void SymbolInfo::loadSymbols(HANDLE process_handle_, bool download)
	process_handle = process_handle_;

	wxBusyCursor busy;

	is64BitProcess = Is64BitProcess(process_handle);

	DWORD options = dbgHelpMs.SymGetOptions(); 

#ifdef _WIN64
	if(!is64BitProcess) {


#ifdef _WIN64

	std::wstring sympath;

	// Add the program's own directory to the search path.
	// Useful if someone's copied the EXE and PDB to a different machine or location.
	wchar_t szExePath[MAX_PATH] = L"";
	DWORD pathsize = MAX_PATH;
	BOOL gotImageName = FALSE;
#ifdef _WIN64
	// GetModuleFileNameEx doesn't always work across 64->32 bit boundaries.
	// Use QueryFullProcessImageName if we have it.
		typedef BOOL WINAPI QueryFullProcessImageNameFn(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwFlags, LPTSTR lpExeName, PDWORD lpdwSize);

		QueryFullProcessImageNameFn *fn = (QueryFullProcessImageNameFn *)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32"),"QueryFullProcessImageNameW");
		if (fn)
			gotImageName = fn(process_handle, 0, szExePath, &pathsize);

	if (!gotImageName)
		gotImageName = GetModuleFileNameEx(process_handle, NULL, szExePath, pathsize);

	if (gotImageName)
		// Convert the EXE path to its containing folder and append the
		// resulting folder to the symbol search path.
		wchar_t *p = wcsrchr(szExePath, '\\');

		if (p != NULL)
			*p = '\0';
			sympath += std::wstring(L";") + szExePath;

	prefs.AdjustSymbolPath(sympath, download);

	for( int n=0;n<4;n++ )
		wenforce(dbgHelpMs.SymInitializeW(process_handle, L"", FALSE), "SymInitialize");

		// Hook the debug output, so we actually can provide a clue as to
		// what's happening.
		dbgHelpMs.SymRegisterCallbackW64(process_handle, symCallback, NULL);

		// Add our PDB search paths.
		wenforce(dbgHelpMs.SymSetSearchPathW(process_handle, sympath.c_str()), "SymSetSearchPathW");

		// Load symbol information for all modules.
		// Normally SymInitialize would do this, but we instead do it ourselves afterwards
		// so that we can hook the debug output for it.
		wenforce(dbgHelpMs.SymRefreshModuleList(process_handle), "SymRefreshModuleList");

		wenforce(dbgHelpMs.SymEnumerateModulesW64(process_handle, EnumModules, this), "SymEnumerateModules64");

		if (!modules.empty())

		// Sometimes the module enumeration will fail (no error code, but no modules
		// will be returned). If we try again a little later it seems to work.
		// I suspect this may be if we try and enum modules too early on, before the process
		// has really had a chance to 'get going'.
		// Perhaps a better solution generally would be to manually load module symbols on demand,
		// as each sample comes in? That'd also solve the problem of modules getting loaded/unloaded
		// mid-profile. Yes, I'll probably do that some day.

	DbgHelp *gcc = &dbgHelpGcc;
#ifdef _WIN64
	// We can't use the regular dbghelpw to profile 32-bit applications,
	// as it's got compiled-in things that assume 64-bit. So we instead have
	// a special Wow64 build, which is compiled as 64-bit code but using 32-bit
	// definitions. We load that instead.
	if (!is64BitProcess)
		gcc = &dbgHelpGccWow64;

	// Now that we've loaded all the modules and debug info for the regular stuff,
	// we initialize the GCC dbghelp and let it have a go at the ones we couldn't do.
	wenforce(gcc->SymInitializeW(process_handle, NULL, FALSE), "SymInitialize");


	for (size_t n=0;n<modules.size();n++)
		Module &mod = modules[n];

		info.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(info);
		if (!dbgHelpMs.SymGetModuleInfoW64(process_handle, mod.base_addr, &info))
		// If we have a module with no symbol information from the MS dbghelp,
		// let the gcc one handle it instead.
		if (info.SymType == SymNone)
			gcc->SymLoadModuleExW(process_handle, NULL, 
				info.ImageName, info.ModuleName, info.BaseOfImage, info.ImageSize,
				NULL, 0);
			mod.dbghelp = gcc;

	if (g_symLog)