//unsigned char buffer[STATIC_ALLOCATOR_SIZE];
//StaticAllocator myAlloc(buffer, STATIC_ALLOCATOR_SIZE);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    running = true;

    if ( argc < 7 ) {
        printf( "Start this DataNetwork Qualia client with 7 arguments:\n");
        printf( "host ip (e.g., the IP address of the host running the DataNetwork server\n");
        printf( "port (e.g. 7000), the port this client will use for OSC messages\n");
        printf( "name (e.g. example_client), the name by which this client will be identified in the DataNetwork\n");
        printf( "node for light input data, node for settings, node for output\n");
        printf( "lambda, gamma, epsilon, learning rate, hidden layers, reward node\n");
        printf( "For example:\n");
        printf( "%s 7000 QualiaClient 37 4001 5001 0.9 0.1 0.5 0.1 3 3001\n", argv[0]);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    float lambda = atof( argv[7] );
    float gamma = atof( argv[8] );
    float epsilon = atof( argv[9] );
    float learning = atof( argv[10] );
    int n_hidden = atoi( argv[11] );

    float settingsid = atoi( argv[5] );
    DataNode * settingsNode = NULL;

    // initialise datanetwork:
    // create a data network:
    DataNetwork * dn = new DataNetwork();
    // create an osc client interface for it:
    dn->createOSC( argv[1], argv[2], argv[3] );
    // register with the host:
    dn->subscribeNode( settingsid, true );

//   DummyAgent agent;
    QLearningEGreedyPolicy egreedy( epsilon );
    NeuralNetwork net(DIM_OBSERVATIONS + DIM_ACTIONS, n_hidden, 1, learning);
    QLearningAgent agent(&net, DIM_OBSERVATIONS, DIM_ACTIONS, n_actions, lambda, gamma, &egreedy, false);
    // lambda = 1.0 => no history
    // gamma
    PolytopeLightEnvironment * env = new PolytopeLightEnvironment( dn, argv[3], atoi(argv[4]), atoi(argv[12]), atoi(argv[6]) );
    Qualia qualia(&agent, env);
//  RLQualia qualia(&agent, &env);

    dn->setQuitFunction( &quitNow );


    while( running ) {
        if ( settingsNode == NULL ) {
            settingsNode = dn->getNode( settingsid );
        if ( settingsNode != NULL ) {
            env->set_delay( settingsNode->getSlot(0)->getValue() );
            agent.lambda = settingsNode->getSlot(1)->getValue();
            agent.gamma = settingsNode->getSlot(2)->getValue();
            egreedy.epsilon = settingsNode->getSlot(3)->getValue();
            net.learningRate = settingsNode->getSlot(4)->getValue();
//  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {

// #if is_computer()
//     printf("Current agent action: %d\n", agent.currentAction.conflated());
//     printf("Current environment observation: %f %f\n", (double)env->currentObservation.observations[0], (double)env->currentObservation.observations[1]);
// #endif

//  if (myAlloc.nLeaks)
//    printf("WARNING: Static Allocator has leaks: %d\n", myAlloc.nLeaks);

    return 0;