void mk_s57()

    DDFModule  oModule;
    DDFFieldDefn *poFDefn;


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the '0000' definition.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();


    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the '0001' definition.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "0001", "ISO 8211 Record Identifier", "",
                     dsc_elementary, dtc_bit_string,
                     "(b12)" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the DSID field.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "DSID", "Data set identification field", "",
                     dsc_vector, dtc_mixed_data_type );

    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RCNM", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RCID", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "EXPP", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "INTU", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "DSNM", "A" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "EDTN", "A" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "UPDN", "A" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "UADT", "A(8)" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "ISDT", "A(8)" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "STED", "R(4)" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "PRSP", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "PSDN", "A" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "PRED", "A" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "PROF", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "AGEN", "b12" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "COMT", "A" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the DSSI field.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "DSSI", "Data set structure information field", "",
                     dsc_vector, dtc_mixed_data_type );

    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "DSTR", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "AALL", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NALL", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NOMR", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NOCR", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NOGR", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NOLR", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NOIN", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NOCN", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NOED", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NOFA", "b14" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the DSPM field.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "DSPM", "Data set parameter field", "",
                     dsc_vector, dtc_mixed_data_type );

    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RCNM", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RCID", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "HDAT", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "VDAT", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "SDAT", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "CSCL", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "DUNI", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "HUNI", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "PUNI", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "COUN", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "COMF", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "SOMF", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "COMT", "A" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the VRID field.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "VRID", "Vector record identifier field", "",
                     dsc_vector, dtc_mixed_data_type );

    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RCNM", "b11" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RCID", "b14" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RVER", "b12" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RUIN", "b11" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the ATTV field.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "ATTV", "Vector record attribute field", "",
                     dsc_vector, dtc_mixed_data_type );

    /* how do I mark this as repeating? */
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "ATTL", "b12" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "ATVL", "A" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the SG2D field.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "SG2D", "2-D coordinate field", "*",
                     dsc_vector, dtc_mixed_data_type );

    /* how do I mark this as repeating? */
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "YCOO", "b24" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "XCOO", "b24" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the SG3D field.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "SG3D", "3-D coordinate (sounding array) field", "*",
                     dsc_vector, dtc_mixed_data_type );

    /* how do I mark this as repeating? */
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "YCOO", "b24" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "XCOO", "b24" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "VE3D", "b24" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create file.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    oModule.Dump( stdout );

    oModule.Create( "out.000" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a record.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    DDFRecord *poRec = new DDFRecord( &oModule );
    DDFField *poField;

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "0001" ) );
    poRec->SetFieldRaw( poField, 0, "\1\0\036", 3 );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "DSID" ) );

    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "RCNM", 0, 10 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "RCID", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "EXPP", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "INTU", 0, 4 );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "DSNM", 0, "GB4X0000.000" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "EDTN", 0, "2" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "UPDN", 0, "0" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "UADT", 0, "20010409" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "ISDT", 0, "20010409" );
    poRec->SetFloatSubfield ( "DSID", 0, "STED", 0, 3.1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "PRSP", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "PSDN", 0, "" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "PRED", 0, "2.0" );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "PROF", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "AGEN", 0, 540 );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "COMT", 0, "" );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "DSSI" ) );

    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "DSTR", 0, 2 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "AALL", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NALL", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOMR", 0, 22 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOCR", 0, 0 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOGR", 0, 2141 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOLR", 0, 15 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOIN", 0, 512 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOCN", 0, 2181 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOED", 0, 3192 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOFA", 0, 0 );

    delete poRec;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a record.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poRec = new DDFRecord( &oModule );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "0001" ) );
    poRec->SetFieldRaw( poField, 0, "\2\0\036", 3 );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "DSPM" ) );

    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "RCNM", 0, 20 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "RCID", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "HDAT", 0, 2 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "VDAT", 0, 17 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "SDAT", 0, 23 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "CSCL", 0, 52000 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "DUNI", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "HUNI", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "PUNI", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "COUN", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "COMF", 0, 1000000 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSPM", 0, "SOMF", 0, 10 );

    delete poRec;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a record.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poRec = new DDFRecord( &oModule );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "0001" ) );
    poRec->SetFieldRaw( poField, 0, "\3\0\036", 3 );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "VRID" ) );

