    Status RecordStoreV1Base::validate( OperationContext* txn,
                                        bool full, bool scanData,
                                        ValidateAdaptor* adaptor,
                                        ValidateResults* results, BSONObjBuilder* output ) const {

        // 1) basic status that require no iteration
        // 2) extent level info
        // 3) check extent start and end
        // 4) check each non-deleted record
        // 5) check deleted list

        // -------------

        // 1111111111111111111
        if ( isCapped() ){
            output->appendBool("capped", true);
            output->appendNumber("max", _details->maxCappedDocs());

        output->appendNumber("datasize", _details->dataSize());
        output->appendNumber("nrecords", _details->numRecords());
        output->appendNumber("lastExtentSize", _details->lastExtentSize(txn));
        output->appendNumber("padding", _details->paddingFactor());

        if ( _details->firstExtent(txn).isNull() )
            output->append( "firstExtent", "null" );
            output->append( "firstExtent",
                            str::stream() << _details->firstExtent(txn).toString()
                            << " ns:"
                            << _getExtent( txn, _details->firstExtent(txn) )->nsDiagnostic.toString());
        if ( _details->lastExtent(txn).isNull() )
            output->append( "lastExtent", "null" );
            output->append( "lastExtent", str::stream() << _details->lastExtent(txn).toString()
                            << " ns:"
                            << _getExtent( txn, _details->lastExtent(txn) )->nsDiagnostic.toString());

        // 22222222222222222222222222
        { // validate extent basics
            BSONArrayBuilder extentData;
            int extentCount = 0;
            DiskLoc extentDiskLoc;
            try {
                if ( !_details->firstExtent(txn).isNull() ) {
                    _getExtent( txn, _details->firstExtent(txn) )->assertOk();
                    _getExtent( txn, _details->lastExtent(txn) )->assertOk();

                extentDiskLoc = _details->firstExtent(txn);
                while (!extentDiskLoc.isNull()) {
                    Extent* thisExtent = _getExtent( txn, extentDiskLoc );
                    if (full) {
                        extentData << thisExtent->dump();
                    if (!thisExtent->validates(extentDiskLoc, &results->errors)) {
                        results->valid = false;
                    DiskLoc nextDiskLoc = thisExtent->xnext;
                    if (extentCount > 0 && !nextDiskLoc.isNull()
                        &&  _getExtent( txn, nextDiskLoc )->xprev != extentDiskLoc) {
                        StringBuilder sb;
                        sb << "'xprev' pointer " << _getExtent( txn, nextDiskLoc )->xprev.toString()
                           << " in extent " << nextDiskLoc.toString()
                           << " does not point to extent " << extentDiskLoc.toString();
                        results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                        results->valid = false;
                    if (nextDiskLoc.isNull() && extentDiskLoc != _details->lastExtent(txn)) {
                        StringBuilder sb;
                        sb << "'lastExtent' pointer " << _details->lastExtent(txn).toString()
                           << " does not point to last extent in list " << extentDiskLoc.toString();
                        results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                        results->valid = false;
                    extentDiskLoc = nextDiskLoc;
            catch (const DBException& e) {
                StringBuilder sb;
                sb << "exception validating extent " << extentCount
                   << ": " << e.what();
                results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                results->valid = false;
                return Status::OK();
            output->append("extentCount", extentCount);

            if ( full )
                output->appendArray( "extents" , extentData.arr() );


        try {
            // 333333333333333333333333333
            bool testingLastExtent = false;
            try {
                DiskLoc firstExtentLoc = _details->firstExtent(txn);
                if (firstExtentLoc.isNull()) {
                    // this is ok
                else {
                    output->append("firstExtentDetails", _getExtent(txn, firstExtentLoc)->dump());
                    if (!_getExtent(txn, firstExtentLoc)->xprev.isNull()) {
                        StringBuilder sb;
                        sb << "'xprev' pointer in 'firstExtent' " << _details->firstExtent(txn).toString()
                           << " is " << _getExtent(txn, firstExtentLoc)->xprev.toString()
                           << ", should be null";
                        results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                        results->valid = false;
                testingLastExtent = true;
                DiskLoc lastExtentLoc = _details->lastExtent(txn);
                if (lastExtentLoc.isNull()) {
                    // this is ok
                else {
                    if (firstExtentLoc != lastExtentLoc) {
                        output->append("lastExtentDetails", _getExtent(txn, lastExtentLoc)->dump());
                        if (!_getExtent(txn, lastExtentLoc)->xnext.isNull()) {
                            StringBuilder sb;
                            sb << "'xnext' pointer in 'lastExtent' " << lastExtentLoc.toString()
                               << " is " << _getExtent(txn, lastExtentLoc)->xnext.toString()
                               << ", should be null";
                            results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                            results->valid = false;
            catch (const DBException& e) {
                StringBuilder sb;
                sb << "exception processing '"
                   << (testingLastExtent ? "lastExtent" : "firstExtent")
                   << "': " << e.what();
                results->errors.push_back( sb.str() );
                results->valid = false;

            // 4444444444444444444444444

            set<DiskLoc> recs;
            if( scanData ) {
                int n = 0;
                int nInvalid = 0;
                long long nQuantizedSize = 0;
                long long nPowerOf2QuantizedSize = 0;
                long long len = 0;
                long long nlen = 0;
                long long bsonLen = 0;
                int outOfOrder = 0;
                DiskLoc cl_last;

                scoped_ptr<RecordIterator> iterator( getIterator( txn,
                                                                  CollectionScanParams::FORWARD ) );
                DiskLoc cl;
                while ( !( cl = iterator->getNext() ).isNull() ) {

                    if ( n < 1000000 )
                    if ( isCapped() ) {
                        if ( cl < cl_last )
                        cl_last = cl;

                    Record *r = recordFor(cl);
                    len += r->lengthWithHeaders();
                    nlen += r->netLength();

                    if ( r->lengthWithHeaders() ==
                         quantizeAllocationSpace( r->lengthWithHeaders() ) ) {
                        // Count the number of records having a size consistent with
                        // the quantizeAllocationSpace quantization implementation.

                    if ( r->lengthWithHeaders() ==
                         quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace( r->lengthWithHeaders() ) ) {
                        // Count the number of records having a size consistent with the
                        // quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace quantization implementation.

                    if (full){
                        size_t dataSize = 0;
                        const Status status = adaptor->validate( r->toRecordData(), &dataSize );
                        if (!status.isOK()) {
                            results->valid = false;
                            if (nInvalid == 0) // only log once;
                                results->errors.push_back( "invalid object detected (see logs)" );

                            log() << "Invalid object detected in " << _ns
                                  << ": " << status.reason();
                        else {
                            bsonLen += dataSize;

                if ( isCapped() && !_details->capLooped() ) {
                    output->append("cappedOutOfOrder", outOfOrder);
                    if ( outOfOrder > 1 ) {
                        results->valid = false;
                        results->errors.push_back( "too many out of order records" );
                output->append("objectsFound", n);

                if (full) {
                    output->append("invalidObjects", nInvalid);

                output->appendNumber("nQuantizedSize", nQuantizedSize);
                output->appendNumber("nPowerOf2QuantizedSize", nPowerOf2QuantizedSize);
                output->appendNumber("bytesWithHeaders", len);
                output->appendNumber("bytesWithoutHeaders", nlen);

                if (full) {
                    output->appendNumber("bytesBson", bsonLen);
            } // end scanData

            // 55555555555555555555555555
            BSONArrayBuilder deletedListArray;
            for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
                deletedListArray << _details->deletedListEntry(i).isNull();

            int ndel = 0;
            long long delSize = 0;
            BSONArrayBuilder delBucketSizes;
            int incorrect = 0;
            for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
                DiskLoc loc = _details->deletedListEntry(i);
                try {
                    int k = 0;
                    while ( !loc.isNull() ) {
                        if ( recs.count(loc) )

                        if ( loc.questionable() ) {
                            if( isCapped() && !loc.isValid() && i == 1 ) {
                                /* the constructor for NamespaceDetails intentionally sets deletedList[1] to invalid
                                   see comments in namespace.h

                            string err( str::stream() << "bad pointer in deleted record list: "
                                        << loc.toString()
                                        << " bucket: " << i
                                        << " k: " << k );
                            results->errors.push_back( err );
                            results->valid = false;

                        const DeletedRecord* d = deletedRecordFor(loc);
                        delSize += d->lengthWithHeaders();
                        loc = d->nextDeleted();
                    delBucketSizes << k;
                catch (...) {
                    results->errors.push_back( (string)"exception in deleted chain for bucket " +
                                               BSONObjBuilder::numStr(i) );
                    results->valid = false;
            output->appendNumber("deletedCount", ndel);
            output->appendNumber("deletedSize", delSize);
            if ( full ) {
                output->append( "delBucketSizes", delBucketSizes.arr() );

            if ( incorrect ) {
                results->errors.push_back( BSONObjBuilder::numStr(incorrect) +
                                           " records from datafile are in deleted list" );
                results->valid = false;

        catch (AssertionException) {
            results->errors.push_back( "exception during validate" );
            results->valid = false;

        return Status::OK();
    void NamespaceDetails::cappedTruncateAfter(const char *ns, DiskLoc end, bool inclusive) {
        DEV verify( this == nsdetails(ns) );
        verify( cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().isValid() );

        // We iteratively remove the newest document until the newest document
        // is 'end', then we remove 'end' if requested.
        bool foundLast = false;
        while( 1 ) {
            if ( foundLast ) {
                // 'end' has been found and removed, so break.
            // 'curr' will point to the newest document in the collection.
            DiskLoc curr = theCapExtent()->lastRecord;
            verify( !curr.isNull() );
            if ( curr == end ) {
                if ( inclusive ) {
                    // 'end' has been found, so break next iteration.
                    foundLast = true;
                else {
                    // 'end' has been found, so break.

            // TODO The algorithm used in this function cannot generate an
            // empty collection, but we could call emptyCappedCollection() in
            // this case instead of asserting.
            uassert( 13415, "emptying the collection is not allowed", stats.nrecords > 1 );

            // Delete the newest record, and coalesce the new deleted
            // record with existing deleted records.
            theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(this, ns, curr.rec(), curr, true);

            // This is the case where we have not yet had to remove any
            // documents to make room for other documents, and we are allocating
            // documents from free space in fresh extents instead of reusing
            // space from familiar extents.
            if ( !capLooped() ) {

                // We just removed the last record from the 'capExtent', and
                // the 'capExtent' can't be empty, so we set 'capExtent' to
                // capExtent's prev extent.
                if ( theCapExtent()->lastRecord.isNull() ) {
                    verify( !theCapExtent()->xprev.isNull() );
                    // NOTE Because we didn't delete the last document, and
                    // capLooped() is false, capExtent is not the first extent
                    // so xprev will be nonnull.
                    capExtent.writing() = theCapExtent()->xprev;

                    // update cappedLastDelRecLastExtent()

            // This is the case where capLooped() is true, and we just deleted
            // from capExtent, and we just deleted capFirstNewRecord, which was
            // the last record on the fresh side of capExtent.
            // NOTE In this comparison, curr and potentially capFirstNewRecord
            // may point to invalid data, but we can still compare the
            // references themselves.
            if ( curr == capFirstNewRecord ) {

                // Set 'capExtent' to the first nonempty extent prior to the
                // initial capExtent.  There must be such an extent because we
                // have not deleted the last document in the collection.  It is
                // possible that all extents other than the capExtent are empty.
                // In this case we will keep the initial capExtent and specify
                // that all records contained within are on the fresh rather than
                // stale side of the extent.
                DiskLoc newCapExtent = capExtent;
                do {
                    // Find the previous extent, looping if necessary.
                    newCapExtent = ( newCapExtent == firstExtent ) ? lastExtent : newCapExtent.ext()->xprev;
                while ( newCapExtent.ext()->firstRecord.isNull() );
                capExtent.writing() = newCapExtent;

                // Place all documents in the new capExtent on the fresh side
                // of the capExtent by setting capFirstNewRecord to the first
                // document in the new capExtent.
                capFirstNewRecord.writing() = theCapExtent()->firstRecord;

                // update cappedLastDelRecLastExtent()
    StatusWith<CompactStats> Collection::compact( const CompactOptions* compactOptions ) {

        if ( isCapped() )
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                             "cannot compact capped collection" );

        if ( _indexCatalog.numIndexesInProgress() )
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                             "cannot compact when indexes in progress" );


        NamespaceDetails* d = details();

        // this is a big job, so might as well make things tidy before we start just to be nice.

        list<DiskLoc> extents;
        for( DiskLoc L = d->firstExtent(); !L.isNull(); L = L.ext()->xnext )
        log() << "compact " << extents.size() << " extents" << endl;

        // same data, but might perform a little different after compact?

        vector<BSONObj> indexSpecs;
            IndexCatalog::IndexIterator ii( _indexCatalog.getIndexIterator( false ) );
            while ( ii.more() ) {
                IndexDescriptor* descriptor = ii.next();
                indexSpecs.push_back( _compactAdjustIndexSpec( descriptor->infoObj() ) );

        log() << "compact orphan deleted lists" << endl;

        // Start over from scratch with our extent sizing and growth
        d->setLastExtentSize( 0 );

        // before dropping indexes, at least make sure we can allocate one extent!
        // this will allocate an extent and add to free list
        // if it cannot, it will throw an exception
        increaseStorageSize( _details->lastExtentSize(), true );

        // note that the drop indexes call also invalidates all clientcursors for the namespace,
        // which is important and wanted here
        log() << "compact dropping indexes" << endl;
        Status status = _indexCatalog.dropAllIndexes( true );
        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>( status );


        CompactStats stats;

