        static void verify_or_upgrade_db_descriptor(DB *db, const Descriptor &descriptor,
                                                    const bool hot_index) {
            const DBT *desc = &db->cmp_descriptor->dbt;
            verify(desc->data != NULL && desc->size >= 4);

            if (desc->size == 4) {
                // existing descriptor is from before descriptors were even versioned.
                // it's only an ordering. make sure it matches, then upgrade.
                const Ordering &ordering(*reinterpret_cast<const Ordering *>(desc->data));
                const Ordering &expected(descriptor.ordering());
                verify(memcmp(&ordering, &expected, 4) == 0);
                set_db_descriptor(db, descriptor, hot_index);
            } else {
                const Descriptor existing(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(desc->data), desc->size);
                if (existing.version() < descriptor.version()) {
                    // existing descriptor is out-dated. upgrade to the current version.
                    set_db_descriptor(db, descriptor, hot_index);
                } else if (existing.version() > descriptor.version()) {
                    problem() << "Detected a \"dictionary descriptor\" version that is too new: "
                              << existing.version() << ". The highest known version is " << descriptor.version()
                              << "This data may have already been upgraded by a newer version of "
                              << "TokuMX and is now no longer usable by this version."
                              << endl << endl
                              << "The assertion failure you are about to see is intentional."
                              << endl;
                } else {
                    // same version, ensure the contents of the descriptor are correct
                    verify(existing == descriptor);