DWARFContext::getInliningInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
                                        DILineInfoSpecifier Spec) {
  DIInliningInfo InliningInfo;

  DWARFCompileUnit *CU = getCompileUnitForAddress(Address);
  if (!CU)
    return InliningInfo;

  const DWARFLineTable *LineTable = nullptr;
  SmallVector<DWARFDie, 4> InlinedChain;
  CU->getInlinedChainForAddress(Address, InlinedChain);
  if (InlinedChain.size() == 0) {
    // If there is no DIE for address (e.g. it is in unavailable .dwo file),
    // try to at least get file/line info from symbol table.
    if (Spec.FLIKind != FileLineInfoKind::None) {
      DILineInfo Frame;
      LineTable = getLineTableForUnit(CU);
      if (LineTable &&
          LineTable->getFileLineInfoForAddress(Address, CU->getCompilationDir(),
                                               Spec.FLIKind, Frame))
    return InliningInfo;

  uint32_t CallFile = 0, CallLine = 0, CallColumn = 0;
  for (uint32_t i = 0, n = InlinedChain.size(); i != n; i++) {
    DWARFDie &FunctionDIE = InlinedChain[i];
    DILineInfo Frame;
    // Get function name if necessary.
    if (const char *Name = FunctionDIE.getSubroutineName(Spec.FNKind))
      Frame.FunctionName = Name;
    if (Spec.FLIKind != FileLineInfoKind::None) {
      if (i == 0) {
        // For the topmost frame, initialize the line table of this
        // compile unit and fetch file/line info from it.
        LineTable = getLineTableForUnit(CU);
        // For the topmost routine, get file/line info from line table.
        if (LineTable)
          LineTable->getFileLineInfoForAddress(Address, CU->getCompilationDir(),
                                               Spec.FLIKind, Frame);
      } else {
        // Otherwise, use call file, call line and call column from
        // previous DIE in inlined chain.
        if (LineTable)
          LineTable->getFileNameByIndex(CallFile, CU->getCompilationDir(),
                                        Spec.FLIKind, Frame.FileName);
        Frame.Line = CallLine;
        Frame.Column = CallColumn;
      // Get call file/line/column of a current DIE.
      if (i + 1 < n) {
        FunctionDIE.getCallerFrame(CallFile, CallLine, CallColumn);
  return InliningInfo;
PDBContext::getInliningInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
                                      DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier) {
  DIInliningInfo InlineInfo;
  DILineInfo Frame = getLineInfoForAddress(Address, Specifier);
  return InlineInfo;
 void emit_lineinfo(raw_ostream &Out, DIInliningInfo &DI)
     uint32_t nframes = DI.getNumberOfFrames();
     std::vector<DILineInfo> DIvec(nframes);
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < DI.getNumberOfFrames(); i++) {
         DIvec[i] = DI.getFrame(i);
     emit_lineinfo(Out, DIvec);
DIInliningInfo DWARFContext::getInliningInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
    DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier) {
  DWARFCompileUnit *CU = getCompileUnitForAddress(Address);
  if (!CU)
    return DIInliningInfo();

  const DWARFDebugInfoEntryInlinedChain &InlinedChain =
  if (InlinedChain.DIEs.size() == 0)
    return DIInliningInfo();

  DIInliningInfo InliningInfo;
  uint32_t CallFile = 0, CallLine = 0, CallColumn = 0;
  const DWARFLineTable *LineTable = 0;
  for (uint32_t i = 0, n = InlinedChain.DIEs.size(); i != n; i++) {
    const DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal &FunctionDIE = InlinedChain.DIEs[i];
    std::string FileName = "<invalid>";
    std::string FunctionName = "<invalid>";
    uint32_t Line = 0;
    uint32_t Column = 0;
    // Get function name if necessary.
    if (Specifier.needs(DILineInfoSpecifier::FunctionName)) {
      if (const char *Name = FunctionDIE.getSubroutineName(InlinedChain.U))
        FunctionName = Name;
    if (Specifier.needs(DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfo)) {
      const bool NeedsAbsoluteFilePath =
      if (i == 0) {
        // For the topmost frame, initialize the line table of this
        // compile unit and fetch file/line info from it.
        LineTable = getLineTableForCompileUnit(CU);
        // For the topmost routine, get file/line info from line table.
        getFileLineInfoForCompileUnit(CU, LineTable, Address,
                                      FileName, Line, Column);
      } else {
        // Otherwise, use call file, call line and call column from
        // previous DIE in inlined chain.
        getFileNameForCompileUnit(CU, LineTable, CallFile,
                                  NeedsAbsoluteFilePath, FileName);
        Line = CallLine;
        Column = CallColumn;
      // Get call file/line/column of a current DIE.
      if (i + 1 < n) {
        FunctionDIE.getCallerFrame(InlinedChain.U, CallFile, CallLine,
    DILineInfo Frame(StringRef(FileName), StringRef(FunctionName),
                     Line, Column);
  return InliningInfo;
static void DumpInput(const StringRef &Filename) {
  OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Buff;