        OwnedPointerVector<IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock> indexBuildBlocks;
        vector<IndexAccessMethod*> indexesToInsertTo;
        vector< std::pair<IndexAccessMethod*,IndexAccessMethod*> > bulkToCommit;
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < indexSpecs.size(); i++ ) {
            BSONObj info = indexSpecs[i];
            info = _compactAdjustIndexSpec( info );
            info = _indexCatalog.fixIndexSpec( info );
            auto_ptr<IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock> block( new IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock( this,info ) );
            Status status = block->init();
            if ( !status.isOK() )
                return StatusWith<CompactStats>(status);

            IndexAccessMethod* accessMethod = block->getEntry()->accessMethod();
            status = accessMethod->initializeAsEmpty();
            if ( !status.isOK() )
                return StatusWith<CompactStats>(status);

            IndexAccessMethod* bulk = accessMethod->initiateBulk();
            if ( bulk ) {
                indexesToInsertTo.push_back( bulk );
                bulkToCommit.push_back( std::pair<IndexAccessMethod*,IndexAccessMethod*>( accessMethod, bulk ) );
            else {
                indexesToInsertTo.push_back( accessMethod );

            indexBuildBlocks.mutableVector().push_back( block.release() );

        // reset data size and record counts to 0 for this namespace
        // as we're about to tally them up again for each new extent
        d->setStats( 0, 0 );

        ProgressMeterHolder pm(cc().curop()->setMessage("compact extent",
                                                        "Extent Compacting Progress",

        int extentNumber = 0;
        for( list<DiskLoc>::iterator i = extents.begin(); i != extents.end(); i++ ) {
            _compactExtent(*i, extentNumber++, indexesToInsertTo, compactOptions, &stats );

        verify( d->firstExtent().ext()->xprev.isNull() );

        // indexes will do their own progress meter?

        log() << "starting index commits";

        for ( size_t i = 0; i < bulkToCommit.size(); i++ ) {
            bulkToCommit[i].first->commitBulk( bulkToCommit[i].second, false, NULL );

        for ( size_t i = 0; i < indexBuildBlocks.size(); i++ ) {
            IndexCatalog::IndexBuildBlock* block = indexBuildBlocks.mutableVector()[i];

        return StatusWith<CompactStats>( stats );
文件: pdfile.cpp 项目: ChrisBg/mongo
    DiskLoc DataFileMgr::insert(const char* ns,
                                const void* obuf,
                                int32_t len,
                                bool mayInterrupt,
                                bool god,
                                bool mayAddIndex,
                                bool* addedID) {

        Database* database = cc().database();

        bool wouldAddIndex = false;
        massert( 10093 , "cannot insert into reserved $ collection", god || NamespaceString::normal( ns ) );
        uassert( 10094 , str::stream() << "invalid ns: " << ns , isValidNS( ns ) );
            const char *sys = strstr(ns, "system.");
            if ( sys ) {

                if ( !insert_checkSys(sys, ns, wouldAddIndex, obuf, god) )
                    return DiskLoc();

                if ( mayAddIndex && wouldAddIndex ) {
                    // TODO: this should be handled above this function
                    BSONObj spec( static_cast<const char*>( obuf ) );
                    string collectionToIndex = spec.getStringField( "ns" );
                    uassert(10096, "invalid ns to index", collectionToIndex.find( '.' ) != string::npos);
                            str::stream() << "trying to create index on wrong db "
                            << " db: " << database->name() << " collection: " << collectionToIndex,
                            database->ownsNS( collectionToIndex ) );

                    Collection* collection = database->getCollection( collectionToIndex );
                    if ( !collection ) {
                        collection = database->createCollection( collectionToIndex, false, NULL, true );
                        verify( collection );
                        if ( !god )
                            ensureIdIndexForNewNs( collection );

                    Status status = collection->getIndexCatalog()->createIndex( spec, mayInterrupt );
                    if ( status.code() == ErrorCodes::IndexAlreadyExists )
                        return DiskLoc();
                    uassertStatusOK( status );
                    return DiskLoc();

        Collection* collection = database->getCollection( ns );
        if ( collection == NULL ) {
            collection = database->createCollection( ns, false, NULL, false );

            int ies = Extent::initialSize(len);
            if( str::contains(ns, '$') &&
                len + Record::HeaderSize >= BtreeData_V1::BucketSize - 256 &&
                len + Record::HeaderSize <= BtreeData_V1::BucketSize + 256 ) {
                // probably an index.  so we pick a value here for the first extent instead of using
                // initialExtentSize() which is more for user collections.
                // TODO: we could look at the # of records in the parent collection to be smarter here.
                ies = (32+4) * 1024;
            collection->increaseStorageSize( ies, false);
            if ( !god )
                ensureIdIndexForNewNs( collection );

        NamespaceDetails* d = collection->details();

        IDToInsert idToInsert; // only initialized if needed

        if( !god ) {
            /* Check if we have an _id field. If we don't, we'll add it.
               Note that btree buckets which we insert aren't BSONObj's, but in that case god==true.
            BSONObj io((const char *) obuf);
            BSONElement idField = io.getField( "_id" );
            uassert( 10099 ,  "_id cannot be an array", idField.type() != Array );
            // we don't add _id for capped collections in local as they don't have an _id index
            if( idField.eoo() &&
                !wouldAddIndex &&
                nsToDatabase( ns ) != "local" &&
                d->haveIdIndex() ) {

                if( addedID )
                    *addedID = true;

                len += idToInsert.size();

            BSONElementManipulator::lookForTimestamps( io );

        int lenWHdr = d->getRecordAllocationSize( len + Record::HeaderSize );
        fassert( 16440, lenWHdr >= ( len + Record::HeaderSize ) );

        // If the collection is capped, check if the new object will violate a unique index
        // constraint before allocating space.
        if ( d->isCapped() && !god) {
            BSONObj temp = BSONObj( reinterpret_cast<const char *>( obuf ) );
            Status ret = collection->getIndexCatalog()->checkNoIndexConflicts( temp );
            uassert(12582, "duplicate key insert for unique index of capped collection", ret.isOK() );

        DiskLoc loc = allocateSpaceForANewRecord(ns, d, lenWHdr, god);

        if ( loc.isNull() ) {
            string errmsg = str::stream() << "insert: couldn't alloc space for object ns:" << ns
                                          << " capped:" << d->isCapped();
            log() << errmsg;
            uasserted( 17248, errmsg );

        Record *r = loc.rec();
            verify( r->lengthWithHeaders() >= lenWHdr );
            r = (Record*) getDur().writingPtr(r, lenWHdr);
            if( idToInsert.needed() ) {
                /* a little effort was made here to avoid a double copy when we add an ID */
                int originalSize = *((int*) obuf);
                ((int&)*r->data()) = originalSize + idToInsert.size();
                memcpy(r->data()+4, idToInsert.rawdata(), idToInsert.size());
                memcpy(r->data()+4+idToInsert.size(), ((char*)obuf)+4, originalSize-4);
            else {
                if( obuf ) // obuf can be null from internal callers
                    memcpy(r->data(), obuf, len);

        addRecordToRecListInExtent(r, loc);

        d->incrementStats( r->netLength(), 1 );

        // we don't bother resetting query optimizer stats for the god tables - also god is true when adding a btree bucket
        if ( !god )

        /* add this record to our indexes */
        if ( d->getTotalIndexCount() > 0 ) {
            try {
                BSONObj obj(r->data());
                collection->getIndexCatalog()->indexRecord(obj, loc);
            catch( AssertionException& e ) {
                // should be a dup key error on _id index
                if( d->isCapped() ) {
                    massert( 12583, "unexpected index insertion failure on capped collection", !d->isCapped() );
                    string s = e.toString();
                    s += " : on addIndex/capped - collection and its index will not match";
                    setLastError(0, s.c_str());
                    error() << s << endl;
                else {
                    // normal case -- we can roll back
                    _deleteRecord(d, ns, r, loc);


        return loc;
    DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::__capAlloc( int len ) {
        DiskLoc prev = cappedLastDelRecLastExtent();
        DiskLoc i = cappedFirstDeletedInCurExtent();
        DiskLoc ret;
        for (; !i.isNull() && inCapExtent( i ); prev = i, i = i.drec()->nextDeleted() ) {
            // We need to keep at least one DR per extent in cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords(),
            // so make sure there's space to create a DR at the end.
            if ( i.drec()->lengthWithHeaders() >= len + 24 ) {
                ret = i;

        /* unlink ourself from the deleted list */
        if ( !ret.isNull() ) {
            if ( prev.isNull() )
                cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords().writing() = ret.drec()->nextDeleted();
                prev.drec()->nextDeleted().writing() = ret.drec()->nextDeleted();
            ret.drec()->nextDeleted().writing().setInvalid(); // defensive.
            verify( ret.drec()->extentOfs() < ret.getOfs() );

        return ret;
    Status MMAPV1Engine::repairDatabase( OperationContext* txn,
                                         const std::string& dbName,
                                         bool preserveClonedFilesOnFailure,
                                         bool backupOriginalFiles ) {
        // We must hold some form of lock here
        invariant( dbName.find( '.' ) == string::npos );

        scoped_ptr<RepairFileDeleter> repairFileDeleter;
        doingRepair dr;

        log() << "repairDatabase " << dbName << endl;


        txn->recoveryUnit()->syncDataAndTruncateJournal(); // Must be done before and after repair

        intmax_t totalSize = dbSize( dbName );
        intmax_t freeSize = File::freeSpace(storageGlobalParams.repairpath);

        if ( freeSize > -1 && freeSize < totalSize ) {
            return Status( ErrorCodes::OutOfDiskSpace,
                           str::stream() << "Cannot repair database " << dbName
                           << " having size: " << totalSize
                           << " (bytes) because free disk space is: " << freeSize << " (bytes)" );


        Path reservedPath =
            uniqueReservedPath( ( preserveClonedFilesOnFailure || backupOriginalFiles ) ?
                                "backup" : "_tmp" );
        MONGO_ASSERT_ON_EXCEPTION( boost::filesystem::create_directory( reservedPath ) );
        string reservedPathString = reservedPath.string();

        if ( !preserveClonedFilesOnFailure )
            repairFileDeleter.reset( new RepairFileDeleter( txn,
                                                            reservedPath ) );

            Database* originalDatabase =
                            dbHolder().get(txn, dbName);
            if (originalDatabase == NULL) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, "database does not exist to repair");

            scoped_ptr<MMAPV1DatabaseCatalogEntry> dbEntry;
            scoped_ptr<Database> tempDatabase;
                dbEntry.reset( new MMAPV1DatabaseCatalogEntry( txn,
                                                               true ) );
                invariant( !dbEntry->exists() );
                tempDatabase.reset( new Database( txn,
                                                  dbEntry.get() ) );


            map<string,CollectionOptions> namespacesToCopy;
                string ns = dbName + ".system.namespaces";
                Client::Context ctx(txn,  ns );
                Collection* coll = originalDatabase->getCollection( txn, ns );
                if ( coll ) {
                    scoped_ptr<RecordIterator> it( coll->getIterator( txn,
                                                                      CollectionScanParams::FORWARD ) );
                    while ( !it->isEOF() ) {
                        DiskLoc loc = it->getNext();
                        BSONObj obj = coll->docFor( loc );

                        string ns = obj["name"].String();

                        NamespaceString nss( ns );
                        if ( nss.isSystem() ) {
                            if ( nss.isSystemDotIndexes() )
                            if ( nss.coll() == "system.namespaces" )

                        if ( !nss.isNormal() )

                        CollectionOptions options;
                        if ( obj["options"].isABSONObj() ) {
                            Status status = options.parse( obj["options"].Obj() );
                            if ( !status.isOK() )
                                return status;
                        namespacesToCopy[ns] = options;

            for ( map<string,CollectionOptions>::const_iterator i = namespacesToCopy.begin();
                  i != namespacesToCopy.end();
                  ++i ) {
                string ns = i->first;
                CollectionOptions options = i->second;

                Collection* tempCollection = NULL;
                    Client::Context tempContext(txn, ns, tempDatabase );
                    tempCollection = tempDatabase->createCollection( txn, ns, options, true, false );

                Client::Context readContext(txn, ns, originalDatabase);
                Collection* originalCollection = originalDatabase->getCollection( txn, ns );
                invariant( originalCollection );

                // data

                MultiIndexBlock indexBlock(txn, tempCollection );
                    vector<BSONObj> indexes;
                    IndexCatalog::IndexIterator ii =
                        originalCollection->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator( false );
                    while ( ii.more() ) {
                        IndexDescriptor* desc = ii.next();
                        indexes.push_back( desc->infoObj() );

                    Client::Context tempContext(txn, ns, tempDatabase);
                    Status status = indexBlock.init( indexes );
                    if ( !status.isOK() )
                        return status;


                scoped_ptr<RecordIterator> iterator(
                    originalCollection->getIterator( txn, DiskLoc(), false,
                                                     CollectionScanParams::FORWARD ));
                while ( !iterator->isEOF() ) {
                    DiskLoc loc = iterator->getNext();
                    invariant( !loc.isNull() );

                    BSONObj doc = originalCollection->docFor( loc );

                    Client::Context tempContext(txn, ns, tempDatabase);
                    StatusWith<DiskLoc> result = tempCollection->insertDocument( txn, doc, indexBlock );
                    if ( !result.isOK() )
                        return result.getStatus();


                    Client::Context tempContext(txn, ns, tempDatabase);
                    Status status = indexBlock.commit();
                    if ( !status.isOK() )
                        return status;


            globalStorageEngine->flushAllFiles(true); // need both in case journaling is disabled


        // at this point if we abort, we don't want to delete new files
        // as they might be the only copies

        if ( repairFileDeleter.get() )

        dbHolder().close( txn, dbName );

        if ( backupOriginalFiles ) {
            _renameForBackup( dbName, reservedPath );
        else {
            // first make new directory before deleting data
            Path newDir = Path(storageGlobalParams.dbpath) / dbName;

