int detectFileMPISize(Options& options, Dimensions &fileMPISizeDim)
    int result = RESULT_OK;

    DataCollector *dc = NULL;
    if (options.parallelFile)
        dc = new ParallelDataCollector(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL,
            Dimensions(options.mpiSize, 1, 1), 1);
        dc = new SerialDataCollector(1);

    DataCollector::FileCreationAttr fileCAttr;
    fileCAttr.fileAccType = DataCollector::FAT_READ;

        dc->open(options.filename.c_str(), fileCAttr);
    } catch (DCException e)
        std::cerr << "[0] Detecting file MPI size failed!" << std::endl <<
                e.what() << std::endl;
        fileMPISizeDim.set(0, 0, 0);
        result = RESULT_ERROR;

    delete dc;
    dc = NULL;

    return result;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // We catch any exceptions that might occur below -- see the catch statement for more details.
    try {
        // First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
        // publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
        myo::Hub hub("com.example.hello-myo");
        std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;
        // Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
        // immediately.
        // waitForMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
        // if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
        myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);
        // If waitForMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
        if (!myo) {
            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");
        // We've found a Myo.
        std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;
        arduino = fopen("/dev/cu.usbmodem1411","w");
        test = fopen("test.txt", "w");
        if (arduino == NULL) {
            printf("not open\n");
            return -1 ;
        else {
            printf("arduino opened\n");
            std::string command = "t30i0m0r0p0";
            fprintf(test,"%s", command.c_str());
        // Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
        DataCollector collector;
        // Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
        // Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.
        // Finally we enter our main loop.
        while (1) {
            // In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
            // In this case, we wish to update our display 20 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds.
            // After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
            // obtained from any events that have occurred.
        // If a standard exception occurred, we print out its message and exit.
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Press enter to continue.";
        return 1;
int main(int nargs, char *args[]) {
	const char *filename;
   filename = (nargs > 1) ? args[1] : LOG_FILE; 
	DataCollector *d = new DataCollector(filename);

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
{   sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(400, 400), "Myo color picker");
	shape.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(50, 50));    
	color_input = true;
    // We catch any exceptions that might occur below -- see the catch statement for more details.
    try {

    // First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
    // publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
    myo::Hub hub("com.example.hello-myo");

    std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;

    // Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
    // immediately.
    // waitForAnyMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
    // if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
    myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);

    // If waitForAnyMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
    if (!myo) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");

    // We've found a Myo.
    std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
    DataCollector collector;

    // Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
    // Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.

    // Finally we enter our main loop.
    while (1) {
        // In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
        // In this case, we wish to update our display 20 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds.
        // After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
        // obtained from any events that have occurred.

    // If a standard exception occurred, we print out its message and exit.
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Press enter to continue.";
        return 1;
int main(void) {
  char logFileName[300] = "/home/danconde/coleta/europa.log";
  ResourceData parameters(0.5f, 100000);
  bool answer;
  DataCollector *dtCollector = new DataCollector(logFileName);
  unsigned int i, count;
  UsageData *testUsageData;
  cout << "timestamp\tp_cpu\tp_mem\tanswer\tpcs\tvcs\tcoff" << endl;
  // pcs = predicted cpu satisfability
  // vcs = verified cpu satisfability
  UsagePredictor *up = new UsagePredictor(new KMeansClusteringAlgorithm(), dtCollector);
  vector<UsageData*> *usageDatas = dtCollector->getUnclassifiedData();
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < usageDatas->size(); k += 3) {
     testUsageData = usageDatas->at(k);
     if (testUsageData->isValid()) {
	 for (unsigned int j = 6; j < 18; j++) {
	       Timestamp timestamp = Timestamp(testUsageData->getDate().beginningOfSameDay().getRawTime() + j*3600);
	       answer = up->canRunGridApplication(timestamp, parameters, testUsageData);
	       cout << timestamp.formattedPrint() << "\t" << parameters << "\t" << answer << "\t";
	       vector<double> prediction = up->getPrediction(timestamp, CPU_USAGE, getPredictionHours(), testUsageData);
	       count = 0;
	       for (i = 0; i < prediction.size(); i++)
		  if (prediction[i] + parameters.getCpuUsage() <= 1.0f)
	       cout << (static_cast<double>(count) / prediction.size()) * 100 << "%\t";
	       count = 0;
	       for (i = 0; i < prediction.size(); i++) {
		  ResourceData rd = testUsageData->getData()[(timestamp.getSecondInDay()/COLLECT_INTERVAL) + SAMPLES_PER_DAY + i];
		  if (rd.isValid() && (rd.getCpuUsage()  + parameters.getCpuUsage() <= 1.0f))
	       cout << (static_cast<double>(count) / prediction.size()) * 100 << "%\t";
	       cout << testUsageData->resourceAverage(CPU_USAGE, timestamp.getSecondInDay()/COLLECT_INTERVAL, timestamp.getSecondInDay()/COLLECT_INTERVAL + SAMPLES_PER_DAY) << endl;
  /* informar qual cluster foi encontrado */
  /* comparar resultado da predicao com o realizado */
  /* pegar o resultado do getPrediction e ver a porcentagem de elementos do vetor de previsao condisseram
     com o realizado */
  return 0;
文件: main.cpp 项目: CCJY/coliru
int main()
    DataCollector myDataCollector;
    int seconds = 5;

    for(int i = 0; i < seconds; i++)

    return 0;
 updateMethod  - called every 16 milliseconds,  meant to update the animation
 and add more particles to the list of particles
void updateMethod(int value) {
    //iterate through list of particles and call the move function of the particle has no expired else remove it from the list
    for(list<particle>::iterator i = listOfParticles.begin(); i != listOfParticles.end(); ++i) {
        i->move(gravity, flatQuadSize, friction);
    glutTimerFunc(16, updateMethod, 0); //call updateMethod after 16 seconds
    glutPostRedisplay(); //call display function

