ScriptPromise MediaKeys::setServerCertificate(ScriptState* scriptState, const DOMArrayPiece& serverCertificate)
    // From
    // The setServerCertificate(serverCertificate) method provides a server
    // certificate to be used to encrypt messages to the license server.
    // It must run the following steps:
    // 1. If serverCertificate is an empty array, return a promise rejected
    //    with a new DOMException whose name is "InvalidAccessError".
    if (!serverCertificate.byteLength()) {
        return ScriptPromise::rejectWithDOMException(
            scriptState, DOMException::create(InvalidAccessError, "The serverCertificate parameter is empty."));

    // 2. If the keySystem does not support server certificates, return a
    //    promise rejected with a new DOMException whose name is
    //    "NotSupportedError".
    //    (Let the CDM decide whether to support this or not.)

    // 3. Let certificate be a copy of the contents of the serverCertificate
    //    parameter.
    RefPtr<DOMArrayBuffer> serverCertificateBuffer = DOMArrayBuffer::create(, serverCertificate.byteLength());

    // 4. Let promise be a new promise.
    SimpleContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise* result = new SimpleContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise(scriptState);
    ScriptPromise promise = result->promise();

    // 5. Run the following steps asynchronously (documented in timerFired()).
    m_pendingActions.append(PendingAction::CreatePendingSetServerCertificate(result, serverCertificateBuffer.release()));
    if (!m_timer.isActive())
        m_timer.startOneShot(0, FROM_HERE);

    // 6. Return promise.
    return promise;
ScriptPromise MediaKeys::setServerCertificate(
    ScriptState* scriptState,
    const DOMArrayPiece& serverCertificate) {
  // From
  // The setServerCertificate(serverCertificate) method provides a server
  // certificate to be used to encrypt messages to the license server.
  // It must run the following steps:
  // 1. If the Key System implementation represented by this object's cdm
  //    implementation value does not support server certificates, return
  //    a promise resolved with false.
  // TODO(jrummell): Provide a way to determine if the CDM supports this.
  // 2. If serverCertificate is an empty array, return a promise rejected
  //    with a new a newly created TypeError.
  if (!serverCertificate.byteLength()) {
    return ScriptPromise::reject(
        scriptState, V8ThrowException::createTypeError(
                         "The serverCertificate parameter is empty."));

  // 3. Let certificate be a copy of the contents of the serverCertificate
  //    parameter.
  DOMArrayBuffer* serverCertificateBuffer = DOMArrayBuffer::create(, serverCertificate.byteLength());

  // 4. Let promise be a new promise.
  SetCertificateResultPromise* result =
      new SetCertificateResultPromise(scriptState, this);
  ScriptPromise promise = result->promise();

  // 5. Run the following steps asynchronously (documented in timerFired()).
      result, serverCertificateBuffer));
  if (!m_timer.isActive())
    m_timer.startOneShot(0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);

  // 6. Return promise.
  return promise;
ScriptPromise MediaKeySession::update(ScriptState* scriptState, const DOMArrayPiece& response)
    WTF_LOG(Media, "MediaKeySession(%p)::update", this);

    // From
    // Provides messages, including licenses, to the CDM. When this method is
    // invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:

    // 1. If this object's callable value is false, return a promise rejected
    //    with a new DOMException whose name is InvalidStateError.
    if (!m_isCallable)
        return CreateRejectedPromiseNotCallable(scriptState);

    // 2. If response is an empty array, return a promise rejected with a
    //    new DOMException whose name is InvalidAccessError.
    if (!response.byteLength()) {
        return ScriptPromise::rejectWithDOMException(
            scriptState, DOMException::create(InvalidAccessError, "The response parameter is empty."));

    // 3. Let response copy be a copy of the contents of the response parameter.
    RefPtr<DOMArrayBuffer> responseCopy = DOMArrayBuffer::create(, response.byteLength());

    // 4. Let promise be a new promise.
    SimpleContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise* result = new SimpleContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise(scriptState);
    ScriptPromise promise = result->promise();

    // 5. Run the following steps asynchronously (documented in
    //    actionTimerFired())
    m_pendingActions.append(PendingAction::CreatePendingUpdate(result, responseCopy.release()));
    if (!m_actionTimer.isActive())
        m_actionTimer.startOneShot(0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);

    // 6. Return promise.
    return promise;
ScriptPromise MediaKeySession::generateRequest(ScriptState* scriptState, const String& initDataTypeString, const DOMArrayPiece& initData)
    WTF_LOG(Media, "MediaKeySession(%p)::generateRequest %s", this, initDataTypeString.ascii().data());

    // From
    // Generates a request based on the initData. When this method is invoked,
    // the user agent must run the following steps:

    // 1. If this object's uninitialized value is false, return a promise
    //    rejected with a new DOMException whose name is "InvalidStateError".
    if (!m_isUninitialized)
        return CreateRejectedPromiseAlreadyInitialized(scriptState);

    // 2. Let this object's uninitialized be false.
    m_isUninitialized = false;

    // 3. If initDataType is an empty string, return a promise rejected with a
    //    new DOMException whose name is "InvalidAccessError".
    if (initDataTypeString.isEmpty()) {
        return ScriptPromise::rejectWithDOMException(
            scriptState, DOMException::create(InvalidAccessError, "The initDataType parameter is empty."));

    // 4. If initData is an empty array, return a promise rejected with a new
    //    DOMException whose name is"InvalidAccessError".
    if (!initData.byteLength()) {
        return ScriptPromise::rejectWithDOMException(
            scriptState, DOMException::create(InvalidAccessError, "The initData parameter is empty."));

    // 5. If the Key System implementation represented by this object's cdm
    //    implementation value does not support initDataType as an
    //    Initialization Data Type, return a promise rejected with a new
    //    DOMException whose name is NotSupportedError. String comparison
    //    is case-sensitive.
    //    (blink side doesn't know what the CDM supports, so the proper check
    //     will be done on the Chromium side. However, we can verify that
    //     |initDataType| is one of the registered values.)
    WebEncryptedMediaInitDataType initDataType = EncryptedMediaUtils::convertToInitDataType(initDataTypeString);
    if (initDataType == WebEncryptedMediaInitDataType::Unknown) {
        return ScriptPromise::rejectWithDOMException(
            scriptState, DOMException::create(NotSupportedError, "The initialization data type '" + initDataTypeString + "' is not supported."));

    // 6. Let init data be a copy of the contents of the initData parameter.
    RefPtr<DOMArrayBuffer> initDataBuffer = DOMArrayBuffer::create(, initData.byteLength());

    // 7. Let session type be this object's session type.
    //    (Done in constructor.)

    // 8. Let promise be a new promise.
    NewSessionResultPromise* result = new NewSessionResultPromise(scriptState, this);
    ScriptPromise promise = result->promise();

    // 9. Run the following steps asynchronously (documented in
    //    actionTimerFired())
    m_pendingActions.append(PendingAction::CreatePendingGenerateRequest(result, initDataType, initDataBuffer.release()));
    m_actionTimer.startOneShot(0, BLINK_FROM_HERE);

    // 10. Return promise.
    return promise;