文件: cmd_list.cpp 项目: bd808/hhvm
// Retrieves the current source location (file, line).
// The current location is initially determined by the location
// where execution was interrupted to hand control back to
// the debugger client and can thereafter be modified by list
// commands and by switching the the stack frame.
// The lineFocus and and charFocus parameters
// are non zero only when the source location comes from a breakpoint.
// They can be used to highlight the location of the current breakpoint
// in the edit window of an attached IDE, for example.
// If m_line1 and m_line2 are currently 0 (because they have not been specified
// as parameters to the list command), they are updated to point to a block of
// code one line beyond the current line maintained by the client.
// This has the effect that a succession of list commands that specify no
// parameters will scroll sequentially through the source code in blocks
// of DebuggerClient::CodeBlockSize.
void CmdList::getListLocation(DebuggerClient &client, int &lineFocus0,
                          int &charFocus0, int &lineFocus1,
                          int &charFocus1) {
  int currentLine = 0;
  client.getListLocation(m_file, currentLine, lineFocus0, charFocus0,
                         lineFocus1, charFocus1);
  if (m_line1 == 0 && m_line2 == 0) {
    m_line1 = currentLine + 1;
    m_line2 = m_line1 + DebuggerClient::CodeBlockSize;