/** @brief Combine given list of instruments to one instrument.
 * Takes a list of @a instruments as argument and combines them to one single
 * new @a output instrument. For this task, it will create a dimension of type
 * given by @a mainDimension in the new instrument and copies the source
 * instruments to those dimension zones.
 * @param instruments - (input) list of instruments that shall be combined,
 *                      they will only be read, so they will be left untouched
 * @param gig - (input/output) .gig file where the new combined instrument shall
 *              be created
 * @param output - (output) on success this pointer will be set to the new
 *                 instrument being created
 * @param mainDimension - the dimension that shall be used to combine the
 *                        instruments
 * @throw RIFF::Exception on any kinds of errors
static void combineInstruments(std::vector<gig::Instrument*>& instruments, gig::File* gig, gig::Instrument*& output, gig::dimension_t mainDimension) {
    output = NULL;

    // divide the individual regions to (probably even smaller) groups of
    // regions, coping with the fact that the source regions of the instruments
    // might have quite different range sizes and start and end points
    RegionGroups groups = groupByRegionIntersections(instruments);
    std::cout << std::endl << "New regions: " << std::flush;
    std::cout << std::endl;

    if (groups.empty())
        throw gig::Exception(_("No regions found to create a new instrument with."));

    // create a new output instrument
    gig::Instrument* outInstr = gig->AddInstrument();
    outInstr->pInfo->Name = _("NEW COMBINATION");

    // Distinguishing in the following code block between 'horizontal' and
    // 'vertical' regions. The 'horizontal' ones are meant to be the key ranges
    // in the output instrument, while the 'vertical' regions are meant to be
    // the set of source regions that shall be layered to that 'horizontal'
    // region / key range. It is important to know, that the key ranges defined
    // in the 'horizontal' and 'vertical' regions might differ.

    // merge the instruments to the new output instrument
    for (RegionGroups::iterator itGroup = groups.begin();
         itGroup != groups.end(); ++itGroup) // iterate over 'horizontal' / target regions ...
        gig::Region* outRgn = outInstr->AddRegion();
        outRgn->SetKeyRange(itGroup->first.low, itGroup->first.high);
        printf("---> Start target region %d..%d\n", itGroup->first.low, itGroup->first.high);

        // detect the total amount of zones required for the given main
        // dimension to build up this combi for current key range
        int iTotalZones = 0;
        for (RegionGroup::iterator itRgn = itGroup->second.begin();
             itRgn != itGroup->second.end(); ++itRgn)
            gig::Region* inRgn = itRgn->second;
            gig::dimension_def_t* def = inRgn->GetDimensionDefinition(mainDimension);
            iTotalZones += (def) ? def->zones : 1;
        printf("Required total zones: %d, vertical regions: %d\n", iTotalZones, itGroup->second.size());

        // create all required dimensions for this output region
        // (except the main dimension used for separating the individual
        // instruments, we create that particular dimension as next step)
        Dimensions dims = getDimensionsForRegionGroup(itGroup->second);
        // the given main dimension which is used to combine the instruments is
        // created separately after the next code block, and the main dimension
        // should not be part of dims here, because it also used for iterating
        // all dimensions zones, which would lead to this dimensions being
        // iterated twice
            std::vector<gig::dimension_t> skipTheseDimensions; // used to prevent a misbehavior (i.e. crash) of the combine algorithm in case one of the source instruments has a dimension with only one zone, which is not standard conform

            for (Dimensions::iterator itDim = dims.begin();
                itDim != dims.end(); ++itDim)
                gig::dimension_def_t def;
                def.dimension = itDim->first; // dimension type
                def.zones = itDim->second.size();
                def.bits = zoneCountToBits(def.zones);
                if (def.zones < 2) {
                        "Attempt to create dimension with type=0x%x with only "
                        "ONE zone (because at least one of the source "
                        "instruments seems to have such a velocity dimension "
                        "with only ONE zone, which is odd)! Skipping this "
                        "dimension for now.",
                std::cout << "Adding new regular dimension type=" << std::hex << (int)def.dimension << std::dec << ", zones=" << (int)def.zones << ", bits=" << (int)def.bits << " ... " << std::flush;
                std::cout << "OK" << std::endl << std::flush;
            // prevent the following dimensions to be processed further below
            // (since the respective dimension was not created above)
            for (int i = 0; i < skipTheseDimensions.size(); ++i)

