// DataIO_Std::WriteDataNormal()
int DataIO_Std::WriteDataNormal(CpptrajFile& file, DataSetList const& Sets) {
  // Assume all 1D data sets.
  if (Sets.empty() || CheckAllDims(Sets, 1)) return 1;
  // For this output to work the X-dimension of all sets needs to match.
  // The most important things for output are min and step so just check that.
  // Use X dimension of set 0 for all set dimensions.
  CheckXDimension( Sets );
  // TODO: Check for empty dim.
  DataSet* Xdata = Sets[0];
  Dimension const& Xdim = static_cast<Dimension const&>( Xdata->Dim(0) );
  int xcol_width = Xdim.Label().size() + 1; // Only used if hasXcolumn_
  if (xcol_width < 8) xcol_width = 8;
  int xcol_precision = 3;

  // Determine size of largest DataSet.
  size_t maxFrames = DetermineMax( Sets );

  // Set up X column.
  TextFormat x_col_format(XcolFmt());
  if (hasXcolumn_) {
    if (XcolPrecSet()) {
      xcol_width = XcolWidth();
      x_col_format = TextFormat(XcolFmt(), XcolWidth(), XcolPrec());
    } else {
      // Create format string for X column based on dimension in first data set.
      // Adjust X col precision as follows: if the step is set and has a 
      // fractional component set the X col width/precision to either the data
      // width/precision or the current width/precision, whichever is larger. If
      // the set is XYMESH but step has not been set (so we do not know spacing 
      // between X values) use default precision. Otherwise the step has no
      // fractional component so make the precision zero.
      double step_i;
      double step_f = modf( Xdim.Step(), &step_i );
      double min_f  = modf( Xdim.Min(),  &step_i );
      if (Xdim.Step() > 0.0 && (step_f > 0.0 || min_f > 0.0)) {
        xcol_precision = std::max(xcol_precision, Xdata->Format().Precision());
        xcol_width = std::max(xcol_width, Xdata->Format().Width());
      } else if (Xdata->Type() != DataSet::XYMESH)
        xcol_precision = 0;
      x_col_format.SetCoordFormat( maxFrames, Xdim.Min(), Xdim.Step(), xcol_width, xcol_precision );
  } else {
    // If not writing an X-column, no leading space for the first dataset.
    Xdata->SetupFormat().SetFormatAlign( TextFormat::RIGHT );

  // Write header to buffer
  std::vector<int> Original_Column_Widths;
  if (writeHeader_) {
    // If x-column present, write x-label
    if (hasXcolumn_)
      WriteNameToBuffer( file, Xdim.Label(), xcol_width, true );
    // To prevent truncation of DataSet legends, adjust the width of each
    // DataSet if necessary.
    for (DataSetList::const_iterator ds = Sets.begin(); ds != Sets.end(); ++ds) {
      // Record original column widths in case they are changed.
      Original_Column_Widths.push_back( (*ds)->Format().Width() );
      int colLabelSize;
      if (ds == Sets.begin() && !hasXcolumn_)
        colLabelSize = (int)(*ds)->Meta().Legend().size() + 1;
        colLabelSize = (int)(*ds)->Meta().Legend().size();
      //mprintf("DEBUG: Set '%s', fmt width= %i, colWidth= %i, colLabelSize= %i\n",
      //        (*ds)->legend(), (*ds)->Format().Width(), (*ds)->Format().ColumnWidth(),
      //        colLabelSize);
      if (colLabelSize >= (*ds)->Format().ColumnWidth())
        (*ds)->SetupFormat().SetFormatWidth( colLabelSize );
    // Write dataset names to header, left-aligning first set if no X-column
    DataSetList::const_iterator set = Sets.begin();
    if (!hasXcolumn_)
      WriteNameToBuffer( file, (*set)->Meta().Legend(), (*set)->Format().ColumnWidth(), true  );
      WriteNameToBuffer( file, (*set)->Meta().Legend(), (*set)->Format().ColumnWidth(), false );
    for (; set != Sets.end(); ++set) 
      WriteNameToBuffer( file, (*set)->Meta().Legend(), (*set)->Format().ColumnWidth(), false );

  // Write Data
  DataSet::SizeArray positions(1);
  for (positions[0] = 0; positions[0] < maxFrames; positions[0]++) {
    // Output Frame for each set
    if (hasXcolumn_)
      file.Printf( x_col_format.fmt(), Xdata->Coord(0, positions[0]) );
    for (DataSetList::const_iterator set = Sets.begin(); set != Sets.end(); ++set) 
      (*set)->WriteBuffer(file, positions);
  // Restore original column widths if necessary
  if (!Original_Column_Widths.empty())
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i != Original_Column_Widths.size(); i++)
      Sets[i]->SetupFormat().SetFormatWidth( Original_Column_Widths[i] );
  return 0;