    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRID", 0, "RCNM", 0, 110 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRID", 0, "RCID", 0, 518 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRID", 0, "RVER", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRID", 0, "RUIN", 0, 1 );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "SG3D" ) );

    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "SG3D", 0, "YCOO", 0, -325998702 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "SG3D", 0, "XCOO", 0, 612175350 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "SG3D", 0, "VE3D", 0, 174 );

    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "SG3D", 0, "YCOO", 1, -325995189 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "SG3D", 0, "XCOO", 1, 612228812 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "SG3D", 0, "VE3D", 1, 400 );


    delete poRec;
void mk_catalog()

    DDFModule  oModule;
    DDFFieldDefn *poFDefn;


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the '0000' definition.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "0000", "", "0001CATD",
                     dtc_char_string );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the '0000' definition.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "0001", "ISO 8211 Record Identifier", "",
                     dsc_elementary, dtc_bit_string,
                     "(b12)" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the CATD field.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

    poFDefn->Create( "CATD", "Catalog Directory field", "",
                     dsc_vector, dtc_mixed_data_type );

    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RCNM", "A(2)" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "RCID", "I(10)" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "FILE", "A" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "LFIL", "A" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "VOLM", "A" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "IMPL", "A(3)" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "SLAT", "R" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "WLON", "R" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "NLAT", "R" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "ELON", "R" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "CRCS", "A" );
    poFDefn->AddSubfield( "COMT", "A" );

    oModule.AddField( poFDefn );

    oModule.Dump( stdout );

    oModule.Create( "out.ddf" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a record.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    DDFRecord *poRec = new DDFRecord( &oModule );
    DDFField *poField;

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "0001" ) );
    poRec->SetFieldRaw( poField, 0, "\0\0\036", 3 );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "CATD" ) );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "RCNM", 0, "CD" );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "CATD", 0, "RCID", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "FILE", 0, "CATALOG.030" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "VOLM", 0, "V01X01" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "IMPL", 0, "ASC" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "COMT", 0,
                              "Exchange Set Catalog file" );
    delete poRec;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a record.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poRec = new DDFRecord( &oModule );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "0001" ) );
    poRec->SetFieldRaw( poField, 0, "\1\0\036", 3 );

    poField = poRec->AddField( oModule.FindFieldDefn( "CATD" ) );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "RCNM", 0, "CD" );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "CATD", 0, "RCID", 0, 2 );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "FILE", 0, "No410810.000" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "VOLM", 0, "V01X01" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "IMPL", 0, "BIN" );
    poRec->SetFloatSubfield ( "CATD", 0, "SLAT", 0, 59.000005 );
    poRec->SetFloatSubfield ( "CATD", 0, "WLON", 0, 4.999996 );
    poRec->SetFloatSubfield ( "CATD", 0, "NLAT", 0, 59.500003 );
    poRec->SetFloatSubfield ( "CATD", 0, "ELON", 0, 5.499997 );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "CATD", 0, "CRCS", 0, "555C3AD4" );
    delete poRec;
int S57Writer::WritePrimitive( OGRFeature *poFeature )

    DDFRecord *poRec = MakeRecord();
    DDFField *poField;
    OGRGeometry *poGeom = poFeature->GetGeometryRef();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add the VRID field.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    poField = poRec->AddField( poModule->FindFieldDefn( "VRID" ) );

    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRID", 0, "RCNM", 0, 
                              poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "RCNM") );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRID", 0, "RCID", 0, 
                              poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "RCID") );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRID", 0, "RVER", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRID", 0, "RUIN", 0, 1 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Handle simple point.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poGeom != NULL && wkbFlatten(poGeom->getGeometryType()) == wkbPoint )
        double dfX, dfY, dfZ;
        OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poGeom;

        CPLAssert( poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "RCNM") == RCNM_VI 
                   || poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "RCNM") == RCNM_VC ); 

        dfX = poPoint->getX();
        dfY = poPoint->getY();
        dfZ = poPoint->getZ();
        if( dfZ == 0.0 )
            WriteGeometry( poRec, 1, &dfX, &dfY, NULL );
            WriteGeometry( poRec, 1, &dfX, &dfY, &dfZ );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      For multipoints we assuming SOUNDG, and write out as SG3D.      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeom != NULL 
             && wkbFlatten(poGeom->getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPoint )
        OGRMultiPoint *poMP = (OGRMultiPoint *) poGeom;
        int i, nVCount = poMP->getNumGeometries();
        double *padfX, *padfY, *padfZ;

