returnValue Integrator::setForwardSeed( const int &order, const DVector &xSeed, const DVector &pSeed, const DVector &uSeed, const DVector &wSeed ){ int run1; if( rhs == 0 ) return ACADOERROR( RET_TRIVIAL_RHS ); DVector tmpX; DVector components = rhs->getDifferentialStateComponents(); dP = pSeed; dU = uSeed; dW = wSeed; if( xSeed.getDim() != 0 ){ tmpX.init( components.getDim() ); for( run1 = 0; run1 < (int) components.getDim(); run1++ ) tmpX(run1) = xSeed((int) components(run1)); } return setProtectedForwardSeed( tmpX, pSeed, uSeed, wSeed, order ); }
returnValue OCP::subjectTo( const DVector& _lb, const Expression& _expr, const DVector& _ub ) { ASSERT(_lb.getDim() == _expr.getDim() && _lb.getDim() == _ub.getDim()); constraint->add(_lb, _expr, _ub); return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }
BooleanType RungeKuttaExport::checkSymmetry( const DVector& _cc ) { if( _cc.getDim() <= 1 ) return BT_FALSE; BooleanType symmetry = BT_TRUE; uint i; for( i = 0; i < _cc.getDim(); i++ ) { int tmp = acadoRoundAway(1.0 - _cc(i) - _cc(_cc.getDim()-1-i)); if( symmetry ) symmetry = (tmp == 0); } return symmetry; }
returnValue RungeKuttaExport::initializeButcherTableau( const DMatrix& _AA, const DVector& _bb, const DVector& _cc ) { if( _cc.isEmpty() || !_AA.isSquare() || _AA.getNumRows() != _bb.getDim() || _bb.getDim() != _cc.getDim() ) return RET_INVALID_OPTION; numStages = _cc.getDim(); is_symmetric = checkSymmetry( _cc ); // std::cout << "Symmetry of the chosen method: " << is_symmetric << "\n"; AA = _AA; bb = _bb; cc = _cc; return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }
returnValue Integrator::evaluateTransition( const double time, DVector &xd, const DVector &xa, const DVector &p, const DVector &u, const DVector &w ){ ASSERT( transition != 0 ); EvaluationPoint z( *transition, xd.getDim(), xa.getDim(), p.getDim(), u.getDim(), w.getDim() ); z.setT ( time ); z.setX ( xd ); z.setXA( xa ); z.setP ( p ); z.setU ( u ); z.setW ( w ); xd = transition->evaluate( z ); return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }
returnValue Integrator::integrate( const Grid &t_ , const DVector &x0 , const DVector &xa , const DVector &p , const DVector &u , const DVector &w ){ int run1; returnValue returnvalue; if( rhs == 0 ) return ACADOERROR( RET_TRIVIAL_RHS ); DVector tmpX; DVector components = rhs->getDifferentialStateComponents(); const int N = components.getDim(); if( x0.getDim() != 0 ){ tmpX.init( components.getDim() ); for( run1 = 0; run1 < (int) components.getDim(); run1++ ) tmpX(run1) = x0((int) components(run1)); } // tmpX.print( "integrator x0" ); // u.print( "integrator u0" ); // p.print( "integrator p0" ); returnvalue = evaluate( tmpX, xa, p, u, w, t_ ); if( returnvalue != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN ) return returnvalue; xE.init(rhs->getDim()); xE.setZero(); DVector tmp(rhs->getDim()); getProtectedX(&tmp); for( run1 = 0; run1 < N; run1++ ) xE((int) components(run1)) = tmp(run1); for( run1 = N; run1 < N + ma; run1++ ) xE(run1) = tmp(run1); if( transition != 0 ) returnvalue = evaluateTransition( t_.getLastTime(), xE, xa, p, u, w ); return returnvalue; }
returnValue Integrator::getBackwardSensitivities( DVector &DX, DVector &DP , DVector &DU , DVector &DW , int order ) const{ int run2; returnValue returnvalue; DVector tmpX ( rhs->getDim() ); DX.setZero(); DP.setZero(); DU.setZero(); DW.setZero(); returnvalue = getProtectedBackwardSensitivities( tmpX, DP, DU, DW, order ); DVector components = rhs->getDifferentialStateComponents(); for( run2 = 0; run2 < (int) components.getDim(); run2++ ) DX((int) components(run2)) = tmpX(run2); for( run2 = 0; run2 < (int) dPb.getDim(); run2++ ) DP(run2) += dPb(run2); for( run2 = 0; run2 < (int) dUb.getDim(); run2++ ) DU(run2) += dUb(run2); for( run2 = 0; run2 < (int) dWb.getDim(); run2++ ) DW(run2) += dWb(run2); return returnvalue; }
