bool AuthenticationInfo::_isAuthorizedSpecialChecks( const string& dbname ) const { if ( !_isLocalHost ) { return false; } string adminNs = "admin.system.users"; DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( adminNs ); Shard s = config->getShard( adminNs ); ShardConnection conn( s, adminNs ); BSONObj result = conn->findOne("admin.system.users", Query()); if( result.isEmpty() ) { if( ! _warned ) { // you could get a few of these in a race, but that's ok _warned = true; log() << "note: no users configured in admin.system.users, allowing localhost access" << endl; } // Must return conn to pool // TODO: Check for errors during findOne(), or just let the conn die? conn.done(); return true; } // Must return conn to pool conn.done(); return false; }
bool CmdAuthenticate::getUserObj(const string& dbname, const string& user, BSONObj& userObj, string& pwd) { if (user == internalSecurity.user) { pwd = internalSecurity.pwd; } else { string systemUsers = dbname + ".system.users"; DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( systemUsers ); Shard s = config->getShard( systemUsers ); static BSONObj userPattern = BSON("user" << 1); ShardConnection conn( s, systemUsers ); OCCASIONALLY conn->ensureIndex(systemUsers, userPattern, false, "user_1"); { BSONObjBuilder b; b << "user" << user; BSONObj query = b.done(); userObj = conn->findOne(systemUsers, query); if( userObj.isEmpty() ) { log() << "auth: couldn't find user " << user << ", " << systemUsers << endl; return false; } } pwd = userObj.getStringField("pwd"); } return true; }
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){ ShardConnection::sync(); string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe(); if ( ns.size() == 0 ){ errmsg = "no ns"; return false; } DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ){ errmsg = "ns not sharded. have to shard before can split"; return false; } BSONObj find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "find" ); if ( find.isEmpty() ){ find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" ); if ( find.isEmpty() ){ errmsg = "need to specify find or middle"; return false; } } ChunkManagerPtr info = config->getChunkManager( ns ); ChunkPtr old = info->findChunk( find ); return _split( result , errmsg , ns , info , old , cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" ) ); }
bool CmdAuthenticate::getUserObj(const string& dbname, const string& user, BSONObj& userObj, string& pwd) { if (user == internalSecurity.user) { uassert(15890, "key file must be used to log in with internal user", !cmdLine.keyFile.empty()); pwd = internalSecurity.pwd; } else { string systemUsers = dbname + ".system.users"; DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( systemUsers ); Shard s = config->getShard( systemUsers ); static BSONObj userPattern = BSON("user" << 1); scoped_ptr<ScopedDbConnection> conn( ScopedDbConnection::getInternalScopedDbConnection( s.getConnString(), 30.0 ) ); OCCASIONALLY conn->get()->ensureIndex(systemUsers, userPattern, false, "user_1"); { BSONObjBuilder b; b << "user" << user; BSONObj query = b.done(); userObj = conn->get()->findOne(systemUsers, query, 0, QueryOption_SlaveOk); if( userObj.isEmpty() ) { log() << "auth: couldn't find user " << user << ", " << systemUsers << endl; conn->done(); // return to pool return false; } } pwd = userObj.getStringField("pwd"); conn->done(); // return to pool } return true; }
int Balancer::_moveChunks( const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks , bool secondaryThrottle ) { int movedCount = 0; for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ) { const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get(); DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns ); verify( cfg ); ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns ); verify( cm ); ChunkPtr c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min ); if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) { // likely a split happened somewhere cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true /* reload */); verify( cm ); c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min ); if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) { log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue " << chunkInfo.chunk.toString() << endl; continue; } } BSONObj res; if ( c->moveAndCommit( Shard::make( ) , Chunk::MaxChunkSize , secondaryThrottle , res ) ) { movedCount++; continue; } // the move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail log() << "balancer move failed: " << res << " from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " << << " chunk: " << chunkInfo.chunk << endl; if ( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) { // reload just to be safe cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns ); verify( cm ); c = cm->findChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min ); log() << "forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons" << endl; res = BSONObj(); c->singleSplit( true , res ); log() << "forced split results: " << res << endl; if ( ! res["ok"].trueValue() ) { log() << "marking chunk as jumbo: " << c->toString() << endl; c->markAsJumbo(); // we increment moveCount so we do another round right away movedCount++; } } } return movedCount; }
// TODO: This refresh logic should be consolidated void refreshChunkCache( const NamespaceString& nss ) { DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( nss.ns() ); if ( !config->isSharded( nss ) ) return; // Refreshes chunks as a side-effect config->getChunkManagerIfExists( nss, true ); }
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) { ShardConnection::sync(); string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe(); if ( ns.size() == 0 ) { errmsg = "no ns"; return false; } DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ) { errmsg = "ns not sharded. have to shard before can split"; return false; } BSONObj find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "find" ); if ( find.isEmpty() ) { find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" ); if ( find.isEmpty() ) { errmsg = "need to specify find or middle"; return false; } } ChunkManagerPtr info = config->getChunkManager( ns ); ChunkPtr chunk = info->findChunk( find ); BSONObj middle = cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" ); assert( chunk.get() ); log() << "splitting: " << ns << " shard: " << chunk << endl; BSONObj res; ChunkPtr p; if ( middle.isEmpty() ) { p = chunk->singleSplit( true /* force a split even if not enough data */ , res ); } else { // sanity check if the key provided is a valid split point if ( ( middle == chunk->getMin() ) || ( middle == chunk->getMax() ) ) { errmsg = "cannot split on initial or final chunk's key"; return false; } vector<BSONObj> splitPoints; splitPoints.push_back( middle ); p = chunk->multiSplit( splitPoints , res ); } if ( p.get() == NULL ) { errmsg = "split failed"; result.append( "cause" , res ); return false; } return true; }