        CPLAssert( poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "RCNM") == RCNM_VI 
                   || poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "RCNM") == RCNM_VC ); 

        padfX = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVCount);
        padfY = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVCount);
        padfZ = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVCount);

        for( i = 0; i < nVCount; i++ )
            OGRPoint *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poMP->getGeometryRef( i );
            padfX[i] = poPoint->getX();
            padfY[i] = poPoint->getY();
            padfZ[i] = poPoint->getZ();

        WriteGeometry( poRec, nVCount, padfX, padfY, padfZ );

        CPLFree( padfX );
        CPLFree( padfY );
        CPLFree( padfZ );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Handle LINESTRINGs (edge) geometry.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if( poGeom != NULL 
             && wkbFlatten(poGeom->getGeometryType()) == wkbLineString )
        OGRLineString *poLS = (OGRLineString *) poGeom;
        int i, nVCount = poLS->getNumPoints();
        double *padfX, *padfY;

        CPLAssert( poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "RCNM") == RCNM_VE );

        padfX = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVCount);
        padfY = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVCount);

        for( i = 0; i < nVCount; i++ )
            padfX[i] = poLS->getX(i);
            padfY[i] = poLS->getY(i);

        WriteGeometry( poRec, nVCount, padfX, padfY, NULL );

        CPLFree( padfX );
        CPLFree( padfY );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      edge node linkages.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poFeature->GetDefnRef()->GetFieldIndex( "NAME_RCNM_0" ) >= 0 )
        DDFField *poField;
        char     szName[5];
        int      nRCID;

        CPLAssert( poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "NAME_RCNM_0") == RCNM_VC );

        poField = poRec->AddField( poModule->FindFieldDefn( "VRPT" ) );
        nRCID = poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "NAME_RCID_0");
        szName[0] = RCNM_VC;
        szName[1] = nRCID & 0xff;
        szName[2] = (nRCID & 0xff00) >> 8;
        szName[3] = (nRCID & 0xff0000) >> 16;
        szName[4] = (nRCID & 0xff000000) >> 24;
        poRec->SetStringSubfield( "VRPT", 0, "NAME", 0, szName, 5 );
        poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRPT", 0, "ORNT", 0, 
                                  poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "ORNT_0") );
        poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRPT", 0, "USAG", 0, 
                                  poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "USAG_0") );
        poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRPT", 0, "TOPI", 0, 
                                  poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "TOPI_0") );
        poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRPT", 0, "MASK", 0, 
                                  poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "MASK_0") );
        nRCID = poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "NAME_RCID_1");
        szName[0] = RCNM_VC;
        szName[1] = nRCID & 0xff;
        szName[2] = (nRCID & 0xff00) >> 8;
        szName[3] = (nRCID & 0xff0000) >> 16;
        szName[4] = (nRCID & 0xff000000) >> 24;

        poRec->SetStringSubfield( "VRPT", 0, "NAME", 1, szName, 5 );
        poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRPT", 0, "ORNT", 1, 
                                  poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "ORNT_1") );
        poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRPT", 0, "USAG", 1, 
                                  poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "USAG_1") );
        poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRPT", 0, "TOPI", 1, 
                                  poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "TOPI_1") );
        poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "VRPT", 0, "MASK", 1, 
                                  poFeature->GetFieldAsInteger( "MASK_1") );
int main(int nArgc, char* papszArgv[])
    const char  *pszFilename = NULL, *pszOutFilename = NULL;
    DDFModule  oModule;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check arguments.                                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( int iArg = 1; iArg < nArgc; iArg++ )
        if( pszFilename == NULL )
            pszFilename = papszArgv[iArg];
        else if( pszOutFilename == NULL )
            pszOutFilename = papszArgv[iArg];
            pszFilename = NULL;

    if( pszFilename == NULL )
        printf( "Usage: 8211createfromxml filename.xml outfilename\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    CPLXMLNode* poRoot = CPLParseXMLFile( pszFilename );
    if( poRoot == NULL )
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse XML file '%s'\n", pszFilename);
        exit( 1 );

