void SshKeyGenerator::generateOpenSslPrivateKeyString(const KeyPtr &key)
    QList<BigInt> params;
    QByteArray keyId;
    const char *label;
    if (m_type == Rsa) {
        const QSharedPointer<RSA_PrivateKey> rsaKey
            = key.dynamicCast<RSA_PrivateKey>();
        params << rsaKey->get_n() << rsaKey->get_e() << rsaKey->get_d() << rsaKey->get_p()
            << rsaKey->get_q();
        keyId = SshCapabilities::PubKeyRsa;
        label = "RSA PRIVATE KEY";
    } else {
        const QSharedPointer<DSA_PrivateKey> dsaKey = key.dynamicCast<DSA_PrivateKey>();
        params << dsaKey->group_p() << dsaKey->group_q() << dsaKey->group_g() << dsaKey->get_y()
            << dsaKey->get_x();
        keyId = SshCapabilities::PubKeyDss;
        label = "DSA PRIVATE KEY";

    DER_Encoder encoder;
    foreach (const BigInt &b, params)
    m_privateKey = QByteArray(PEM_Code::encode (encoder.get_contents(), label).c_str());
* Serialize a Certificate Request message
std::vector<byte> Certificate_Req::serialize() const
   std::vector<byte> buf;

   std::vector<byte> cert_types;

   for(size_t i = 0; i != m_cert_key_types.size(); ++i)

   append_tls_length_value(buf, cert_types, 1);

      buf += Signature_Algorithms(m_supported_algos).serialize();

   std::vector<byte> encoded_names;

   for(size_t i = 0; i != m_names.size(); ++i)
      DER_Encoder encoder;

      append_tls_length_value(encoded_names, encoder.get_contents(), 2);

   append_tls_length_value(buf, encoded_names, 2);

   return buf;
bool SshKeyGenerator::generateOpenSslKeys(const KeyPtr &key)
    QList<BigInt> publicParams;
    QList<BigInt> allParams;
    QByteArray keyId;
    if (m_type == Rsa) {
        const QSharedPointer<RSA_PrivateKey> rsaKey
            = key.dynamicCast<RSA_PrivateKey>();
        publicParams << rsaKey->get_e() << rsaKey->get_n();
        allParams << rsaKey->get_n() << rsaKey->get_e() << rsaKey->get_d()
            << rsaKey->get_p() << rsaKey->get_q();
        keyId = SshCapabilities::PubKeyRsa;
    } else {
        const QSharedPointer<DSA_PrivateKey> dsaKey
            = key.dynamicCast<DSA_PrivateKey>();
        publicParams << dsaKey->group_p() << dsaKey->group_q()
            << dsaKey->group_g() << dsaKey->get_y();
        allParams << publicParams << dsaKey->get_x();
        keyId = SshCapabilities::PubKeyDss;

    QByteArray publicKeyBlob = AbstractSshPacket::encodeString(keyId);
    foreach (const BigInt &b, publicParams)
        publicKeyBlob += AbstractSshPacket::encodeMpInt(b);
    publicKeyBlob = publicKeyBlob.toBase64();
    const QByteArray id = "QtCreator/"
        + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate).toUtf8();
    m_publicKey = keyId + ' ' + publicKeyBlob + ' ' + id;