returnValue Integrator::setBackwardSeed( const int &order, const DVector &seed ){ dXb = seed; uint run1; DVector tmp( seed.getDim() ); DVector components = rhs->getDifferentialStateComponents(); if( seed.getDim() != 0 ){ tmp.init( components.getDim() ); for( run1 = 0; run1 < components.getDim(); run1++ ) tmp(run1) = seed((int) components(run1)); } return setProtectedBackwardSeed( tmp, order ); }
returnValue Integrator::diffTransitionForward( DVector &DX, const DVector &DP, const DVector &DU, const DVector &DW, const int &order ){ ASSERT( transition != 0 ); EvaluationPoint z( *transition, DX.getDim(), 0, DP.getDim(), DU.getDim(), DW.getDim() ); z.setX ( DX ); z.setP ( DP ); z.setU ( DU ); z.setW ( DW ); if( order == 1 ) DX = transition->AD_forward( z ); if( order != 1 ) return ACADOERROR( RET_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET ); return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }
returnValue Integrator::diffTransitionBackward( DVector &DX, DVector &DP, DVector &DU, DVector &DW, int &order ){ ASSERT( transition != 0 ); if( order != 1 ) return ACADOERROR( RET_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET ); EvaluationPoint z( *transition, DX.getDim(), 0, DP.getDim(), DU.getDim(), DW.getDim() ); transition->AD_backward( DX, z ); DX = z.getX(); DP = z.getP(); DU = z.getU(); DW = z.getW(); return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }
OCP::OCP( const double &tStart_, const double &tEnd_, const DVector& _numSteps ) : MultiObjectiveFunctionality(), grid(new Grid()), objective(new Objective()), constraint(new Constraint()) { if( _numSteps.getDim() <= 0 ) ACADOERROR( RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS ); DVector times( _numSteps.getDim()+1 ); times(0) = tStart_; double totalSteps = 0; uint i; for( i = 0; i < _numSteps.getDim(); i++ ) { totalSteps += _numSteps(i); } double h = (tEnd_ - tStart_)/totalSteps; for( i = 0; i < _numSteps.getDim(); i++ ) { times(i+1) = times(i) + h*_numSteps(i); } setupGrid( times ); modelData.setIntegrationGrid(*grid, totalSteps); }
BooleanType GnuplotWindow::getMouseEvent( double &mouseX, double &mouseY ) { DVector tmp; if ( "mouse.dat" ) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN) return BT_FALSE; mouseX = tmp( tmp.getDim()-2 ); mouseY = tmp( tmp.getDim()-1 ); if ( system("rm mouse.dat") ) return BT_FALSE; return BT_TRUE; }
returnValue VariablesGrid::setVector( uint pointIdx, const DVector& _values ) { if ( pointIdx >= getNumPoints( ) ) return ACADOERROR( RET_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS ); if ( _values.getDim( ) != getNumRows( pointIdx ) ) return ACADOERROR( RET_VECTOR_DIMENSION_MISMATCH ); for( uint j=0; j<getNumRows( ); ++j ) operator()( pointIdx,j ) = _values( j ); return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }
returnValue Integrator::integrateSensitivities( ){ uint run1; returnValue returnvalue; if( ( nBDirs > 0 || nBDirs2 > 0 ) && transition != 0 ){ int order; if( nBDirs2 > 0 ) order = 2; else order = 1; returnvalue = diffTransitionBackward( dXb, dPb, dUb, dWb, order ); setBackwardSeed( order, dXb ); if( returnvalue != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN ) return ACADOERROR(returnvalue); } returnvalue = evaluateSensitivities(); if( returnvalue != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN ) return ACADOERROR(returnvalue); if( nBDirs > 0 || nBDirs2 > 0 ) return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; int order = 1; if( nFDirs2 > 0 ) order = 2; DMatrix tmp( rhs->getDim(), 1 ); returnvalue = getProtectedForwardSensitivities(&tmp,order); DVector components = rhs->getDifferentialStateComponents(); dX.init(rhs->getDim()-ma); dX.setZero(); for( run1 = 0; run1 < components.getDim(); run1++ ) dX((int) components(run1)) = tmp(run1,0); if( returnvalue != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN ) return ACADOERROR(returnvalue); if( transition != 0 ) returnvalue = diffTransitionForward( dX, dP, dU, dW, order ); return returnvalue; }
returnValue Actuator::setParameterDeadTimes( const DVector& _deadTimes ) { if ( _deadTimes.getDim( ) != getNP( ) ) return ACADOERROR( RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS ); if ( _deadTimes.getMin( ) < 0.0 ) return ACADOERROR( RET_INVALID_ARGUMENTS ); if ( deadTimes.getDim( ) == 0 ) return ACADOERROR( RET_MEMBER_NOT_INITIALISED ); for( uint i=0; i<getNP(); ++i ) deadTimes( getNU()+i ) = _deadTimes( i ); return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }
returnValue Integrator::integrate( const Grid &t_, double *x0, double *xa, double *p , double *u , double *w ){ if( rhs == 0 ) return ACADOERROR( RET_TRIVIAL_RHS ); DVector components = rhs->getDifferentialStateComponents(); DVector tmpX ( components.getDim(), x0 ); DVector tmpXA( rhs->getNXA() , xa ); DVector tmpP ( rhs->getNP () , p ); DVector tmpU ( rhs->getNU () , u ); DVector tmpW ( rhs->getNW () , w ); return integrate( t_, tmpX, tmpXA, tmpP, tmpU, tmpW ); }
returnValue OCP::subjectTo( int _index, const DVector& _lb, const Expression& _expr, const DVector& _ub ) { ASSERT(_index >= AT_START); cout << _lb.getDim() << " " << _expr.getDim() << endl; ASSERT(_lb.getDim() == _expr.getDim()); ASSERT(_lb.getDim() == _ub.getDim()); if (_index == AT_START) { for (unsigned el = 0; el < _lb.getDim(); ++el) ACADO_TRY( constraint->add(0, _lb( el ), _expr( el ), _ub( el )) ); } else if (_index == AT_END) { for (unsigned el = 0; el < _lb.getDim(); ++el) ACADO_TRY(constraint->add(grid->getLastIndex(), _lb( el ), _expr( el ), _ub( el )) ); } else for (unsigned el = 0; el < _lb.getDim(); ++el) constraint->add(_index, _lb( el ), _expr( el ), _ub( el )); return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }
returnValue SIMexport::exportAcadoHeader( const std::string& _dirName, const std::string& _fileName, const std::string& _realString, const std::string& _intString, int _precision ) const { string moduleName; get(CG_MODULE_NAME, moduleName); int qpSolver; get(QP_SOLVER, qpSolver); int useSinglePrecision; get(USE_SINGLE_PRECISION, useSinglePrecision); string fileName; fileName = _dirName + "/" + _fileName; map<string, pair<string, string> > options; DVector nMeasV = getNumMeas(); DVector nOutV = getDimOutputs(); options[ "ACADO_N" ] = make_pair(toString( getN() ), "Number of control/estimation intervals."); options[ "ACADO_NX" ] = make_pair(toString( getNX() ), "Number of differential variables."); options[ "ACADO_NXD" ] = make_pair(toString( getNDX() ), "Number of differential derivative variables."); options[ "ACADO_NXA" ] = make_pair(toString( getNXA() ), "Number of algebraic variables."); options[ "ACADO_NU" ] = make_pair(toString( getNU() ), "Number of control