            // this deletes old files
            _deleteDataFiles( dbName );

            if ( !boost::filesystem::exists(newDir) ) {
                // we deleted because of directoryperdb
                // re-create

        _replaceWithRecovered( dbName, reservedPathString.c_str() );

        if ( !backupOriginalFiles )
            MONGO_ASSERT_ON_EXCEPTION( boost::filesystem::remove_all( reservedPath ) );

        return Status::OK();
    PlanStage::StageState CollectionScan::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (_isDead) { return PlanStage::DEAD; }

        // Do some init if we haven't already.
        if (NULL == _iter) {
            if ( _params.collection == NULL ) {
                _isDead = true;
                return PlanStage::DEAD;

            if (_lastSeenLoc.isNull()) {
                _iter.reset( _params.collection->getIterator( _txn,
                                                              _params.direction ) );
            else {

                _iter.reset( _params.collection->getIterator( _txn,
                                                              _params.direction ) );

                // Advance _iter past where we were last time. If it returns something else, mark us
                // as dead since we want to signal an error rather than silently dropping data from
                // the stream. This is related to the _lastSeenLock handling in invalidate.
                if (_iter->getNext() != _lastSeenLoc) {
                    _isDead = true;
                    return PlanStage::DEAD;

            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        // Should we try getNext() on the underlying _iter?
        if (isEOF())
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        // See if the record we're about to access is in memory. If not, pass a fetch request up.
        // Note that curr() returns the same thing as getNext() will, except without advancing the
        // iterator or touching the DiskLoc. This means that we can use curr() to check whether we
        // need to fetch on the DiskLoc prior to touching it with getNext().
        DiskLoc curr = _iter->curr();
        if (!curr.isNull()) {
            std::auto_ptr<RecordFetcher> fetcher(
                _params.collection->documentNeedsFetch(_txn, curr));
            if (NULL != fetcher.get()) {
                WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(_wsidForFetch);
                member->loc = curr;
                // Pass the RecordFetcher off to the WSM.
                *out = _wsidForFetch;
                return NEED_FETCH;

        // What we'll return to the user.
        DiskLoc nextLoc;

        // See if _iter gives us anything new.
        nextLoc = _iter->getNext();
        if (nextLoc.isNull()) {
            if (_params.tailable)
                _iter.reset(); // pick up where we left off on the next call to work()
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        _lastSeenLoc = nextLoc;

        WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate();
        WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id);
        member->loc = nextLoc;
        member->obj = _iter->dataFor(member->loc).releaseToBson();
        member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ;

        return returnIfMatches(member, id, out);
    /* note: this is only (as-is) called for

             - not multi
             - not mods is indexed
             - not upsert
    static UpdateResult _updateById(bool isOperatorUpdate,
                                    int idIdxNo,
                                    ModSet* mods,
                                    int profile,
                                    NamespaceDetails* d,
                                    NamespaceDetailsTransient *nsdt,
                                    bool su,
                                    const char* ns,
                                    const BSONObj& updateobj,
                                    BSONObj patternOrig,
                                    bool logop,
                                    OpDebug& debug,
                                    bool fromMigrate = false) {

        DiskLoc loc;
            IndexDetails& i = d->idx(idIdxNo);
            BSONObj key = i.getKeyFromQuery( patternOrig );
            loc = i.idxInterface().findSingle(i, i.head, key);
            if( loc.isNull() ) {
                // no upsert support in _updateById yet, so we are done.
                return UpdateResult( 0 , 0 , 0 , BSONObj() );
        Record* r = loc.rec();

        if ( cc().allowedToThrowPageFaultException() && ! r->likelyInPhysicalMemory() ) {
            throw PageFaultException( r );

        /* look for $inc etc.  note as listed here, all fields to inc must be this type, you can't set some
           regular ones at the moment. */
        if ( isOperatorUpdate ) {
            const BSONObj& onDisk = loc.obj();
            auto_ptr<ModSetState> mss = mods->prepare( onDisk );

            if( mss->canApplyInPlace() ) {
                DEBUGUPDATE( "\t\t\t updateById doing in place update" );
            else {
                BSONObj newObj = mss->createNewFromMods();
                theDataFileMgr.updateRecord(ns, d, nsdt, r, loc , newObj.objdata(), newObj.objsize(), debug);

            if ( logop ) {
                DEV verify( mods->size() );
                BSONObj pattern = patternOrig;
                BSONObj logObj = mss->getOpLogRewrite();
                DEBUGUPDATE( "\t rewrite update: " << logObj );

                // It is possible that the entire mod set was a no-op over this document.  We
                // would have an empty log record in that case. If we call logOp, with an empty
                // record, that would be replicated as "clear this record", which is not what
                // we want. Therefore, to get a no-op in the replica, we simply don't log.
                if ( logObj.nFields() ) {
                    logOp("u", ns, logObj, &pattern, 0, fromMigrate );
            return UpdateResult( 1 , 1 , 1 , BSONObj() );

        } // end $operator update

        // regular update
        BSONElementManipulator::lookForTimestamps( updateobj );
        checkNoMods( updateobj );
        theDataFileMgr.updateRecord(ns, d, nsdt, r, loc , updateobj.objdata(), updateobj.objsize(), debug );
        if ( logop ) {
            logOp("u", ns, updateobj, &patternOrig, 0, fromMigrate );
        return UpdateResult( 1 , 0 , 1 , BSONObj() );
文件: cloner.cpp 项目: ahopedog/mongo
        void operator()( DBClientCursorBatchIterator &i ) {
            Lock::GlobalWrite lk;
            if ( context ) {

            while( i.moreInCurrentBatch() ) {
                if ( n % 128 == 127 /*yield some*/ ) {
                    time_t now = time(0);
                    if( now - lastLog >= 60 ) { 
                        // report progress
                        if( lastLog )
                            log() << "clone " << to_collection << ' ' << n << endl;
                        lastLog = now;
                    mayInterrupt( _mayBeInterrupted );
                    dbtempreleaseif t( _mayYield );

                BSONObj tmp = i.nextSafe();

                /* assure object is valid.  note this will slow us down a little. */
                if ( !tmp.valid() ) {
                    stringstream ss;
                    ss << "Cloner: skipping corrupt object from " << from_collection;
                    BSONElement e = tmp.firstElement();
                    try {
                        ss << " firstElement: " << e;
                    catch( ... ) {
                        ss << " firstElement corrupt";
                    out() << ss.str() << endl;


                BSONObj js = tmp;
                if ( isindex ) {
                    verify( strstr(from_collection, "system.indexes") );
                    js = fixindex(tmp);
                    storedForLater->push_back( js.getOwned() );

                try {
                    // add keys for presorting
                    DiskLoc loc = theDataFileMgr.insertWithObjMod(to_collection, js);
                    if (_sortersForIndex != NULL) {
                        // add key to SortersForNS
                        for (SortersForIndex::iterator iSorter = _sortersForIndex->begin();
                             iSorter != _sortersForIndex->end();
                             ++iSorter) {
                            iSorter->second.preSortPhase.addKeys(iSorter->second.spec, js,
                                                                 loc, false);
                    if ( logForRepl )
                        logOp("i", to_collection, js);

                catch( UserException& e ) {
                    error() << "error: exception cloning object in " << from_collection << ' ' << e.what() << " obj:" << js.toString() << '\n';

                RARELY if ( time( 0 ) - saveLast > 60 ) {
                    log() << n << " objects cloned so far from collection " << from_collection << endl;
                    saveLast = time( 0 );
文件: text.cpp 项目: Attnaorg/mongo
    PlanStage::StageState TextStage::fillOutResults() {
        Database* db = cc().database();
        Collection* collection = db->getCollection( _params.ns );
        if (NULL == collection) {
            warning() << "TextStage params namespace error";
            return PlanStage::FAILURE;
        vector<IndexDescriptor*> idxMatches;
        collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByType("text", idxMatches);
        if (1 != idxMatches.size()) {
            warning() << "Expected exactly one text index";
            return PlanStage::FAILURE;

        // Get all the index scans for each term in our query.
        OwnedPointerVector<PlanStage> scanners;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < _params.query.getTerms().size(); i++) {
            const string& term = _params.query.getTerms()[i];
            IndexScanParams params;
            params.bounds.startKey = FTSIndexFormat::getIndexKey(MAX_WEIGHT, term,
            params.bounds.endKey = FTSIndexFormat::getIndexKey(0, term, _params.indexPrefix);
            params.bounds.endKeyInclusive = true;
            params.bounds.isSimpleRange = true;
            params.descriptor = idxMatches[0];
            params.direction = -1;
            IndexScan* ixscan = new IndexScan(params, _ws, NULL);

        // Map: diskloc -> aggregate score for doc.
        typedef unordered_map<DiskLoc, double, DiskLoc::Hasher> ScoreMap;
        ScoreMap scores;

        // For each index scan, read all results and store scores.
        size_t currentIndexScanner = 0;
        while (currentIndexScanner < scanners.size()) {
            BSONObj keyObj;
            DiskLoc loc;

            WorkingSetID id;
            PlanStage::StageState state = scanners.vector()[currentIndexScanner]->work(&id);

            if (PlanStage::ADVANCED == state) {
                WorkingSetMember* wsm = _ws->get(id);
                IndexKeyDatum& keyDatum = wsm->keyData.back();
                filterAndScore(keyDatum.keyData, wsm->loc, &scores[wsm->loc]);
            else if (PlanStage::IS_EOF == state) {
                // Done with this scan.
            else if (PlanStage::NEED_FETCH == state) {
                // We're calling work() on ixscans and they have no way to return a fetch.
            else if (PlanStage::NEED_TIME == state) {
                // We are a blocking stage, so ignore scanner's request for more time.
            else {
                verify(PlanStage::FAILURE == state);
                warning() << "error from index scan during text stage: invalid FAILURE state";
                return PlanStage::FAILURE;

        // Filter for phrases and negative terms, score and truncate.
        for (ScoreMap::iterator i = scores.begin(); i != scores.end(); ++i) {
            DiskLoc loc = i->first;
            double score = i->second;

            // Ignore non-matched documents.
            if (score < 0) {

            // Filter for phrases and negated terms
            if (_params.query.hasNonTermPieces()) {
                if (!_ftsMatcher.matchesNonTerm(loc.obj())) {

            // Add results to working set as LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ initially.
            // On invalidation, we copy the object and change the state to
            // OWNED_OBJ.
            // Fill out a WSM.
            WorkingSetID id = _ws->allocate();
            WorkingSetMember* member = _ws->get(id);
            member->loc = loc;
            member->obj = member->loc.obj();
            member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ;
            member->addComputed(new TextScoreComputedData(score));

            _wsidByDiskLoc[member->loc] = id;

        _filledOutResults = true;

        if (_results.size() == 0) {
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;
        return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;
    UpdateResult _updateObjects( bool su,
                                 const char* ns,
                                 const BSONObj& updateobj,
                                 const BSONObj& patternOrig,
                                 bool upsert,
                                 bool multi,
                                 bool logop ,
                                 OpDebug& debug,
                                 RemoveSaver* rs,
                                 bool fromMigrate,
                                 const QueryPlanSelectionPolicy& planPolicy,
                                 bool forReplication ) {

        DEBUGUPDATE( "update: " << ns
                     << " update: " << updateobj
                     << " query: " << patternOrig
                     << " upsert: " << upsert << " multi: " << multi );

        Client& client = cc();
        int profile = client.database()->profile;

        debug.updateobj = updateobj;

        // The idea with these here it to make them loop invariant for
        // multi updates, and thus be a bit faster for that case.  The
        // pointers may be left invalid on a failed or terminal yield
        // recovery.
        NamespaceDetails* d = nsdetails(ns); // can be null if an upsert...
        NamespaceDetailsTransient* nsdt = &NamespaceDetailsTransient::get(ns);

        auto_ptr<ModSet> mods;
        bool isOperatorUpdate = updateobj.firstElementFieldName()[0] == '$';
        int modsIsIndexed = false; // really the # of indexes
        if ( isOperatorUpdate ) {
            if( d && d->indexBuildInProgress ) {
                set<string> bgKeys;
                mods.reset( new ModSet(updateobj, nsdt->indexKeys(), &bgKeys, forReplication) );
            else {
                mods.reset( new ModSet(updateobj, nsdt->indexKeys(), NULL, forReplication) );
            modsIsIndexed = mods->isIndexed();

        if( planPolicy.permitOptimalIdPlan() && !multi && isSimpleIdQuery(patternOrig) && d &&
           !modsIsIndexed ) {
            int idxNo = d->findIdIndex();
            if( idxNo >= 0 ) {
                debug.idhack = true;

                UpdateResult result = _updateById( isOperatorUpdate,
                if ( result.existing || ! upsert ) {
                    return result;
                else if ( upsert && ! isOperatorUpdate && ! logop) {
                    // this handles repl inserts
                    checkNoMods( updateobj );
                    debug.upsert = true;
                    BSONObj no = updateobj;
                    theDataFileMgr.insertWithObjMod(ns, no, false, su);
                    return UpdateResult( 0 , 0 , 1 , no );

        int numModded = 0;
        debug.nscanned = 0;
        shared_ptr<Cursor> c =
            NamespaceDetailsTransient::getCursor( ns, patternOrig, BSONObj(), planPolicy );
        d = nsdetails(ns);
        nsdt = &NamespaceDetailsTransient::get(ns);
        bool autoDedup = c->autoDedup();

        if( c->ok() ) {
            set<DiskLoc> seenObjects;
            MatchDetails details;
            auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc;
            do {

                if ( cc.get() == 0 &&
                     client.allowedToThrowPageFaultException() &&
                     ! c->currLoc().isNull() &&
                     ! c->currLoc().rec()->likelyInPhysicalMemory() ) {
                    throw PageFaultException( c->currLoc().rec() );

                bool atomic = c->matcher() && c->matcher()->docMatcher().atomic();

                if ( ! atomic && debug.nscanned > 0 ) {
                    // we need to use a ClientCursor to yield
                    if ( cc.get() == 0 ) {
                        shared_ptr< Cursor > cPtr = c;
                        cc.reset( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout , cPtr , ns ) );

                    bool didYield;
                    if ( ! cc->yieldSometimes( ClientCursor::WillNeed, &didYield ) ) {
                    if ( !c->ok() ) {

                    if ( didYield ) {
                        d = nsdetails(ns);
                        if ( ! d )
                        nsdt = &NamespaceDetailsTransient::get(ns);
                        if ( mods.get() && ! mods->isIndexed() ) {
                            // we need to re-check indexes
                            set<string> bgKeys;
                            if ( d->indexBuildInProgress )
                            mods->updateIsIndexed( nsdt->indexKeys() , &bgKeys );
                            modsIsIndexed = mods->isIndexed();


