// D_AddCmdParameterFiles
// Add the files specified with -file, do this only when it first loads
void D_AddCmdParameterFiles(void)
    modifiedgame = false;

	DArgs files = Args.GatherFiles ("-file", ".wad", true);
	if (files.NumArgs() > 0)
		// the files gathered are wadfile/lump names
		modifiedgame = true;			// homebrew levels
		for (size_t i = 0; i < files.NumArgs(); i++)
			std::string file = BaseFileSearch (files.GetArg (i), ".WAD");
			if (file.length())
DArgs DArgs::GatherFiles (const char *param, const char *extension, bool acceptNoExt) const
	DArgs out;
	size_t i;
	unsigned extlen = strlen (extension);

	for (i = 1; i < args.size() && args[i].length() && args[i][0] != '-' && args[i][0] != '+'; i++)
		if (args[i].length() >= extlen && stricmp (args[i].c_str() + args[i].length() - extlen, extension) == 0)
			out.AppendArg (args[i].c_str());
		else if (acceptNoExt && !strrchr (args[i].c_str(), '.'))
			out.AppendArg (args[i].c_str());
	i = CheckParm (param);
	if (i)
		for (i++; i < args.size() && args[i].length() && args[i][0] != '-' && args[i][0] != '+'; i++)
			out.AppendArg (args[i].c_str());
	return out;
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
        // Handle ctrl-c, close box, shutdown and logoff events
        if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ConsoleHandlerRoutine, TRUE))
            throw CDoomError("Could not set console control handler!\n");

        if (!(hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)))
            throw CDoomError("Could not create console control event!\n");

		// [ML] 2007/9/3: From Eternity (originally chocolate Doom) Thanks SoM & fraggle!
		Args.SetArgs (argc, argv);

		const char *CON_FILE = Args.CheckValue("-confile");
		if(CON_FILE)CON.open(CON_FILE, std::ios::in);

		// Set the timer to be as accurate as possible
		if (timeGetDevCaps (&tc, sizeof(tc) != TIMERR_NOERROR))
			TimerPeriod = 1;	// Assume minimum resolution of 1 ms
			TimerPeriod = tc.wPeriodMin;

		timeBeginPeriod (TimerPeriod);

        // Don't call this on windows!
		//atexit (call_terms);


		atterm (I_Quit);
		atterm (DObject::StaticShutdown);

		progdir = I_GetBinaryDir();
		startdir = I_GetCWD();

		C_InitConsole (80*8, 25*8, false);

		D_DoomMain ();
    catch (CDoomError &error)
		if (LOG.is_open())
            LOG << error.GetMessage() << std::endl;
            LOG << std::endl;
            MessageBox(NULL, error.GetMessage().c_str(), "Odasrv Error", MB_OK);

		exit (-1);
    catch (...)
		call_terms ();
    return 0;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
		if(!getuid() || !geteuid())
			I_FatalError("root user detected, quitting odamex immediately");

	    seteuid (getuid ());

		Args.SetArgs (argc, argv);

		const char *CON_FILE = Args.CheckValue("-confile");
		if(CON_FILE)CON.open(CON_FILE, std::ios::in);

		  killough 1/98:

		  This fixes some problems with exit handling
		  during abnormal situations.

		  The old code called I_Quit() to end program,
		  while now I_Quit() is installed as an exit
		  handler and exit() is called to exit, either
		  normally or abnormally. Seg faults are caught
		  and the error handler is used, to prevent
		  being left in graphics mode or having very
		  loud SFX noise because the sound card is
		  left in an unstable state.

        // Don't use this on other platforms either
		//atexit (call_terms);
		Z_Init();					// 1/18/98 killough: start up memory stuff first

		atterm (I_Quit);
		atterm (DObject::StaticShutdown);

		signal(SIGSEGV, handler);
		signal(SIGTERM, handler);
		signal(SIGILL,  handler);
		signal(SIGFPE,  handler);
		signal(SIGINT,  handler);	// killough 3/6/98: allow CTRL-BRK during init
		signal(SIGABRT, handler);

		progdir = I_GetBinaryDir();

		C_InitConsole (80*8, 25*8, false);