    CPLXMLNode* poXMLDDFModule = CPLSearchXMLNode(poRoot, "=DDFModule");
    if( poXMLDDFModule == NULL )
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find DDFModule node in XML file '%s'\n", pszFilename);
        exit( 1 );

    /* Compute the size of the DDFField tag */
    CPLXMLNode* psIter = poXMLDDFModule->psChild;
    int nSizeFieldTag = 0;
    while( psIter != NULL )
        if( psIter->eType == CXT_Element &&
            strcmp(psIter->pszValue, "DDFFieldDefn") == 0 )
            const char* pszTag = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "tag", "");
            if( nSizeFieldTag == 0 )
                nSizeFieldTag = (int)strlen(pszTag);
            else if( nSizeFieldTag != (int)strlen(pszTag) )
                fprintf(stderr, "All fields have not the same tag size\n");
                exit( 1 );
        psIter = psIter->psNext;

    char chInterchangeLevel = '3';
    char chLeaderIden = 'L';
    char chCodeExtensionIndicator = 'E';
    char chVersionNumber = '1';
    char chAppIndicator = ' ';
    const char *pszExtendedCharSet = " ! ";
    int nSizeFieldLength = 3;
    int nSizeFieldPos = 4;

    chInterchangeLevel = CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_interchangeLevel", CPLSPrintf("%c", chInterchangeLevel))[0];
    chLeaderIden = CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_leaderIden", CPLSPrintf("%c", chLeaderIden))[0];
    chCodeExtensionIndicator = CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_inlineCodeExtensionIndicator", CPLSPrintf("%c", chCodeExtensionIndicator))[0];
    chVersionNumber = CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_versionNumber", CPLSPrintf("%c", chVersionNumber))[0];
    chAppIndicator = CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_appIndicator", CPLSPrintf("%c", chAppIndicator))[0];
    char szExtendedCharSet[4];
    snprintf(szExtendedCharSet, sizeof(szExtendedCharSet), "%s", CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_extendedCharSet", pszExtendedCharSet));
    pszExtendedCharSet = szExtendedCharSet;
    nSizeFieldLength = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_sizeFieldLength", CPLSPrintf("%d", nSizeFieldLength)));
    nSizeFieldPos = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_sizeFieldPos", CPLSPrintf("%d", nSizeFieldPos)));
    nSizeFieldTag = atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_sizeFieldTag", CPLSPrintf("%d", nSizeFieldTag)));

    oModule.SetFieldControlLength(atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(poXMLDDFModule, "_fieldControlLength", CPLSPrintf("%d", oModule.GetFieldControlLength()))));

    int bCreated = FALSE;

    /* Create DDFFieldDefn and DDFRecord elements */
    psIter = poXMLDDFModule->psChild;
    while( psIter != NULL )
        if( psIter->eType == CXT_Element &&
            strcmp(psIter->pszValue, "DDFFieldDefn") == 0 )
            DDFFieldDefn* poFDefn = new DDFFieldDefn();

            DDF_data_struct_code eStructCode = dsc_elementary;
            const char* pszStructCode = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "dataStructCode", "");
            if( strcmp(pszStructCode, "elementary") == 0 ) eStructCode = dsc_elementary;
            else if( strcmp(pszStructCode, "vector") == 0 ) eStructCode = dsc_vector;
            else if( strcmp(pszStructCode, "array") == 0 ) eStructCode = dsc_array;
            else if( strcmp(pszStructCode, "concatenated") == 0 ) eStructCode = dsc_concatenated;

            DDF_data_type_code eTypeCode = dtc_char_string;
            const char* pszTypeCode = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "dataTypeCode", "");
            if( strcmp(pszTypeCode, "char_string") == 0 ) eTypeCode = dtc_char_string;
            else if( strcmp(pszTypeCode, "implicit_point") == 0 ) eTypeCode = dtc_implicit_point;
            else if( strcmp(pszTypeCode, "explicit_point") == 0 ) eTypeCode = dtc_explicit_point;
            else if( strcmp(pszTypeCode, "explicit_point_scaled") == 0 ) eTypeCode = dtc_explicit_point_scaled;
            else if( strcmp(pszTypeCode, "char_bit_string") == 0 ) eTypeCode = dtc_char_bit_string;
            else if( strcmp(pszTypeCode, "bit_string") == 0 ) eTypeCode = dtc_bit_string;
            else if( strcmp(pszTypeCode, "mixed_data_type") == 0 ) eTypeCode = dtc_mixed_data_type;

