void Parser::write(std::list<string>& args) { DirectoryPrx dir = _dirs.front(); string name = args.front(); args.pop_front(); NodeDesc d; try { d = dir->find(name); } catch(const NoSuchName&) { cout << "`" << name << "': no such file" << endl; return; } if(d.type == DirType) { cout << "`" << name << "': not a file" << endl; return; } FilePrx f = FilePrx::uncheckedCast(d.proxy); Lines l; for(std::list<string>::const_iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i) { l.push_back(*i); } f->write(l); }
void Parser::cat(const string& name) { DirectoryPrx dir = _dirs.front(); NodeDesc d; try { d = dir->find(name); } catch(const NoSuchName&) { cout << "`" << name << "': no such file" << endl; return; } if(d.type == DirType) { cout << "`" << name << "': not a file" << endl; return; } FilePrx f = FilePrx::uncheckedCast(d.proxy); Lines l = f->read(); for(Lines::const_iterator i = l.begin(); i != l.end(); ++i) { cout << *i << endl; } }
static void listRecursive(const DirectoryPrx& dir, int depth = 0) { string indent(++depth, '\t'); NodeSeq contents = dir->list(); for(NodeSeq::const_iterator i = contents.begin(); i != contents.end(); ++i) { DirectoryPrx dir = DirectoryPrx::checkedCast(*i); FilePrx file = FilePrx::uncheckedCast(*i); cout << indent << (*i)->name() << (dir ? " (directory):" : " (file):") << endl; if(dir) { listRecursive(dir, depth); } else { Lines text = file->read(); for(Lines::const_iterator j = text.begin(); j != text.end(); ++j) { cout << indent << "\t" << *j << endl; } } } }
void Parser::destroy(const std::list<string>& names) { DirectoryPrx dir = _dirs.front(); for(std::list<string>::const_iterator i = names.begin(); i != names.end(); ++i) { if(*i == "*") { NodeDescSeq nodes = dir->list(); for(NodeDescSeq::iterator j = nodes.begin(); j != nodes.end(); ++j) { try { j->proxy->destroy(); } catch(const PermissionDenied& ex) { cout << "cannot remove `" << j->name << "': " << ex.reason << endl; } } return; } else { NodeDesc d; try { d = dir->find(*i); } catch(const NoSuchName&) { cout << "`" << *i << "': no such file or directory" << endl; return; } try { d.proxy->destroy(); } catch(const PermissionDenied& ex) { cout << "cannot remove `" << *i << "': " << ex.reason << endl; } } } }
void Parser::cd(const string& name) { if(name == "/") { while(_dirs.size() > 1) { _dirs.pop_front(); } return; } if(name == "..") { if(_dirs.size() > 1) { _dirs.pop_front(); } return; } DirectoryPrx dir = _dirs.front(); NodeDesc d; try { d = dir->find(name); } catch(const NoSuchName&) { cout << "`" << name << "': no such directory" << endl; return; } if(d.type == FileType) { cout << "`" << name << "': not a directory" << endl; return; } _dirs.push_front(DirectoryPrx::uncheckedCast(d.proxy)); }
void Parser::createFile(const std::list<string>& names) { DirectoryPrx dir = _dirs.front(); for(std::list<string>::const_iterator i = names.begin(); i != names.end(); ++i) { if(*i == "..") { cout << "Cannot create a file named `..'" << endl; continue; } try { dir->createFile(*i); } catch(const NameInUse&) { cout << "`" << *i << "' exists already" << endl; } } }
void Parser::list(const DirectoryPrx& dir, bool recursive, int depth) { string indent(depth++, '\t'); NodeDescSeq contents = dir->list(); for(NodeDescSeq::const_iterator i = contents.begin(); i != contents.end(); ++i) { DirectoryPrx d = i->type == DirType ? DirectoryPrx::uncheckedCast(i->proxy) : (DirectoryPrx)0; cout << indent << i->name << (d ? " (directory)" : " (file)"); if(d && recursive) { cout << ":" << endl; list(d, true, depth); } else { cout << endl; } } }
void AghPhoneDialog::menuTriggered(QAction *action) { cout << action->text().toLocal8Bit().data() << endl; QString operation = action->text(); if (operation == "Preferences") { prefDialog->exec(); prefDialog->updateConfiguration(); configuration->saveConf(); } else if (operation == "Close") { terminateApplication(); } else if (operation == "Search in directory") { searchDir->exec(); TerminalAddress *foundTerminal = searchDir->getSelectedTerminal(); // check whether terminal was selected if (foundTerminal == NULL) { return; } QString foundTermName = foundTerminal->name.c_str(); foundTermName += ":"; foundTermName += foundTerminal->port.c_str(); if (foundTerminal != 0) { this->putTerminalIntoList(foundTerminal, foundTermName); } } else if (operation == "Log in") { registeredAddress = new TerminalAddress; if (isRegistered) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "User already registered"); return; } if (this->configuration->directoryAlias->size() <= 0) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "User alias not specified! Check your configuration."); return; } if (this->configuration->localPort->size() <= 0) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "Local port not specified! Check your configuration."); return; } registeredAddress->name = *(this->configuration->directoryAlias); registeredAddress->port = *(this->configuration->localPort); // Get directory reference QString errorMessage = this->configuration->validateDirectory().c_str(); if (errorMessage.count() > 0) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), errorMessage); } else { // search for directory try { Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic = Ice::initialize(); stringstream a; a << *(configuration->directoryName) << ":default -h " << *(configuration->directoryAddress) << " -p " << *(configuration->directoryPort); Ice::ObjectPrx base = ic->stringToProxy ( a.str() ); DirectoryPrx directory = DirectoryPrx::checkedCast ( base ); if ( !directory ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "Connection to directory failed, please check your configuration!"); } else { directory->registerTerminal(*registeredAddress); isRegistered = true; QString message("Terminal "); message += registeredAddress->name.c_str(); message += " successfully registered."; statusbar->showMessage(message, 5000); } ic->destroy(); } catch (TerminalExistsException ex) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "User already registered, change your alias!"); return; } catch (...) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "Connection to directory failed, please check your configuration!"); return; } } } else if (operation == "Log out") { if (!isRegistered) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "User not registered"); return; } // Get directory reference QString errorMessage = this->configuration->validateDirectory().c_str(); if (errorMessage.count() > 0) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), errorMessage); } else { // search for directory try { Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic = Ice::initialize(); stringstream a; a << *(configuration->directoryName) << ":default -h " << *(configuration->directoryAddress) << " -p " << *(configuration->directoryPort); Ice::ObjectPrx base = ic->stringToProxy ( a.str() ); DirectoryPrx directory = DirectoryPrx::checkedCast ( base ); if ( !directory ) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "Connection to directory failed, please check your configuration!"); } else { directory->removeTerminal(registeredAddress->name); QString message("Terminal "); message += registeredAddress->name.c_str(); message += " successfully unregistered."; statusbar->showMessage(message, 5000); delete registeredAddress; isRegistered = false; } ic->destroy(); } catch (NoSuchTerminalException ex) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "Such user does not exists in directory!"); } catch (...) { QMessageBox::critical( this, this->windowTitle(), "Connection to directory failed, please check your configuration!"); return; } } } else if (operation == "About") { QString about; QDate curDate = QDate::currentDate(); about += "AGHPhone VoIP application\n"; about += "\n\nVersion from "; about += curDate.toString(); about += "\n\nCopyright (C) 2008 Mateusz Kramarczyk <*****@*****.**>\n"; about += "Copyright (C) 2008 Tomasz Kijas <*****@*****.**>\n"; about += "Copyright (C) 2008 Tomir Kryza <*****@*****.**>\n"; about += "Copyright (C) 2008 Maciej Kluczny <*****@*****.**>\n"; about += "Copyright (C) 2008 AGH University of Science and Technology <www.agh.edu.pl>\n"; QMessageBox::about(this, "About AGHPhone", about); } else if (operation == "About Qt") { QMessageBox::aboutQt(this, "About Qt"); } else if (operation == "License") { QString msg; msg += "This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"; msg += "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"; msg += "the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n"; msg += "(at your option) any later version.\n"; msg += "\n"; msg += "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"; msg += "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"; msg += "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n"; msg += "GNU General Public License for more details.\n"; msg += "\n"; msg += "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"; msg += "along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\n"; QMessageBox::about(this, "AGHPhone license regulations", msg); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int lIcePort; int lRtpPort; int rDirPort; string rDirAddr; string alias; DirectoryPrx directory; if (argc < 6) { cout << "bad usage:\n\n"; cout << "\t\tprogram lIcePort lRtpPort rDirPort rDirAddr alias\n\n"; return 0; } /* arguments */ lIcePort = atoi(argv[1]); lRtpPort = atoi(argv[2]); rDirPort = atoi(argv[3]); rDirAddr.append(argv[4]); alias.append(argv[5]); try { /* locate directory */ Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic = Ice::initialize (); stringstream a; a << string("Directory") << ":default -h " << rDirAddr << " -p " << rDirPort; Ice::ObjectPrx base = ic->stringToProxy ( a.str() ); directory = DirectoryPrx::checkedCast ( base ); if ( !directory ) throw "Invalid proxy"; /* log in */ TerminalAddress address; address.name = alias; std::ostringstream o2; o2 << string("") << lIcePort; address.port = o2.str(); address.type = MCUTERMINAL; try { directory->registerTerminal(address); } catch(BadLoginException e) { cerr << "Bad login\n"; } catch(TerminalExistsException e) { cerr << "Terminal already exists\n"; } } catch(...) { clog << "Directory lookup error" << endl; } try { // Set up a simple configuration that logs on the console. BasicConfigurator::configure(); } catch(log4cxx::helpers::Exception& e) { clog << "severe error" << endl; } Mixer m(lIcePort); m.setLocalRtpPort(lRtpPort); }