  if (error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(Filename, Buff)) {
    errs() << Filename << ": " << ec.message() << "\n";

  OwningPtr<ObjectFile> Obj(ObjectFile::createObjectFile(Buff.take()));
  if (!Obj) {
    errs() << Filename << ": Unknown object file format\n";

  OwningPtr<DIContext> DICtx(DIContext::getDWARFContext(Obj.get()));

  if (Address == -1ULL) {
    outs() << Filename
           << ":\tfile format " << Obj->getFileFormatName() << "\n\n";
    // Dump the complete DWARF structure.
    DICtx->dump(outs(), DumpType);
  } else {
    // Print line info for the specified address.
    int SpecFlags = DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfo |
    if (PrintFunctions)
      SpecFlags |= DILineInfoSpecifier::FunctionName;
    if (PrintInlining) {
      DIInliningInfo InliningInfo =
        DICtx->getInliningInfoForAddress(Address, SpecFlags);
      uint32_t n = InliningInfo.getNumberOfFrames();
      if (n == 0) {
        // Print one empty debug line info in any case.
      } else {
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          DILineInfo dli = InliningInfo.getFrame(i);
    } else {
      DILineInfo dli = DICtx->getLineInfoForAddress(Address, SpecFlags);
DIInliningInfo ModuleInfo::symbolizeInlinedCode(
    uint64_t ModuleOffset, const LLVMSymbolizer::Options &Opts) const {
  DIInliningInfo InlinedContext;
  if (DebugInfoContext) {
    InlinedContext = DebugInfoContext->getInliningInfoForAddress(
        ModuleOffset, getDILineInfoSpecifierFlags(Opts));
  // Make sure there is at least one frame in context.
  if (InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames() == 0) {
  // Override the function name in lower frame with name from symbol table.
  if (Opts.PrintFunctions && Opts.UseSymbolTable) {
    DIInliningInfo PatchedInlinedContext;
    for (uint32_t i = 0, n = InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames(); i < n; i++) {
      DILineInfo LineInfo = InlinedContext.getFrame(i);
      if (i == n - 1) {
        std::string FunctionName;
        uint64_t Start, Size;
        if (getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::ST_Function, ModuleOffset,
                                   FunctionName, Start, Size)) {
          patchFunctionNameInDILineInfo(FunctionName, LineInfo);
    InlinedContext = PatchedInlinedContext;
  return InlinedContext;
std::string LLVMSymbolizer::symbolizeCode(const std::string &ModuleName,
                                          uint64_t ModuleOffset) {
  ModuleInfo *Info = getOrCreateModuleInfo(ModuleName);
  if (Info == 0)
    return printDILineInfo(DILineInfo());
  if (Opts.PrintInlining) {
    DIInliningInfo InlinedContext =
        Info->symbolizeInlinedCode(ModuleOffset, Opts);
    uint32_t FramesNum = InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames();
    assert(FramesNum > 0);
    std::string Result;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < FramesNum; i++) {
      DILineInfo LineInfo = InlinedContext.getFrame(i);
      Result += printDILineInfo(LineInfo);
    return Result;
  DILineInfo LineInfo = Info->symbolizeCode(ModuleOffset, Opts);
  return printDILineInfo(LineInfo);
LLVMSymbolizer::symbolizeInlinedCode(const std::string &ModuleName,
                                     uint64_t ModuleOffset) {
  auto InfoOrErr = getOrCreateModuleInfo(ModuleName);
  if (auto EC = InfoOrErr.getError())
    return EC;
  SymbolizableModule *Info = InfoOrErr.get();

  // If the user is giving us relative addresses, add the preferred base of the
  // object to the offset before we do the query. It's what DIContext expects.
  if (Opts.RelativeAddresses)
    ModuleOffset += Info->getModulePreferredBase();