            const char* pszFormatControls = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "formatControls", NULL);
            if( eStructCode != dsc_elementary )
                pszFormatControls = NULL;

            const char* pszArrayDescr = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "arrayDescr", "");
            if( eStructCode == dsc_vector )
                pszArrayDescr = "";
            else if( eStructCode == dsc_array )
                pszArrayDescr = "*";

            poFDefn->Create( CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "tag", ""),
                             CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "fieldName", ""),
                             eStructCode, eTypeCode,
                             pszFormatControls );

            CPLXMLNode* psSubIter = psIter->psChild;
            while( psSubIter != NULL )
                if( psSubIter->eType == CXT_Element &&
                    strcmp(psSubIter->pszValue, "DDFSubfieldDefn") == 0 )
                    poFDefn->AddSubfield( CPLGetXMLValue(psSubIter, "name", ""),
                                          CPLGetXMLValue(psSubIter, "format", "") );
                psSubIter = psSubIter->psNext;

            pszFormatControls = CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "formatControls", NULL);
            if( pszFormatControls )

            oModule.AddField( poFDefn );
        else if( psIter->eType == CXT_Element &&
                 strcmp(psIter->pszValue, "DDFRecord") == 0 )
            //const bool bFirstRecord = !bCreated;
            if( !bCreated )
                oModule.Create( pszOutFilename );
                bCreated = TRUE;

            DDFRecord *poRec = new DDFRecord( &oModule );
            std::map<std::string, int> oMapField;

            //if( !bFirstRecord )
            //    poRec->SetReuseHeader(atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "reuseHeader", CPLSPrintf("%d", poRec->GetReuseHeader()))));
            poRec->SetSizeFieldLength(atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "_sizeFieldLength", CPLSPrintf("%d", poRec->GetSizeFieldLength()))));
            poRec->SetSizeFieldPos(atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "_sizeFieldPos", CPLSPrintf("%d", poRec->GetSizeFieldPos()))));
            poRec->SetSizeFieldTag(atoi(CPLGetXMLValue(psIter, "_sizeFieldTag", CPLSPrintf("%d", poRec->GetSizeFieldTag()))));

            CPLXMLNode* psSubIter = psIter->psChild;
            while( psSubIter != NULL )
                if( psSubIter->eType == CXT_Element &&
                    strcmp(psSubIter->pszValue, "DDFField") == 0 )
                    const char* pszFieldName = CPLGetXMLValue(psSubIter, "name", "");
                    DDFFieldDefn* poFieldDefn = oModule.FindFieldDefn( pszFieldName );
                    if( poFieldDefn == NULL )
                        fprintf(stderr, "Can't find field '%s'\n", pszFieldName );

                    int nFieldOcc = oMapField[pszFieldName];
                    oMapField[pszFieldName] ++ ;

