 * @brief reads the configuration and stores the information in the deviceInfos QMap
 * @return
 * 	void
void OpenBeaconUSBStrategy::readConfiguration ()
	QStringList groups = settings->childGroups();
	maxPackages = settings->value ("maxPackagesOnOB", 10).toInt();
	for (int i = 0; i < groups.size(); ++i)
		DeviceInformation info;
		info.path = "";
		info.id = settings->value ("id", 0).toInt();
		info.setX(settings->value ("x", 0).toDouble());
		info.setY(settings->value ("y", 0).toDouble());
		info.setZ(settings->value ("z", 0).toDouble());
		deviceInfos.append (info);
		settings->endGroup ();
 * @brief sets the path for the matching ID
 * @param id	the id which path should be set
 * @param path	path to which it should be set
 * @return
 * 	void
void OpenBeaconUSBStrategy::setPath (int id, QString path)
	QMutableListIterator<DeviceInformation> it(deviceInfos);
	while (it.hasNext()) {
		DeviceInformation & info = it.next();
		if (info.id == id) {
			qCDebug(OPENBEACON_STRATEGY) << QString("Set path(%1) for id: %2").arg(path).arg(id);
			info.path = path;
			return ;

	// when the method reaches this position than we have an unconfigured device
	// therefore create a new one
	DeviceInformation info;
	info.path = path;
	info.id = id;
	info.fromQVector3D(QVector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
	deviceInfos.append (info);
	qCInfo(OPENBEACON_STRATEGY) << QString("Added new device with path(%1) for id: %2").arg(path).arg(id);
void CommonTestUtils::assertValues(const DeviceInformation& info, const DeviceType& expectedType, const QString& expectedName)
    QCOMPARE (info.getName(), expectedName);
    QVERIFY  (info.getType() == expectedType);
 * @brief parse the data that comes from the OB nodes
 * @param data	the data that is coming from the OB
 * @return
 * 	void
void OpenBeaconUSBStrategy::parseNewData (const QString & data)
	if (data.isEmpty ())
		return ;
	QString receivedPath = reinterpret_cast<OpenBeaconCommunication(*)> (sender ())->getDevicePath ();
	QStringList answerParts = data.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	if (answerParts.at(0) == "Id:")
		setPath (answerParts.at(1).toInt(), receivedPath);
		DeviceInformation deviceInfo = getDeviceInformation (receivedPath);
		qCInfo(OPENBEACON_STRATEGY) << QString ("device with Id: %1 added.").arg (deviceInfo.id);
		emit newNode (deviceInfo.id, deviceInfo.x(), deviceInfo.y(), deviceInfo.z());
	if (answerParts.at (0) == "FIFO" && answerParts.at (1) == "lifetime")
		qCInfo(OPENBEACON_STRATEGY) << QString ("FIFO of >%1< set to %2").arg (receivedPath).arg (answerParts.at (4));
	if (answerParts.at(0) == "RX:")
		// if no tag is in reach
		if (answerParts.size () < 2 || answerParts.at(1).isEmpty())
			return ;

		DeviceInformation deviceInfo = getDeviceInformation (receivedPath);
		if (!deviceInfo.isValid())
			qCInfo(OPENBEACON_STRATEGY) << QString ("Received information(%1) from unconfigured device: %2").arg(data).arg(receivedPath);
			return ;

		//RX: 0,2213,3
		// first is the powerlevel (0, 85, 170, 255)
		// second is the tagId
		// third is the count of received packets
		// strength = (powerlevel/85)*10 + (MAXPACKETS - packets)
		// gives us a scale from 0->40
		QStringList tagInfo = answerParts.at(1).split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
		int strength = ((tagInfo.at(0).toInt() / 85) * 10) + (maxPackages - tagInfo.at(2).toInt());
		emit newStrength (deviceInfo.id, tagInfo.at(1), strength);
// HardwareInformation
// -------------------
HardwareInformation::HardwareInformation() {
	devices = new std::map<std::string, DeviceInformation*>();

