void SimpleRefactoring::doContextMenu(KDevelop::ContextMenuExtension& extension, KDevelop::Context* context) {

  if(DeclarationContext* declContext = dynamic_cast<DeclarationContext*>(context)){
    //Actions on declarations

    DUChainReadLocker lock(DUChain::lock());

    Declaration* declaration = declContext->declaration().data();

    if(declaration) {
      QFileInfo finfo(declaration->topContext()->url().str());
      if (finfo.isWritable()) {
        QAction* action = new QAction(i18n("Rename %1", declaration->qualifiedIdentifier().toString()), this);
        connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(executeRenameAction()));

        extension.addAction(ContextMenuExtension::RefactorGroup, action);

        if(declContext->use().isEmpty() && declaration->isFunctionDeclaration() && declaration->internalContext() && declaration->internalContext()->type() == DUContext::Other &&
          !dynamic_cast<Cpp::TemplateDeclaration*>(declaration)) {
          AbstractFunctionDeclaration* funDecl = dynamic_cast<AbstractFunctionDeclaration*>(declaration);
          if(funDecl && !funDecl->isInline() && !dynamic_cast<FunctionDefinition*>(funDecl)) {
            //Is a candidate for moving into source
            QAction* action = new QAction(i18n("Create separate definition for %1", declaration->qualifiedIdentifier().toString()), this);
//           action->setIcon(KIcon("arrow-right"));
            connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(executeMoveIntoSourceAction()));
            extension.addAction(ContextMenuExtension::RefactorGroup, action);
//Returns only the name, no template-parameters or scope
QString cursorItemText() {
  KDevelop::DUChainReadLocker lock( DUChain::lock() );

  Declaration* decl = cursorDeclaration();
    return QString();

  IDocument* doc = ICore::self()->documentController()->activeDocument();
    return QString();

  TopDUContext* context = DUChainUtils::standardContextForUrl( doc->url() );

  if( !context ) {
    qCDebug(PLUGIN_QUICKOPEN) << "Got no standard context";
    return QString();

  AbstractType::Ptr t = decl->abstractType();
  IdentifiedType* idType = dynamic_cast<IdentifiedType*>(t.data());
  if( idType && idType->declaration(context) )
    decl = idType->declaration(context);

    return decl->qualifiedIdentifier().last().identifier().str();

  return QString();
QString DUChainItemData::text() const
  DUChainReadLocker lock;;
  Declaration* decl = m_item.m_item.data();
    return i18n("Not available any more: %1", m_item.m_text);

  if(FunctionDefinition* def = dynamic_cast<FunctionDefinition*>(decl)) {
    if(def->declaration()) {
      decl = def->declaration();

  QString text = decl->qualifiedIdentifier().toString();

  if(!decl->abstractType()) {
    //With simplified representation, still mark functions as such by adding parens
    if(dynamic_cast<AbstractFunctionDeclaration*>(decl)) {
      text += QLatin1String("(...)");
  }else if(TypePtr<FunctionType> function = decl->type<FunctionType>()) {
    text += function->partToString( FunctionType::SignatureArguments );

  return text;
QList<QVariant> DUChainItemData::highlighting() const
  DUChainReadLocker lock;;

  Declaration* decl = m_item.m_item.data();
  if(!decl) {
    return QList<QVariant>();

  if(FunctionDefinition* def = dynamic_cast<FunctionDefinition*>(decl)) {
    if(def->declaration()) {
      decl = def->declaration();

  QTextCharFormat boldFormat;
  QTextCharFormat normalFormat;

  int prefixLength = 0;

  QString signature;
  TypePtr<FunctionType> function = decl->type<FunctionType>();
  if(function) {
    signature = function->partToString( FunctionType::SignatureArguments );

  //Only highlight the last part of the qualified identifier, so the scope doesn't distract too much
  QualifiedIdentifier id = decl->qualifiedIdentifier();
  QString fullId = id.toString();
  QString lastId;
  if(!id.isEmpty()) {
    lastId = id.last().toString();

  prefixLength += fullId.length() - lastId.length();

  QList<QVariant> ret;
  ret << 0;
  ret << prefixLength;
  ret << QVariant(normalFormat);
  ret << prefixLength;
  ret << lastId.length();
  ret << QVariant(boldFormat);
  if(!signature.isEmpty()) {
    ret << prefixLength + lastId.length();
    ret << signature.length();
    ret << QVariant(normalFormat);

  return ret;

void ADLTypeVisitor::endVisit(const FunctionType * /*type*/)
    // return type and argument types are handled by FunctionType::accept0

    // here we process the namespace of the function name (or containing class), if any

    /* at the bottom of we find the following:

    In addition, if the argument is the name or address of a set of overloaded functions and/or function tem-
    plates, its associated classes and namespaces are the union of those associated with each of the members of
    the set: the namespace in which the function or function template is defined and the classes and namespaces
    associated with its (non-dependent) parameter types and return type.

    if (m_helper.m_possibleFunctionName.data() && m_helper.m_possibleFunctionName.data()->isFunctionDeclaration())
        Declaration * declaration = m_helper.m_possibleFunctionName.data();

#ifdef DEBUG_ADL
        qCDebug(CPPDUCHAIN) << "    function name = " << declaration->toString() << " ; identifier = " << declaration->qualifiedIdentifier().toString();

        // start going towards the global scope until we match an interesting name
        // note that calling addDeclarationScopeIdentifier does not work because for some reason
        // for function names DUContext::scopeIdentifier returns the function name instead of the
        // name of the function's scope
        DUContext* context = declaration->context();
        while (context) {
            if (Declaration* decl = context->owner())
              if (context->type() == DUContext::Namespace)
              } else if (context->type() == DUContext::Class) {
            context = context->parentContext();