  DIInliningInfo InlinedContext = Info->symbolizeInlinedCode(
      ModuleOffset, Opts.PrintFunctions, Opts.UseSymbolTable);
  if (Opts.Demangle) {
    for (int i = 0, n = InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames(); i < n; i++) {
      auto *Frame = InlinedContext.getMutableFrame(i);
      Frame->FunctionName = DemangleName(Frame->FunctionName, Info);
  return InlinedContext;
DIInliningInfo SymbolizableObjectFile::symbolizeInlinedCode(
    uint64_t ModuleOffset, FunctionNameKind FNKind, bool UseSymbolTable) const {
  DIInliningInfo InlinedContext;

  if (DebugInfoContext)
    InlinedContext = DebugInfoContext->getInliningInfoForAddress(
        ModuleOffset, getDILineInfoSpecifier(FNKind));
  // Make sure there is at least one frame in context.
  if (InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames() == 0)

  // Override the function name in lower frame with name from symbol table.
  if (shouldOverrideWithSymbolTable(FNKind, UseSymbolTable)) {
    std::string FunctionName;
    uint64_t Start, Size;
    if (getNameFromSymbolTable(SymbolRef::ST_Function, ModuleOffset,
                               FunctionName, Start, Size)) {
      InlinedContext.getMutableFrame(InlinedContext.getNumberOfFrames() - 1)
          ->FunctionName = FunctionName;

  return InlinedContext;
static void jl_dump_asm_internal(
        uintptr_t Fptr, size_t Fsize, int64_t slide,
        const object::ObjectFile *object,
        DIContext *di_ctx,
        raw_ostream &rstream,
        const char* asm_variant)
    // GC safe
    // Get the host information
    std::string TripleName = sys::getDefaultTargetTriple();
    Triple TheTriple(Triple::normalize(TripleName));

    const auto &target = jl_get_llvm_disasm_target();
    const auto &cpu = target.first;
    const auto &features = target.second;

    std::string err;
    const Target *TheTarget = TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(TripleName, err);

    // Set up required helpers and streamer
    std::unique_ptr<MCStreamer> Streamer;
    SourceMgr SrcMgr;

    std::unique_ptr<MCAsmInfo> MAI(TheTarget->createMCAsmInfo(*TheTarget->createMCRegInfo(TripleName),TripleName));
    assert(MAI && "Unable to create target asm info!");

    std::unique_ptr<MCRegisterInfo> MRI(TheTarget->createMCRegInfo(TripleName));
    assert(MRI && "Unable to create target register info!");

    std::unique_ptr<MCObjectFileInfo> MOFI(new MCObjectFileInfo());
    MCContext Ctx(MAI.get(), MRI.get(), MOFI.get(), &SrcMgr);
    MOFI->InitMCObjectFileInfo(TheTriple, /* PIC */ false, Ctx);

    // Set up Subtarget and Disassembler
        STI(TheTarget->createMCSubtargetInfo(TripleName, cpu, features));
    std::unique_ptr<MCDisassembler> DisAsm(TheTarget->createMCDisassembler(*STI, Ctx));
    if (!DisAsm) {
        jl_printf(JL_STDERR, "ERROR: no disassembler for target %s\n",
    unsigned OutputAsmVariant = 0; // ATT or Intel-style assembly

    if (strcmp(asm_variant, "intel")==0) {
        OutputAsmVariant = 1;
    bool ShowEncoding = false;

    std::unique_ptr<MCInstrInfo> MCII(TheTarget->createMCInstrInfo());
    MCInstPrinter *IP =
        TheTarget->createMCInstPrinter(TheTriple, OutputAsmVariant, *MAI, *MCII, *MRI);
    //IP->setPrintImmHex(true); // prefer hex or decimal immediates
    MCCodeEmitter *CE = 0;
    MCAsmBackend *MAB = 0;
    if (ShowEncoding) {
        CE = TheTarget->createMCCodeEmitter(*MCII, *MRI, Ctx);
        MCTargetOptions Options;
        MAB = TheTarget->createMCAsmBackend(*STI, *MRI, Options);