    // After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
    // obtained from any events that have occurred.
bool Parallel_SimpleDataTest::subtestFill(int32_t iteration,
        int currentMpiRank,
        const Dimensions mpiSize, const Dimensions mpiPos,
        uint32_t elements, MPI_Comm mpiComm)
    bool results_correct = true;
    DataCollector::FileCreationAttr fileCAttr;

#if defined TESTS_DEBUG
    if (currentMpiRank == 0)
        std::cout << "iteration: " << iteration << std::endl;

    // write data to file
    fileCAttr.fileAccType = DataCollector::FAT_CREATE;
    fileCAttr.enableCompression = false;
    parallelDataCollector->open(HDF5_FILE, fileCAttr);

    int dataWrite = currentMpiRank + 1;
    uint32_t num_elements = (currentMpiRank + 1) * elements;
    Dimensions grid_size(num_elements, 1, 1);

#if defined TESTS_DEBUG
    std::cout << "[" << currentMpiRank << "] " << num_elements << " elements" << std::endl;

    Dimensions globalOffset, globalSize;
    parallelDataCollector->reserve(iteration, grid_size,
            &globalSize, &globalOffset, 1, ctInt, "reserved/reserved_data");

    int attrVal = currentMpiRank;
    parallelDataCollector->writeAttribute(iteration, ctInt, "reserved/reserved_data",
            "reserved_attr", &attrVal);

    uint32_t elements_written = 0;
    uint32_t global_max_elements = mpiSize.getScalarSize() * elements;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < global_max_elements; ++i)
        Dimensions write_size(1, 1, 1);
        if (i >= num_elements)
            write_size.set(0, 0, 0);

        Dimensions write_offset(globalOffset + Dimensions(elements_written, 0, 0));

        parallelDataCollector->append(iteration, write_size, 1,
                write_offset, "reserved/reserved_data", &dataWrite);

        if (i < num_elements)


    attrVal = -1;
    parallelDataCollector->readAttribute(iteration, "reserved/reserved_data",
            "reserved_attr", &attrVal, NULL);

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(attrVal == currentMpiRank);



    // test written data using various mechanisms
    fileCAttr.fileAccType = DataCollector::FAT_READ;
    // need a complete filename here
    std::stringstream filename_stream;
    filename_stream << HDF5_FILE << "_" << iteration << ".h5";

    Dimensions size_read;
    Dimensions full_grid_size = globalSize;

    // test using SerialDataCollector
    if (currentMpiRank == 0)
        int *data_read = new int[full_grid_size.getScalarSize()];
        memset(data_read, 0, sizeof (int) * full_grid_size.getScalarSize());

        DataCollector *dataCollector = new SerialDataCollector(1);
        dataCollector->open(filename_stream.str().c_str(), fileCAttr);

        dataCollector->read(iteration, "reserved/reserved_data",
                size_read, data_read);
        delete dataCollector;

        CPPUNIT_ASSERT(size_read == full_grid_size);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT(size_read[1] == size_read[2] == 1);

        int this_rank = 0;
        uint32_t elements_this_rank = num_elements;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size_read.getScalarSize(); ++i)
            if (i == elements_this_rank)
                elements_this_rank += num_elements * (this_rank + 1);

            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(data_read[i] == this_rank + 1);

        delete[] data_read;


    return results_correct;
bool Parallel_SimpleDataTest::subtestWriteRead(int32_t iteration,
        int currentMpiRank,
        const Dimensions mpiSize, const Dimensions mpiPos,
        const Dimensions gridSize, uint32_t dimensions, MPI_Comm mpiComm)
    bool results_correct = true;
    DataCollector::FileCreationAttr fileCAttr;
    std::set<std::string> datasetNames;

#if defined TESTS_DEBUG
    if (currentMpiRank == 0)
        std::cout << "iteration: " << iteration << std::endl;

    size_t bufferSize = gridSize[0] * gridSize[1] * gridSize[2];

    // write data to file
    fileCAttr.fileAccType = DataCollector::FAT_CREATE;
    fileCAttr.enableCompression = false;
    parallelDataCollector->open(HDF5_FILE, fileCAttr);

    int *dataWrite = new int[bufferSize];

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
        dataWrite[i] = currentMpiRank + 1;

    parallelDataCollector->write(iteration, ctInt, dimensions, gridSize,
            "deep/folder/data", dataWrite);
    parallelDataCollector->write(iteration, ctInt, dimensions, gridSize,
            "deep/folder/data2", dataWrite);
    parallelDataCollector->write(iteration, ctInt, dimensions, gridSize,
            "another_dataset", dataWrite);

    delete[] dataWrite;
    dataWrite = NULL;


    // test written data using various mechanisms
    fileCAttr.fileAccType = DataCollector::FAT_READ;
    // need a complete filename here
    std::stringstream filename_stream;
    filename_stream << HDF5_FILE << "_" << iteration << ".h5";

    Dimensions size_read;
    Dimensions full_grid_size = gridSize * mpiSize;
    int *data_read = new int[full_grid_size.getScalarSize()];
    memset(data_read, 0, sizeof (int) * full_grid_size.getScalarSize());