                    DDFField *poField = poRec->AddField( poFieldDefn );
                    const char* pszValue = CPLGetXMLValue(psSubIter, "value", NULL);
                    if( pszValue != NULL && STARTS_WITH(pszValue, "0x") )
                        pszValue += 2;
                        int nDataLen = (int)strlen(pszValue)  / 2;
                        char* pabyData = (char*) malloc(nDataLen);
                        for(int i=0;i<nDataLen;i++)
                            char c;
                            int nHigh, nLow;
                            c = pszValue[2*i];
                            if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
                                nHigh = 10 + c - 'A';
                                nHigh = c - '0';
                            c = pszValue[2*i + 1];
                            if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
                                nLow = 10 + c - 'A';
                                nLow = c - '0';
                            pabyData[i] = (nHigh << 4) + nLow;
                        poRec->SetFieldRaw( poField, nFieldOcc, (const char *) pabyData, nDataLen );
                        CPLXMLNode* psSubfieldIter = psSubIter->psChild;
                        std::map<std::string, int> oMapSubfield;
                        while( psSubfieldIter != NULL )
                            if( psSubfieldIter->eType == CXT_Element &&
                                strcmp(psSubfieldIter->pszValue, "DDFSubfield") == 0 )
                                const char* pszSubfieldName = CPLGetXMLValue(psSubfieldIter, "name", "");
                                const char* pszSubfieldType = CPLGetXMLValue(psSubfieldIter, "type", "");
                                const char* pszSubfieldValue = CPLGetXMLValue(psSubfieldIter, NULL, "");
                                int nOcc = oMapSubfield[pszSubfieldName];
                                oMapSubfield[pszSubfieldName] ++ ;
                                if( strcmp(pszSubfieldType, "float") == 0 )
                                    poRec->SetFloatSubfield( pszFieldName, nFieldOcc, pszSubfieldName, nOcc,
                                                           CPLAtof(pszSubfieldValue) );
                                else if( strcmp(pszSubfieldType, "integer") == 0 )
                                    poRec->SetIntSubfield( pszFieldName, nFieldOcc, pszSubfieldName, nOcc,
                                                           atoi(pszSubfieldValue) );
                                else if( strcmp(pszSubfieldType, "string") == 0 )
                                    poRec->SetStringSubfield( pszFieldName, nFieldOcc, pszSubfieldName, nOcc,
                                                              pszSubfieldValue );
                                else if( strcmp(pszSubfieldType, "binary") == 0 &&
                                         STARTS_WITH(pszSubfieldValue, "0x") )
                                    pszSubfieldValue += 2;
                                    int nDataLen = (int)strlen(pszSubfieldValue) / 2;
                                    char* pabyData = (char*) malloc(nDataLen);
                                    for(int i=0;i<nDataLen;i++)
                                        char c;
                                        int nHigh, nLow;
                                        c = pszSubfieldValue[2*i];
                                        if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
                                            nHigh = 10 + c - 'A';
                                            nHigh = c - '0';
                                        c = pszSubfieldValue[2*i + 1];
                                        if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' )
                                            nLow = 10 + c - 'A';
                                            nLow = c - '0';
                                        pabyData[i] = (nHigh << 4) + nLow;
                                    poRec->SetStringSubfield( pszFieldName, nFieldOcc, pszSubfieldName, nOcc,
                                                              pabyData, nDataLen );
                            psSubfieldIter = psSubfieldIter->psNext;
                psSubIter = psSubIter->psNext;

            delete poRec;

        psIter = psIter->psNext;



    return 0;
int S57Writer::WriteDSID( const char *pszDSNM, const char *pszISDT, 
                          const char *pszSTED, int nAGEN, 
                          const char *pszCOMT )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Default values.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( pszDSNM == NULL )
        pszDSNM = "";
    if( pszISDT == NULL )
        pszISDT = "20030801";
    if( pszSTED == NULL )
        pszSTED = "03.1";
    if( pszCOMT == NULL )
        pszCOMT = "";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add the DSID field.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    DDFRecord *poRec = MakeRecord();
    DDFField *poField;

    poField = poRec->AddField( poModule->FindFieldDefn( "DSID" ) );

    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "RCNM", 0, 10 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "RCID", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "EXPP", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "INTU", 0, 4 );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "DSNM", 0, pszDSNM );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "EDTN", 0, "2" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "UPDN", 0, "0" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "UADT", 0, pszISDT );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "ISDT", 0, pszISDT );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "STED", 0, pszSTED );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "PRSP", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "PSDN", 0, "" );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "PRED", 0, "2.0" );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "PROF", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSID", 0, "AGEN", 0, nAGEN );
    poRec->SetStringSubfield( "DSID", 0, "COMT", 0, pszCOMT );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add the DSSI record.  Eventually we will need to return and     */
/*      correct these when we are finished writing.                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poField = poRec->AddField( poModule->FindFieldDefn( "DSSI" ) );

    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "DSTR", 0, 2 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "AALL", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NALL", 0, 1 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOMR", 0, 0 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOCR", 0, 0 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOGR", 0, 3 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOLR", 0, 0 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOIN", 0, 3 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOCN", 0, 0 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOED", 0, 0 );
    poRec->SetIntSubfield   ( "DSSI", 0, "NOFA", 0, 0 );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out the record.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    delete poRec;

    return TRUE;