        // create the main dimension (if necessary for current key range)
        if (iTotalZones > 1) {
            gig::dimension_def_t def;
            def.dimension = mainDimension; // dimension type
            def.zones = iTotalZones;
            def.bits = zoneCountToBits(def.zones);
            std::cout << "Adding new main combi dimension type=" << std::hex << (int)def.dimension << std::dec << ", zones=" << (int)def.zones << ", bits=" << (int)def.bits << " ... " << std::flush;
            std::cout << "OK" << std::endl << std::flush;
        } else {

        // for the next task we need to have the current RegionGroup to be
        // sorted by instrument in the same sequence as the 'instruments' vector
        // argument passed to this function (because the std::map behind the
        // 'RegionGroup' type sorts by memory address instead, and that would
        // sometimes lead to the source instruments' region to be sorted into
        // the wrong target layer)
        OrderedRegionGroup currentGroup = sortRegionGroup(itGroup->second, instruments);

        // schedule copying the source dimension regions to the target dimension
        // regions
        CopyAssignSchedule schedule;
        int iDstMainBit = 0;
        for (OrderedRegionGroup::iterator itRgn = currentGroup.begin();
             itRgn != currentGroup.end(); ++itRgn) // iterate over 'vertical' / source regions ...
            gig::Region* inRgn = itRgn->second;
            printf("[source region of '%s']\n", inRgn->GetParent()->pInfo->Name.c_str());

            // determine how many main dimension zones this input region requires
            gig::dimension_def_t* def = inRgn->GetDimensionDefinition(mainDimension);
            const int inRgnMainZones = (def) ? def->zones : 1;

            for (uint iSrcMainBit = 0; iSrcMainBit < inRgnMainZones; ++iSrcMainBit, ++iDstMainBit) {
                    outRgn, inRgn, dims, mainDimension,
                    iDstMainBit, iSrcMainBit, &schedule

        // finally copy the scheduled source -> target dimension regions
        for (uint i = 0; i < schedule.size(); ++i) {
            CopyAssignSchedEntry& e = schedule[i];

            // backup the target DimensionRegion's current dimension zones upper
            // limits (because the target DimensionRegion's upper limits are
            // already defined correctly since calling AddDimension(), and the
            // CopyAssign() call next, will overwrite those upper limits
            // unfortunately
            DimensionRegionUpperLimits dstUpperLimits = getDimensionRegionUpperLimits(e.dst);
            DimensionRegionUpperLimits srcUpperLimits = getDimensionRegionUpperLimits(e.src);

            // now actually copy over the current DimensionRegion
            const gig::Region* const origRgn = e.dst->GetParent(); // just for sanity check below
            assert(origRgn == e.dst->GetParent()); // if gigedit is crashing here, then you must update libgig (to at least SVN r2547, v3.3.0.svn10)

            // restore all original dimension zone upper limits except of the
            // velocity dimension, because the velocity dimension zone sizes are
            // allowed to differ for individual DimensionRegions in gig v3
            // format
            // if the main dinension is the 'velocity' dimension, then skip
            // restoring the source's original velocity zone limits, because
            // dealing with merging that is not implemented yet
            // TODO: merge custom velocity splits if main dimension is the velocity dimension (for now equal sized velocity zones are used if mainDim is 'velocity')
            if (srcUpperLimits.count(gig::dimension_velocity) && mainDimension != gig::dimension_velocity) {
                if (!dstUpperLimits.count(gig::dimension_velocity)) {
                    addWarning("Source instrument seems to have a velocity dimension whereas new target instrument doesn't!");
                } else {
                    dstUpperLimits[gig::dimension_velocity] =
                        (e.velocityZone >= e.totalSrcVelocityZones)
                            ? 127 : srcUpperLimits[gig::dimension_velocity];
            restoreDimensionRegionUpperLimits(e.dst, dstUpperLimits);