    // test using SerialDataCollector
    if (currentMpiRank == 0)
        DataCollector *dataCollector = new SerialDataCollector(1);
        dataCollector->open(filename_stream.str().c_str(), fileCAttr);

        dataCollector->read(iteration, "deep/folder/data", size_read, data_read);
        delete dataCollector;

        CPPUNIT_ASSERT(size_read == full_grid_size);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testData(mpiSize, gridSize, data_read));


    // test using full read per process
    memset(data_read, 0, sizeof (int) * full_grid_size.getScalarSize());
    ParallelDataCollector *readCollector = new ParallelDataCollector(mpiComm,
            MPI_INFO_NULL, mpiSize, 1);

    readCollector->open(HDF5_FILE, fileCAttr);
    /* test entries listing */
        DataCollector::DCEntry *entries = NULL;
        size_t numEntries = 0;

        int32_t *ids = NULL;
        size_t numIDs = 0;
        readCollector->getEntryIDs(NULL, &numIDs);
        /* there might be old files, but we are at least at the current iteration */
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT(numIDs >= iteration + 1);
        ids = new int32_t[numIDs];
        readCollector->getEntryIDs(ids, NULL);

        readCollector->getEntriesForID(iteration, NULL, &numEntries);
        CPPUNIT_ASSERT(numEntries == 3);
        entries = new DataCollector::DCEntry[numEntries];
        readCollector->getEntriesForID(iteration, entries, NULL);

        CPPUNIT_ASSERT(numEntries == datasetNames.size());
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i)
            /* test that listed datasets match expected dataset names*/
            CPPUNIT_ASSERT(datasetNames.find(entries[i].name) != datasetNames.end());

        delete[] entries;
        delete[] ids;
    readCollector->read(iteration, "deep/folder/data", size_read, data_read);

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(size_read == full_grid_size);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testData(mpiSize, gridSize, data_read));
    delete[] data_read;


    // test using parallel read
    data_read = new int[gridSize.getScalarSize()];
    memset(data_read, 0, sizeof (int) * gridSize.getScalarSize());

    const Dimensions globalOffset = gridSize * mpiPos;
    readCollector->open(HDF5_FILE, fileCAttr);
    readCollector->read(iteration, gridSize, globalOffset, "deep/folder/data",
            size_read, data_read);
    delete readCollector;

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(size_read == gridSize);

    for (size_t k = 0; k < gridSize[2]; ++k)
        for (size_t j = 0; j < gridSize[1]; ++j)
            for (size_t i = 0; i < gridSize[0]; ++i)
                size_t index = k * gridSize[1] * gridSize[0] +
                        j * gridSize[0] + i;

                if (data_read[index] != currentMpiRank + 1)
#if defined TESTS_DEBUG
                    std::cout << index << ": " << data_read[index] <<
                            " != expected " << currentMpiRank + 1 << std::endl;
                    results_correct = false;
            if (!results_correct)
        if (!results_correct)

    delete[] data_read;


    return results_correct;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
	// Initalizing these to NULL prevents segfaults!
	AVFormatContext   *pFormatCtx = NULL;
	int               i, videoStream;
	AVCodecContext    *pCodecCtxOrig = NULL;
	AVCodecContext    *pCodecCtx = NULL; // 코덱 컨트롤러(?) 이걸 자주 쓴다.
	AVCodec           *pCodec = NULL; // 영상을 디코딩할 코덱
	AVFrame           *pFrame = NULL; // 영상데이터 라고 보면됨.
	AVPacket          packet;
	int               frameFinished;
	struct SwsContext *sws_ctx = NULL; // Convert the image into YUV format that SDL uses

	//SDL 관련 변수
	SDL_Overlay     *bmp;
	SDL_Surface     *screen;
	SDL_Rect        rect;
	SDL_Event       event;

	CVideoSocket videoSocket;
	//줌인 줌 아웃을 위한 변수
	int rect_w = 0;
	int rect_h = 0;
	// We catch any exceptions that might occur below -- see the catch statement for more details.
	// 여기부터 마이오 초기화
	// First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
	// publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
	// 마이오에서 제공하는 어플리케이션과 연결하는 허브 생성
	myo::Hub hub("com.example.hello-myo");

	// 마이오 찾는중 ...
	std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;

	// Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
	// immediately.
	// waitForMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
	// if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
	// 마이오를 찾는 동안 대기하는 소스코드
	myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);

	// If waitForMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
	// 마이오가 존재하지 않을경우 예외처리
	if (!myo) 
		throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");

	// We've found a Myo.
	std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;

	// Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
	// 마이오에서 얻은 데이터를 가공해주는 클래스
	DataCollector collector;

	// Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
	// Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.
	// 데이터를 지속적으로 받아온다.

	//---여기까지 마이오 초기화
	// SDL 초기화

	// Open video file
	// 파일 또는 데이터 스트림을 연다.
	if (avformat_open_input(&pFormatCtx, videoSocket.videoStreamUrl, NULL, NULL) != 0)
		return -1; // Couldn't open file
	// Retrieve stream information
	// 데이터 스트림의 정보를 얻어온다.
	if (avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx, NULL) < 0)
		return -1; // Couldn't find stream information
	// Dump information about file onto standard error
	av_dump_format(pFormatCtx, 0, videoSocket.videoStreamUrl, 0);

