double vtIcoGlobe::AddSurfaceLineToMesh(vtGeomFactory *pMF, const DLine2 &line)
    DPoint2 g1, g2;
    DPoint3 p1, p2;
    double scale = 1.0002;
    int length = 0;
    DMatrix3 rot3;

    int i, j, size = line.GetSize();

    for (i = 0; i < size-1; i++)
        g1 = line.GetAt(i);
        g2 = line.GetAt(i+1);

        // for each pair of points, determine how many more points are needed
        //  for a smooth arc
        geo_to_xyz(1.0, g1, p1);
        geo_to_xyz(1.0, g2, p2);
        double angle = acos(p1.Dot(p2));
        int segments = (int) (angle * 2000);
        if (segments < 1)
            segments = 1;

        if (segments > 1)
            // calculate the axis of rotation
            DPoint3 cross = p1.Cross(p2);
            rot3.AxisAngle(cross, angle / segments);

        // curved arc on great-circle path
        for (j = 0; j < segments; j++)
            FPoint3 fp = p1 * 1.0002;

            if (j < segments-1)
                rot3.Transform(p1, p2);
                p1 = p2;

    // last vertex
    if (size > 1)
        g2 = line.GetAt(size-1);
        geo_to_xyz(1.0, g2, p2);
        pMF->AddVertex(p2 * scale);

    return 0.0;
void vtStructureArray::Offset(const DPoint2 &delta)
	uint npoints = GetSize();
	if (!npoints)

	uint i, j;
	DPoint2 temp;
	for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
		vtStructure *str = GetAt(i);
		vtBuilding *bld = str->GetBuilding();
		if (bld)
		vtFence *fen = str->GetFence();
		if (fen)
			DLine2 line = fen->GetFencePoints();
			for (j = 0; j < line.GetSize(); j++)
				line.GetAt(j) += delta;
		vtStructInstance *inst = str->GetInstance();
		if (inst)
文件: vtTin.cpp 项目: kamalsirsa/vtp
 * Combine all vertices which are at the same location.  By removing these
 * redundant vertices, the mesh will consume less space in memory and on disk.
void vtTin::MergeSharedVerts(bool progress_callback(int))
	uint verts = NumVerts();

	uint i, j;
	int bin;

	DRECT rect = m_EarthExtents;
	double width = rect.Width();

	// make it slightly larger avoid edge condition
	rect.left -= 0.000001;
	width += 0.000002;

	m_bReplace = new int[verts];
	m_vertbin = new Bin[BINS];
	m_tribin = new Bin[BINS];

	// sort the vertices into bins
	for (i = 0; i < verts; i++)
		// flag all vertices initially not to remove
		m_bReplace[i] = -1;

		// find the correct bin, and add the index of this vertex to it
		bin = (int) (BINS * (m_vert[i].x - rect.left) / width);
	uint trisize = m_tri.size();
	for (i = 0; i < trisize; i++)
		// find the correct bin, and add the index of this index to it
		bin = (int) (BINS * (m_vert[m_tri[i]].x - rect.left) / width);

	// compare within each bin, and between each adjacent bin,
	// looking for matching vertices to flag for removal
	for (bin = 0; bin < BINS; bin++)
		if (progress_callback != NULL)
			progress_callback(bin * 100 / BINS);

		_CompareBins(bin, bin);
		if (bin < BINS-1)
			_CompareBins(bin, bin+1);
	// now update each triangle index to point to the merge result
	for (bin = 0; bin < BINS; bin++)
		if (progress_callback != NULL)
			progress_callback(bin * 100 / BINS);


	// now compact the vertex bins into a single array

	// make a copy to copy from
	DLine2 *vertcopy = new DLine2(m_vert);
	float *zcopy = new float[m_z.size()];
	for (i = 0; i < m_z.size(); i++)
		zcopy[i] = m_z[i];

	int inew = 0;	// index into brand new array (actually re-using old)

	for (bin = 0; bin < BINS; bin++)
		if (progress_callback != NULL)
			progress_callback(bin * 100 / BINS);

		uint binverts = m_vertbin[bin].size();
		for (i = 0; i < binverts; i++)
			int v_old = m_vertbin[bin].at(i);
			if (m_bReplace[v_old] != -1)

			int v_new = inew;

			// copy old to new
			m_vert[v_new] = vertcopy->GetAt(v_old);
			m_z[v_new] = zcopy[v_old];

			uint bintris = m_tribin[bin].size();
			for (j = 0; j < bintris; j++)
				int trindx = m_tribin[bin].at(j);
				if (m_tri[trindx] == v_old)
					m_tri[trindx] = v_new;

	// our original array containers now hold the compacted result
	int newsize = inew;

	// free up all the stuff we allocated
	delete [] m_bReplace;
	delete [] m_vertbin;
	delete [] m_tribin;
	delete vertcopy;
	delete [] zcopy;