    // success
    output = outInstr;
/** @brief Schedule copying DimensionRegions from source Region to target Region.
 * Schedules copying the entire articulation informations (including sample
 * reference) from all individual DimensionRegions of source Region @a inRgn to
 * target Region @a outRgn. It is expected that the required dimensions (thus
 * the required dimension regions) were already created before calling this
 * function.
 * To be precise, it does the task above only for the dimension zones defined by
 * the three arguments @a mainDim, @a iSrcMainBit, @a iDstMainBit, which reflect
 * a selection which dimension zones shall be copied. All other dimension zones
 * will not be scheduled to be copied by a single call of this function. So this
 * function needs to be called several time in case all dimension regions shall
 * be copied of the entire region (@a inRgn, @a outRgn).
 * @param outRgn - where the dimension regions shall be copied to
 * @param inRgn - all dimension regions that shall be copied from
 * @param dims - precise dimension definitions of target region
 * @param mainDim - this dimension type, in combination with @a iSrcMainBit and
 *                  @a iDstMainBit defines a selection which dimension region
 *                  zones shall be copied by this call of this function
 * @param iDstMainBit - destination bit of @a mainDim
 * @param iSrcMainBit - source bit of @a mainDim
 * @param schedule - list of all DimensionRegion copy operations which is filled
 *                   during the nested loops / recursions of this function call
 * @param dimCase - just for internal purpose (function recursion), don't pass
 *                  anything here, this function will call itself recursively
 *                  will fill this container with concrete dimension values for
 *                  selecting the precise dimension regions during its task
static void scheduleCopyDimensionRegions(gig::Region* outRgn, gig::Region* inRgn,
                                 Dimensions dims, gig::dimension_t mainDim,
                                 int iDstMainBit, int iSrcMainBit,
                                 CopyAssignSchedule* schedule,
                                 DimensionCase dimCase = DimensionCase())
    if (dims.empty()) { // reached deepest level of function recursion ...
        CopyAssignSchedEntry e;

        // resolve the respective source & destination DimensionRegion ...        
        uint srcDimValues[8] = {};
        uint dstDimValues[8] = {};
        DimensionCase srcDimCase = dimCase;
        DimensionCase dstDimCase = dimCase;
        srcDimCase[mainDim] = iSrcMainBit;
        dstDimCase[mainDim] = iDstMainBit;

        printf("iDstMainBit=%d iSrcMainBit=%d\n", iDstMainBit, iSrcMainBit);

        // first select source & target dimension region with an arbitrary
        // velocity split zone, to get access to the precise individual velocity
        // split zone sizes (if there is actually a velocity dimension at all,
        // otherwise we already select the desired source & target dimension
        // region here)
        printf("src "); fflush(stdout);
        fillDimValues(srcDimValues, srcDimCase, inRgn, false);
        printf("dst "); fflush(stdout);
        fillDimValues(dstDimValues, dstDimCase, outRgn, false);
        gig::DimensionRegion* srcDimRgn = inRgn->GetDimensionRegionByValue(srcDimValues);
        gig::DimensionRegion* dstDimRgn = outRgn->GetDimensionRegionByValue(dstDimValues);
        printf("iDstMainBit=%d iSrcMainBit=%d\n", iDstMainBit, iSrcMainBit);
        printf("srcDimRgn=%lx dstDimRgn=%lx\n", (uint64_t)srcDimRgn, (uint64_t)dstDimRgn);
        printf("srcSample='%s' dstSample='%s'\n",
               (!srcDimRgn->pSample ? "NULL" : srcDimRgn->pSample->pInfo->Name.c_str()),
               (!dstDimRgn->pSample ? "NULL" : dstDimRgn->pSample->pInfo->Name.c_str())

        assert(srcDimRgn->GetParent() == inRgn);
        assert(dstDimRgn->GetParent() == outRgn);