                } // end yielding block


                if ( mods.get() && mods->hasDynamicArray() ) {
                    // The Cursor must have a Matcher to record an elemMatchKey.  But currently
                    // a modifier on a dynamic array field may be applied even if there is no
                    // elemMatchKey, so a matcher cannot be required.
                    //verify( c->matcher() );

                if ( !c->currentMatches( &details ) ) {

                Record* r = c->_current();
                DiskLoc loc = c->currLoc();

                if ( c->getsetdup( loc ) && autoDedup ) {

                BSONObj js = BSONObj::make(r);

                BSONObj pattern = patternOrig;

                if ( logop ) {
                    BSONObjBuilder idPattern;
                    BSONElement id;
                    // NOTE: If the matching object lacks an id, we'll log
                    // with the original pattern.  This isn't replay-safe.
                    // It might make sense to suppress the log instead
                    // if there's no id.
                    if ( js.getObjectID( id ) ) {
                        idPattern.append( id );
                        pattern = idPattern.obj();
                    else {
                        uassert( 10157 ,  "multi-update requires all modified objects to have an _id" , ! multi );

                /* look for $inc etc.  note as listed here, all fields to inc must be this type, you can't set some
                    regular ones at the moment. */
                if ( isOperatorUpdate ) {

                    if ( multi ) {
                        // go to next record in case this one moves

                        // Update operations are deduped for cursors that implement their own
                        // deduplication.  In particular, some geo cursors are excluded.
                        if ( autoDedup ) {

                            if ( seenObjects.count( loc ) ) {

                            // SERVER-5198 Advance past the document to be modified, provided
                            // deduplication is enabled, but see SERVER-5725.
                            while( c->ok() && loc == c->currLoc() ) {

                    const BSONObj& onDisk = loc.obj();

                    ModSet* useMods = mods.get();

                    auto_ptr<ModSet> mymodset;
                    if ( details.hasElemMatchKey() && mods->hasDynamicArray() ) {
                        useMods = mods->fixDynamicArray( details.elemMatchKey() );
                        mymodset.reset( useMods );

                    auto_ptr<ModSetState> mss = useMods->prepare( onDisk );

                    bool willAdvanceCursor = multi && c->ok() && ( modsIsIndexed || ! mss->canApplyInPlace() );

                    if ( willAdvanceCursor ) {
                        if ( cc.get() ) {
                            cc->setDoingDeletes( true );

                    if ( modsIsIndexed <= 0 && mss->canApplyInPlace() ) {
                        mss->applyModsInPlace( true );// const_cast<BSONObj&>(onDisk) );

                        DEBUGUPDATE( "\t\t\t doing in place update" );
                        if ( profile && !multi )
                            debug.fastmod = true;

                        if ( modsIsIndexed ) {
                            seenObjects.insert( loc );

                    else {
                        if ( rs )
                            rs->goingToDelete( onDisk );

                        BSONObj newObj = mss->createNewFromMods();
                        DiskLoc newLoc = theDataFileMgr.updateRecord(ns,

                        if ( newLoc != loc || modsIsIndexed ){
                            // log() << "Moved obj " << newLoc.obj()["_id"] << " from " << loc << " to " << newLoc << endl;
                            // object moved, need to make sure we don' get again
                            seenObjects.insert( newLoc );


                    if ( logop ) {
                        DEV verify( mods->size() );
                        BSONObj logObj = mss->getOpLogRewrite();
                        DEBUGUPDATE( "\t rewrite update: " << logObj );

                        // It is possible that the entire mod set was a no-op over this
                        // document.  We would have an empty log record in that case. If we
                        // call logOp, with an empty record, that would be replicated as "clear
                        // this record", which is not what we want. Therefore, to get a no-op
                        // in the replica, we simply don't log.
                        if ( logObj.nFields() ) {
                            logOp("u", ns, logObj , &pattern, 0, fromMigrate );
                    if ( ! multi )
                        return UpdateResult( 1 , 1 , numModded , BSONObj() );
                    if ( willAdvanceCursor )



                uassert( 10158 ,  "multi update only works with $ operators" , ! multi );

                BSONElementManipulator::lookForTimestamps( updateobj );
                checkNoMods( updateobj );
                theDataFileMgr.updateRecord(ns, d, nsdt, r, loc , updateobj.objdata(), updateobj.objsize(), debug, su);
                if ( logop ) {
                    DEV wassert( !su ); // super used doesn't get logged, this would be bad.
                    logOp("u", ns, updateobj, &pattern, 0, fromMigrate );
                return UpdateResult( 1 , 0 , 1 , BSONObj() );
            } while ( c->ok() );
        } // endif

        if ( numModded )
            return UpdateResult( 1 , 1 , numModded , BSONObj() );

        if ( upsert ) {
            if ( updateobj.firstElementFieldName()[0] == '$' ) {
                // upsert of an $operation. build a default object
                BSONObj newObj = mods->createNewFromQuery( patternOrig );
                checkNoMods( newObj );
                debug.fastmodinsert = true;
                theDataFileMgr.insertWithObjMod(ns, newObj, false, su);
                if ( logop )
                    logOp( "i", ns, newObj, 0, 0, fromMigrate );

                return UpdateResult( 0 , 1 , 1 , newObj );
            uassert( 10159 ,  "multi update only works with $ operators" , ! multi );
            checkNoMods( updateobj );
            debug.upsert = true;
            BSONObj no = updateobj;
            theDataFileMgr.insertWithObjMod(ns, no, false, su);
            if ( logop )
                logOp( "i", ns, no, 0, 0, fromMigrate );
            return UpdateResult( 0 , 0 , 1 , no );

        return UpdateResult( 0 , isOperatorUpdate , 0 , BSONObj() );
    long long Helpers::removeRange( const string& ns ,
                                    const BSONObj& min ,
                                    const BSONObj& max ,
                                    const BSONObj& keyPattern ,
                                    bool maxInclusive ,
                                    bool secondaryThrottle ,
                                    RemoveCallback * callback,
                                    bool fromMigrate ) {
        Client& c = cc();

        long long numDeleted = 0;
        PageFaultRetryableSection pgrs;
        long long millisWaitingForReplication = 0;

        while ( 1 ) {
            try {

                Client::WriteContext ctx(ns);
                scoped_ptr<Cursor> c;
                    NamespaceDetails* nsd = nsdetails( ns.c_str() );
                    if ( ! nsd )
                    int ii = nsd->findIndexByKeyPattern( keyPattern );
                    verify( ii >= 0 );
                    IndexDetails& i = nsd->idx( ii );

                    // Extend min to get (min, MinKey, MinKey, ....)
                    BSONObj newMin = Helpers::modifiedRangeBound( min , keyPattern , -1 );
                    // If upper bound is included, extend max to get (max, MaxKey, MaxKey, ...)
                    // If not included, extend max to get (max, MinKey, MinKey, ....)
                    int minOrMax = maxInclusive ? 1 : -1;
                    BSONObj newMax = Helpers::modifiedRangeBound( max , keyPattern , minOrMax );
                    c.reset( BtreeCursor::make( nsd , ii , i , newMin , newMax , maxInclusive , 1 ) );
                if ( ! c->ok() ) {
                    // we're done
                DiskLoc rloc = c->currLoc();
                BSONObj obj = c->current();
                // this is so that we don't have to handle this cursor in the delete code
                if ( callback )
                    callback->goingToDelete( obj );
                logOp( "d" , ns.c_str() , rloc.obj()["_id"].wrap() , 0 , 0 , fromMigrate );
                theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns.c_str() , rloc.rec(), rloc);
            catch( PageFaultException& e ) {

            Timer secondaryThrottleTime;

            if ( secondaryThrottle ) {
                if ( ! waitForReplication( c.getLastOp(), 2, 60 /* seconds to wait */ ) ) {
                    warning() << "replication to secondaries for removeRange at least 60 seconds behind" << endl;
                millisWaitingForReplication += secondaryThrottleTime.millis();
            if ( ! Lock::isLocked() ) {
                int micros = ( 2 * Client::recommendedYieldMicros() ) - secondaryThrottleTime.micros();
                if ( micros > 0 ) {
                    LOG(1) << "Helpers::removeRangeUnlocked going to sleep for " << micros << " micros" << endl;
                    sleepmicros( micros );
        if ( secondaryThrottle )
            log() << "Helpers::removeRangeUnlocked time spent waiting for replication: "  
                  << millisWaitingForReplication << "ms" << endl;
        return numDeleted;
namespace mongo {

    extern int otherTraceLevel;

    DiskLoc maxDiskLoc(0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff);
    DiskLoc minDiskLoc(0, 1);

    BtreeCursor::BtreeCursor( const IndexDetails &_id, const BSONObj &_startKey, const BSONObj &_endKey, int _direction ) :
    startKey( _startKey ),
    endKey( _endKey ),
    indexDetails( _id ),
    order( _id.keyPattern() ),
    direction( _direction ) {
        bool found;
        if ( otherTraceLevel >= 12 ) {
            if ( otherTraceLevel >= 200 ) {
                out() << "::BtreeCursor() qtl>200.  validating entire index." << endl;
                indexDetails.head.btree()->fullValidate(indexDetails.head, order);
            else {
                out() << "BTreeCursor(). dumping head bucket" << endl;

        bucket = indexDetails.head.btree()->
        locate(indexDetails, indexDetails.head, startKey, order, keyOfs, found, direction > 0 ? minDiskLoc : maxDiskLoc, direction);
    /* skip unused keys. */
    void BtreeCursor::skipUnusedKeys() {
        int u = 0;
        while ( 1 ) {
            if ( !ok() )
            BtreeBucket *b = bucket.btree();
            _KeyNode& kn = b->k(keyOfs);
            if ( kn.isUsed() )
            bucket = b->advance(bucket, keyOfs, direction, "skipUnusedKeys");
        if ( u > 10 )
            OCCASIONALLY log() << "btree unused skipped:" << u << '\n';

// Return a value in the set {-1, 0, 1} to represent the sign of parameter i.
    int sgn( int i ) {
        if ( i == 0 )
            return 0;
        return i > 0 ? 1 : -1;

    // Check if the current key is beyond endKey.
    void BtreeCursor::checkEnd() {
        if ( bucket.isNull() )
        int cmp = sgn( endKey.woCompare( currKey(), order ) );
        if ( cmp != 0 && cmp != direction )
            bucket = DiskLoc();

    bool BtreeCursor::advance() {
        if ( bucket.isNull() )
            return false;
        bucket = bucket.btree()->advance(bucket, keyOfs, direction, "BtreeCursor::advance");
        return !bucket.isNull();

    void BtreeCursor::noteLocation() {
        if ( !eof() ) {
            BSONObj o = bucket.btree()->keyAt(keyOfs).copy();
            keyAtKeyOfs = o;
            locAtKeyOfs = bucket.btree()->k(keyOfs).recordLoc;

    /* Since the last noteLocation(), our key may have moved around, and that old cached
       information may thus be stale and wrong (although often it is right).  We check
       that here; if we have moved, we have to search back for where we were at.

       i.e., after operations on the index, the BtreeCursor's cached location info may
       be invalid.  This function ensures validity, so you should call it before using
       the cursor if other writers have used the database since the last noteLocation
    void BtreeCursor::checkLocation() {
        if ( eof() )

        if ( keyOfs >= 0 ) {
            BtreeBucket *b = bucket.btree();

            assert( !keyAtKeyOfs.isEmpty() );

            // Note keyAt() returns an empty BSONObj if keyOfs is now out of range,
            // which is possible as keys may have been deleted.
            if ( b->keyAt(keyOfs).woEqual(keyAtKeyOfs) &&
                    b->k(keyOfs).recordLoc == locAtKeyOfs ) {
                if ( !b->k(keyOfs).isUsed() ) {
                    /* we were deleted but still exist as an unused
                       marker key. advance.