		D_DoomMain ();
    catch (CDoomError &error)
	fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error.GetMessage().c_str());

	if (LOG.is_open())
            LOG << error.GetMessage() << std::endl;
            LOG << std::endl;

	exit (-1);
    catch (...)
		call_terms ();
    return 0;
// D_DoDefDehackedPatch
// [Russell] - Change the meaning, this will load multiple patch files if
//             specified
void D_DoDefDehackedPatch (const std::vector<std::string> patch_files = std::vector<std::string>())
    DArgs files;
    BOOL noDef = false;
    QWORD i;

    if (!patch_files.empty())
        std::string f;
        std::string ext;

        // we want the extension of the file
        for (i = 0; i < patch_files.size(); i++)
            if (M_ExtractFileExtension(patch_files[i], ext))
                f = BaseFileSearch (patch_files[i], ext);

                if (f.length())
                    if (DoDehPatch (f.c_str(), false))
                        std::string Filename;

                        M_ExtractFileName(f, Filename);


                    noDef = true;
    else // [Russell] - Only load if patch_files is empty
        // try .deh files on command line

        files = Args.GatherFiles ("-deh", ".deh", false);

        if (files.NumArgs())
            for (i = 0; i < files.NumArgs(); i++)
                std::string f = BaseFileSearch (files.GetArg (i), ".DEH");

                if (f.length())
                    if (DoDehPatch (f.c_str(), false))
                        std::string Filename;

                        M_ExtractFileName(f, Filename);

            noDef = true;

        // remove the old arguments

        // try .bex files on command line
        files = Args.GatherFiles ("-bex", ".bex", false);

        if (files.NumArgs())
            for (i = 0; i < files.NumArgs(); i++)
                std::string f = BaseFileSearch (files.GetArg (i), ".BEX");

                if (f.length())
                    if (DoDehPatch (f.c_str(), false))
                        std::string Filename;

                        M_ExtractFileName(f, Filename);

            noDef = true;

    // try default patches
    if (!noDef)
        DoDehPatch (NULL, true);	// See if there's a patch in a PWAD
void D_DoomMain (void)

	gamestate = GS_STARTUP;

	if (lzo_init () != LZO_E_OK)	// [RH] Initialize the minilzo package.
		I_FatalError ("Could not initialize LZO routines");

    C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, true);	// [Nes] test for +logfile command

	I_Init ();

	D_CheckNetGame ();

	M_LoadDefaults ();			// load before initing other systems
	M_FindResponseFile();		// [ML] 23/1/07 - Add Response file support back in
	C_ExecCmdLineParams (true, false);	// [RH] do all +set commands on the command line

	//SV_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles);
	//wadhashes = W_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles);

	// Base systems have been inited; enable cvar callbacks
	cvar_t::EnableCallbacks ();

	// [RH] Initialize configurable strings.
	D_InitStrings ();

	// [RH] User-configurable startup strings. Because BOOM does.
	if (STARTUP1[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP1);
	if (STARTUP2[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP2);
	if (STARTUP3[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP3);
	if (STARTUP4[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP4);
	if (STARTUP5[0])	Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s\n", STARTUP5);

	devparm = Args.CheckParm ("-devparm");

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
	strcpy (startmap, (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx) ? "MAP01" : "E1M1");

	const char *val = Args.CheckValue ("-skill");
	if (val)
		skill.Set (val[0]-'0');

	unsigned p = Args.CheckParm ("-warp");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs() - (1+(gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx ? 0 : 1)))
		int ep, map;

		if (gameinfo.flags & GI_MAPxx)
			ep = 1;
			map = atoi (Args.GetArg(p+1));
			ep = Args.GetArg(p+1)[0]-'0';
			map = Args.GetArg(p+2)[0]-'0';

		strncpy (startmap, CalcMapName (ep, map), 8);
		autostart = true;

	// [RH] Hack to handle +map
	p = Args.CheckParm ("+map");
	if (p && p < Args.NumArgs()-1)
		strncpy (startmap, Args.GetArg (p+1), 8);
		((char *)Args.GetArg (p))[0] = '-';
		autostart = true;
	if (devparm)
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s", Strings[0].builtin);	// D_DEVSTR

	const char *v = Args.CheckValue ("-timer");
	if (v)
		double time = atof (v);
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Levels will end after %g minute%s.\n", time, time > 1 ? "s" : "");
		timelimit.Set ((float)time);

	const char *w = Args.CheckValue ("-avg");
	if (w)
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");
		timelimit.Set (20);

	// Check for -file in shareware
	if (modifiedgame && (gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
		I_FatalError ("You cannot -file with the shareware version. Register!");