    // createAsmStreamer expects a unique_ptr to a formatted stream, which means
    // it will destruct the stream when it is done. We cannot have this, so we
    // start out with a raw stream, and create formatted stream from it here.
    // LLVM will desctruct the formatted stream, and we keep the raw stream.
    auto ustream = llvm::make_unique<formatted_raw_ostream>(rstream);
    Streamer.reset(TheTarget->createAsmStreamer(Ctx, std::move(ustream), /*asmverbose*/true,
                                                /*useDwarfDirectory*/ true,
                                                IP, CE, MAB, /*ShowInst*/ false));

    // Make the MemoryObject wrapper
    ArrayRef<uint8_t> memoryObject(const_cast<uint8_t*>((const uint8_t*)Fptr),Fsize);
    SymbolTable DisInfo(Ctx, object, slide, memoryObject);

    DILineInfoTable di_lineinfo;
    if (di_ctx)
        di_lineinfo = di_ctx->getLineInfoForAddressRange(Fptr+slide, Fsize);
    if (!di_lineinfo.empty()) {
        auto cur_addr = di_lineinfo[0].first;
        auto nlineinfo = di_lineinfo.size();
        // filter out line infos that doesn't contain any instructions
        unsigned j = 0;
        for (unsigned i = 1; i < nlineinfo; i++) {
            auto &info = di_lineinfo[i];
            if (info.first != cur_addr)
            cur_addr = info.first;
            if (i != j) {
                di_lineinfo[j] = std::move(info);
        if (j + 1 < nlineinfo) {
            di_lineinfo.resize(j + 1);

    // Take two passes: In the first pass we record all branch labels,
    // in the second we actually perform the output
    for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++ pass) {
        if (pass != 0) {
            // Switch to symbolic disassembly. We cannot do this
            // before the first pass, because this changes branch
            // targets from immediate values (constants) to
            // expressions, which are not handled correctly by
            // MCIA->evaluateBranch. (It should be possible to rewrite
            // this routine to handle this case correctly as well.)
            // Could add OpInfoLookup here
            DisAsm->setSymbolizer(std::unique_ptr<MCSymbolizer>(new MCExternalSymbolizer(
                        std::unique_ptr<MCRelocationInfo>(new MCRelocationInfo(Ctx)),

        uint64_t nextLineAddr = -1;
        DILineInfoTable::iterator di_lineIter = di_lineinfo.begin();
        DILineInfoTable::iterator di_lineEnd = di_lineinfo.end();
        DILineInfoPrinter dbgctx{';', true};
        if (pass != 0) {
            if (di_ctx && di_lineIter != di_lineEnd) {
                // Set up the line info
                nextLineAddr = di_lineIter->first;
                if (nextLineAddr != (uint64_t)(Fptr + slide)) {
                    std::string buf;
                    dbgctx.emit_lineinfo(buf, di_lineIter->second);
                    if (!buf.empty()) {

        uint64_t Index = 0;
        uint64_t insSize = 0;

        // Do the disassembly
        for (Index = 0; Index < Fsize; Index += insSize) {

            if (pass != 0 && nextLineAddr != (uint64_t)-1 && Index + Fptr + slide == nextLineAddr) {
                if (di_ctx) {
                    std::string buf;
                    DILineInfoSpecifier infoSpec(DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfoKind::Default,
                    DIInliningInfo dbg = di_ctx->getInliningInfoForAddress(Index + Fptr + slide, infoSpec);
                    if (dbg.getNumberOfFrames()) {
                        dbgctx.emit_lineinfo(buf, dbg);
                    else {
                        dbgctx.emit_lineinfo(buf, di_lineIter->second);
                    if (!buf.empty())
                    nextLineAddr = (++di_lineIter)->first;

            if (pass != 0) {
                // Uncomment this to output addresses for all instructions
                // stream << Index << ": ";
                MCSymbol *symbol = DisInfo.lookupSymbol(Fptr+Index);
                if (symbol)

            MCInst Inst;
            MCDisassembler::DecodeStatus S;
            FuncMCView view = memoryObject.slice(Index);
            S = DisAsm->getInstruction(Inst, insSize, view, 0,
                                      /*VStream*/ nulls(),
                                      /*CStream*/ pass != 0 ? Streamer->GetCommentOS() : nulls());
            if (pass != 0 && Streamer->GetCommentOS().tell() > 0)
                Streamer->GetCommentOS() << '\n';
            switch (S) {
            case MCDisassembler::Fail:
                if (insSize == 0) // skip illegible bytes
#if defined(_CPU_PPC_) || defined(_CPU_PPC64_) || defined(_CPU_ARM_) || defined(_CPU_AARCH64_)
                    insSize = 4; // instructions are always 4 bytes
                    insSize = 1; // attempt to slide 1 byte forward
                if (pass != 0) {
                    std::ostringstream buf;
                    if (insSize == 4)
                        buf << "\t.long\t0x" << std::hex
                            << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(8)
                            << *(uint32_t*)(Fptr+Index);
                        for (uint64_t i=0; i<insSize; ++i)
                            buf << "\t.byte\t0x" << std::hex
                                << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2)
                                << (int)*(uint8_t*)(Fptr+Index+i);