        /* normally we don't get to here.  when we do, old position is no longer
            valid and we must refind where we left off (which is expensive)

        bool found;

        /* TODO: Switch to keep indexdetails and do idx.head! */
        bucket = indexDetails.head.btree()->locate(indexDetails, indexDetails.head, keyAtKeyOfs, order, keyOfs, found, locAtKeyOfs, direction);
        RARELY log() << "  key seems to have moved in the index, refinding. found:" << found << endl;
        if ( found )

    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    struct BtreeCursorUnitTest {
        BtreeCursorUnitTest() {
            assert( minDiskLoc.compare(maxDiskLoc) < 0 );
    } btut;

} // namespace mongo
 BtreeCursorUnitTest() {
     assert( minDiskLoc.compare(maxDiskLoc) < 0 );
    Status cloneCollectionAsCapped( Database* db,
                                    const string& shortFrom,
                                    const string& shortTo,
                                    double size,
                                    bool temp,
                                    bool logForReplication ) {

        string fromNs = db->name() + "." + shortFrom;
        string toNs = db->name() + "." + shortTo;

        Collection* fromCollection = db->getCollection( fromNs );
        if ( !fromCollection )
            return Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound,
                           str::stream() << "source collection " << fromNs <<  " does not exist" );

        if ( db->getCollection( toNs ) )
            return Status( ErrorCodes::NamespaceExists, "to collection already exists" );

        // create new collection
            Client::Context ctx( toNs );
            BSONObjBuilder spec;
            spec.appendBool( "capped", true );
            spec.append( "size", size );
            if ( temp )
                spec.appendBool( "temp", true );

            string errmsg;
            if ( !userCreateNS( toNs.c_str(), spec.done(), errmsg, logForReplication ) )
                return Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError, errmsg );

        auto_ptr<Runner> runner;

            const NamespaceDetails* details = fromCollection->details();
            DiskLoc extent = details->firstExtent();

            // datasize and extentSize can't be compared exactly, so add some padding to 'size'
            long long excessSize =
                static_cast<long long>( fromCollection->dataSize() - size * 2 );

            // skip ahead some extents since not all the data fits,
            // so we have to chop a bunch off
            for( ;
                 excessSize > extent.ext()->length && extent != details->lastExtent();
                 extent = extent.ext()->xnext ) {

                excessSize -= extent.ext()->length;
                LOG( 2 ) << "cloneCollectionAsCapped skipping extent of size "
                         << extent.ext()->length << endl;
                LOG( 6 ) << "excessSize: " << excessSize << endl;
            DiskLoc startLoc = extent.ext()->firstRecord;

            runner.reset( InternalPlanner::collectionScan(fromNs,
                                                          startLoc) );

        Collection* toCollection = db->getCollection( toNs );
        verify( toCollection );

        while ( true ) {
            BSONObj obj;
            Runner::RunnerState state = runner->getNext(&obj, NULL);

            switch( state ) {
            case Runner::RUNNER_EOF:
                return Status::OK();
            case Runner::RUNNER_DEAD:
                db->dropCollection( toNs );
                return Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError, "runner turned dead while iterating" );
            case Runner::RUNNER_ERROR:
                return Status( ErrorCodes::InternalError, "runner error while iterating" );
            case Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED:
                toCollection->insertDocument( obj, true );
                if ( logForReplication )
                    logOp( "i", toNs.c_str(), obj );

        verify( false ); // unreachable
    UpdateResult update(UpdateRequest& request, UpdateDriver* driver) {

        const NamespaceString& nsString = request.getNamespaceString();

        validateUpdate( nsString.ns().c_str(), request.getUpdates(), request.getQuery() );

        NamespaceDetails* nsDetails = nsdetails( nsString.ns() );
        NamespaceDetailsTransient* nsDetailsTransient =
            &NamespaceDetailsTransient::get( nsString.ns().c_str() );

        OpDebug& debug = request.getDebug();

        // TODO: This seems a bit circuitious.
        debug.updateobj = request.getUpdates();

        driver->refreshIndexKeys( nsDetailsTransient->indexKeys() );

        shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor = getOptimizedCursor(
            nsString.ns(), request.getQuery(), BSONObj(), request.getQueryPlanSelectionPolicy() );

        // If the update was marked with '$isolated' (a.k.a '$atomic'), we are not allowed to
        // yield while evaluating the update loop below.
        // TODO: Old code checks this repeatedly within the update loop. Is that necessary? It seems
        // that once atomic should be always atomic.
        const bool isolated =
            cursor->ok() &&
            cursor->matcher() &&

        // The 'cursor' the optimizer gave us may contain query plans that generate duplicate
        // diskloc's. We set up here the mechanims that will prevent us from processing those
        // twice if we see them. We also set up a 'ClientCursor' so that we can support
        // yielding.
        // TODO: Is it valid to call this on a non-ok cursor?
        const bool dedupHere = cursor->autoDedup();

        // We'll start assuming we have one or more documents for this update. (Othwerwise,
        // we'll fallback to upserting.)

        // We record that this will not be an upsert, in case a mod doesn't want to be applied
        // when in strict update mode.
        driver->setContext( ModifierInterface::ExecInfo::UPDATE_CONTEXT );

        // Let's fetch each of them and pipe them through the update expression, making sure to
        // keep track of the necessary stats. Recall that we'll be pulling documents out of
        // cursors and some of them do not deduplicate the entries they generate. We have
        // deduping logic in here, too -- for now.
        unordered_set<DiskLoc, DiskLoc::Hasher> seenLocs;
        int numMatched = 0;
        debug.nscanned = 0;

        Client& client = cc();

        mutablebson::Document doc;

        // If we are going to be yielding, we will need a ClientCursor scoped to this loop. We
        // only loop as long as the underlying cursor is OK.
        for ( auto_ptr<ClientCursor> clientCursor; cursor->ok(); ) {

            // If we haven't constructed a ClientCursor, and if the client allows us to throw
            // page faults, and if we are referring to a location that is likely not in
            // physical memory, then throw a PageFaultException. The entire operation will be
            // restarted.
            if ( clientCursor.get() == NULL &&
                 client.allowedToThrowPageFaultException() &&
                 !cursor->currLoc().isNull() &&
                 !cursor->currLoc().rec()->likelyInPhysicalMemory() ) {
                // We should never throw a PFE if we have already updated items.
                dassert((numMatched == 0) || (numMatched == debug.nupdateNoops));
                throw PageFaultException( cursor->currLoc().rec() );

            if ( !isolated && debug.nscanned != 0 ) {

                // We are permitted to yield. To do so we need a ClientCursor, so create one
                // now if we have not yet done so.
                if ( !clientCursor.get() )
                        new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout, cursor, nsString.ns() ) );

                // Ask the client cursor to yield. We get two bits of state back: whether or not
                // we yielded, and whether or not we correctly recovered from yielding.
                bool yielded = false;
                const bool recovered = clientCursor->yieldSometimes(
                    ClientCursor::WillNeed, &yielded );

                if ( !recovered ) {
                    // If we failed to recover from the yield, then the ClientCursor is already
                    // gone. Release it so we don't destroy it a second time.

                if ( !cursor->ok() ) {
                    // If the cursor died while we were yielded, just get out of the update loop.

                if ( yielded ) {
                    // We yielded and recovered OK, and our cursor is still good. Details about
                    // our namespace may have changed while we were yielded, so we re-acquire
                    // them here. If we can't do so, escape the update loop. Otherwise, refresh
                    // the driver so that it knows about what is currently indexed.
                    nsDetails = nsdetails( nsString.ns() );
                    if ( !nsDetails )
                    nsDetailsTransient = &NamespaceDetailsTransient::get( nsString.ns().c_str() );

                    // TODO: This copies the index keys, but it may not need to do so.
                    driver->refreshIndexKeys( nsDetailsTransient->indexKeys() );


            // Let's fetch the next candidate object for this update.
            Record* record = cursor->_current();
            DiskLoc loc = cursor->currLoc();
            const BSONObj oldObj = loc.obj();

            // We count how many documents we scanned even though we may skip those that are
            // deemed duplicated. The final 'numUpdated' and 'nscanned' numbers may differ for
            // that reason.

            // Skips this document if it:
            // a) doesn't match the query portion of the update
            // b) was deemed duplicate by the underlying cursor machinery
            // Now, if we are going to update the document,
            // c) we don't want to do so while the cursor is at it, as that may invalidate
            // the cursor. So, we advance to next document, before issuing the update.
            MatchDetails matchDetails;
            if ( !cursor->currentMatches( &matchDetails ) ) {
                // a)
            else if ( cursor->getsetdup( loc ) && dedupHere ) {
                // b)
            else if (!driver->isDocReplacement() && request.isMulti()) {
                // c)
                if ( dedupHere ) {
                    if ( seenLocs.count( loc ) ) {

                // There are certain kind of cursors that hold multiple pointers to data
                // underneath. $or cursors is one example. In a $or cursor, it may be the case
                // that when we did the last advance(), we finished consuming documents from
                // one of $or child and started consuming the next one. In that case, it is
                // possible that the last document of the previous child is the same as the
                // first document of the next (see SERVER-5198 and jstests/orp.js).
                // So we advance the cursor here until we see a new diskloc.
                // Note that we won't be yielding, and we may not do so for a while if we find
                // a particularly duplicated sequence of loc's. That is highly unlikely,
                // though.  (See SERVER-5725, if curious, but "stage" based $or will make that
                // ticket moot).
                while( cursor->ok() && loc == cursor->currLoc() ) {

            // For some (unfortunate) historical reasons, not all cursors would be valid after
            // a write simply because we advanced them to a document not affected by the write.
            // To protect in those cases, not only we engaged in the advance() logic above, but
            // we also tell the cursor we're about to write a document that we've just seen.
            // prepareToTouchEarlierIterate() requires calling later
            // recoverFromTouchingEarlierIterate(), so we make a note here to do so.
            bool touchPreviousDoc = request.isMulti() && cursor->ok();
            if ( touchPreviousDoc ) {
                if ( clientCursor.get() )
                    clientCursor->setDoingDeletes( true );

            // Found a matching document

            // Ask the driver to apply the mods. It may be that the driver can apply those "in
            // place", that is, some values of the old document just get adjusted without any
            // change to the binary layout on the bson layer. It may be that a whole new
            // document is needed to accomodate the new bson layout of the resulting document.
            doc.reset( oldObj, mutablebson::Document::kInPlaceEnabled );
            BSONObj logObj;

            // If there was a matched field, obtain it.
            string matchedField;
            if (matchDetails.hasElemMatchKey())
                matchedField = matchDetails.elemMatchKey();

            Status status = driver->update( matchedField, &doc, &logObj );
            if ( !status.isOK() ) {
                uasserted( 16837, status.reason() );

            // If the driver applied the mods in place, we can ask the mutable for what
            // changed. We call those changes "damages". :) We use the damages to inform the
            // journal what was changed, and then apply them to the original document
            // ourselves. If, however, the driver applied the mods out of place, we ask it to
            // generate a new, modified document for us. In that case, the file manager will
            // take care of the journaling details for us.
            // This code flow is admittedly odd. But, right now, journaling is baked in the file
            // manager. And if we aren't using the file manager, we have to do jounaling
            // ourselves.
            bool objectWasChanged = false;
            BSONObj newObj;
            const char* source = NULL;
            mutablebson::DamageVector damages;
            bool inPlace = doc.getInPlaceUpdates(&damages, &source);
            if ( inPlace && !damages.empty() && !driver->modsAffectIndices() ) {

                // All updates were in place. Apply them via durability and writing pointer.
                mutablebson::DamageVector::const_iterator where = damages.begin();
                const mutablebson::DamageVector::const_iterator end = damages.end();
                for( ; where != end; ++where ) {
                    const char* sourcePtr = source + where->sourceOffset;
                    void* targetPtr = getDur().writingPtr(
                        const_cast<char*>(oldObj.objdata()) + where->targetOffset,
                    std::memcpy(targetPtr, sourcePtr, where->size);
                newObj = oldObj;
                debug.fastmod = true;

                objectWasChanged = true;
            else {

                // The updates were not in place. Apply them through the file manager.
                newObj = doc.getObject();
                DiskLoc newLoc = theDataFileMgr.updateRecord(nsString.ns().c_str(),

                // If we've moved this object to a new location, make sure we don't apply
                // that update again if our traversal picks the objecta again.
                // We also take note that the diskloc if the updates are affecting indices.
                // Chances are that we're traversing one of them and they may be multi key and
                // therefore duplicate disklocs.
                if ( newLoc != loc || driver->modsAffectIndices()  ) {
                    seenLocs.insert( newLoc );

                objectWasChanged = true;

            // Log Obj
            if ( request.shouldUpdateOpLog() ) {
                if ( driver->isDocReplacement() || !logObj.isEmpty() ) {
                    BSONObj idQuery = driver->makeOplogEntryQuery(newObj, request.isMulti());
                    logOp("u", nsString.ns().c_str(), logObj , &idQuery,
                          NULL, request.isFromMigration(), &newObj);

            // If it was noop since the document didn't change, record that.
            if (!objectWasChanged)

            if (!request.isMulti()) {

            // If we used the cursor mechanism that prepares an earlier seen document for a
            // write we need to tell such mechanisms that the write is over.
            if ( touchPreviousDoc ) {



        // TODO: Can this be simplified?
        if ((numMatched > 0) || (numMatched == 0 && !request.isUpsert()) ) {
            debug.nupdated = numMatched;
            return UpdateResult( numMatched > 0 /* updated existing object(s) */,
                                 !driver->isDocReplacement() /* $mod or obj replacement */,
                                 numMatched /* # of docments update, even no-ops */,
                                 BSONObj() );

        // We haven't found any existing document so an insert is done
        // (upsert is true).
        debug.upsert = true;

        // Since this is an insert (no docs found and upsert:true), we will be logging it
        // as an insert in the oplog. We don't need the driver's help to build the
        // oplog record, then. We also set the context of the update driver to the INSERT_CONTEXT.
        // Some mods may only work in that context (e.g. $setOnInsert).
        driver->setLogOp( false );
        driver->setContext( ModifierInterface::ExecInfo::INSERT_CONTEXT );

        BSONObj baseObj;

        // Reset the document we will be writing to
        doc.reset( baseObj, mutablebson::Document::kInPlaceDisabled );
        if ( request.getQuery().hasElement("_id") ) {

        // If this is a $mod base update, we need to generate a document by examining the
        // query and the mods. Otherwise, we can use the object replacement sent by the user
        // update command that was parsed by the driver before.
        // In the following block we handle the query part, and then do the regular mods after.
        if ( *request.getUpdates().firstElementFieldName() == '$' ) {
            uassertStatusOK(UpdateDriver::createFromQuery(request.getQuery(), doc));
            debug.fastmodinsert = true;

        // Apply the update modifications and then log the update as an insert manually.
        Status status = driver->update( StringData(), &doc, NULL /* no oplog record */);
        if ( !status.isOK() ) {
            uasserted( 16836, status.reason() );