	// Find the first video stream
	// 비디로 스트림을 찾는과정 - 어떤 형식의 데이터 스트림인지 판별 ( 우리는 h.264로 고정되어있지만...)
	videoStream = -1;
	for (i = 0; (unsigned)i < pFormatCtx->nb_streams; i++)
		if (pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) 
			videoStream = i;
	if (videoStream == -1)
		return -1; // Didn't find a video stream
	// Get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream
	pCodecCtxOrig = pFormatCtx->streams[videoStream]->codec;
	// Find the decoder for the video stream
	pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(pCodecCtxOrig->codec_id);
	if (pCodec == NULL) 
		fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported codec!\n");
		return -1; // Codec not found
	// Copy context
	// 왜 인지 모르겠지만 그냥 쓰지 않고 복사해서 사용한다.
	pCodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context3(pCodec);
	if (avcodec_copy_context(pCodecCtx, pCodecCtxOrig) != 0) 
		fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't copy codec context");
		return -1; // Error copying codec context

	// Open codec
	if (avcodec_open2(pCodecCtx, pCodec, NULL)<0)
		return -1; // Could not open codec
	// Allocate video frame
	pFrame = av_frame_alloc();

	// Make a screen to put our video
	// 스크린을 생성
#ifndef __DARWIN__
	screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, 0, 0);
	screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, 24, 0);
	if (!screen) 
		fprintf(stderr, "SDL: could not set video mode - exiting\n");

	// Allocate a place to put our YUV image on that screen
	// 이미지를 스크린에 그림
	bmp = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(pCodecCtx->width,

	// initialize SWS context for software scaling
	sws_ctx = sws_getContext(pCodecCtx->width,

	while (av_read_frame(pFormatCtx, &packet) >= 0) 
		// 메인 루프

		// In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
		// 데이터를 어느정도 주기로 받아올지 정하는 소스
		// 이 값이 낮아지면 영상을 받아오는데도 딜레이가 걸리기때문에 원하는 fps를 고려해야한다.
		hub.run(1000 / 500);
		// After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
		// obtained from any events that have occurred.
		// 마이오 상태 모니터링 코드

		// 마이오 루프 여기까지

		// Is this a packet from the video stream?
		if (packet.stream_index == videoStream) 
			// Decode video frame
			avcodec_decode_video2(pCodecCtx, pFrame, &frameFinished, &packet);

			// Did we get a video frame?
			// 비디오 프레임을 비트맵 이미지로 변환
			if (frameFinished) 

				AVPicture pict;
				pict.data[0] = bmp->pixels[0];
				pict.data[1] = bmp->pixels[2];
				pict.data[2] = bmp->pixels[1];

				pict.linesize[0] = bmp->pitches[0];
				pict.linesize[1] = bmp->pitches[2];
				pict.linesize[2] = bmp->pitches[1];

				// Convert the image into YUV format that SDL uses
				sws_scale(sws_ctx, (uint8_t const * const *)pFrame->data,
					pFrame->linesize, 0, pCodecCtx->height,
					pict.data, pict.linesize);


				// 소프트웨어상으로 줌인 줌아웃을 하기위해 영상프레임의 사이즈를 조절
				rect.x = -rect_w/2;
				rect.y = -rect_h/2;
				rect.w = pCodecCtx->width + rect_w;
				rect.h = pCodecCtx->height + rect_h;
				SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(bmp, &rect);


		// Free the packet that was allocated by av_read_frame

		//// 마이오의 동작을 체크해서 메시지 송신
		//// 좌우 카메라 컨트롤
		if (collector.currentPose == myo::Pose::waveOut)
			SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "right", videoSocket.ToServer);
			rest = true;
		if (collector.currentPose == myo::Pose::waveIn)
			SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "left", videoSocket.ToServer);
			rest = true;
		// 상하 카메라 컨트롤
		if (collector.currentPose == myo::Pose::fingersSpread && collector.pitch_w > 10)
			SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "up", videoSocket.ToServer);
			rest = true;
		if (collector.currentPose == myo::Pose::fingersSpread && collector.pitch_w < 6)
			SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "down", videoSocket.ToServer);
			rest = true;
		if (collector.currentPose == myo::Pose::rest &&rest == true)
			SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "stop", videoSocket.ToServer);
			rest = false;
		if (collector.currentPose == myo::Pose::doubleTap && collector.roll_w <= 5)
			collector.currentPose = myo::Pose::rest;
			rest = true;
		if (collector.currentPose == myo::Pose::doubleTap && collector.roll_w > 5)
			rest = true;
		// 마이오의 동작을 체크해서 줌인 줌 아웃
		if (collector.currentPose == myo::Pose::fist && collector.roll_w < 6)
			ZoomOut(rect_w, rect_h, 0);
		if (collector.currentPose == myo::Pose::fist && collector.roll_w > 8)
			ZoomIn(rect_w, rect_h, 300);
		// 키 이벤트를 받는 함수
		switch (event.type) 
		case SDL_QUIT:
			/* Check the SDLKey values and move change the coords */
			switch (event.key.keysym.sym){
			case SDLK_LEFT:
				// 문자열 송신
				SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "left", videoSocket.ToServer);
			case SDLK_RIGHT:
				// 문자열 송신
				SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "right", videoSocket.ToServer);
			case SDLK_UP:
				SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "up", videoSocket.ToServer);
			case SDLK_DOWN:
				SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "down", videoSocket.ToServer);
			case SDLK_q: // 줌 인
			case SDLK_w: // 줌 아웃
				ZoomOut(rect_w, rect_h, 0);								
			case SDLK_s: // 모터 stop
				SendData(videoSocket.ClientSocket, "stop", videoSocket.ToServer);
			case SDLK_x: // 플그램 종료

	// Free the YUV frame

	// Close the codecs

	// Close the video file

	// 소켓 닫기

	return 0;

	// 개인적으로 exception handling을 이렇게하는걸 좋아하지 않지만...
	// 예제에서 이렇게 사용하였기에 일단 이렇게 두었다.
	catch (const std::exception& e) 
		std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "Press enter to continue.";
		return 1;
int main()
	//MyForm frm1;
	MyForm^ frm1 = gcnew MyForm;

	// We catch any exceptions that might occur below -- see the catch statement for more details.
	try {

		// First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
		// publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
		myo::Hub hub("com.jakechapeskie.SerialCommunication");

		std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;

		// Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
		// immediately.
		// waitForAnyMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
		// if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
		myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);

		// If waitForAnyMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
		if (!myo) {
			throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");

		// We've found a Myo.
		std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;

		// Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
		DataCollector collector;

		// Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
		// Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.