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){ ShardConnection::sync(); Timer t; string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe(); if ( ns.size() == 0 ){ errmsg = "no ns"; return false; } DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ){ errmsg = "ns not sharded. have to shard before can move a chunk"; return false; } BSONObj find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "find" ); if ( find.isEmpty() ){ errmsg = "need to specify find. see help"; return false; } string toString = cmdObj["to"].valuestrsafe(); if ( ! toString.size() ){ errmsg = "you have to specify where you want to move the chunk"; return false; } Shard to = Shard::make( toString ); // so far, chunk size serves test purposes; it may or may not become a supported parameter long long maxChunkSizeBytes = cmdObj["maxChunkSizeBytes"].numberLong(); if ( maxChunkSizeBytes == 0 ) { maxChunkSizeBytes = Chunk::MaxChunkSize; } tlog() << "CMD: movechunk: " << cmdObj << endl; ChunkManagerPtr info = config->getChunkManager( ns ); ChunkPtr c = info->findChunk( find ); const Shard& from = c->getShard(); if ( from == to ){ errmsg = "that chunk is already on that shard"; return false; } BSONObj res; if ( ! c->moveAndCommit( to , maxChunkSizeBytes , res ) ){ errmsg = "move failed"; result.append( "cause" , res ); return false; } result.append( "millis" , t.millis() ); return true; }
int Balancer::_moveChunks( const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks ) { int movedCount = 0; for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ) { const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get(); DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns ); assert( cfg ); ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns ); assert( cm ); const BSONObj& chunkToMove = chunkInfo.chunk; ChunkPtr c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ); if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkToMove["max"].Obj() ) ) { // likely a split happened somewhere cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true /* reload */); assert( cm ); c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ); if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkToMove["max"].Obj() ) ) { log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue cm: " << c->getMin() << " min: " << chunkToMove["min"].Obj() << endl; continue; } } BSONObj res; if ( c->moveAndCommit( Shard::make( ) , Chunk::MaxChunkSize , res ) ) { movedCount++; continue; } // the move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail log() << "balacer move failed: " << res << " from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " << << " chunk: " << chunkToMove << endl; if ( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) { // reload just to be safe cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns ); assert( cm ); c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ); log() << "forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons" << endl; res = BSONObj(); c->singleSplit( true , res ); log() << "forced split results: " << res << endl; // TODO: if the split fails, mark as jumbo SERVER-2571 } } return movedCount; }
void insertSharded( DBConfigPtr conf, const char* ns, BSONObj& o, int flags ) { ChunkManagerPtr manager = conf->getChunkManager(ns); if ( ! manager->hasShardKey( o ) ) { bool bad = true; if ( manager->getShardKey().partOfShardKey( "_id" ) ) { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendOID( "_id" , 0 , true ); b.appendElements( o ); o = b.obj(); bad = ! manager->hasShardKey( o ); } if ( bad ) { log() << "tried to insert object without shard key: " << ns << " " << o << endl; uasserted( 14842 , "tried to insert object without shard key" ); } } // Many operations benefit from having the shard key early in the object o = manager->getShardKey().moveToFront(o); const int maxTries = 30; for ( int i=0; i<maxTries; i++ ) { try { ChunkPtr c = manager->findChunk( o ); log(4) << " server:" << c->getShard().toString() << " " << o << endl; insert( c->getShard() , ns , o , flags); // r.gotInsert(); // if ( r.getClientInfo()->autoSplitOk() ) c->splitIfShould( o.objsize() ); break; } catch ( StaleConfigException& e ) { int logLevel = i < ( maxTries / 2 ); LOG( logLevel ) << "retrying insert because of StaleConfigException: " << e << " object: " << o << endl; // r.reset(); unsigned long long old = manager->getSequenceNumber(); manager = conf->getChunkManager(ns); LOG( logLevel ) << " sequenece number - old: " << old << " new: " << manager->getSequenceNumber() << endl; if (!manager) { uasserted(14843, "collection no longer sharded"); } } sleepmillis( i * 20 ); } }
void checkShardVersion( DBClientBase& conn , const string& ns , bool authoritative ){ // TODO: cache, optimize, etc... WriteBackListener::init( conn ); DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! conf ) return; ShardChunkVersion version = 0; unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0; ChunkManagerPtr manager; const bool isSharded = conf->isSharded( ns ); if ( isSharded ){ manager = conf->getChunkManager( ns , authoritative ); officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber(); } unsigned long long & sequenceNumber = checkShardVersionLastSequence[ make_pair(&conn,ns) ]; if ( sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber ) return; if ( isSharded ){ version = manager->getVersion( Shard::make( conn.getServerAddress() ) ); } log(2) << " have to set shard version for conn: " << &conn << " ns:" << ns << " my last seq: " << sequenceNumber << " current: " << officialSequenceNumber << " version: " << version << " manager: " << manager.get() << endl; BSONObj result; if ( setShardVersion( conn , ns , version , authoritative , result ) ){ // success! log(1) << " setShardVersion success!" << endl; sequenceNumber = officialSequenceNumber; dassert( sequenceNumber == checkShardVersionLastSequence[ make_pair(&conn,ns) ] ); return; } log(1) << " setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl; if ( result.getBoolField( "need_authoritative" ) ) massert( 10428 , "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative ); if ( ! authoritative ){ checkShardVersion( conn , ns , 1 ); return; } log() << " setShardVersion failed: " << result << endl; massert( 10429 , (string)"setShardVersion failed! " + result.jsonString() , 0 ); }
bool forceRemoteCheckShardVersion( const string& ns ){ DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! conf ) return false; conf->reload(); ChunkManagerPtr manager = conf->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns, true, true ); if( ! manager ) return false; return true; }