        BSONObj newObj = doc.getObject();
        theDataFileMgr.insertWithObjMod( nsString.ns().c_str(), newObj, false, request.isGod() );
        if ( request.shouldUpdateOpLog() ) {
            logOp( "i", nsString.ns().c_str(), newObj,
                   NULL, NULL, request.isFromMigration(), &newObj );

        debug.nupdated = 1;
        return UpdateResult( false /* updated a non existing document */,
                             !driver->isDocReplacement() /* $mod or obj replacement? */,
                             1 /* count of updated documents */,
                             newObj /* object that was upserted */ );
         * Recursively inspect btree buckets.
         * @param dl DiskLoc for the current bucket
         * @param depth depth for the current bucket (root is 0)
         * @param childNum so that the current bucket is the childNum-th child of its parent
         *                 (the right child is numbered as the last left child + 1)
         * @param parentIsExpanded bucket expansion was requested for the parent bucket so the
         *                         statistics and information for this bucket will appear in the
         *                         subtree
         * @param expandedAncestors if the d-th element is k, the k-th child of an expanded parent
         *                          at depth d is expanded
         *                          [0, 4, 1] means that root is expanded, its 4th child is expanded
         *                          and, in turn, the first child of the 4th child of the root is
         *                          expanded
         * @return true on success, false otherwise
        bool inspectBucket(const DiskLoc& dl, unsigned int depth, int childNum,
                           bool parentIsExpanded, vector<int> expandedAncestors) {

            if (dl.isNull()) return true;

            const BtreeBucket<Version>* bucket = dl.btree<Version>();
            int usedKeyCount = 0; // number of used keys in this bucket

            int keyCount = bucket->getN();
            int childrenCount = keyCount + 1; // maximum number of children of this bucket
                                              // including the right child

            if (depth > _stats.depth) _stats.depth = depth;

            bool curNodeIsExpanded = false;
            if (parentIsExpanded) {
                // if the parent node is expanded, statistics and info will be outputted for this
                // bucket as well

                    // if the expansion of this node was requested
                if (depth < _expandNodes.size() && _expandNodes[depth] == childNum) {
                    verify(_stats.branch.size() == depth + 1);
                    curNodeIsExpanded = true;

            const _KeyNode* firstKeyNode = NULL;
            const _KeyNode* lastKeyNode = NULL;
            for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++ ) {
                const _KeyNode& kn = bucket->k(i);

                if (kn.isUsed()) {
                    if (i == 0) {
                        firstKeyNode = &kn;
                    lastKeyNode = &kn;

                    this->inspectBucket(kn.prevChildBucket, depth + 1, i, curNodeIsExpanded,
            this->inspectBucket(bucket->getNextChild(), depth + 1, keyCount, curNodeIsExpanded,


            if (parentIsExpanded) {
                // stats for the children of this bucket have been added in the recursive calls,
                // avoid including the current bucket in the stats for its subtree

            // add the stats for the current bucket to the aggregates for all its ancestors and
            // the entire tree
            for (unsigned int d = 0; d < expandedAncestors.size(); ++d) {
                AreaStats& nodeStats = _stats.nodeAt(d, expandedAncestors[d]);
                nodeStats.addStats(keyCount, usedKeyCount, bucket, sizeof(_KeyNode));
            _stats.wholeTree.addStats(keyCount, usedKeyCount, bucket, sizeof(_KeyNode));

            if (parentIsExpanded) {
                NodeInfo nodeInfo;
                if (firstKeyNode != NULL) {
                    nodeInfo.firstKey = KeyNode(*bucket, *firstKeyNode).key.toBson();
                if (lastKeyNode != NULL) {
                    nodeInfo.lastKey = KeyNode(*bucket, *lastKeyNode).key.toBson();

                nodeInfo.childNum = childNum;
                nodeInfo.depth = depth;
                nodeInfo.diskLoc = dl.toBSONObj();
                nodeInfo.keyCount = keyCount;
                nodeInfo.usedKeyCount = bucket->getN();
                nodeInfo.fillRatio =
                    (1.0 - static_cast<double>(bucket->getEmptySize()) / BucketBasics::bodySize());

                _stats.nodeAt(depth, childNum).nodeInfo = nodeInfo;

            // add the stats for this bucket to the aggregate for a certain depth
            while (_stats.perLevel.size() < depth + 1)
            verify(_stats.perLevel.size() > depth);
            AreaStats& level = _stats.perLevel[depth];
            level.addStats(keyCount, usedKeyCount, bucket, sizeof(_KeyNode));

            return true;
 DiskLoc MmapV1ExtentManager::extentLocForV1( const DiskLoc& loc ) const {
     Record* record = recordForV1( loc );
     return DiskLoc( loc.a(), record->extentOfs() );
    /* ns:      namespace, e.g. <database>.<collection>
       pattern: the "where" clause / criteria
       justOne: stop after 1 match
       god:     allow access to system namespaces, and don't yield
    long long deleteObjects(const char *ns, BSONObj pattern, bool justOne, bool logop, bool god, RemoveSaver * rs ) {
        if( !god ) {
            if ( strstr(ns, ".system.") ) {
                /* note a delete from system.indexes would corrupt the db
                if done here, as there are pointers into those objects in
                uassert(12050, "cannot delete from system namespace", legalClientSystemNS( ns , true ) );
            if ( strchr( ns , '$' ) ) {
                log() << "cannot delete from collection with reserved $ in name: " << ns << endl;
                uassert( 10100 ,  "cannot delete from collection with reserved $ in name", strchr(ns, '$') == 0 );

            NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
            if ( ! d )
                return 0;
            uassert( 10101 ,  "can't remove from a capped collection" , ! d->isCapped() );

        long long nDeleted = 0;

        shared_ptr< Cursor > creal = NamespaceDetailsTransient::getCursor( ns, pattern );

        if( !creal->ok() )
            return nDeleted;

        shared_ptr< Cursor > cPtr = creal;
        auto_ptr<ClientCursor> cc( new ClientCursor( QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout, cPtr, ns) );
        cc->setDoingDeletes( true );

        CursorId id = cc->cursorid();

        bool canYield = !god && !(creal->matcher() && creal->matcher()->docMatcher().atomic());

        do {
            // TODO: we can generalize this I believe
            bool willNeedRecord = (creal->matcher() && creal->matcher()->needRecord()) || pattern.isEmpty() || isSimpleIdQuery( pattern );
            if ( ! willNeedRecord ) {
                // TODO: this is a total hack right now
                // check if the index full encompasses query
                if ( pattern.nFields() == 1 && 
                     str::equals( pattern.firstElement().fieldName() , creal->indexKeyPattern().firstElement().fieldName() ) )
                    willNeedRecord = true;
            if ( canYield && ! cc->yieldSometimes( willNeedRecord ? ClientCursor::WillNeed : ClientCursor::MaybeCovered ) ) {
                cc.release(); // has already been deleted elsewhere
                // TODO should we assert or something?
            if ( !cc->ok() ) {
                break; // if we yielded, could have hit the end

            // this way we can avoid calling prepareToYield() every time (expensive)
            // as well as some other nuances handled
            cc->setDoingDeletes( true );

            DiskLoc rloc = cc->currLoc();
            BSONObj key = cc->currKey();

            bool match = creal->currentMatches();

            if ( ! match )

            // SERVER-5198 Advance past the document to be modified, but see SERVER-5725.
            while( cc->ok() && rloc == cc->currLoc() ) {
            bool foundAllResults = ( justOne || !cc->ok() );

            if ( !foundAllResults ) {
                // NOTE: Saving and restoring a btree cursor's position was historically described
                // as slow here.

                BSONElement e;
                if( BSONObj::make( rloc.rec() ).getObjectID( e ) ) {
                    BSONObjBuilder b;
                    b.append( e );
                    bool replJustOne = true;
			    logOp( "d", ns, b.done(), 0, &replJustOne );
                else {
                    problem() << "deleted object without id, not logging" << endl;

            theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(ns, rloc.rec(), rloc);
            if ( foundAllResults ) {
            if( !god ) 

            if( debug && god && nDeleted == 100 ) 
                log() << "warning high number of deletes with god=true which could use significant memory" << endl;
        while ( cc->ok() );

        if ( cc.get() && ClientCursor::find( id , false ) == 0 ) {
            // TODO: remove this and the id declaration above if this doesn't trigger
            //       if it does, then i'm very confused (ERH 06/2011)
            error() << "this should be impossible" << endl;

        return nDeleted;
    DiskLoc MmapV1ExtentManager::_allocFromFreeList( OperationContext* txn,
                                               int approxSize,
                                               bool capped ) {
        // setup extent constraints

        int low, high;
        if ( capped ) {
            // be strict about the size
            low = approxSize;
            if ( low > 2048 ) low -= 256;
            high = (int) (approxSize * 1.05) + 256;
        else {
            low = (int) (approxSize * 0.8);
            high = (int) (approxSize * 1.4);
        if ( high <= 0 ) {
            // overflowed
            high = max(approxSize, maxSize());
        if ( high <= minSize() ) {
            // the minimum extent size is 4097
            high = minSize() + 1;

        // scan free list looking for something suitable

        int n = 0;
        Extent *best = 0;
        int bestDiff = 0x7fffffff;
            Timer t;
            DiskLoc L = _getFreeListStart();
            while( !L.isNull() ) {
                Extent* e = getExtent( L );
                if ( e->length >= low && e->length <= high ) {
                    int diff = abs(e->length - approxSize);
                    if ( diff < bestDiff ) {
                        bestDiff = diff;
                        best = e;
                        if ( ((double) diff) / approxSize < 0.1 ) {
                            // close enough
                        if ( t.seconds() >= 2 ) {
                            // have spent lots of time in write lock, and we are in [low,high], so close enough
                            // could come into play if extent freelist is very long
                    else {
                        OCCASIONALLY {
                            if ( high < 64 * 1024 && t.seconds() >= 2 ) {
                                // be less picky if it is taking a long time
                                high = 64 * 1024;
                L = e->xnext;
            if ( t.seconds() >= 10 ) {
                log() << "warning: slow scan in allocFromFreeList (in write lock)" << endl;
    Status MMAPV1DatabaseCatalogEntry::_renameSingleNamespace( OperationContext* txn,
                                                              const StringData& fromNS,
                                                              const StringData& toNS,
                                                              bool stayTemp ) {
        // some sanity checking
        NamespaceDetails* fromDetails = _namespaceIndex.details( fromNS );
        if ( !fromDetails )
            return Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "from namespace doesn't exist" );

        if ( _namespaceIndex.details( toNS ) )
            return Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue, "to namespace already exists" );

        // at this point, we haven't done anything destructive yet

        // ----
        // actually start moving
        // ----

        // this could throw, but if it does we're ok
        _namespaceIndex.add_ns( txn, toNS, fromDetails );
        NamespaceDetails* toDetails = _namespaceIndex.details( toNS );

        try {
                                   fromDetails); // fixes extraOffset
        catch( DBException& ) {
            // could end up here if .ns is full - if so try to clean up / roll back a little
            _namespaceIndex.kill_ns( txn, toNS );

        // at this point, code .ns stuff moved

        _namespaceIndex.kill_ns( txn, fromNS );
        fromDetails = NULL;

        // fix system.namespaces
        BSONObj newSpec;
        DiskLoc oldSpecLocation;

            BSONObj oldSpec;
                RecordStoreV1Base* rs = _getNamespaceRecordStore( txn, fromNS );
                scoped_ptr<RecordIterator> it( rs->getIterator() );
                while ( !it->isEOF() ) {
                    DiskLoc loc = it->getNext();
                    const Record* rec = it->recordFor( loc );
                    BSONObj entry( rec->data() );
                    if ( fromNS == entry["name"].String() ) {
                        oldSpecLocation = loc;
                        oldSpec = entry.getOwned();
            invariant( !oldSpec.isEmpty() );
            invariant( !oldSpecLocation.isNull() );

            BSONObjBuilder b;
            BSONObjIterator i( oldSpec.getObjectField( "options" ) );
            while( i.more() ) {
                BSONElement e = i.next();
                if ( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "create" ) != 0 ) {
                    if (stayTemp || (strcmp(e.fieldName(), "temp") != 0))
                        b.append( e );
                else {
                    b << "create" << toNS;
            newSpec = b.obj();

        _addNamespaceToNamespaceCollection( txn, toNS, newSpec.isEmpty() ? 0 : &newSpec );

        _getNamespaceRecordStore( txn, fromNS )->deleteRecord( txn, oldSpecLocation );

        return Status::OK();
文件: dump.cpp 项目: renzhewk/mongo
    DiskLoc _repairExtent( Database* db , string ns, bool forward , DiskLoc eLoc , Writer& w ) {
        LogIndentLevel lil;

        if ( eLoc.getOfs() <= 0 ) {
            error() << "invalid extent ofs: " << eLoc.getOfs() << endl;
            return DiskLoc();

        MongoDataFile * mdf = db->getFile( eLoc.a() );

        Extent * e = mdf->debug_getExtent( eLoc );
        if ( ! e->isOk() ) {
            warning() << "Extent not ok magic: " << e->magic << " going to try to continue" << endl;

        log() << "length:" << e->length << endl;

        LogIndentLevel lil2;

        set<DiskLoc> seen;

        DiskLoc loc = forward ? e->firstRecord : e->lastRecord;
        while ( ! loc.isNull() ) {

            if ( ! seen.insert( loc ).second ) {
                error() << "infinite loop in extend, seen: " << loc << " before" << endl;

            if ( loc.getOfs() <= 0 ) {
                error() << "offset is 0 for record which should be impossible" << endl;
            log(1) << loc << endl;
            Record* rec = loc.rec();
            BSONObj obj;
            try {
                obj = loc.obj();
                assert( obj.valid() );
                LOG(1) << obj << endl;
                w( obj );
            catch ( std::exception& e ) {
                log() << "found invalid document @ " << loc << " " << e.what() << endl;
                if ( ! obj.isEmpty() ) {
                    try {
                        BSONElement e = obj.firstElement();
                        stringstream ss;
                        ss << "first element: " << e;
                        log() << ss.str();
                    catch ( std::exception& ) {
            loc = forward ? rec->getNext( loc ) : rec->getPrev( loc );
        return forward ? e->xnext : e->xprev;