	// [RH] Initialize items. Still only used for the give command. :-(
	InitItems ();

	// [RH] Lock any cvars that should be locked now that we're
	// about to begin the game.
	cvar_t::EnableNoSet ();

	Printf(PRINT_HIGH, "========== Odamex Server Initialized ==========\n");

#ifdef UNIX
	if (Args.CheckParm("-background"))

	// Use wads mentioned on the commandline to start with
	std::vector<std::string> start_wads;

	std::string custwad;
	const char *iwadparm = Args.CheckValue ("-iwad");
	if (iwadparm)
		custwad = iwadparm;
		FixPathSeparator (custwad);

	DArgs files = Args.GatherFiles ("-file", ".wad", true);
	if (files.NumArgs() > 0)
		modifiedgame = true;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < files.NumArgs(); i++)
			start_wads.push_back(files.GetArg (i));


	// [RH] Now that all game subsystems have been initialized,
	// do all commands on the command line other than +set
	C_ExecCmdLineParams (false, false);

	strncpy(level.mapname, startmap, sizeof(level.mapname));

    gamestate = GS_STARTUP;

	G_ChangeMap ();

	D_DoomLoop (); // never returns
// D_DoDefDehackedPatch
// [Russell] - Change the meaning, this will load multiple patch files if
//             specified
void D_DoDefDehackedPatch (const std::vector<std::string> patch_files = std::vector<std::string>())
    DArgs files;
    BOOL noDef = false;
    BOOL chexLoaded = false;
    QWORD i;

    if (!patch_files.empty())
        std::string f;
        std::string ext;

        // we want the extension of the file
        for (i = 0; i < patch_files.size(); i++)
            if (M_ExtractFileExtension(patch_files[i], ext))
                f = BaseFileSearch (patch_files[i], ext);

                if (f.length())
                    DoDehPatch (f.c_str(), false);

                    noDef = true;
    else // [Russell] - Only load if patch_files is empty
        // try .deh files on command line

        files = Args.GatherFiles ("-deh", ".deh", false);

        if (files.NumArgs())
            for (i = 0; i < files.NumArgs(); i++)
                std::string f = BaseFileSearch (files.GetArg (i), ".DEH");

                if (f.length()) {
                    DoDehPatch (f.c_str(), false);
                    if (!strncmp(files.GetArg (i),"chex.deh",8))
                        chexLoaded = true;
            noDef = true;

        if (gamemode == retail_chex && !multiplayer && !chexLoaded)
            Printf(PRINT_HIGH,"Warning: chex.deh not loaded, experience may differ from the original!\n");

        // remove the old arguments

        // try .bex files on command line
        files = Args.GatherFiles ("-bex", ".bex", false);

        if (files.NumArgs())
            for (i = 0; i < files.NumArgs(); i++)
                std::string f = BaseFileSearch (files.GetArg (i), ".BEX");

                if (f.length())
                    DoDehPatch (f.c_str(), false);
            noDef = true;

    // try default patches
    if (!noDef)
        DoDehPatch (NULL, true);	// See if there's a patch in a PWAD
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
		Args.SetArgs (argc, argv);

		LOG_FILE = Args.CheckValue("-logfile");
		if(!LOG_FILE)LOG_FILE = "odamex.log";
		LOG.open(LOG_FILE, std::ios::out);

        if (!LOG.is_open())
			cerr << "Unable to create logfile: %s" << endl;

		const char *CON_FILE = Args.CheckValue("-confile");
		if(CON_FILE)CON.open(CON_FILE, std::ios::in);

		// Set the timer to be as accurate as possible
		if (timeGetDevCaps (&tc, sizeof(tc) != TIMERR_NOERROR))
			TimerPeriod = 1;	// Assume minimum resolution of 1 ms
			TimerPeriod = tc.wPeriodMin;

		timeBeginPeriod (TimerPeriod);

		atexit (call_terms);


		atterm (I_Quit);
		atterm (DObject::StaticShutdown);

		progdir = I_GetBinaryDir();
		startdir = I_GetCWD();