variables."); options[ "ACADO_NOD" ] = make_pair(toString( getNOD() ), "Number of online data values."); options[ "ACADO_NUMOUT" ] = make_pair(toString( nOutV.getDim() ), "Number of output functions."); if( !nMeasV.isEmpty() && !nOutV.isEmpty() ) { std::ostringstream acado_nout; ExportVariable( "ACADO_NOUT",nOutV,STATIC_CONST_INT ).exportDataDeclaration(acado_nout); std::ostringstream acado_nmeas; ExportVariable( "ACADO_NMEAS",nMeasV,STATIC_CONST_INT ).exportDataDeclaration(acado_nmeas); options[ "ACADO_OUTPUTS_DEFINED" ] = make_pair("\n" + acado_nout.str() + acado_nmeas.str(), "Dimension and measurements of the output functions per shooting interval."); } // // ACADO variables and workspace // ExportStatementBlock variablesBlock; stringstream variables; if (collectDataDeclarations(variablesBlock, ACADO_VARIABLES) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN) return ACADOERROR( RET_UNABLE_TO_EXPORT_CODE ); variablesBlock.exportCode(variables, _realString, _intString, _precision); ExportStatementBlock workspaceBlock; stringstream workspace; if (collectDataDeclarations(workspaceBlock, ACADO_WORKSPACE) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN) return ACADOERROR( RET_UNABLE_TO_EXPORT_CODE ); workspaceBlock.exportCode(workspace, _realString, _intString, _precision); ExportStatementBlock functionsBlock; stringstream functions; if (collectFunctionDeclarations( functionsBlock ) != SUCCESSFUL_RETURN) return ACADOERROR( RET_UNABLE_TO_EXPORT_CODE ); functionsBlock.exportCode(functions, _realString); ExportCommonHeader ech(fileName, "", _realString, _intString, _precision); ech.configure( moduleName, useSinglePrecision, false, (QPSolverName)qpSolver, options, variables.str(), workspace.str(), functions.str()); return ech.exportCode(); }
returnValue WeightGeneration::generateWeights( const int &n , DVector &weight , DMatrix &Weights , const DVector &weightsLB , const DVector &weightsUB , DVector &formers , const int &layer , int &lastOne , int ¤tOne, double &step ) const{ int run1, run2; if( n == layer ){ //printf("case1: n = %d layer = %d \n", n, layer ); double weight_test = 1.0; for( run1 = 0; run1 < (int) weight.getDim()-1; run1++ ) weight_test -= weight(run1); if( ( weight_test >= weightsLB(layer) - 100.0*EPS ) && ( weight_test <= weightsUB(layer) + 100.0*EPS ) ){ if( currentOne >= 0 ){ DVector tmp( formers.getDim()+1 ); for( run1 = 0; run1 < (int) formers.getDim(); run1++ ) tmp(run1) = formers(run1); tmp(formers.getDim()) = lastOne; formers = tmp; lastOne = currentOne; currentOne = -1; } else{ DVector tmp( formers.getDim()+1 ); for( run1 = 0; run1 < (int) formers.getDim(); run1++ ) tmp(run1) = formers(run1); tmp(formers.getDim()) = Weights.getNumCols(); formers = tmp; } weight(n) = weight_test; DMatrix tmp( weight.getDim(), Weights.getNumCols()+1 ); for( run1 = 0; run1 < (int) Weights.getNumRows(); run1++ ){ for( run2 = 0; run2 < (int) Weights.getNumCols(); run2++ ) tmp(run1,run2) = Weights(run1,run2); } for( run2 = 0; run2 < (int) weight.getDim(); run2++ ) tmp(run2,Weights.getNumCols()) = weight(run2); Weights = tmp; } } else{ //printf("case2: n = %d layer = %d \n", n, layer ); double weight_test = weightsLB(n); while( weight_test <= weightsUB(n) + 100.0*EPS ){ if( n == layer-2 ) currentOne = Weights.getNumCols()+1; weight(n) = weight_test; WeightGeneration child; child.generateWeights( n+1, weight, Weights, weightsLB, weightsUB, formers, layer, lastOne, currentOne, step ); weight_test += (weightsUB(n)-weightsLB(n))*step; } } return SUCCESSFUL_RETURN; }