		// Finally we enter our main loop.
		if (frm1->LockingEnalbed)
		while (1) {
			// In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
			// In this case, we wish to update our display 20 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds.
			hub.run(1000 / 20);
			// After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
			// obtained from any events that have occurred.


			std::string poseString = (collector.currentPose.toString());

			String^ poseStrorageString = gcnew String(poseString.c_str());


		// If a standard exception occurred, we print out its message and exit.
	catch (const std::exception& e) {
		std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "Press enter to continue.";
		return 1;
void Experiment::run( DataCollector& dc, RandomNumberGenerator& rng )
	double prob_learning_type;  // ELITE or BEST OF GENERATION
	int i;

	for( int run = 0; run < config->number_of_runs; run++ )
        std::cout << "" << (run+1) << ",";

        dc.start_new_run( run );

		prob_learning_type = 1.;

        dc.run << "Run seed = " << rng.getCurrentSeed() << endline;

        Model model;
        model.set_data_collector( dc );

		for( i = 0; i < config->number_of_generations; i++ )
            //std::cout << (run+1) << "." << i << "," << std::flush;

			if(     config->structural_learning == PIPE
                &&  prob_learning_type < config->pipe_prob_elitist_learn )
				model.is_elitist_learning = true;
				model.adapt( model.get_elite() );
                model.sample( rng );

				if(		config->fitness_test == RETINA_SWITCHING 
					&&	( i % config->retina_switch_after ) == 0 
					&&	i != 0 )

                // MEASURE FITNESS + INDEX BEST and ELITE
                model.measure_fitness( dc.run );

                model.adapt( model.get_best() );


            // MUTATE
			model.mutate( rng );

			prob_learning_type = rng.getRandom();

            dc.log_generation( run, i, model );

			if(		( model.stop_condition_met() && config->stop_on_target_reached )
                ||	( i + 1 ) == config->number_of_generations )
			    dc.log_run( run, i, model );


		// RANDOM FITNESS TEST (to confirm findings)
        dc.log_random_fitness( model );

int main()
	try {
		// First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
		// publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
		myo::Hub hub("com.khalory.puppy");
		std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;
		// Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
		// immediately.
		// waitForMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
		// if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
		myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);
		// If waitForMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
		if (!myo) {
			throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");
		// We've found a Myo.
		std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;
		// Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
		DataCollector collector;
		// Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
		// Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.

		myo::Vector3<float> oldAccel;
		myo::Vector3<double> curSpeed = myo::Vector3<double>(0, 0, 0);
		myo::Vector3<double> oldSpeed;
		myo::Vector3<double> avgSpeed;
		myo::Vector3<double> curPos = myo::Vector3<double>(0, 0, 0);
		auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
		auto curTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
		long numSteps = 1;
		// Finally we enter our main loop.
		while (1) {
			// In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
			// In this case, we wish to update our display 20 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds.
			hub.run(1000 / 20);
			// After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
			// obtained from any events that have occurred.
			auto finish = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
			long nanos = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(finish - curTime).count();
			long nanosTotal = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(finish - start).count();
			double dt = ((double)nanos) / 1000000.0;
			double timeTotal = ((double)nanosTotal) / 1000000.0;

			/*std::cout << "-----" << endl;
			std::cout << nanos << endl;
			std::cout << nanosTotal << endl;

			std::cout << dt << endl;
			std::cout << timeTotal << endl;*/

			curSpeed = myo::Vector3<double>(oldSpeed.x() + (collector.accel.x()*dt),
				oldSpeed.y() + (collector.accel.y()*dt),
				oldSpeed.z() + (collector.accel.z()*dt));

			avgSpeed = myo::Vector3<double>((numSteps - 1)*avgSpeed.x() + (collector.accel.x()*dt) / numSteps, 
				(numSteps - 1)*avgSpeed.y() + (collector.accel.y()*dt) / numSteps,
				(numSteps - 1)*avgSpeed.z() + (collector.accel.z()*dt) / numSteps);

			/*curPos = myo::Vector3<double>(curPos.x() + (.5*(curSpeed.x() + oldSpeed.x())*dt),
				curPos.y() + (.5*(curSpeed.y() + oldSpeed.y())*dt),
				curPos.z() + (.5*(curSpeed.z() + oldSpeed.z())*dt));*/
			curPos = myo::Vector3<double>(avgSpeed.x() * timeTotal,
				avgSpeed.y() * timeTotal,
				avgSpeed.z() * timeTotal);

			oldAccel = collector.accel;
			oldSpeed = curSpeed;
			curTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
		// If a standard exception occurred, we print out its message and exit.
	catch (const std::exception& e) {
		std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "Press enter to continue.";
		return 1;

	return 0;
///@brief Execute a device.
int MyoDevice::run()
		// Read the initialize file.

		// Prepare to use SIGService.