void ClientInfo::_setupAuth() { std::string adminNs = "admin"; DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig(adminNs); Shard shard = config->getShard(adminNs); ShardConnection conn(shard, adminNs); AuthorizationManager* authManager = new AuthorizationManager(new AuthExternalStateImpl()); Status status = authManager->initialize(conn.get()); massert(16479, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Error initializing AuthorizationManager: " << status.reason(), status == Status::OK()); setAuthorizationManager(authManager); }
/** * Returns true if request is a query for sharded indexes. */ static bool doShardedIndexQuery( Request& r, const QuerySpec& qSpec ) { // Extract the ns field from the query, which may be embedded within the "query" or // "$query" field. string indexNSQuery(qSpec.filter()["ns"].str()); DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( r.getns() ); if ( !config->isSharded( indexNSQuery )) { return false; } // if you are querying on system.indexes, we need to make sure we go to a shard // that actually has chunks. This is not a perfect solution (what if you just // look at all indexes), but better than doing nothing. ShardPtr shard; ChunkManagerPtr cm; config->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( indexNSQuery, cm, shard ); if ( cm ) { set<Shard> shards; cm->getAllShards( shards ); verify( shards.size() > 0 ); shard.reset( new Shard( *shards.begin() ) ); } ShardConnection dbcon( *shard , r.getns() ); DBClientBase &c = dbcon.conn(); string actualServer; Message response; bool ok = r.m(), response, true , &actualServer ); uassert( 10200 , "mongos: error calling db", ok ); { QueryResult::View qr = response.singleData().view2ptr(); if ( qr.getResultFlags() & ResultFlag_ShardConfigStale ) { dbcon.done(); // Version is zero b/c this is deprecated codepath throw RecvStaleConfigException( r.getns(), "Strategy::doQuery", ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() ), ChunkVersion( 0, 0, OID() )); } } r.reply( response , actualServer.size() ? actualServer : c.getServerAddress() ); dbcon.done(); return true; }
bool VersionManager::forceRemoteCheckShardVersionCB( const string& ns ){ DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! conf ) return false; conf->reload(); // If we don't have a collection, don't refresh the chunk manager if( nsGetCollection( ns ).size() == 0 ) return false; ChunkManagerPtr manager = conf->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns, true, true ); if( ! manager ) return false; return true; }
// TODO: Same limitations as other mongos metadata commands, sometimes we'll be stale here // and fail. Need to better integrate targeting with commands. ShardPtr guessMergeShard( const NamespaceString& nss, const BSONObj& minKey ) { DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( nss.ns() ); if ( !config->isSharded( nss ) ) { config->reload(); if ( !config->isSharded( nss ) ) { return ShardPtr(); } } ChunkManagerPtr manager = config->getChunkManager( nss ); if ( !manager ) return ShardPtr(); ChunkPtr chunk = manager->findChunkForDoc( minKey ); if ( !chunk ) return ShardPtr(); return ShardPtr( new Shard( chunk->getShard() ) ); }
Status ChunkManagerTargeter::init( const NamespaceString& nss ) { _nss = nss; // // Get the latest metadata information from the cache // DBConfigPtr config; string errMsg; if ( !getDBConfigSafe( _nss.db(), config, &errMsg ) ) { return Status( ErrorCodes::DatabaseNotFound, errMsg ); } // Get either the chunk manager or primary shard config->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( _nss.ns(), _manager, _primary ); return Status::OK(); }
/** * Splits the chunks touched based from the targeter stats if needed. */ static void splitIfNeeded( const string& ns, const TargeterStats& stats ) { if ( !Chunk::ShouldAutoSplit ) { return; } DBConfigPtr config; try { config = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); } catch ( const DBException& ex ) { warning() << "failed to get database config for " << ns << " while checking for auto-split: " << causedBy( ex ) << endl; return; } ChunkManagerPtr chunkManager; ShardPtr dummyShard; config->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( ns, chunkManager, dummyShard ); if ( !chunkManager ) { return; } for ( map<BSONObj, int>::const_iterator it = stats.chunkSizeDelta.begin(); it != stats.chunkSizeDelta.end(); ++it ) { ChunkPtr chunk; try { chunk = chunkManager->findIntersectingChunk( it->first ); } catch ( const AssertionException& ex ) { warning() << "could not find chunk while checking for auto-split: " << causedBy( ex ) << endl; return; } chunk->splitIfShould( it->second ); } }
void ClientInfo::_setupAuth() { std::string adminNs = "admin"; DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig(adminNs); Shard shard = config->getShard(adminNs); scoped_ptr<ScopedDbConnection> connPtr( ScopedDbConnection::getInternalScopedDbConnection(shard.getConnString(), 30.0)); ScopedDbConnection& conn = *connPtr; // // Note: The connection mechanism here is *not* ideal, and should not be used elsewhere. // It is safe in this particular case because the admin database is always on the config // server and does not move. // AuthorizationManager* authManager = new AuthorizationManager(new AuthExternalStateImpl()); Status status = authManager->initialize(conn.get()); massert(16479, mongoutils::str::stream() << "Error initializing AuthorizationManager: " << status.reason(), status == Status::OK()); setAuthorizationManager(authManager); }
int Balancer::_moveChunks( const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks ) { int movedCount = 0; for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ){ const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get(); DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns ); assert( cfg ); ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns ); assert( cm ); const BSONObj& chunkToMove = chunkInfo.chunk; ChunkPtr c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ); if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) ){ // likely a split happened somewhere cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true ); assert( cm ); c = cm->findChunk( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ); if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkToMove["min"].Obj() ) ){ log() << "balancer: chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue cm: " << c->getMin() << " min: " << chunkToMove["min"].Obj() << endl; continue; } } string errmsg; if ( c->moveAndCommit( Shard::make( ) , errmsg ) ){ movedCount++; continue; } log() << "balancer: MOVE FAILED **** " << errmsg << "\n" << " from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " << " chunk: " << chunkToMove << endl; } return movedCount; }
bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) { string ns = cmdObj.firstElement().valuestrsafe(); if ( ns.size() == 0 ) { errmsg = "need to specify fully namespace"; return false; } DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ) { errmsg = "ns not sharded."; return false; } ChunkManagerPtr cm = config->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns ); if ( ! cm ) { errmsg = "no chunk manager?"; return false; } cm->_printChunks(); result.appendTimestamp( "version" , cm->getVersion().toLong() ); return 1; }
void AuthenticationInfo::_checkLocalHostSpecialAdmin() { if (noauth || !_isLocalHost || !_isLocalHostAndLocalHostIsAuthorizedForAll) { return; } string adminNs = "admin.system.users"; DBConfigPtr config = grid.getDBConfig( adminNs ); Shard s = config->getShard( adminNs ); // // Note: The connection mechanism here is *not* ideal, and should not be used elsewhere. // It is safe in this particular case because the admin database is always on the config // server and does not move. // scoped_ptr<ScopedDbConnection> conn( ScopedDbConnection::getInternalScopedDbConnection(s.getConnString(), 30.0)); BSONObj result = (*conn)->findOne("admin.system.users", Query()); if( result.isEmpty() ) { if( ! _warned ) { // you could get a few of these in a race, but that's ok _warned = true; log() << "note: no users configured in admin.system.users, allowing localhost access" << endl; } // Must return conn to pool // TODO: Check for errors during findOne(), or just let the conn die? conn->done(); _isLocalHostAndLocalHostIsAuthorizedForAll = true; return; } // Must return conn to pool conn->done(); _isLocalHostAndLocalHostIsAuthorizedForAll = false; }
Status ChunkManagerTargeter::refreshNow( RefreshType refreshType ) { DBConfigPtr config; string errMsg; if ( !getDBConfigSafe( _nss.db(), config, &errMsg ) ) { return Status( ErrorCodes::DatabaseNotFound, errMsg ); } // Try not to spam the configs refreshBackoff(); // TODO: Improve synchronization and make more explicit if ( refreshType == RefreshType_RefreshChunkManager ) { try { // Forces a remote check of the collection info, synchronization between threads // happens internally. config->getChunkManagerIfExists( _nss.ns(), true ); } catch ( const DBException& ex ) { return Status( ErrorCodes::UnknownError, ex.toString() ); } config->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( _nss.ns(), _manager, _primary ); } else if ( refreshType == RefreshType_ReloadDatabase ) { try { // Dumps the db info, reloads it all, synchronization between threads happens // internally. config->reload(); config->getChunkManagerIfExists( _nss.ns(), true, true ); } catch ( const DBException& ex ) { return Status( ErrorCodes::UnknownError, ex.toString() ); } config->getChunkManagerOrPrimary( _nss.ns(), _manager, _primary ); } return Status::OK(); }
void Balancer::_doBalanceRound( DBClientBase& conn, vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks ) { verify( candidateChunks ); // // 1. Check whether there is any sharded collection to be balanced by querying // the ShardsNS::collections collection // auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query(CollectionType::ConfigNS, BSONObj()); if ( NULL == cursor.get() ) { warning() << "could not query " << CollectionType::ConfigNS << " while trying to balance" << endl; return; } vector< string > collections; while ( cursor->more() ) { BSONObj col = cursor->nextSafe(); // sharded collections will have a shard "key". if ( ! col[CollectionType::keyPattern()].eoo() && ! col[CollectionType::noBalance()].trueValue() ){ collections.push_back( col[CollectionType::ns()].String() ); } else if( col[CollectionType::noBalance()].trueValue() ){ LOG(1) << "not balancing collection " << col[CollectionType::ns()].String() << ", explicitly disabled" << endl; } } cursor.reset(); if ( collections.empty() ) { LOG(1) << "no collections to balance" << endl; return; } // // 2. Get a list of all the shards that are participating in this balance round // along with any maximum allowed quotas and current utilization. We get the // latter by issuing db.serverStatus() (mem.mapped) to all shards. // // TODO: skip unresponsive shards and mark information as stale. // ShardInfoMap shardInfo; Status loadStatus = DistributionStatus::populateShardInfoMap(&shardInfo); if (!loadStatus.isOK()) { warning() << "failed to load shard metadata" << causedBy(loadStatus) << endl; return; } if (shardInfo.size() < 2) { LOG(1) << "can't balance without more active shards" << endl; return; } OCCASIONALLY warnOnMultiVersion( shardInfo ); // // 3. For each collection, check if the balancing policy recommends moving anything around. // for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = collections.begin(); it != collections.end(); ++it ) { const string& ns = *it; OwnedPointerMap<string, OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType> > shardToChunksMap; cursor = conn.query(ChunkType::ConfigNS, QUERY(ChunkType::ns(ns)).sort(ChunkType::min())); set<BSONObj> allChunkMinimums; while ( cursor->more() ) { BSONObj chunkDoc = cursor->nextSafe().getOwned(); auto_ptr<ChunkType> chunk(new ChunkType()); string errmsg; if (!chunk->parseBSON(chunkDoc, &errmsg)) { error() << "bad chunk format for " << chunkDoc << ": " << errmsg << endl; return; } allChunkMinimums.insert(chunk->getMin().getOwned()); OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType>*& chunkList = shardToChunksMap.mutableMap()[chunk->getShard()]; if (chunkList == NULL) { chunkList = new OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType>(); } chunkList->mutableVector().push_back(chunk.release()); } cursor.reset(); if ( { LOG(1) << "skipping empty collection (" << ns << ")"; continue; } for (ShardInfoMap::const_iterator i = shardInfo.begin(); i != shardInfo.end(); ++i) { // this just makes sure there is an entry in shardToChunksMap for every shard OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType>*& chunkList = shardToChunksMap.mutableMap()[i->first]; if (chunkList == NULL) { chunkList = new OwnedPointerVector<ChunkType>(); } } DistributionStatus status(shardInfo,; // load tags Status result = clusterCreateIndex(TagsType::ConfigNS, BSON(TagsType::ns() << 1 << TagsType::min() << 1), true, // unique WriteConcernOptions::AllConfigs, NULL); if ( !result.isOK() ) { warning() << "could not create index tags_1_min_1: " << result.reason() << endl; continue; } cursor = conn.query(TagsType::ConfigNS, QUERY(TagsType::ns(ns)).sort(TagsType::min())); vector<TagRange> ranges; while ( cursor->more() ) { BSONObj tag = cursor->nextSafe(); TagRange tr(tag[TagsType::min()].Obj().getOwned(), tag[TagsType::max()].Obj().getOwned(), tag[TagsType::tag()].String()); ranges.push_back(tr); uassert(16356, str::stream() << "tag ranges not valid for: " << ns, status.addTagRange(tr) ); } cursor.reset(); DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( !cfg ) { warning() << "could not load db config to balance " << ns << " collection" << endl; continue; } // This line reloads the chunk manager once if this process doesn't know the collection // is sharded yet. ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns, true ); if ( !cm ) { warning() << "could not load chunks to balance " << ns << " collection" << endl; continue; } // loop through tags to make sure no chunk spans tags; splits on tag min. for all chunks bool didAnySplits = false; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i++ ) { BSONObj min = ranges[i].min; min = cm->getShardKey().extendRangeBound( min, false ); if ( allChunkMinimums.count( min ) > 0 ) continue; didAnySplits = true; log() << "ns: " << ns << " need to split on " << min << " because there is a range there" << endl; ChunkPtr c = cm->findIntersectingChunk( min ); vector<BSONObj> splitPoints; splitPoints.push_back( min ); BSONObj res; if ( !c->multiSplit( splitPoints, res ) ) { error() << "split failed: " << res << endl; } else { LOG(1) << "split worked: " << res << endl; } break; } if ( didAnySplits ) { // state change, just wait till next round continue; } CandidateChunk* p = _policy->balance( ns, status, _balancedLastTime ); if ( p ) candidateChunks->push_back( CandidateChunkPtr( p ) ); } }
bool Grid::addShard( string* name , const ConnectionString& servers , long long maxSize , string& errMsg ) { // name can be NULL, so provide a dummy one here to avoid testing it elsewhere string nameInternal; if ( ! name ) { name = &nameInternal; } ReplicaSetMonitorPtr rsMonitor; // Check whether the host (or set) exists and run several sanity checks on this request. // There are two set of sanity checks: making sure adding this particular shard is consistent // with the replica set state (if it exists) and making sure this shards databases can be // brought into the grid without conflict. vector<string> dbNames; try { ScopedDbConnection newShardConn(servers.toString()); newShardConn->getLastError(); if ( newShardConn->type() == ConnectionString::SYNC ) { newShardConn.done(); errMsg = "can't use sync cluster as a shard. for replica set, have to use <setname>/<server1>,<server2>,..."; return false; } BSONObj resIsMongos; bool ok = newShardConn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "isdbgrid" << 1 ) , resIsMongos ); // should return ok=0, cmd not found if it's a normal mongod if ( ok ) { errMsg = "can't add a mongos process as a shard"; newShardConn.done(); return false; } BSONObj resIsMaster; ok = newShardConn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "isMaster" << 1 ) , resIsMaster ); if ( !ok ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "failed running isMaster: " << resIsMaster; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } // if the shard has only one host, make sure it is not part of a replica set string setName = resIsMaster["setName"].str(); string commandSetName = servers.getSetName(); if ( commandSetName.empty() && ! setName.empty() ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "host is part of set " << setName << ", use replica set url format <setname>/<server1>,<server2>,...."; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } if ( !commandSetName.empty() && setName.empty() ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "host did not return a set name, is the replica set still initializing? " << resIsMaster; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } // if the shard is part of replica set, make sure it is the right one if ( ! commandSetName.empty() && ( commandSetName != setName ) ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "host is part of a different set: " << setName; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } if( setName.empty() ) { // check this isn't a --configsvr BSONObj res; bool ok = newShardConn->runCommand("admin",BSON("replSetGetStatus"<<1),res); ostringstream ss; if( !ok && res["info"].type() == String && res["info"].String() == "configsvr" ) { errMsg = "the specified mongod is a --configsvr and should thus not be a shard server"; newShardConn.done(); return false; } } // if the shard is part of a replica set, make sure all the hosts mentioned in 'servers' are part of // the set. It is fine if not all members of the set are present in 'servers'. bool foundAll = true; string offendingHost; if ( ! commandSetName.empty() ) { set<string> hostSet; BSONObjIterator iter( resIsMaster["hosts"].Obj() ); while ( iter.more() ) { hostSet.insert( ); // host:port } if ( resIsMaster["passives"].isABSONObj() ) { BSONObjIterator piter( resIsMaster["passives"].Obj() ); while ( piter.more() ) { hostSet.insert( ); // host:port } } if ( resIsMaster["arbiters"].isABSONObj() ) { BSONObjIterator piter( resIsMaster["arbiters"].Obj() ); while ( piter.more() ) { hostSet.insert( ); // host:port } } vector<HostAndPort> hosts = servers.getServers(); for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < hosts.size() ; i++ ) { if (!hosts[i].hasPort()) { hosts[i].setPort(ServerGlobalParams::DefaultDBPort); } string host = hosts[i].toString(); // host:port if ( hostSet.find( host ) == hostSet.end() ) { offendingHost = host; foundAll = false; break; } } } if ( ! foundAll ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "in seed list " << servers.toString() << ", host " << offendingHost << " does not belong to replica set " << setName; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } // shard name defaults to the name of the replica set if ( name->empty() && ! setName.empty() ) *name = setName; // In order to be accepted as a new shard, that mongod must not have any database name that exists already // in any other shards. If that test passes, the new shard's databases are going to be entered as // non-sharded db's whose primary is the newly added shard. BSONObj resListDB; ok = newShardConn->runCommand( "admin" , BSON( "listDatabases" << 1 ) , resListDB ); if ( !ok ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "failed listing " << servers.toString() << "'s databases:" << resListDB; errMsg = ss.str(); newShardConn.done(); return false; } BSONObjIterator i( resListDB["databases"].Obj() ); while ( i.more() ) { BSONObj dbEntry =; const string& dbName = dbEntry["name"].String(); if ( _isSpecialLocalDB( dbName ) ) { // 'local', 'admin', and 'config' are system DBs and should be excluded here continue; } else { dbNames.push_back( dbName ); } } if ( newShardConn->type() == ConnectionString::SET ) rsMonitor = ReplicaSetMonitor::get( setName ); newShardConn.done(); } catch ( DBException& e ) { if ( servers.type() == ConnectionString::SET ) { ReplicaSetMonitor::remove( servers.getSetName() ); } ostringstream ss; ss << "couldn't connect to new shard "; ss << e.what(); errMsg = ss.str(); return false; } // check that none of the existing shard candidate's db's exist elsewhere for ( vector<string>::const_iterator it = dbNames.begin(); it != dbNames.end(); ++it ) { DBConfigPtr config = getDBConfig( *it , false ); if ( config.get() != NULL ) { ostringstream ss; ss << "can't add shard " << servers.toString() << " because a local database '" << *it; ss << "' exists in another " << config->getPrimary().toString(); errMsg = ss.str(); return false; } } // if a name for a shard wasn't provided, pick one. if ( name->empty() && ! _getNewShardName( name ) ) { errMsg = "error generating new shard name"; return false; } // build the ConfigDB shard document BSONObjBuilder b; b.append(ShardType::name(), *name); b.append(ShardType::host(), rsMonitor ? rsMonitor->getServerAddress() : servers.toString()); if (maxSize > 0) { b.append(ShardType::maxSize(), maxSize); } BSONObj shardDoc = b.obj(); { ScopedDbConnection conn(configServer.getPrimary().getConnString(), 30); // check whether the set of hosts (or single host) is not an already a known shard BSONObj old = conn->findOne(ShardType::ConfigNS, BSON(ShardType::host(servers.toString()))); if ( ! old.isEmpty() ) { errMsg = "host already used"; conn.done(); return false; } conn.done(); } log() << "going to add shard: " << shardDoc << endl; Status result = clusterInsert( ShardType::ConfigNS, shardDoc, WriteConcernOptions::AllConfigs, NULL ); if ( !result.isOK() ) { errMsg = result.reason(); log() << "error adding shard: " << shardDoc << " err: " << errMsg << endl; return false; } Shard::reloadShardInfo(); // add all databases of the new shard for ( vector<string>::const_iterator it = dbNames.begin(); it != dbNames.end(); ++it ) { DBConfigPtr config = getDBConfig( *it , true , *name ); if ( ! config ) { log() << "adding shard " << servers << " even though could not add database " << *it << endl; } } // Record in changelog BSONObjBuilder shardDetails; shardDetails.append("name", *name); shardDetails.append("host", servers.toString()); configServer.logChange("addShard", "", shardDetails.obj()); return true; }
/** * Updates the remote cached version on the remote shard host (primary, in the case of replica * sets) if needed with a fully-qualified shard version for the given namespace: * config server(s) + shard name + shard version * * If no remote cached version has ever been set, an initial shard version is sent. * * If the namespace is empty and no version has ever been sent, the config server + shard name * is sent to the remote shard host to initialize the connection as coming from mongos. * NOTE: This initialization is *best-effort only*. Operations which wish to correctly version * must send the namespace. * * Config servers are special and are not (unless otherwise a shard) kept up to date with this * protocol. This is safe so long as config servers only contain unversioned collections. * * It is an error to call checkShardVersion with an unversionable connection (isVersionableCB). * * @return true if we contacted the remote host */ bool checkShardVersion( DBClientBase * conn_in , const string& ns , ChunkManagerPtr refManager, bool authoritative , int tryNumber ) { // TODO: cache, optimize, etc... // Empty namespaces are special - we require initialization but not versioning if (ns.size() == 0) { return initShardVersionEmptyNS(conn_in); } DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! conf ) return false; DBClientBase* conn = getVersionable( conn_in ); verify(conn); // errors thrown above unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0; ShardPtr primary; ChunkManagerPtr manager; if (authoritative) conf->getChunkManagerIfExists(ns, true); conf->getChunkManagerOrPrimary(ns, manager, primary); if (manager) officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber(); // Check this manager against the reference manager if( manager ){ Shard shard = Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() ); if (refManager && !refManager->compatibleWith(*manager, shard.getName())) { const ChunkVersion refVersion(refManager->getVersion(shard.getName())); const ChunkVersion currentVersion(manager->getVersion(shard.getName())); string msg(str::stream() << "manager (" << currentVersion.toString() << " : " << manager->getSequenceNumber() << ") " << "not compatible with reference manager (" << refVersion.toString() << " : " << refManager->getSequenceNumber() << ") " << "on shard " << shard.getName() << " (" << shard.getAddress().toString() << ")"); throw SendStaleConfigException(ns, msg, refVersion, currentVersion); } } else if( refManager ){ Shard shard = Shard::make(conn->getServerAddress()); string msg( str::stream() << "not sharded (" << ( (manager.get() == 0) ? string( "<none>" ) : str::stream() << manager->getSequenceNumber() ) << ") but has reference manager (" << refManager->getSequenceNumber() << ") " << "on conn " << conn->getServerAddress() << " (" << conn_in->getServerAddress() << ")" ); throw SendStaleConfigException(ns, msg, refManager->getVersion(shard.getName()), ChunkVersion::UNSHARDED()); } // Do not send setShardVersion to collections on the config servers - this causes problems // when config servers are also shards and get SSV with conflicting names. // TODO: Make config servers regular shards if (primary && primary->getName() == "config") { return false; } // Has the ChunkManager been reloaded since the last time we updated the shard version over // this connection? If we've never updated the shard version, do so now. unsigned long long sequenceNumber = 0; if (connectionShardStatus.getSequence(conn, ns, &sequenceNumber)) { if (sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber) { return false; } } // Now that we're sure we're sending SSV and not to a single config server, get the shard Shard shard = Shard::make(conn->getServerAddress()); ChunkVersion version = ChunkVersion(0, 0, OID()); if (manager) version = manager->getVersion(shard.getName()); LOG(1) << "setting shard version of " << version << " for " << ns << " on shard " << shard.toString(); LOG(3) << "last version sent with chunk manager iteration " << sequenceNumber << ", current chunk manager iteration is " << officialSequenceNumber; BSONObj result; if (setShardVersion(*conn, ns, configServer.modelServer(), version, manager.get(), authoritative, result)) { LOG(1) << " setShardVersion success: " << result; connectionShardStatus.setSequence( conn , ns , officialSequenceNumber ); return true; } LOG(1) << " setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl; if ( result["need_authoritative"].trueValue() ) massert( 10428 , "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative ); if ( ! authoritative ) { // use the original connection and get a fresh versionable connection // since conn can be invalidated (or worse, freed) after the failure checkShardVersion(conn_in, ns, refManager, 1, tryNumber + 1); return true; } if ( result["reloadConfig"].trueValue() ) { if( result["version"].timestampTime() == 0 ){ warning() << "reloading full configuration for " << conf->name() << ", connection state indicates significant version changes"; // reload db conf->reload(); } else { // reload config conf->getChunkManager( ns , true ); } } const int maxNumTries = 7; if ( tryNumber < maxNumTries ) { LOG( tryNumber < ( maxNumTries / 2 ) ? 