		C_InitConsole (80*8, 25*8, false);
        Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Heapsize: %u megabytes\n", got_heapsize);
		D_DoomMain ();
    catch (CDoomError &error)
		if (LOG.is_open())
            LOG << error.GetMessage() << std::endl;
            MessageBox(NULL, error.GetMessage().c_str(), "Odasrv Error", MB_OK);
		exit (-1);
    catch (...)
		call_terms ();
    return 0;
void M_FindResponseFile (void)
	const int limit = 100;	// avoid infinite recursion
	int added_stuff = 0;
	int i = 1;

	while (i < Args->NumArgs())
		if (Args->GetArg(i)[0] != '@')
			char	**argv;
			char	*file = NULL;
			int		argc = 0;
			FILE	*handle;
			int 	size;
			long	argsize = 0;
			int 	index;

			// Any more response files after the limit will be removed from the
			// command line.
			if (added_stuff < limit)
				handle = fopen (Args->GetArg(i) + 1,"rb");
				if (!handle)
				{ // [RH] Make this a warning, not an error.
					Printf ("No such response file (%s)!\n", Args->GetArg(i) + 1);
					Printf ("Found response file %s!\n", Args->GetArg(i) + 1);
					fseek (handle, 0, SEEK_END);
					size = ftell (handle);
					fseek (handle, 0, SEEK_SET);
					file = new char[size+1];
					fread (file, size, 1, handle);
					file[size] = 0;
					fclose (handle);

					argsize = ParseCommandLine (file, &argc, NULL);
				Printf ("Ignored response file %s.\n", Args->GetArg(i) + 1);

			if (argc != 0)
				argv = (char **)M_Malloc (argc*sizeof(char *) + argsize);
				argv[0] = (char *)argv + argc*sizeof(char *);
				ParseCommandLine (file, NULL, argv);

				// Create a new argument vector
				DArgs *newargs = new DArgs;

				// Copy parameters before response file.
				for (index = 0; index < i; ++index)

				// Copy parameters from response file.
				for (index = 0; index < argc; ++index)

				// Copy parameters after response file.
				for (index = i + 1; index < Args->NumArgs(); ++index)

				// Use the new argument vector as the global Args object.
				Args = newargs;
				if (++added_stuff == limit)
					Printf("Response file limit of %d hit.\n", limit);
				// Remove the response file from the Args object
			if (file != NULL)
				delete[] file;
	if (added_stuff > 0)
		Printf ("Added %d response file%s, now have %d command-line args:\n",
			added_stuff, added_stuff > 1 ? "s" : "", Args->NumArgs ());
		for (int k = 1; k < Args->NumArgs (); k++)
			Printf ("%s\n", Args->GetArg (k));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#if defined(UNIX) && !defined(GEKKO)
		if(!getuid() || !geteuid())
			I_FatalError("root user detected, quitting odamex immediately");

		// [ML] 2007/9/3: From Eternity (originally chocolate Doom) Thanks SoM & fraggle!
		Args.SetArgs (argc, argv);

		const char *CON_FILE = Args.CheckValue("-confile");
		if(CON_FILE)CON.open(CON_FILE, std::ios::in);

		// denis - if argv[1] starts with "odamex://"
		if(argc == 2 && argv && argv[1])
			const char *protocol = "odamex://";
			const char *uri = argv[1];

			if(strncmp(uri, protocol, strlen(protocol)) == 0)
				std::string location = uri + strlen(protocol);
				size_t term = location.find_first_of('/');

				if(term == std::string::npos)
					term = location.length();

				Args.AppendArg(location.substr(0, term).c_str());

        // [Russell] - No more double-tapping of capslock to enable autorun

#if defined WIN32 && !defined _XBOX
    	// From the SDL 1.2.10 release notes:
    	// > The "windib" video driver is the default now, to prevent
    	// > problems with certain laptops, 64-bit Windows, and Windows
    	// > Vista.
    	// The hell with that.

   		// SoM: the gdi interface is much faster for windowed modes which are more
   		// commonly used. Thus, GDI is default.
		// GDI mouse issues fill many users with great sadness. We are going back
		// to directx as defulat for now and the people will rejoice. --Hyper_Eye
     	if (Args.CheckParm ("-gdi"))
    	else if (getenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER") == NULL || Args.CheckParm ("-directx") > 0)

        // Set the process affinity mask to 1 on Windows, so that all threads
        // run on the same processor.  This is a workaround for a bug in
        // SDL_mixer that causes occasional crashes.  Thanks to entryway and fraggle for this.
        // [ML] 8/6/10: Updated to match prboom+'s I_SetAffinityMask.  We don't do everything
        // you might find in there but we do enough for now.
        HMODULE kernel32_dll = LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
        if (kernel32_dll)
            SetAffinityFunc SetAffinity = (SetAffinityFunc)GetProcAddress(kernel32_dll, "SetProcessAffinityMask");
            if (SetAffinity)
                if (!SetAffinity(GetCurrentProcess(), 1))
                    LOG << "Failed to set process affinity mask: " << GetLastError() << std::endl;                

			I_FatalError("Could not initialize SDL:\n%s\n", SDL_GetError());

		atterm (SDL_Quit);

		killough 1/98:

		  This fixes some problems with exit handling
		  during abnormal situations.