    PlanStage::StageState CollectionScan::work(WorkingSetID* out) {

        // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis.
        ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis);

        if (_isDead) { return PlanStage::DEAD; }

        // Do some init if we haven't already.
        if (NULL == _iter) {
            if ( _params.collection == NULL ) {
                _isDead = true;
                return PlanStage::DEAD;

            if (_lastSeenLoc.isNull()) {
                _iter.reset( _params.collection->getIterator( _txn,
                                                              _params.direction ) );
            else {

                _iter.reset( _params.collection->getIterator( _txn,
                                                              _params.direction ) );

                // Advance _iter past where we were last time. If it returns something else, mark us
                // as dead since we want to signal an error rather than silently dropping data from
                // the stream. This is related to the _lastSeenLock handling in invalidate.
                if (_iter->getNext() != _lastSeenLoc) {
                    _isDead = true;
                    return PlanStage::DEAD;

            return PlanStage::NEED_TIME;

        // Should we try getNext() on the underlying _iter?
        if (isEOF())
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        const DiskLoc curr = _iter->curr();
        if (curr.isNull()) {
            // We just hit EOF
            if (_params.tailable)
                _iter.reset(); // pick up where we left off on the next call to work()
            return PlanStage::IS_EOF;

        _lastSeenLoc = curr;

        // See if the record we're about to access is in memory. If not, pass a fetch request up.
        // Note that curr() does not touch the record (on MMAPv1 which is the only place we use
        // NEED_FETCH) so we are able to yield before touching the record, as long as we do so
        // before calling getNext().
            std::auto_ptr<RecordFetcher> fetcher(
                _params.collection->documentNeedsFetch(_txn, curr));
            if (NULL != fetcher.get()) {
                WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(_wsidForFetch);
                member->loc = curr;
                // Pass the RecordFetcher off to the WSM.
                *out = _wsidForFetch;
                return NEED_FETCH;

        WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate();
        WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id);
        member->loc = curr;
        member->obj = _iter->dataFor(member->loc).releaseToBson();
        member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ;

        // Advance the iterator.
        invariant(_iter->getNext() == curr);

        return returnIfMatches(member, id, out);
        virtual bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
            string source = cmdObj.getStringField( name.c_str() );
            string target = cmdObj.getStringField( "to" );

            if ( !NamespaceString::validCollectionComponent(target.c_str()) ) {
                errmsg = "invalid collection name: " + target;
                return false;
            if ( source.empty() || target.empty() ) {
                errmsg = "invalid command syntax";
                return false;

            if (!fromRepl) { // If it got through on the master, need to allow it here too
                Status sourceStatus = userAllowedWriteNS(source);
                if (!sourceStatus.isOK()) {
                    errmsg = "error with source namespace: " + sourceStatus.reason();
                    return false;

                Status targetStatus = userAllowedWriteNS(target);
                if (!targetStatus.isOK()) {
                    errmsg = "error with target namespace: " + targetStatus.reason();
                    return false;

            string sourceDB = nsToDatabase(source);
            string targetDB = nsToDatabase(target);

            bool capped = false;
            long long size = 0;
            std::vector<BSONObj> indexesInProg;

                Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                Collection* sourceColl = srcCtx.db()->getCollection( source );

                if ( !sourceColl ) {
                    errmsg = "source namespace does not exist";
                    return false;

                // Ensure that collection name does not exceed maximum length.
                // Ensure that index names do not push the length over the max.
                // Iterator includes unfinished indexes.
                IndexCatalog::IndexIterator sourceIndIt =
                    sourceColl->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator( true );
                int longestIndexNameLength = 0;
                while ( sourceIndIt.more() ) {
                    int thisLength = sourceIndIt.next()->indexName().length();
                    if ( thisLength > longestIndexNameLength )
                        longestIndexNameLength = thisLength;

                unsigned int longestAllowed =
                        int(Namespace::MaxNsLen) - 2/*strlen(".$")*/ - longestIndexNameLength);
                if (target.size() > longestAllowed) {
                    StringBuilder sb;
                    sb << "collection name length of " << target.size()
                       << " exceeds maximum length of " << longestAllowed
                       << ", allowing for index names";
                    errmsg = sb.str();
                    return false;

                    const NamespaceDetails *nsd = nsdetails( source );
                    indexesInProg = stopIndexBuilds( dbname, cmdObj );
                    capped = nsd->isCapped();
                    if ( capped )
                        for( DiskLoc i = nsd->firstExtent(); !i.isNull(); i = i.ext()->xnext )
                            size += i.ext()->length;

                Client::Context ctx( target );

                // Check if the target namespace exists and if dropTarget is true.
                // If target exists and dropTarget is not true, return false.
                if ( ctx.db()->getCollection( target ) ) {
                    if ( !cmdObj["dropTarget"].trueValue() ) {
                        errmsg = "target namespace exists";
                        return false;

                    Status s = cc().database()->dropCollection( target );
                    if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                        errmsg = s.toString();
                        restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                        return false;

                // If we are renaming in the same database, just
                // rename the namespace and we're done.
                if ( sourceDB == targetDB ) {
                    Status s = ctx.db()->renameCollection( source, target,
                                                           cmdObj["stayTemp"].trueValue() );
                    if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                        errmsg = s.toString();
                        restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                        return false;
                    return true;

                // Otherwise, we are enaming across databases, so we must copy all
                // the data and then remove the source collection.

                // Create the target collection.
                Collection* targetColl = NULL;
                if ( capped ) {
                    BSONObjBuilder spec;
                    spec.appendBool( "capped", true );
                    spec.append( "size", double( size ) );
                    spec.appendBool( "autoIndexId", false );
                    userCreateNS( target.c_str(), spec.obj(), errmsg, false );
                    targetColl = ctx.db()->getCollection( target );
                else {
                    CollectionOptions options;
                    // No logOp necessary because the entire renameCollection command is one logOp.
                    targetColl = ctx.db()->createCollection( target, options );
                if ( !targetColl ) {
                    errmsg = "Failed to create target collection.";
                    restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                    return false;

            // Copy over all the data from source collection to target collection.
            bool insertSuccessful = true;
            boost::scoped_ptr<CollectionIterator> sourceIt;

                Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                Collection* sourceColl = srcCtx.db()->getCollection( source );
                sourceIt.reset( sourceColl->getIterator( DiskLoc(), false, CollectionScanParams::FORWARD ) );

            Collection* targetColl = NULL;
            while ( !sourceIt->isEOF() ) {
                BSONObj o;
                    Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                    o = sourceIt->getNext().obj();
                // Insert and check return status of insert.
                    Client::Context ctx( target );
                    if ( !targetColl )
                        targetColl = ctx.db()->getCollection( target );
                    // No logOp necessary because the entire renameCollection command is one logOp.
                    Status s = targetColl->insertDocument( o, true ).getStatus();
                    if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                        insertSuccessful = false;
                        errmsg = s.toString();

            // If inserts were unsuccessful, drop the target collection and return false.
            if ( !insertSuccessful ) {
                Client::Context ctx( target );
                Status s = ctx.db()->dropCollection( target );
                if ( !s.isOK() )
                    errmsg = s.toString();
                restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                return false;

            // Copy over the indexes to temp storage and then to the target..
            vector<BSONObj> copiedIndexes;
            bool indexSuccessful = true;
                Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                Collection* sourceColl = srcCtx.db()->getCollection( source );
                IndexCatalog::IndexIterator sourceIndIt =
                    sourceColl->getIndexCatalog()->getIndexIterator( true );

                while ( sourceIndIt.more() ) {
                    BSONObj currIndex = sourceIndIt.next()->infoObj();

                    // Process the source index.
                    BSONObjBuilder b;
                    BSONObjIterator i( currIndex );
                    while( i.moreWithEOO() ) {
                        BSONElement e = i.next();
                        if ( e.eoo() )
                        else if ( strcmp( e.fieldName(), "ns" ) == 0 )
                            b.append( "ns", target );
                            b.append( e );

                    BSONObj newIndex = b.obj();
                    copiedIndexes.push_back( newIndex );

                Client::Context ctx( target );
                if ( !targetColl )
                    targetColl = ctx.db()->getCollection( target );

                for ( vector<BSONObj>::iterator it = copiedIndexes.begin();
                                                it != copiedIndexes.end(); ++it ) {
                    Status s = targetColl->getIndexCatalog()->createIndex( *it, true );
                    if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                        indexSuccessful = false;
                        errmsg = s.toString();

                // If indexes were unsuccessful, drop the target collection and return false.
                if ( !indexSuccessful ) {
                    Status s = ctx.db()->dropCollection( target );
                    if ( !s.isOK() )
                        errmsg = s.toString();
                    restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                    return false;

            // Drop the source collection.
                Client::Context srcCtx( source );
                Status s = srcCtx.db()->dropCollection( source );
                if ( !s.isOK() ) {
                    errmsg = s.toString();
                    restoreIndexBuildsOnSource( indexesInProg, source );
                    return false;

            return true;
    DiskLoc NamespaceDetails::cappedAlloc(const char *ns, int len) {
        if ( len > theCapExtent()->length ) {
            // the extent check is a way to try and improve performance
            uassert( 16328 , str::stream() << "document is larger than capped size " 
                     << len << " > " << storageSize() , len <= storageSize() );
        // signal done allocating new extents.
        if ( !cappedLastDelRecLastExtent().isValid() )
            getDur().writingDiskLoc( cappedLastDelRecLastExtent() ) = DiskLoc();

        verify( len < 400000000 );
        int passes = 0;
        int maxPasses = ( len / 30 ) + 2; // 30 is about the smallest entry that could go in the oplog
        if ( maxPasses < 5000 ) {
            // this is for bacwards safety since 5000 was the old value
            maxPasses = 5000;
        DiskLoc loc;

        // delete records until we have room and the max # objects limit achieved.

        /* this fails on a rename -- that is ok but must keep commented out */
        //verify( theCapExtent()->ns == ns );

        DiskLoc firstEmptyExtent;
        while ( 1 ) {
            if ( stats.nrecords < maxCappedDocs() ) {
                loc = __capAlloc( len );
                if ( !loc.isNull() )

            // If on first iteration through extents, don't delete anything.
            if ( !capFirstNewRecord.isValid() ) {
                advanceCapExtent( ns );

                if ( capExtent != firstExtent )
                // else signal done with first iteration through extents.

            if ( !capFirstNewRecord.isNull() &&
                    theCapExtent()->firstRecord == capFirstNewRecord ) {
                // We've deleted all records that were allocated on the previous
                // iteration through this extent.
                advanceCapExtent( ns );

            if ( theCapExtent()->firstRecord.isNull() ) {
                if ( firstEmptyExtent.isNull() )
                    firstEmptyExtent = capExtent;
                advanceCapExtent( ns );
                if ( firstEmptyExtent == capExtent ) {
                    maybeComplain( ns, len );
                    return DiskLoc();

            DiskLoc fr = theCapExtent()->firstRecord;
            theDataFileMgr.deleteRecord(this, ns, fr.rec(), fr, true); // ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
            if( ++passes > maxPasses ) {
                StringBuilder sb;
                sb << "passes >= maxPasses in NamespaceDetails::cappedAlloc: ns: " << ns
                   << ", len: " << len
                   << ", maxPasses: " << maxPasses
                   << ", _maxDocsInCapped: " << _maxDocsInCapped
                   << ", nrecords: " << stats.nrecords
                   << ", datasize: " << stats.datasize;
                msgasserted(10345, sb.str());

        // Remember first record allocated on this iteration through capExtent.
        if ( capFirstNewRecord.isValid() && capFirstNewRecord.isNull() )
            getDur().writingDiskLoc(capFirstNewRecord) = loc;

        return loc;
    /* must call this on a delete so we clean up the cursors. */
    void ClientCursor::aboutToDelete(const DiskLoc& dl) {
        recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex);

        Database *db = cc().database();

        aboutToDeleteForSharding( db , dl );

        CCByLoc& bl = db->ccByLoc;
        CCByLoc::iterator j = bl.lower_bound(ByLocKey::min(dl));
        CCByLoc::iterator stop = bl.upper_bound(ByLocKey::max(dl));
        if ( j == stop )

        vector<ClientCursor*> toAdvance;

        while ( 1 ) {
            DEV assert( j->first.loc == dl );
            if ( j == stop )

        if( toAdvance.size() >= 3000 ) {
            log() << "perf warning MPW101: " << toAdvance.size() << " cursors for one diskloc "
                  << dl.toString()
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[1000]->_ns
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[2000]->_ns
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[1000]->_pinValue
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[2000]->_pinValue
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[1000]->_pos
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[2000]->_pos
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[1000]->_idleAgeMillis
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[2000]->_idleAgeMillis
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[1000]->_doingDeletes
                  << ' ' << toAdvance[2000]->_doingDeletes
                  << endl;
            //wassert( toAdvance.size() < 5000 );

        for ( vector<ClientCursor*>::iterator i = toAdvance.begin(); i != toAdvance.end(); ++i ) {
            ClientCursor* cc = *i;
            wassert(cc->_db == db);

            if ( cc->_doingDeletes ) continue;

            Cursor *c = cc->_c.get();
            if ( c->capped() ) {
                /* note we cannot advance here. if this condition occurs, writes to the oplog
                   have "caught" the reader.  skipping ahead, the reader would miss postentially
                   important data.
                delete cc;