	// the FPGA runs @  100MHz instead of 800MHz, so we need to corrent 
	// the timinigs for a comparison with the ARM processor
	unsigned int fpgaClockMultiplier = 8;

	// add timinigs for the ARM Cortex-A9 @ 800MHz
	DeviceInformation *cortexA9 = new DeviceInformation("Cortex-A9", DeviceInformation::CPU_LINUX);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("ret",    0);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("br",     0);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("fadd",   4);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("fsub",   4);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("fmul",   6);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("fdiv",  25);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("or",     2);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("alloca", 0);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("load",   4);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("store",  6);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("getelementptr", 3);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("zext",   1);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("icmp",   3);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("fcmp",   4);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("select", 4);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("phi",    0);
	cortexA9->addInstructionInfo("call",  50); // NOTE: approximation

	cortexA9->addCommunicationInfo("Cortex-A9", DataDependency,  455);
	cortexA9->addCommunicationInfo("Cortex-A9", OrderDependency, 220);
	cortexA9->addCommunicationInfo("xc7z020-1", DataDependency,  fpgaClockMultiplier * 275);
	cortexA9->addCommunicationInfo("xc7z020-1", OrderDependency, fpgaClockMultiplier * 115);

	devices->insert(std::pair<std::string, DeviceInformation*>(cortexA9->getName(), cortexA9));

	// add timinigs for the FPGA
	DeviceInformation *fpga = new DeviceInformation("xc7z020-1", DeviceInformation::FPGA_RECONOS);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("ret",           fpgaClockMultiplier * 0);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("br",            fpgaClockMultiplier * 0);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("fadd",          fpgaClockMultiplier * 13);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("fsub",          fpgaClockMultiplier * 13);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("fmul",          fpgaClockMultiplier * 10);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("fdiv",          fpgaClockMultiplier * 58);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("or",            fpgaClockMultiplier * 1);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("alloca",        fpgaClockMultiplier * 0);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("load",          fpgaClockMultiplier * 40);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("store",         fpgaClockMultiplier * 40);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("getelementptr", fpgaClockMultiplier * 0);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("zext",          fpgaClockMultiplier * 0);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("icmp",          fpgaClockMultiplier * 1);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("fcmp",          fpgaClockMultiplier * 3);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("select",        fpgaClockMultiplier * 0);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("phi",           fpgaClockMultiplier * 0);
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("call",          fpgaClockMultiplier * (1<<20)); 
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("call#sin",      fpgaClockMultiplier * (7+54+8));
	fpga->addInstructionInfo("call#cos",      fpgaClockMultiplier * (7+54+8));

	fpga->addCommunicationInfo("Cortex-A9", DataDependency,  fpgaClockMultiplier * 315);
	fpga->addCommunicationInfo("Cortex-A9", OrderDependency, fpgaClockMultiplier * 240);
	fpga->addCommunicationInfo("xc7z020-1", DataDependency,  fpgaClockMultiplier * 1);
	fpga->addCommunicationInfo("xc7z020-1", OrderDependency, fpgaClockMultiplier * 1);

	devices->insert(std::pair<std::string, DeviceInformation*>(fpga->getName(), fpga));

	// calculate the device independent communication costs 
	// -> average value of all devices for the communication cost types
	std::vector<std::string> targets;
	for (std::map<std::string, DeviceInformation*>::iterator it = devices->begin(); it != devices->end(); ++it)

	unsigned int dataDepCostSum = 0, orderDepCostSum = 0, count = 0;
	for (std::map<std::string, DeviceInformation*>::iterator it = devices->begin(); it != devices->end(); ++it) {
		for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator targetIt = targets.begin(); targetIt != targets.end(); ++targetIt) {
			dataDepCostSum += it->second->getCommunicationInfo(*targetIt)->getCommunicationCost(DataDependency);
			orderDepCostSum += it->second->getCommunicationInfo(*targetIt)->getCommunicationCost(OrderDependency);

	deviceIndependentComCosts[DataDependency] = dataDepCostSum/count;
	deviceIndependentComCosts[OrderDependency] = orderDepCostSum/count;