			The old code called I_Quit() to end program,
			while now I_Quit() is installed as an exit
			handler and exit() is called to exit, either
			normally or abnormally.

		atexit (call_terms);
		Z_Init ();					// 1/18/98 killough: start up memory stuff first

        atterm (R_Shutdown);
		atterm (I_Quit);
		atterm (DObject::StaticShutdown);

		// Figure out what directory the program resides in.
		progdir = I_GetBinaryDir();
		startdir = I_GetCWD();

		// init console
		C_InitConsole (80 * 8, 25 * 8, false);

		D_DoomMain ();
	catch (CDoomError &error)
		if (LOG.is_open())
            LOG << error.GetMessage() << std::endl;
            LOG << std::endl;
#ifndef WIN32
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error.GetMessage().c_str());
#elif _XBOX
		// Use future Xbox error message handling.    -- Hyper_Eye
		MessageBox(NULL, error.GetMessage().c_str(), "Odamex Error", MB_OK);
		exit (-1);
#ifndef _DEBUG
	catch (...)
		// If an exception is thrown, be sure to do a proper shutdown.
		// This is especially important if we are in fullscreen mode,
		// because the OS will only show the alert box if we are in
		// windowed mode. Graphics gets shut down first in case something
		// goes wrong calling the cleanup functions.
		call_terms ();
		// Now let somebody who understands the exception deal with it.
	return 0;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
		cc_install_handlers(4, s, "zdoom-crash.log", DoomSpecificInfo);

	seteuid (getuid ());
    std::set_new_handler (NewFailure);

		fprintf (stderr, "Could not initialize SDL:\n%s\n", SDL_GetError());
		return -1;
	atterm (SDL_Quit);

	SDL_WM_SetCaption (GAMESIG " " DOTVERSIONSTR " (" __DATE__ ")", NULL);
		Args.SetArgs (argc, argv);

		  killough 1/98:

		  This fixes some problems with exit handling
		  during abnormal situations.

		  The old code called I_Quit() to end program,
		  while now I_Quit() is installed as an exit
		  handler and exit() is called to exit, either
		  normally or abnormally. Seg faults are caught
		  and the error handler is used, to prevent
		  being left in graphics mode or having very
		  loud SFX noise because the sound card is
		  left in an unstable state.

		atexit (call_terms);
		atterm (I_Quit);

		if (realpath (argv[0], progdir) == NULL)
			strcpy (progdir, argv[0]);
		char *slash = strrchr (progdir, '/');
		if (slash)
			*(slash + 1) = '\0';
			progdir[0] = '.', progdir[1] = '/', progdir[2] = '\0';

		C_InitConsole (80*8, 25*8, false);
		D_DoomMain ();
    catch (class CDoomError &error)
		if (error.GetMessage ())
			fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", error.GetMessage ());
		exit (-1);
    catch (...)
		call_terms ();
    return 0;
void DoMain (HINSTANCE hInstance)
	LONG WinWidth, WinHeight;
	int height, width;
	RECT cRect;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
		_set_new_handler (NewFailure);

		Args.SetArgs (__argc, __argv);

		// Under XP, get our session ID so we can know when the user changes/locks sessions.
		// Since we need to remain binary compatible with older versions of Windows, we
		// need to extract the ProcessIdToSessionId function from kernel32.dll manually.
		HMODULE kernel = GetModuleHandle ("kernel32.dll");

		// NASM does not support creating writeable code sections (even though this
		// is a perfectly valid configuration for Microsoft's COFF format), so I
		// need to make the self-modifying code writeable after it's already loaded.
#ifdef USEASM
		BYTE *module = (BYTE *)GetModuleHandle (NULL);
		IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *dosHeader = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *)module;
		IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *ntHeaders = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *)(module + dosHeader->e_lfanew);
		int i;
		LPVOID *start = NULL;
		SIZE_T size = 0;
		DWORD oldprotect;

		for (i = 0; i < ntHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; ++i)
			if (memcmp (sections[i].Name, ".rtext\0", 8) == 0)
				start = (LPVOID *)(sections[i].VirtualAddress + module);
				size = sections[i].Misc.VirtualSize;