		// check receive SIGService data by another thread
		CheckRecvSIGServiceData checkRecvSIGServiceData;
		boost::thread thCheckRecvData(&CheckRecvSIGServiceData::run, &checkRecvSIGServiceData, &this->sigService);

		// First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
		// publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
		myo::Hub hub("org.sigverse.myoplugin");

		std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;

		// Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
		// immediately.
		// waitForMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
		// if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
		myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);

		// If waitForMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
		if (!myo) 
			throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");

		// We've found a Myo.
		std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;

		// Next we enable EMG streaming on the found Myo.

		// Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
		DataCollector collector;

		// Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
		// Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.

		// Finally we enter our main loop.
		while (true) 
			// In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
			// In this case, we wish to update our display 20 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds.

			// After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
			// obtained from any events that have occurred.
			MyoSensorData sensorData = collector.getSensorData();

			// Send message to SigServer.
			std::string messageHeader = this->generateMessageHeader();
			std::string sensorDataMessage = sensorData.encodeSensorData();
			std::string message = messageHeader + sensorDataMessage;
			this->sendMessage(this->sigService, message);

//			std::cout << message << std::endl;

	catch (std::exception &ex) 
		std::cout << "run ERR :" << ex.what() << std::endl;
		throw ex;

	return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // We catch any exceptions that might occur below -- see the catch statement for more details.
        if (argc != 3 && argc != 2 && argc != 1)
            std::cout << "\nusage: " << argv[0] << " [IP address] <port>\n\n" <<
			"Myo-OSC sends OSC output over UDP from the input of a Thalmic Myo armband.\n" <<
			"IP address defaults to\n\n" <<
			"by Samy Kamkar -- http://samy.pl -- [email protected]\n";

				if (argc == 1)
					int port = 7777;
					std::cout << "Sending Myo OSC to\n";
					transmitSocket = new UdpTransmitSocket(IpEndpointName("", port));
				else if (argc == 2)
					std::cout << "Sending Myo OSC to" << argv[1] << "\n";
					transmitSocket = new UdpTransmitSocket(IpEndpointName("", atoi(argv[1])));
				else if (argc == 3)
					std::cout << "Sending Myo OSC to " << argv[1] << ":" << argv[2] << "\n";
			    transmitSocket = new UdpTransmitSocket(IpEndpointName(argv[1], atoi(argv[2])));
					std::cout << "well this awkward -- weird argc: " << argc << "\n";

    // First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
    // publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
    myo::Hub hub("com.samy.myo-osc");

    std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;

    // Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
    // immediately.
    // waitForAnyMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
    // if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
    myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);

    // If waitForAnyMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
    if (!myo) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");

    // We've found a Myo.
    std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
    DataCollector collector;

    // Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
    // Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.

    // Finally we enter our main loop.
      while (1) {
        // In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
        // In this case, we wish to update our display 20 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds.
        // After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
        // obtained from any events that have occurred.

    // If a standard exception occurred, we print out its message and exit.
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Press enter to continue.";
        return 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	// We catch any exceptions that might occur below -- see the catch statement for more details.
	try {
		// First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
		// publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
		myo::Hub hub("com.example.hello-myo");
		std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;
		// Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
		// immediately.
		// waitForAnyMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
		// if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
		myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);
		// If waitForAnyMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
		if (!myo) {
			throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");
		// We've found a Myo.
		std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;
		// Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
		DataCollector collector;
		// Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
		// Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.

		if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0){
			std::cout << "SDL_Init Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
			return 1;
		const int wind_width = 640;
		const int wind_height = 480;

		SDL_Window* wind = SDL_CreateWindow("Fuzzy",
			wind_width, wind_height, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
		if (wind == nullptr)
			std::cout << "SDL_CreateWindow Failure, errorcode: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
			return 1;

		SDL_Renderer* rend = SDL_CreateRenderer(wind, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED);
		if (rend == nullptr)
			std::cout << "SDL_CreateRederer Failure, errorcode: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
			return 1;

		SDL_Surface* surf = SDL_GetWindowSurface(wind);
		if (surf == nullptr)
			std::cout << "SDL_GetWindowSurface Failur, errorcode: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
			return 1;

		// Finally we enter our main loop.
		while (1) {
			// In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
			// In this case, we wish to update our display 20 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds.
			hub.run(1000 / 20);
			// After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
			// obtained from any events that have occurred.
			Uint32* pix;

			put_pixel(surf, wind_width, wind_height, wind_width*(collector.m_yaw/(18.0)), wind_height*(collector.m_pitch/18.0), 0x00ffffff);