1 : 0 ) << "going to retry checkShardVersion shard: " << shard.toString() << " " << result; sleepmillis( 10 * tryNumber ); // use the original connection and get a fresh versionable connection // since conn can be invalidated (or worse, freed) after the failure checkShardVersion(conn_in, ns, refManager, true, tryNumber + 1); return true; } string errmsg = str::stream() << "setShardVersion failed shard: " << shard.toString() << " " << result; log() << " " << errmsg << endl; massert( 10429 , errmsg , 0 ); return true; }
/** * @return true if had to do something */ bool checkShardVersion( DBClientBase * conn_in , const string& ns , ChunkManagerPtr refManager, bool authoritative , int tryNumber ) { // TODO: cache, optimize, etc... WriteBackListener::init( *conn_in ); DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! conf ) return false; DBClientBase* conn = getVersionable( conn_in ); verify(conn); // errors thrown above unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0; ChunkManagerPtr manager; const bool isSharded = conf->isSharded( ns ); if ( isSharded ) { manager = conf->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns , authoritative ); // It's possible the chunk manager was reset since we checked whether sharded was true, // so must check this here. if( manager ) officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber(); } // Check this manager against the reference manager if( isSharded && manager ){ Shard shard = Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() ); if( refManager && ! refManager->compatibleWith( manager, shard ) ){ throw SendStaleConfigException( ns, str::stream() << "manager (" << manager->getVersion( shard ).toString() << " : " << manager->getSequenceNumber() << ") " << "not compatible with reference manager (" << refManager->getVersion( shard ).toString() << " : " << refManager->getSequenceNumber() << ") " << "on shard " << shard.getName() << " (" << shard.getAddress().toString() << ")", refManager->getVersion( shard ), manager->getVersion( shard ) ); } } else if( refManager ){ Shard shard = Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() ); string msg( str::stream() << "not sharded (" << ( (manager.get() == 0) ? string( "<none>" ) : str::stream() << manager->getSequenceNumber() ) << ") but has reference manager (" << refManager->getSequenceNumber() << ") " << "on conn " << conn->getServerAddress() << " (" << conn_in->getServerAddress() << ")" ); throw SendStaleConfigException( ns, msg, refManager->getVersion( shard ), ShardChunkVersion( 0, OID() )); } // has the ChunkManager been reloaded since the last time we updated the connection-level version? // (ie., last time we issued the setShardVersions below) unsigned long long sequenceNumber = connectionShardStatus.getSequence(conn,ns); if ( sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber ) { return false; } ShardChunkVersion version = ShardChunkVersion( 0, OID() ); if ( isSharded && manager ) { version = manager->getVersion( Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() ) ); } if( ! version.isSet() ){ LOG(0) << "resetting shard version of " << ns << " on " << conn->getServerAddress() << ", " << ( ! isSharded ? "no longer sharded" : ( ! manager ? "no chunk manager found" : "version is zero" ) ) << endl; } LOG(2) << " have to set shard version for conn: " << conn->getServerAddress() << " ns:" << ns << " my last seq: " << sequenceNumber << " current: " << officialSequenceNumber << " version: " << version << " manager: " << manager.get() << endl; const string versionableServerAddress(conn->getServerAddress()); BSONObj result; if ( setShardVersion( *conn , ns , version , authoritative , result ) ) { // success! LOG(1) << " setShardVersion success: " << result << endl; connectionShardStatus.setSequence( conn , ns , officialSequenceNumber ); return true; } LOG(1) << " setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl; if ( result["need_authoritative"].trueValue() ) massert( 10428 , "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative ); if ( ! authoritative ) { // use the original connection and get a fresh versionable connection // since conn can be invalidated (or worse, freed) after the failure checkShardVersion(conn_in, ns, refManager, 1, tryNumber + 1); return true; } if ( result["reloadConfig"].trueValue() ) { if( result["version"].timestampTime() == 0 ){ warning() << "reloading full configuration for " << conf->getName() << ", connection state indicates significant version changes" << endl; // reload db conf->reload(); } else { // reload config conf->getChunkManager( ns , true ); } } const int maxNumTries = 7; if ( tryNumber < maxNumTries ) { LOG( tryNumber < ( maxNumTries / 2 ) ? 1 : 0 ) << "going to retry checkShardVersion host: " << versionableServerAddress << " " << result << endl; sleepmillis( 10 * tryNumber ); // use the original connection and get a fresh versionable connection // since conn can be invalidated (or worse, freed) after the failure checkShardVersion(conn_in, ns, refManager, true, tryNumber + 1); return true; } string errmsg = str::stream() << "setShardVersion failed host: " << versionableServerAddress << " " << result; log() << " " << errmsg << endl; massert( 10429 , errmsg , 0 ); return true; }