		// I think these pages need to be mapped PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY (based on the
		// description of PAGE_WRITECOPY), but PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE seems to work
		// just as well; two instances of the program can be running with different
		// resolutions at the same time either way. Perhaps the file mappings for
		// executables are created with PAGE_WRITECOPY, so any attempts to give them
		// write access are automatically transformed to copy-on-write?
		// This used to be PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY until Timmie found out Win9x doesn't
		// support it, although the MSDN does not indicate it.
		if (!VirtualProtect (start, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldprotect))
			I_FatalError ("The self-modifying code section code not be made writeable.");

		// Set the timer to be as accurate as possible
		if (timeGetDevCaps (&tc, sizeof(tc)) != TIMERR_NOERROR)
			TimerPeriod = 1;	// Assume minimum resolution of 1 ms
			TimerPeriod = tc.wPeriodMin;

		timeBeginPeriod (TimerPeriod);

		killough 1/98:

		This fixes some problems with exit handling
		during abnormal situations.

		The old code called I_Quit() to end program,
		while now I_Quit() is installed as an exit
		handler and exit() is called to exit, either
		normally or abnormally.

		atexit (call_terms);

		atterm (I_Quit);

		// Figure out what directory the program resides in.
		GetModuleFileName (NULL, progdir, 1024);
		*(strrchr (progdir, '\\') + 1) = 0;
		FixPathSeperator (progdir);

		// [BC] When hosting, spawn a console dialog box instead of creating a window.
		if ( Args.CheckParm( "-host" ))
			// This never returns.
			DialogBox( g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_SERVERDIALOG ), NULL/*(HWND)Window*/, SERVERCONSOLE_ServerDialogBoxCallback );
			height = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYFIXEDFRAME) * 2 +
					GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYCAPTION) + 12 * 32;
			width  = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXFIXEDFRAME) * 2 + 8 * 78;

			TheInvisibleCursor = LoadCursor (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_INVISIBLECURSOR));
			TheArrowCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);

			WndClass.style			= 0;
			WndClass.lpfnWndProc	= WndProc;
			WndClass.cbClsExtra		= 0;
			WndClass.cbWndExtra		= 0;
			WndClass.hInstance		= hInstance;
			WndClass.hIcon			= LoadIcon (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON5));
			WndClass.hCursor		= TheArrowCursor;
			WndClass.hbrBackground	= NULL;
			WndClass.lpszMenuName	= NULL;
			WndClass.lpszClassName	= (LPCTSTR)WinClassName;
			/* register this new class with Windows */
			if (!RegisterClass((LPWNDCLASS)&WndClass))
				I_FatalError ("Could not register window class");
			/* create window */
			Window = CreateWindow((LPCTSTR)WinClassName,
					0/*CW_USEDEFAULT*/, 1/*CW_USEDEFAULT*/, width, height,
					(HWND)   NULL,
					(HMENU)  NULL,

			if (!Window)
				I_FatalError ("Could not open window");

			WndClass.lpfnWndProc = LConProc;
			WndClass.lpszClassName = (LPCTSTR)ConClassName;
			if (RegisterClass ((LPWNDCLASS)&WndClass))
				ConWindow = CreateWindowEx (
					(LPCTSTR) "Skulltag Startup Viewer",
					512, 384,
					Window, NULL, hInstance, NULL);

			if (kernel != 0)
				typedef BOOL (WINAPI *pts)(DWORD, DWORD *);
				pts pidsid = (pts)GetProcAddress (kernel, "ProcessIdToSessionId");
				if (pidsid != 0)
					if (!pidsid (GetCurrentProcessId(), &SessionID))
						SessionID = 0;
					hwtsapi32 = LoadLibraryA ("wtsapi32.dll");
					if (hwtsapi32 != 0)
						FARPROC reg = GetProcAddress (hwtsapi32, "WTSRegisterSessionNotification");
						if (reg == 0 || !((BOOL(WINAPI *)(HWND, DWORD))reg) (Window, NOTIFY_FOR_THIS_SESSION))
							FreeLibrary (hwtsapi32);
							hwtsapi32 = 0;
							atterm (UnWTS);