		// If a standard exception occurred, we print out its message and exit.
	catch (const std::exception& e) {
		std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "Press enter to continue.";
		return 1;
int main()
	//create factory
	PerformerFactory *pf = getPerfFactory();
	//config objects
	ConfigFile *vecConf = pf->createConfigObject("results/vecResult.xml");
	ConfigFile *listConf = pf->createConfigObject("results/listResult.xml");
	ConfigFile *setConf = pf->createConfigObject("results/setResult.xml");
	//create data collectors
	DataCollector *vecDc = pf->createDataCollector(vecConf);
	DataCollector *listDc = pf->createDataCollector(listConf);
	DataCollector *setDc = pf->createDataCollector(setConf);
	//create a vector, list and set of ints
	vector<int> intVec;
	list<int> intList;
	set<int> intSet;
	//add operations to fill all three containers
	vecDc->startSection("push_back"); //measure from here
	for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
	vecDc->stopSection(); //stop measuring here
	listDc->startSection("insert"); //measure list push_back
	for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
	setDc->startSection("insert"); //measure set insert
	for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
	//search a value in the container
	vecDc->startSection("find"); //measure find algorithm for vector
	find(intVec.begin(), intVec.end(), 5);
	listDc->startSection("find"); //measure find algorithm for list
	find(intList.begin(), intList.end(), 5);
	setDc->startSection("find"); //measure find find algorithm for set
	find(intSet.begin(), intSet.end(), 5);	
	vecDc->startSection("erase"); //measure erase algorithm for vector
	intVec.erase(intVec.begin(), intVec.end());
	listDc->startSection("erase"); //measure erase algorithm for list
	intList.erase(intList.begin(), intList.end());
	setDc->startSection("erase"); //measure erase algorithm for set
	intSet.erase(intSet.begin(), intSet.end());
	//insert operatins to refill containers
	for(int i=0; i<=100; i++){
	for(int i=0; i<100; i++){
	for(int i=0; i<100; i++){
	//modify values via fill algorithm in container
	int y = 1;
	vecDc->startSection("fill"); //measure fill algorithm with vector
	fill(intVec.begin(), intVec.end(), (++y)*2);
	y = 1;
	listDc->startSection("fill"); //measure fill algorithm with list
	fill(intVec.begin(), intVec.end(), (++y)*2);
	y = 1;
	setDc->startSection("fill"); //measure fill algorithm with set
	fill(intVec.begin(), intVec.end(), (++y)*2);
	//clear all containers
	vecDc->startSection("clear"); //measure clear operation with vector
	listDc->startSection("clear"); //measure clear operation with list
	setDc->startSection("clear"); //measure clear operation with set
	return 0;
void FilenameTest::runTest(const char* filename, const char* fullFilename)

    DataCollector::FileCreationAttr attr;
    attr.fileAccType = DataCollector::FAT_WRITE;

    // write first dataset to file (create file)
    dataCollector->open(filename, attr);
    int data1 = rand();

    dataCollector->write(1, ctInt, 1, Selection(Dimensions(1, 1, 1)), "data", &data1);
    // Now file must exist

    // write second dataset to file (write to existing file of same name
    dataCollector->open(filename, attr);
    int data2 = rand();

    dataCollector->write(2, ctInt, 1, Selection(Dimensions(1, 1, 1)), "data", &data2);

    // read data from file
    attr.fileAccType = DataCollector::FAT_READ;
    Dimensions data_size;

    int data = -1;
    dataCollector->open(filename, attr);

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dataCollector->getMaxID() == 2);

    dataCollector->read(1, "data", data_size, &data);

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(data_size.getScalarSize() == 1);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(data == data1);

    dataCollector->read(2, "data", data_size, &data);

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(data_size.getScalarSize() == 1);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(data == data2);


    // erase file
    attr.fileAccType = DataCollector::FAT_CREATE;
    dataCollector->open(filename, attr);

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(dataCollector->read(1, "data", data_size, &data), DCException);
    int data3 = rand();
    dataCollector->write(2, ctInt, 1, Selection(Dimensions(1, 1, 1)), "data", &data3);

    // Read from created file
    attr.fileAccType = DataCollector::FAT_READ;

    data = -1;
    dataCollector->open(filename, attr);

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dataCollector->getMaxID() == 2);

    dataCollector->read(2, "data", data_size, &data);

    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(data_size.getScalarSize() == 1);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT(data == data3);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	struct sockaddr_in si_other;
	int s, slen = sizeof(si_other);
	char buf[BUFLEN];
	char message[BUFLEN];

	//Initialise winsock
	printf("\nInitialising Winsock...");
	if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa) != 0)
		printf("Failed. Error Code : %d", WSAGetLastError());

	//create socket
		printf("socket() failed with error code : %d", WSAGetLastError());
	//setup address structure
	memset((char *)&si_other, 0, sizeof(si_other));
	si_other.sin_family = AF_INET;
	si_other.sin_port = htons(PORT);
	//si_other.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_pton(AF_INET, SERVER, &(si_other.sin_addr));
	inet_pton(AF_INET, SERVER, &(si_other.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr));
	/*if (inet_pton(AF_INET, SERVER, &(si_other.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr)))
		inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(si_other.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr), str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
		std::cout << ("%s\n", str);

	// We catch any exceptions that might occur below -- see the catch statement for more details.
	try {

		// First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
		// publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
		myo::Hub hub("om.example.emg-data-sample");

		std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;

		// Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
		// immediately.
		// waitForMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
		// if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
		myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);

		// If waitForMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
		if (!myo) {
			throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");

		// We've found a Myo.
		std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;

		// Next we enable EMG streaming on the found Myo.

		// Create a sample listener and controller for Leap Motion
		SampleListener listener;
		Controller controller;

		// Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
		DataCollector collector;
		double timeElasped = 0.000;
		const double minMax[10] = { 32, 85, 36, 100, 37, 107, 36, 100, 36, 90 }; //T.I.M.R.P

		// Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
		// Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.


		if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--bg") == 0)
		myfile << std::fixed;
		myfile << std::setprecision(2);

		// Finally we enter our main loop.
		while (1) {
			// In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
			// In this case, we wish to update our display 50 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds.
			hub.run(1000 / 100);
			// After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
			// obtained from any events that have occurred.
			int i = 0;
			int j = 1;
			int h = 0;
			double fingDis[5];
			const Frame frame = controller.frame();
			HandList hands = frame.hands();
			for (HandList::const_iterator hl = hands.begin(); hl != hands.end(); ++hl) {
				// Get the first hand
				const Hand hand = *hl;
				// Get fingers
				const FingerList fingers = hand.fingers();
				for (FingerList::const_iterator fl = fingers.begin(); fl != fingers.end(); ++fl) {
					const Finger finger = *fl;