int Balancer::_moveChunks(const vector<CandidateChunkPtr>* candidateChunks, bool secondaryThrottle, bool waitForDelete) { int movedCount = 0; for ( vector<CandidateChunkPtr>::const_iterator it = candidateChunks->begin(); it != candidateChunks->end(); ++it ) { const CandidateChunk& chunkInfo = *it->get(); // Changes to metadata, borked metadata, and connectivity problems should cause us to // abort this chunk move, but shouldn't cause us to abort the entire round of chunks. // TODO: Handle all these things more cleanly, since they're expected problems try { DBConfigPtr cfg = grid.getDBConfig( chunkInfo.ns ); verify( cfg ); // NOTE: We purposely do not reload metadata here, since _doBalanceRound already // tried to do so once. ChunkManagerPtr cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns ); verify( cm ); ChunkPtr c = cm->findIntersectingChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min ); if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) { // likely a split happened somewhere cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns , true /* reload */); verify( cm ); c = cm->findIntersectingChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min ); if ( c->getMin().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.min ) || c->getMax().woCompare( chunkInfo.chunk.max ) ) { log() << "chunk mismatch after reload, ignoring will retry issue " << chunkInfo.chunk.toString() << endl; continue; } } BSONObj res; if (c->moveAndCommit(Shard::make(, Chunk::MaxChunkSize, secondaryThrottle, waitForDelete, 0, /* maxTimeMS */ res)) { movedCount++; continue; } // the move requires acquiring the collection metadata's lock, which can fail log() << "balancer move failed: " << res << " from: " << chunkInfo.from << " to: " << << " chunk: " << chunkInfo.chunk << endl; if ( res["chunkTooBig"].trueValue() ) { // reload just to be safe cm = cfg->getChunkManager( chunkInfo.ns ); verify( cm ); c = cm->findIntersectingChunk( chunkInfo.chunk.min ); log() << "forcing a split because migrate failed for size reasons" << endl; res = BSONObj(); c->singleSplit( true , res ); log() << "forced split results: " << res << endl; if ( ! res["ok"].trueValue() ) { log() << "marking chunk as jumbo: " << c->toString() << endl; c->markAsJumbo(); // we increment moveCount so we do another round right away movedCount++; } } } catch( const DBException& ex ) { warning() << "could not move chunk " << chunkInfo.chunk.toString() << ", continuing balancing round" << causedBy( ex ) << endl; } } return movedCount; }
/** * @return true if had to do something */ bool checkShardVersion( DBClientBase& conn , const string& ns , bool authoritative , int tryNumber ) { // TODO: cache, optimize, etc... WriteBackListener::init( conn ); DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! conf ) return false; unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0; ChunkManagerPtr manager; const bool isSharded = conf->isSharded( ns ); if ( isSharded ) { manager = conf->getChunkManager( ns , authoritative ); officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber(); } // has the ChunkManager been reloaded since the last time we updated the connection-level version? // (ie, last time we issued the setShardVersions below) unsigned long long sequenceNumber = connectionShardStatus.getSequence(&conn,ns); if ( sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber ) { return false; } ShardChunkVersion version = 0; if ( isSharded ) { version = manager->getVersion( Shard::make( conn.getServerAddress() ) ); } log(2) << " have to set shard version for conn: " << &conn << " ns:" << ns << " my last seq: " << sequenceNumber << " current: " << officialSequenceNumber << " version: " << version << " manager: " << manager.get() << endl; BSONObj result; if ( setShardVersion( conn , ns , version , authoritative , result ) ) { // success! LOG(1) << " setShardVersion success: " << result << endl; connectionShardStatus.setSequence( &conn , ns , officialSequenceNumber ); return true; } log(1) << " setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl; if ( result.getBoolField( "need_authoritative" ) ) massert( 10428 , "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative ); if ( ! authoritative ) { checkShardVersion( conn , ns , 1 , tryNumber + 1 ); return true; } if ( tryNumber < 4 ) { log(1) << "going to retry checkShardVersion" << endl; sleepmillis( 10 ); checkShardVersion( conn , ns , 1 , tryNumber + 1 ); return true; } log() << " setShardVersion failed: " << result << endl; massert( 10429 , (string)"setShardVersion failed! " + result.jsonString() , 0 ); return true; }
/** * @return true if had to do something */ bool checkShardVersion( DBClientBase& conn_in , const string& ns , bool authoritative , int tryNumber ) { // TODO: cache, optimize, etc... WriteBackListener::init( conn_in ); DBConfigPtr conf = grid.getDBConfig( ns ); if ( ! conf ) return false; DBClientBase* conn = 0; switch ( conn_in.type() ) { case ConnectionString::INVALID: assert(0); break; case ConnectionString::MASTER: // great conn = &conn_in; break; case ConnectionString::PAIR: assert( ! "pair not support for sharding" ); break; case ConnectionString::SYNC: // TODO: we should check later that we aren't actually sharded on this conn = &conn_in; break; case ConnectionString::SET: DBClientReplicaSet* set = (DBClientReplicaSet*)&conn_in; conn = &(set->masterConn()); break; } assert(conn); unsigned long long officialSequenceNumber = 0; ChunkManagerPtr manager; const bool isSharded = conf->isSharded( ns ); if ( isSharded ) { manager = conf->getChunkManagerIfExists( ns , authoritative ); // It's possible the chunk manager was reset since we checked whether sharded was true, // so must check this here. if( manager ) officialSequenceNumber = manager->getSequenceNumber(); } // has the ChunkManager been reloaded since the last time we updated the connection-level version? // (ie., last time we issued the setShardVersions below) unsigned long long sequenceNumber = connectionShardStatus.getSequence(conn,ns); if ( sequenceNumber == officialSequenceNumber ) { return false; } ShardChunkVersion version = 0; if ( isSharded && manager ) { version = manager->getVersion( Shard::make( conn->getServerAddress() ) ); } LOG(2) << " have to set shard version for conn: " << conn << " ns:" << ns << " my last seq: " << sequenceNumber << " current: " << officialSequenceNumber << " version: " << version << " manager: " << manager.get() << endl; BSONObj result; if ( setShardVersion( *conn , ns , version , authoritative , result ) ) { // success! LOG(1) << " setShardVersion success: " << result << endl; connectionShardStatus.setSequence( conn , ns , officialSequenceNumber ); return true; } LOG(1) << " setShardVersion failed!\n" << result << endl; if ( result["need_authoritative"].trueValue() ) massert( 10428 , "need_authoritative set but in authoritative mode already" , ! authoritative ); if ( ! authoritative ) { checkShardVersion( *conn , ns , 1 , tryNumber + 1 ); return true; } if ( result["reloadConfig"].trueValue() ) { if( result["version"].timestampTime() == 0 ){ // reload db conf->reload(); } else { // reload config conf->getChunkManager( ns , true ); } } const int maxNumTries = 7; if ( tryNumber < maxNumTries ) { LOG( tryNumber < ( maxNumTries / 2 ) ? 1 : 0 ) << "going to retry checkShardVersion host: " << conn->getServerAddress() << " " << result << endl; sleepmillis( 10 * tryNumber ); checkShardVersion( *conn , ns , true , tryNumber + 1 ); return true; } string errmsg = str::stream() << "setShardVersion failed host: " << conn->getServerAddress() << " " << result; log() << " " << errmsg << endl; massert( 10429 , errmsg , 0 ); return true; }