			GetClientRect (Window, &cRect);

			WinWidth = cRect.right;
			WinHeight = cRect.bottom;

		CoInitialize (NULL);
		atterm (UnCOM);

		C_InitConsole (((WinWidth / 8) + 2) * 8, (WinHeight / 12) * 8, false);

		I_DetectOS ();
		D_DoomMain ();
	catch (class CDoomError &error)
		I_ShutdownHardware ();
		SetWindowPos (Window, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW);
		if (ConWindow != NULL)
			ShowWindow (ConWindow, SW_SHOW);
		if (error.GetMessage ())
			MessageBox (Window, error.GetMessage(),
				"Skulltag Fatal Error", MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP|MB_TASKMODAL);
		exit (-1);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef UNIX
		if(!getuid() || !geteuid())
			I_FatalError("root user detected, quitting odamex immediately");

		// [ML] 2007/9/3: From Eternity (originally chocolate Doom) Thanks SoM & fraggle!
		Args.SetArgs (argc, argv);

		LOG_FILE = Args.CheckValue("-logfile");
		if(!LOG_FILE)LOG_FILE = "odamex.log";
		LOG.open(LOG_FILE, std::ios::out);

        if (!LOG.is_open())
            std::cerr << "Unable to create logfile: %s\n" << std::endl;

		const char *CON_FILE = Args.CheckValue("-confile");
		if(CON_FILE)CON.open(CON_FILE, std::ios::in);

		// denis - if argv[1] starts with "odamex://"
		if(argc == 2 && argv && argv[1])
			const char *protocol = "odamex://";
			const char *uri = argv[1];

			if(strncmp(uri, protocol, strlen(protocol)) == 0)
				std::string location = uri + strlen(protocol);
				size_t term = location.find_first_of('/');

				if(term == std::string::npos)
					term = location.length();

				Args.AppendArg(location.substr(0, term).c_str());

#ifdef WIN32
    	// From the SDL 1.2.10 release notes: 
    	// > The "windib" video driver is the default now, to prevent 
    	// > problems with certain laptops, 64-bit Windows, and Windows 
    	// > Vista. 
    	// The hell with that.
   		// SoM: the gdi interface is much faster for windowed modes which are more
   		// commonly used. Thus, GDI is default.
     	if (Args.CheckParm ("-directx"))
    	else if (getenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER") == NULL || Args.CheckParm ("-gdi") > 0)

        // Set the process affinity mask to 1 on Windows, so that all threads
        // run on the same processor.  This is a workaround for a bug in 
        // SDL_mixer that causes occasional crashes.
        // Thanks to entryway and fraggle for this.
        if (!SetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), 1))
            LOG << "Failed to set process affinity mask: " << GetLastError() << std::endl;

			I_FatalError("Could not initialize SDL:\n%s\n", SDL_GetError());

		atterm (SDL_Quit);
		killough 1/98:
		  This fixes some problems with exit handling
		  during abnormal situations.
			The old code called I_Quit() to end program,
			while now I_Quit() is installed as an exit
			handler and exit() is called to exit, either
			normally or abnormally.
		atexit (call_terms);
		Z_Init ();					// 1/18/98 killough: start up memory stuff first

		atterm (I_Quit);
		atterm (DObject::StaticShutdown);
		// Figure out what directory the program resides in.
		progdir = I_GetBinaryDir();
		startdir = I_GetCWD();
		// init console
		C_InitConsole (80 * 8, 25 * 8, false);
		Printf (PRINT_HIGH, "Heapsize: %u megabytes\n", got_heapsize);
		D_DoomMain ();
	catch (CDoomError &error)
		if (LOG.is_open())
            LOG << error.GetMessage() << std::endl;
#ifndef WIN32
            fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error.GetMessage().c_str());
		MessageBox(NULL, error.GetMessage().c_str(), "Odamex Error", MB_OK);
		exit (-1);
#ifndef _DEBUG
	catch (...)
		// If an exception is thrown, be sure to do a proper shutdown.
		// This is especially important if we are in fullscreen mode,
		// because the OS will only show the alert box if we are in
		// windowed mode. Graphics gets shut down first in case something
		// goes wrong calling the cleanup functions.
		call_terms ();
		// Now let somebody who understands the exception deal with it.
	return 0;