    DER_Encoder encoder;
    encoder.start_cons(SEQUENCE).encode (0U);
    foreach (const BigInt &b, allParams)
    const char * const label
        = m_type == Rsa ? "RSA PRIVATE KEY" : "DSA PRIVATE KEY";
        = QByteArray(PEM_Code::encode (encoder.get_contents(), label).c_str());
    return true;
void SshKeyGenerator::generateOpenSslPrivateKeyString(const KeyPtr &key)
    QList<BigInt> params;
    const char *label = "";
    switch (m_type) {
    case Rsa: {
        const QSharedPointer<RSA_PrivateKey> rsaKey
            = key.dynamicCast<RSA_PrivateKey>();
        params << rsaKey->get_n() << rsaKey->get_e() << rsaKey->get_d() << rsaKey->get_p()
            << rsaKey->get_q();
        const BigInt dmp1 = rsaKey->get_d() % (rsaKey->get_p() - 1);
        const BigInt dmq1 = rsaKey->get_d() % (rsaKey->get_q() - 1);
        const BigInt iqmp = inverse_mod(rsaKey->get_q(), rsaKey->get_p());
        params << dmp1 << dmq1 << iqmp;
        label = "RSA PRIVATE KEY";
    case Dsa: {
        const QSharedPointer<DSA_PrivateKey> dsaKey = key.dynamicCast<DSA_PrivateKey>();
        params << dsaKey->group_p() << dsaKey->group_q() << dsaKey->group_g() << dsaKey->get_y()
            << dsaKey->get_x();
        label = "DSA PRIVATE KEY";
    case Ecdsa:
        params << key.dynamicCast<ECDSA_PrivateKey>()->private_value();
        label = "EC PRIVATE KEY";

    DER_Encoder encoder;
    foreach (const BigInt &b, params)
    m_privateKey = QByteArray(PEM_Code::encode (encoder.get_contents(), label).c_str());
bool ne7ssh_keys::generateRSAKeys (const char* fqdn, const char* privKeyFileName, const char* pubKeyFileName, uint16 keySize)
  RSA_PrivateKey *rsaPrivKey;
  BigInt e, n, d, p, q;
  BigInt dmp1, dmq1, iqmp;
  ne7ssh_string pubKeyBlob;
  FILE *privKeyFile, *pubKeyFile;
  std::string privKeyEncoded;
  DER_Encoder encoder;

  if (keySize > MAX_KEYSIZE)
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "Specified key size: '%i' is larger than allowed maximum.", keySize);
    return false;

  if (keySize < 1024)
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "Key Size: '%i' is too small. Use at least 1024 key size for RSA keys.", keySize);
    return false;

#if BOTAN_PRE_18 || BOTAN_PRE_15
  rsaPrivKey = new RSA_PrivateKey (keySize);
  rsaPrivKey = new RSA_PrivateKey (*ne7ssh::rng, keySize);
  privKeyFile = fopen (privKeyFileName, "w");

  e = rsaPrivKey->get_e();
  n = rsaPrivKey->get_n();

  d = rsaPrivKey->get_d();
  p = rsaPrivKey->get_p();
  q = rsaPrivKey->get_q();

  dmp1 = d % (p - 1);
  dmq1 = d % (q - 1);
  iqmp = inverse_mod (q, p);

  pubKeyBlob.addString ("ssh-rsa");
  pubKeyBlob.addBigInt (e);
  pubKeyBlob.addBigInt (n);

  Pipe base64it (new Base64_Encoder);

  SecureVector<Botan::byte> pubKeyBase64 = base64it.read_all (PIPE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE);

  pubKeyFile = fopen (pubKeyFileName, "w");

  if (!pubKeyFile)
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "Cannot open file where public key is stored. Filename: %s", pubKeyFileName);
    delete rsaPrivKey;
    return false;

  if ((!fwrite ("ssh-rsa ", 8, 1, pubKeyFile)) ||
      (!fwrite (pubKeyBase64.begin(), (size_t) pubKeyBase64.size(), 1, pubKeyFile)) ||
      (!fwrite (" ", 1, 1, pubKeyFile)) ||
      (!fwrite (fqdn, strlen(fqdn), 1, pubKeyFile)) ||
      (!fwrite ("\n", 1, 1, pubKeyFile)))
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "I/O error while writting to file: %s.", pubKeyFileName);
    delete rsaPrivKey;
    return false;

  fclose (pubKeyFile);