            DiskLoc tmp1 = c->refLoc();
            if ( tmp1 != dl ) {
                /* this might indicate a failure to call ClientCursor::updateLocation() */
                problem() << "warning: cursor loc " << tmp1 << " does not match byLoc position " << dl << " !" << endl;
            if ( c->eof() ) {
                // advanced to end
                // leave ClientCursor in place so next getMore doesn't fail
                // still need to mark new location though
            else {
                wassert( c->refLoc() != dl );
    void NamespaceDetails::emptyCappedCollection( const char *ns ) {
        DEV verify( this == nsdetails(ns) );
        massert( 13424, "collection must be capped", isCapped() );
        massert( 13425, "background index build in progress", !indexBuildsInProgress );

        vector<BSONObj> indexes = Helpers::findAll( Namespace( ns ).getSisterNS( "system.indexes" ) , BSON( "ns" << ns ) );
        for ( unsigned i=0; i<indexes.size(); i++ ) {
            indexes[i] = indexes[i].copy();

        if ( nIndexes ) {
            string errmsg;
            BSONObjBuilder note;
            bool res = dropIndexes( this , ns , "*" , errmsg , note , true );
            massert( 13426 , str::stream() << "failed during index drop: " << errmsg , res );

        // Clear all references to this namespace.
        ClientCursor::invalidate( ns );
        NamespaceDetailsTransient::resetCollection( ns );

        // Get a writeable reference to 'this' and reset all pertinent
        // attributes.
        NamespaceDetails *t = writingWithoutExtra();

        t->cappedLastDelRecLastExtent() = DiskLoc();
        t->cappedListOfAllDeletedRecords() = DiskLoc();

        // preserve firstExtent/lastExtent
        t->capExtent = firstExtent;
        t->stats.datasize = stats.nrecords = 0;
        // lastExtentSize preserve
        // nIndexes preserve 0
        // capped preserve true
        // max preserve
        t->_paddingFactor = 1.0;
        t->_systemFlags = 0;
        t->capFirstNewRecord = DiskLoc();
        // dataFileVersion preserve
        // indexFileVersion preserve
        t->multiKeyIndexBits = 0;
        t->reservedA = 0;
        t->extraOffset = 0;
        // indexBuildInProgress preserve 0
        memset(t->reserved, 0, sizeof(t->reserved));

        // Reset all existing extents and recreate the deleted list.
        for( DiskLoc ext = firstExtent; !ext.isNull(); ext = ext.ext()->xnext ) {
            DiskLoc prev = ext.ext()->xprev;
            DiskLoc next = ext.ext()->xnext;
            DiskLoc empty = ext.ext()->reuse( ns, true );
            ext.ext()->xprev.writing() = prev;
            ext.ext()->xnext.writing() = next;
            addDeletedRec( empty.drec(), empty );

        for ( unsigned i=0; i<indexes.size(); i++ ) {
            theDataFileMgr.insertWithObjMod(Namespace( ns ).getSisterNS( "system.indexes" ).c_str(),
        string validateNS(const char *ns, NamespaceDetails *d, BSONObj *cmdObj) {
            bool scanData = true;
            if( cmdObj && cmdObj->hasElement("scandata") && !cmdObj->getBoolField("scandata") )
                scanData = false;
            bool valid = true;
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "\nvalidate\n";
            ss << "  details: " << hex << d << " ofs:" << nsindex(ns)->detailsOffset(d) << dec << endl;
            if ( d->capped )
                ss << "  capped:" << d->capped << " max:" << d->max << '\n';
            ss << "  firstExtent:" << d->firstExtent.toString() << " ns:" << d->firstExtent.ext()->nsDiagnostic.buf << '\n';
            ss << "  lastExtent:" << d->lastExtent.toString()    << " ns:" << d->lastExtent.ext()->nsDiagnostic.buf << '\n';
            try {
                DiskLoc el = d->firstExtent;
                int ne = 0;
                while( !el.isNull() ) {
                    Extent *e = el.ext();
                    el = e->xnext;
                ss << "  # extents:" << ne << '\n';
            } catch (...) {
                ss << " extent asserted ";

            ss << "  datasize?:" << d->datasize << " nrecords?:" << d->nrecords << " lastExtentSize:" << d->lastExtentSize << '\n';
            ss << "  padding:" << d->paddingFactor << '\n';
            try {

                try {
                    ss << "  first extent:\n";
                    valid = valid && d->firstExtent.ext()->validates();
                catch (...) {
                    ss << "\n    exception firstextent\n" << endl;

                set<DiskLoc> recs;
                if( scanData ) {
                    auto_ptr<Cursor> c = theDataFileMgr.findAll(ns);
                    int n = 0;
                    long long len = 0;
                    long long nlen = 0;
                    int outOfOrder = 0;
                    DiskLoc cl_last;
                    while ( c->ok() ) {

                        DiskLoc cl = c->currLoc();
                        if ( n < 1000000 )
                        if ( d->capped ) {
                            if ( cl < cl_last )
                            cl_last = cl;

                        Record *r = c->_current();
                        len += r->lengthWithHeaders;
                        nlen += r->netLength();
                    if ( d->capped ) {
                        ss << "  capped outOfOrder:" << outOfOrder;
                        if ( outOfOrder > 1 ) {
                            valid = false;
                            ss << " ???";
                        else ss << " (OK)";
                        ss << '\n';
                    ss << "  " << n << " objects found, nobj:" << d->nrecords << "\n";
                    ss << "  " << len << " bytes data w/headers\n";
                    ss << "  " << nlen << " bytes data wout/headers\n";

                ss << "  deletedList: ";
                for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
                    ss << (d->deletedList[i].isNull() ? '0' : '1');
                ss << endl;
                int ndel = 0;
                long long delSize = 0;
                int incorrect = 0;
                for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) {
                    DiskLoc loc = d->deletedList[i];
                    try {
                        int k = 0;
                        while ( !loc.isNull() ) {
                            if ( recs.count(loc) )

                            if ( loc.questionable() ) {
                                if( d->capped && !loc.isValid() && i == 1 ) { 
                                    /* the constructor for NamespaceDetails intentionally sets deletedList[1] to invalid
                                       see comments in namespace.h

                                if ( loc.a() <= 0 || strstr(ns, "hudsonSmall") == 0 ) {
                                    ss << "    ?bad deleted loc: " << loc.toString() << " bucket:" << i << " k:" << k << endl;
                                    valid = false;

                            DeletedRecord *d = loc.drec();
                            delSize += d->lengthWithHeaders;
                            loc = d->nextDeleted;
                    } catch (...) {
                        ss <<"    ?exception in deleted chain for bucket " << i << endl;
                        valid = false;
                ss << "  deleted: n: " << ndel << " size: " << delSize << endl;
                if ( incorrect ) {
                    ss << "    ?corrupt: " << incorrect << " records from datafile are in deleted list\n";
                    valid = false;

                int idxn = 0;
                try  {
                    ss << "  nIndexes:" << d->nIndexes << endl;
                    NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
                    while( i.more() ) {
                        IndexDetails& id = i.next();
                        ss << "    " << id.indexNamespace() << " keys:" <<
                            id.head.btree()->fullValidate(id.head, id.keyPattern()) << endl;
                catch (...) {
                    ss << "\n    exception during index validate idxn:" << idxn << endl;

            catch (AssertionException) {
                ss << "\n    exception during validate\n" << endl;
                valid = false;

            if ( !valid )
                ss << " ns corrupt, requires dbchk\n";

            return ss.str();
    void Collection::_compactExtent(const DiskLoc diskloc, int extentNumber,
                                    vector<IndexAccessMethod*>& indexesToInsertTo,
                                    const CompactOptions* compactOptions, CompactStats* stats ) {

        log() << "compact begin extent #" << extentNumber
              << " for namespace " << _ns << " " << diskloc;

        unsigned oldObjSize = 0; // we'll report what the old padding was
        unsigned oldObjSizeWithPadding = 0;

        Extent *e = diskloc.ext();
        verify( e->validates(diskloc) );

            // the next/prev pointers within the extent might not be in order so we first
            // page the whole thing in sequentially
            log() << "compact paging in len=" << e->length/1000000.0 << "MB" << endl;
            Timer t;
            size_t length = e->length;

            touch_pages( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(e), length );
            int ms = t.millis();
            if( ms > 1000 )
                log() << "compact end paging in " << ms << "ms "
                      << e->length/1000000.0/t.seconds() << "MB/sec" << endl;

            log() << "compact copying records" << endl;
            long long datasize = 0;
            long long nrecords = 0;
            DiskLoc L = e->firstRecord;
            if( !L.isNull() ) {
                while( 1 ) {
                    Record *recOld = L.rec();
                    L = getExtentManager()->getNextRecordInExtent(L);
                    BSONObj objOld = BSONObj::make(recOld);

                    if ( compactOptions->validateDocuments && !objOld.valid() ) {
                        // object is corrupt!
                        log() << "compact skipping corrupt document!";
                    else {
                        unsigned docSize = objOld.objsize();

                        oldObjSize += docSize;
                        oldObjSizeWithPadding += recOld->netLength();

                        unsigned lenWHdr = docSize + Record::HeaderSize;
                        unsigned lenWPadding = lenWHdr;

                        switch( compactOptions->paddingMode ) {
                        case CompactOptions::NONE:
                            if ( details()->isUserFlagSet(NamespaceDetails::Flag_UsePowerOf2Sizes) )
                                lenWPadding = details()->quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace(lenWPadding);
                        case CompactOptions::PRESERVE:
                            // if we are preserving the padding, the record should not change size
                            lenWPadding = recOld->lengthWithHeaders();
                        case CompactOptions::MANUAL:
                            lenWPadding = compactOptions->computeRecordSize(lenWPadding);
                            if (lenWPadding < lenWHdr || lenWPadding > BSONObjMaxUserSize / 2 ) {
                                lenWPadding = lenWHdr;

                        CompactDocWriter writer( objOld, lenWPadding );
                        StatusWith<DiskLoc> status = _recordStore->insertRecord( &writer, 0 );
                        uassertStatusOK( status.getStatus() );
                        datasize += _recordStore->recordFor( status.getValue() )->netLength();

                        InsertDeleteOptions options;
                        options.logIfError = false;
                        options.dupsAllowed = true; // in compact we should be doing no checking

                        for ( size_t i = 0; i < indexesToInsertTo.size(); i++ ) {
                            Status idxStatus = indexesToInsertTo[i]->insert( objOld,
                                                                             NULL );
                            uassertStatusOK( idxStatus );

                    if( L.isNull() ) {
                        // we just did the very last record from the old extent.  it's still pointed to
                        // by the old extent ext, but that will be fixed below after this loop

                    // remove the old records (orphan them) periodically so our commit block doesn't get too large
                    bool stopping = false;
                    RARELY stopping = *killCurrentOp.checkForInterruptNoAssert() != 0;
                    if( stopping || getDur().aCommitIsNeeded() ) {
                        e->firstRecord.writing() = L;
                        Record *r = L.rec();
                        getDur().writingInt(r->prevOfs()) = DiskLoc::NullOfs;
            } // if !L.isNull()

            verify( details()->firstExtent() == diskloc );
            verify( details()->lastExtent() != diskloc );
            DiskLoc newFirst = e->xnext;
            details()->firstExtent().writing() = newFirst;
            getExtentManager()->freeExtents( diskloc, diskloc );


                double op = 1.0;
                if( oldObjSize )
                    op = static_cast<double>(oldObjSizeWithPadding)/oldObjSize;
                log() << "compact finished extent #" << extentNumber << " containing " << nrecords
                      << " documents (" << datasize/1000000.0 << "MB)"
                      << " oldPadding: " << op << ' ' << static_cast<unsigned>(op*100.0)/100;

    void RecordStoreV1Base::deleteRecord( OperationContext* txn, const DiskLoc& dl ) {

        Record* todelete = recordFor( dl );
        invariant( todelete->netLength() >= 4 ); // this is required for defensive code

        /* remove ourself from the record next/prev chain */
            if ( todelete->prevOfs() != DiskLoc::NullOfs ) {
                DiskLoc prev = getPrevRecordInExtent( txn, dl );
                Record* prevRecord = recordFor( prev );
                txn->recoveryUnit()->writingInt( prevRecord->nextOfs() ) = todelete->nextOfs();

            if ( todelete->nextOfs() != DiskLoc::NullOfs ) {
                DiskLoc next = getNextRecord( txn, dl );
                Record* nextRecord = recordFor( next );
                txn->recoveryUnit()->writingInt( nextRecord->prevOfs() ) = todelete->prevOfs();

        /* remove ourself from extent pointers */
            DiskLoc extentLoc = todelete->myExtentLoc(dl);
            Extent *e =  _getExtent( txn, extentLoc );
            if ( e->firstRecord == dl ) {
                if ( todelete->nextOfs() == DiskLoc::NullOfs )
                    e->firstRecord.set(dl.a(), todelete->nextOfs() );
            if ( e->lastRecord == dl ) {
                if ( todelete->prevOfs() == DiskLoc::NullOfs )
                    e->lastRecord.set(dl.a(), todelete->prevOfs() );

        /* add to the free list */
            _details->incrementStats( txn, -1 * todelete->netLength(), -1 );

            if ( _isSystemIndexes ) {
                /* temp: if in system.indexes, don't reuse, and zero out: we want to be
                   careful until validated more, as IndexDetails has pointers
                   to this disk location.  so an incorrectly done remove would cause
                   a lot of problems.
                memset( txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(todelete, todelete->lengthWithHeaders() ),
                        0, todelete->lengthWithHeaders() );
            else {
                // this is defensive so we can detect if we are still using a location
                // that was deleted
                memset(txn->recoveryUnit()->writingPtr(todelete->data(), 4), 0xee, 4);
                addDeletedRec(txn, dl);