        // now that we have access to the precise velocity split zone upper
        // limits, we can select the actual source & destination dimension
        // regions we need to copy (assuming that source or target region has
        // a velocity dimension)
        if (outRgn->GetDimensionDefinition(gig::dimension_velocity)) {
            // re-select target dimension region (with correct velocity zone)
            DimensionZones dstZones = preciseDimensionZonesFor(gig::dimension_velocity, dstDimRgn);
            assert(dstZones.size() > 1);
            const int iDstZoneIndex =
                (mainDim == gig::dimension_velocity)
                    ? iDstMainBit : dstDimCase[gig::dimension_velocity]; // (mainDim == gig::dimension_velocity) exception case probably unnecessary here
            e.velocityZone = iDstZoneIndex;
            printf("dst velocity zone: %d/%d\n", iDstZoneIndex, (int)dstZones.size());
            assert(uint(iDstZoneIndex) < dstZones.size());
            dstDimCase[gig::dimension_velocity] = dstZones[iDstZoneIndex].low; // arbitrary value between low and high
            printf("dst velocity value = %d\n", dstDimCase[gig::dimension_velocity]);
            printf("dst refilled "); fflush(stdout);
            fillDimValues(dstDimValues, dstDimCase, outRgn, false);
            dstDimRgn = outRgn->GetDimensionRegionByValue(dstDimValues);
            printf("reselected dstDimRgn=%lx\n", (uint64_t)dstDimRgn);
                (!dstDimRgn->pSample ? "NULL" : dstDimRgn->pSample->pInfo->Name.c_str()),
                (dstDimRgn->pSample ? " <--- ERROR ERROR ERROR !!!!!!!!! " : "")

            // re-select source dimension region with correct velocity zone
            // (if it has a velocity dimension that is)
            if (inRgn->GetDimensionDefinition(gig::dimension_velocity)) {
                DimensionZones srcZones = preciseDimensionZonesFor(gig::dimension_velocity, srcDimRgn);
                e.totalSrcVelocityZones = srcZones.size();
                assert(srcZones.size() > 0);
                if (srcZones.size() <= 1) {
                    addWarning("Input region has a velocity dimension with only ONE zone!");
                int iSrcZoneIndex =
                    (mainDim == gig::dimension_velocity)
                        ? iSrcMainBit : iDstZoneIndex;
                if (uint(iSrcZoneIndex) >= srcZones.size())
                    iSrcZoneIndex = srcZones.size() - 1;
                srcDimCase[gig::dimension_velocity] = srcZones[iSrcZoneIndex].low; // same zone as used above for target dimension region (no matter what the precise zone ranges are)
                printf("src refilled "); fflush(stdout);
                fillDimValues(srcDimValues, srcDimCase, inRgn, false);
                srcDimRgn = inRgn->GetDimensionRegionByValue(srcDimValues);
                printf("reselected srcDimRgn=%lx\n", (uint64_t)srcDimRgn);
                    (!srcDimRgn->pSample ? "NULL" : srcDimRgn->pSample->pInfo->Name.c_str())

        // Schedule copy operation of source -> target DimensionRegion for the
        // time after all nested loops have been traversed. We have to postpone
        // the actual copy operations this way, because otherwise it would
        // overwrite informations inside the destination DimensionRegion object
        // that we need to read in the code block above.
        e.src = srcDimRgn;
        e.dst = dstDimRgn;

        return; // returning from deepest level of function recursion

    // Copying n dimensions requires n nested loops. That's why this function
    // is calling itself recursively to provide the required amount of nested
    // loops. With each call it pops from argument 'dims' and pushes to
    // argument 'dimCase'.

    Dimensions::iterator itDimension = dims.begin();
    gig::dimension_t type = itDimension->first;
    DimensionZones  zones = itDimension->second;

    int iZone = 0;
    for (DimensionZones::iterator itZone = zones.begin();
         itZone != zones.end(); ++itZone, ++iZone)
        DLS::range_t zoneRange = *itZone;
        gig::dimension_def_t* def = outRgn->GetDimensionDefinition(type);
        dimCase[type] = (def->split_type == gig::split_type_bit) ? iZone : zoneRange.low;

        // recurse until 'dims' is exhausted (and dimCase filled up with concrete value)
        scheduleCopyDimensionRegions(outRgn, inRgn, dims, mainDim, iDstMainBit, iSrcMainBit, schedule, dimCase);