#if (BOTAN_PRE_15)
    DER::encode (encoder, 0U);
    DER::encode (encoder, n);
    DER::encode (encoder, e);
    DER::encode (encoder, d);
    DER::encode (encoder, p);
    DER::encode (encoder, q);
    DER::encode (encoder, dmp1);
    DER::encode (encoder, dmq1);
    DER::encode (encoder, iqmp);

    privKeyEncoded = PEM_Code::encode (encoder.get_contents(), "RSA PRIVATE KEY");
    privKeyEncoded = PEM_Code::encode (
        DER_Encoder().start_cons (SEQUENCE)
          .get_contents(), "RSA PRIVATE KEY");

  if (!privKeyFile)
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "Cannot open file where the private key is stored. Filename: %s.", privKeyFileName);
    delete rsaPrivKey;
    return false;

  if (!fwrite (privKeyEncoded.c_str(), privKeyEncoded.length(), 1, privKeyFile))
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "IO error while writting to file: %s.", privKeyFileName);
    delete rsaPrivKey;
    return false;
  fclose (privKeyFile);

  delete rsaPrivKey;
  return true;
bool ne7ssh_keys::generateDSAKeys (const char* fqdn, const char* privKeyFileName, const char* pubKeyFileName, uint16 keySize)
  DER_Encoder encoder;
  BigInt p, q, g, y, x;
  ne7ssh_string pubKeyBlob;
  FILE *privKeyFile, *pubKeyFile;
  std::string privKeyEncoded;

  if (keySize != 1024)
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "DSA keys must be 1024 bits.");
    return false;

#if BOTAN_PRE_18 || BOTAN_PRE_15
  DL_Group dsaGroup (keySize, DL_Group::DSA_Kosherizer);
  DSA_PrivateKey privDsaKey (dsaGroup);
  DL_Group dsaGroup (*ne7ssh::rng, Botan::DL_Group::DSA_Kosherizer, keySize);
  DSA_PrivateKey privDsaKey (*ne7ssh::rng, dsaGroup);

  DSA_PublicKey pubDsaKey = privDsaKey;

  p = dsaGroup.get_p();
  q = dsaGroup.get_q();
  g = dsaGroup.get_g();
  y = pubDsaKey.get_y();
  x = privDsaKey.get_x();

  pubKeyBlob.addString ("ssh-dss");
  pubKeyBlob.addBigInt (p);
  pubKeyBlob.addBigInt (q);
  pubKeyBlob.addBigInt (g);
  pubKeyBlob.addBigInt (y);

  Pipe base64it (new Base64_Encoder);

  SecureVector<Botan::byte> pubKeyBase64 = base64it.read_all (PIPE_DEFAULT_MESSAGE);

  pubKeyFile = fopen (pubKeyFileName, "w");

  if (!pubKeyFile)
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "Cannot open file where public key is stored. Filename: %s", pubKeyFileName);
    return false;

  if ((!fwrite ("ssh-dss ", 8, 1, pubKeyFile)) ||
      (!fwrite (pubKeyBase64.begin(), (size_t) pubKeyBase64.size(), 1, pubKeyFile)) ||
      (!fwrite (" ", 1, 1, pubKeyFile)) ||
      (!fwrite (fqdn, strlen(fqdn), 1, pubKeyFile)) ||
      (!fwrite ("\n", 1, 1, pubKeyFile)))
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "I/O error while writting to file: %s.", pubKeyFileName);
    return false;
  fclose (pubKeyFile);

#if BOTAN_PRE_15
  DER::encode (encoder, 0U);
  DER::encode (encoder, p);
  DER::encode (encoder, q);
  DER::encode (encoder, g);
  DER::encode (encoder, y);
  DER::encode (encoder, x);
    .encode (0U)
    .encode (p)
    .encode (q)
    .encode (g)
    .encode (y)
    .encode (x)
  privKeyEncoded = PEM_Code::encode (encoder.get_contents(), "DSA PRIVATE KEY");

  privKeyFile = fopen (privKeyFileName, "w");

  if (!privKeyFile)
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "Cannot open file where private key is stored. Filename: %s", privKeyFileName);
    return false;

  if (!fwrite (privKeyEncoded.c_str(), (size_t) privKeyEncoded.length(), 1, privKeyFile))
    ne7ssh::errors()->push (-1, "I/O error while writting to file: %s.", privKeyFileName);
    return false;
  fclose (privKeyFile);

//  delete dsaGroup;

  return true;