWidth = QFontMetrics(font).width(string, from, Qt::TextBypassShaping); pt.setX(pt.x() + skipWidth); string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized, from, to - from); } p->setFont(font); int flags = run.rtl() ? Qt::TextForceRightToLeft : Qt::TextForceLeftToRight; if (!isComplexText && !(ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke)) flags |= Qt::TextBypassShaping; QPainterPath textStrokePath; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) textStrokePath.addText(pt, font, string); ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::BlurShadow) { p->save(); p->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.expansion()); p->restore(); } else { QFontMetrics fm(font); QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string, -1, flags), fm.height()); QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(ctx, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); shadowPainter->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.expansion()); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(ctx); } } } else if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) { if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::BlurShadow) { p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); p->strokePath(textStrokePath, QPen(ctxShadow->m_color)); p->translate(-ctxShadow->offset()); } else { QFontMetrics fm(font); QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string, -1, flags), fm.height()); QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(ctx, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->strokePath(textStrokePath, QPen(ctxShadow->m_color)); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(ctx); } } } } if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) p->strokePath(textStrokePath, textStrokePen); if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { QPen previousPen = p->pen(); p->setPen(textFillPen); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.expansion()); p->setPen(previousPen); } }
static void drawTextCommon(GraphicsContext* ctx, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to, const QFont& font, bool isComplexText) { if (to < 0) to = run.length(); QPainter *p = ctx->platformContext(); QPen textFillPen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { if (ctx->fillGradient()) { QBrush brush(*ctx->fillGradient()->platformGradient()); brush.setTransform(ctx->fillGradient()->gradientSpaceTransform()); textFillPen = QPen(brush, 0); } else if (ctx->fillPattern()) { AffineTransform affine; textFillPen = QPen(QBrush(ctx->fillPattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)), 0); } else textFillPen = QPen(QColor(ctx->fillColor())); } QPen textStrokePen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) { if (ctx->strokeGradient()) { QBrush brush(*ctx->strokeGradient()->platformGradient()); brush.setTransform(ctx->strokeGradient()->gradientSpaceTransform()); textStrokePen = QPen(brush, ctx->strokeThickness()); } else if (ctx->strokePattern()) { AffineTransform affine; QBrush brush(ctx->strokePattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)); textStrokePen = QPen(brush, ctx->strokeThickness()); } else textStrokePen = QPen(QColor(ctx->strokeColor()), ctx->strokeThickness()); } String sanitized = Font::normalizeSpaces(String(run.characters(), run.length())); QString string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized); QPointF pt(point.x(), point.y()); if (from > 0 || to < run.length()) { if (isComplexText) { QTextLayout layout(string, font); QTextLine line = setupLayout(&layout, run); float x1 = line.cursorToX(from); float x2 = line.cursorToX(to); if (x2 < x1) qSwap(x1, x2); QFontMetrics fm(font); int ascent = fm.ascent(); QRectF boundingRect(point.x() + x1, point.y() - ascent, x2 - x1, fm.height()); QRectF clip = boundingRect; ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { qreal dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy1 = 0, dy2 = 0; if (ctxShadow->offset().x() > 0) dx2 = ctxShadow->offset().x(); else dx1 = -ctxShadow->offset().x(); if (ctxShadow->offset().y() > 0) dy2 = ctxShadow->offset().y(); else dy1 = -ctxShadow->offset().y(); // expand the clip rect to include the text shadow as well clip.adjust(dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2); clip.adjust(-ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, -ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, ctxShadow->m_blurDistance); } p->save(); p->setClipRect(clip.toRect(), Qt::IntersectClip); pt.setY(pt.y() - ascent); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (!ctxShadow->mustUseContextShadow(p)) { p->save(); p->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); } else { QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(p, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); line.draw(shadowPainter, pt); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(p); } } } p->setPen(textFillPen); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); return; } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) int skipWidth = QFontMetrics(font).width(string, from, Qt::TextBypassShaping); pt.setX(pt.x() + skipWidth); string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized, from, to - from); #endif } p->setFont(font); int flags = run.rtl() ? Qt::TextForceRightToLeft : Qt::TextForceLeftToRight; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) // See QWebPagePrivate::QWebPagePrivate() where the default path is set to Complex for Qt 4.6 and earlier. if (!isComplexText && !(ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke)) flags |= Qt::TextBypassShaping; #endif QPainterPath textStrokePath; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) textStrokePath.addText(pt, font, string); ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::BlurShadow) { p->save(); p->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); p->restore(); } else { QFontMetrics fm(font); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string, -1, flags), fm.height()); #else QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string), fm.height()); #endif QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(p, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); shadowPainter->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(p); } } } else if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) { if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::BlurShadow) { p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); p->strokePath(textStrokePath, QPen(ctxShadow->m_color)); p->translate(-ctxShadow->offset()); } else { QFontMetrics fm(font); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string, -1, flags), fm.height()); #else QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string), fm.height()); #endif QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(p, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->strokePath(textStrokePath, QPen(ctxShadow->m_color)); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(p); } } } } if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) p->strokePath(textStrokePath, textStrokePen); if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { QPen previousPen = p->pen(); p->setPen(textFillPen); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); p->setPen(previousPen); } }