					//myfile << " " << hand.palmPosition().distanceTo(finger.tipPosition());
					/*myfile << std::string(4, ' ') << fingerNames[finger.type()]
						<< ": " << listener.mapping(hand.palmPosition().distanceTo(finger.tipPosition()), minMax[i + i], minMax[i + j]);*/
					fingDis[h] = listener.mapping(hand.palmPosition().distanceTo(finger.tipPosition()), minMax[i + i], minMax[i + j]);
					//fingDis[h] = hand.palmPosition().distanceTo(finger.tipPosition());
						if (i == 5 && j == 6 && h == 5)
							string tmp = to_string(fingDis[0]) + " " + to_string(fingDis[1]) + " " + to_string(fingDis[2]) + " " + to_string(fingDis[3]) + " " + to_string(fingDis[4]);
							//string tmp = to_string('0');
							strcpy_s(message, tmp.c_str());
							//send message
							if (sendto(s, message, strlen(message), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &si_other, slen) == SOCKET_ERROR)
								printf("sendto() failed with error code : %d", WSAGetLastError());
							std::cout << "Data Sent";
							i = 0;
							j = 1;
							h = 0;

			//timeElasped = timeElasped + ((double)(clock() - tictoc_stack.top())) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
			/*myfile << " Time elapsed: "
				<< ((double)(clock() - tictoc_stack.top())) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;*/
			//myfile << " " << timeElasped << endl;

		// If a standard exception occurred, we print out its message and exit.
	catch (const std::exception& e) {
		std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "Press enter to continue.";
		return 1;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // We catch any exceptions that might occur below -- see the catch statement for more details.
    try {
        // First, we create a Hub with our application identifier. Be sure not to use the com.example namespace when
        // publishing your application. The Hub provides access to one or more Myos.
        myo::Hub hub("com.example.hello-myo");
        std::cout << "Attempting to find a Myo..." << std::endl;

        // Next, we attempt to find a Myo to use. If a Myo is already paired in Myo Connect, this will return that Myo
        // immediately.
        // waitForAnyMyo() takes a timeout value in milliseconds. In this case we will try to find a Myo for 10 seconds, and
        // if that fails, the function will return a null pointer.
        myo::Myo* myo = hub.waitForMyo(10000);

        // If waitForAnyMyo() returned a null pointer, we failed to find a Myo, so exit with an error message.
        if (!myo) {
            throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find a Myo!");
        // We've found a Myo.
        std::cout << "Connected to a Myo armband!" << std::endl << std::endl;

        // Next we construct an instance of our DeviceListener, so that we can register it with the Hub.
        DataCollector collector;

        // Hub::addListener() takes the address of any object whose class inherits from DeviceListener, and will cause
        // Hub::run() to send events to all registered device listeners.

        //Copy the start position of the calibration gesture during this time.
        double roll_orient = 0;
        double yaw_orient = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<50; i++) {   //about 1 second of sampling - keep still!
            roll_orient += ROLL;
            yaw_orient += YAW;
        roll_orient /= 50;
        yaw_orient /= 50;

        int hand;

        // start the sound engine with default parameters
        ISoundEngine* engine = createIrrKlangDevice();
        if (!engine)
            printf("Could not startup engine\n");
            return 0; // error starting up the engine
        // play some sound stream, looped

        ISound *samples[3];

        samples[0] = engine->play3D("BeatK03B 70-01.wav", vec3df(0,0,0), true, false, true);
        samples[1] = engine->play3D("GrulerK03 70B-01.wav", vec3df(0,0,0), true, false, true);
        samples[2] = engine->play3D("Wind-Mark_DiAngelo-1940285615.wav", vec3df(0,0,0), true, false, true);

        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

        engine->setListenerPosition(vec3df(0,0,0), vec3df(0,0,1));

        const float radius = 1;
        int currentSample = 0;
        float vol = .5;

            // In each iteration of our main loop, we run the Myo event loop for a set number of milliseconds.
            // In this case, we wish to update our display 20 times a second, so we run for 1000/20 milliseconds.

            // After processing events, we call the print() member function we defined above to print out the values we've
            // obtained from any events that have occurred.
            // printf("Press any key to play some sound, press 'q' to quit.\n");
            // play a single sound

            vec3df pos3d(radius * 2*cosf(YAW + yaw_orient - M_PI/2), 0, radius * 2*x`sinf(YAW + yaw_orient - M_PI/2));

            (WHICHARM == myo::armLeft ? hand=1 : hand=-1);
            vol = hand*(-ROLL) + roll_orient + 1;

            if (vol > 1)
                vol = 1;
            if (vol < 0)
                vol = 0;

            if (CURRENTPOSE == myo::Pose::fist) {
                if (samples[currentSample]) {
            if (CURRENTPOSE == myo::Pose::fingersSpread) {
                if (samples[currentSample]) {
            if (CURRENTPOSE == myo::Pose::waveIn && WAVEINCOUNTER > THRESHOLD) {
                currentSample += 1;
                currentSample %= 3;
                WAVEINCOUNTER = 1;

            std::cout << '[' << "Sample: " << currentSample << "    Thresh: " << WAVEINCOUNTER << "    Vol: " << vol << "   roll/yaw orient: " << roll_orient << "  " << yaw_orient << "]";

        // If a standard exception occurred, we print out its message and exit.
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        std::cerr << "Press enter to continue.";
        return 1;