            case MCDisassembler::SoftFail:
                if (pass != 0)
                    Streamer->EmitRawText(StringRef("potentially undefined instruction encoding:"));
                // Fall through

            case MCDisassembler::Success:
                if (pass == 0) {
                    // Pass 0: Record all branch target references
                    if (MCIA) {
                        const MCInstrDesc &opcode = MCII->get(Inst.getOpcode());
                        if (opcode.isBranch() || opcode.isCall()) {
                            uint64_t addr;
                            if (MCIA->evaluateBranch(Inst, Fptr + Index, insSize, addr))
                else {
                    // Pass 1: Output instruction
                    if (pass != 0) {
                        // attempt to symbolicate any immediate operands
                        const MCInstrDesc &opinfo = MCII->get(Inst.getOpcode());
                        for (unsigned Op = 0; Op < opinfo.NumOperands; Op++) {
                            const MCOperand &OpI = Inst.getOperand(Op);
                            if (OpI.isImm()) {
                                int64_t imm = OpI.getImm();
                                if (opinfo.OpInfo[Op].OperandType == MCOI::OPERAND_PCREL)
                                    imm += Fptr + Index;
                                const char *name = DisInfo.lookupSymbolName(imm);
                                if (name)
                    Streamer->EmitInstruction(Inst, *STI);

        if (pass == 0)

        if (pass != 0 && di_ctx) {
            std::string buf;
            if (!buf.empty()) {
DIInliningInfo DWARFContext::getInliningInfoForAddress(uint64_t Address,
    DILineInfoSpecifier Specifier) {
  DIInliningInfo InliningInfo;

  DWARFCompileUnit *CU = getCompileUnitForAddress(Address);
  if (!CU)
    return InliningInfo;

  const DWARFLineTable *LineTable = nullptr;
  const bool NeedsAbsoluteFilePath =
  const DWARFDebugInfoEntryInlinedChain &InlinedChain =
  if (InlinedChain.DIEs.size() == 0) {
    // If there is no DIE for address (e.g. it is in unavailable .dwo file),
    // try to at least get file/line info from symbol table.
    if (Specifier.needs(DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfo)) {
      DILineInfo Frame;
      LineTable = getLineTableForCompileUnit(CU);
      if (getFileLineInfoForCompileUnit(CU, LineTable, Address,
                                        NeedsAbsoluteFilePath, Frame)) {
    return InliningInfo;

  uint32_t CallFile = 0, CallLine = 0, CallColumn = 0;
  for (uint32_t i = 0, n = InlinedChain.DIEs.size(); i != n; i++) {
    const DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal &FunctionDIE = InlinedChain.DIEs[i];
    DILineInfo Frame;
    // Get function name if necessary.
    if (Specifier.needs(DILineInfoSpecifier::FunctionName)) {
      if (const char *Name = FunctionDIE.getSubroutineName(InlinedChain.U))
        Frame.FunctionName = Name;
    if (Specifier.needs(DILineInfoSpecifier::FileLineInfo)) {
      if (i == 0) {
        // For the topmost frame, initialize the line table of this
        // compile unit and fetch file/line info from it.
        LineTable = getLineTableForCompileUnit(CU);
        // For the topmost routine, get file/line info from line table.
        getFileLineInfoForCompileUnit(CU, LineTable, Address,
                                      NeedsAbsoluteFilePath, Frame);
      } else {
        // Otherwise, use call file, call line and call column from
        // previous DIE in inlined chain.
        getFileNameForCompileUnit(CU, LineTable, CallFile,
                                  NeedsAbsoluteFilePath, Frame.FileName);
        Frame.Line = CallLine;
        Frame.Column = CallColumn;
      // Get call file/line/column of a current DIE.
      if (i + 1 < n) {
        FunctionDIE.getCallerFrame(InlinedChain.U, CallFile, CallLine,
  return InliningInfo;