bool DistributedObject::update(const DistributedLock& dist_lock, UpgradableReadLock& lock)

	if (!persistence_enabled_)
		return false;

	throw std::runtime_error("Persistence currently not implemented");
#if 0
	if (&dist_lock.get_object() != this)
		throw std::runtime_error("Distributed lock has incorrect object");
	if (file_.string().empty())
		throw std::runtime_error("Distributed object has no associated file");


			/* load from the file */
			std::ifstream file_stream(get_file().string().c_str());
			if (!file_stream)
				throw bfs::filesystem_error("open failed", get_file(), bs::error_code(errno, boost::system::posix_category));

			/* see if the file has changed, do nothing if it hasn't */
			time_t write_time = bfs::last_write_time(file_);
			if (write_time == timestamp_)
				return false;

			/* create a temporary instance to which the file will be loaded */
			DistributedObjectPtr temp_obj = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<DistributedObject>(create_empty_instance());
			if (!temp_obj)
				throw std::runtime_error("Distributed object failed to create temporary instance");

			/* need an exclusive lock on the temporary object */
			BlockWriteLock temp_obj_lock(*temp_obj);

			InputArchive file_arch(file_stream);
			temp_obj->do_load(file_arch, temp_obj_lock);

			/* temporarily upgrade to a write lock for our local object and then apply the updates */
			BlockWriteLock write_lock(lock);
			copy_from(temp_obj, temp_obj_lock, write_lock);

		/* update the timestamp */
		timestamp_ = bfs::last_write_time(file_);
	catch (bfs::filesystem_error& e)
		throw distributed_object_error("file error: " + std::string(e.what()));
	catch (boost::archive::archive_exception& e)
		throw distributed_object_error("deserialization error: " + std::string(e.what()));
	return true;
    Status LegacyDistLockPinger::startPing(const DistributedLock& lock,
                                           stdx::chrono::milliseconds sleepTime) {
        const ConnectionString& conn = lock.getRemoteConnection();
        const string& processId = lock.getProcessId();
        string pingID = pingThreadId(conn, processId);

            // Make sure we don't start multiple threads for a process id.
            boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk(_mutex);

            if (_inShutdown) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::ShutdownInProgress,
                              "shutting down, will not start ping");

            // Ignore if we already have a pinging thread for this process.
            if (_seen.count(pingID) > 0) {
                return Status::OK();

            // Check the config server clock skew.
            if (lock.isRemoteTimeSkewed()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::DistributedClockSkewed,
                              str::stream() << "clock skew of the cluster " << conn.toString()
                                            << " is too far out of bounds "
                                            << "to allow distributed locking.");

            boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lk(_mutex);
            boost::thread thread(stdx::bind(&LegacyDistLockPinger::distLockPingThread,
            _pingThreads.insert(std::make_pair(pingID, std::move(thread)));


        return Status::OK();
Status LegacyDistLockManager::checkStatus(OperationContext* txn, const DistLockHandle& lockHandle) {
    // Note: this should not happen when locks are managed through ScopedDistLock.
    if (_pinger->willUnlockOID(lockHandle)) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::LockFailed,
                      str::stream() << "lock " << lockHandle << " is not held and "
                                    << "is currently being scheduled for lazy unlock");

    DistributedLock* distLock = nullptr;

        // Assumption: lockHandles are never shared across threads.
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> sl(_mutex);
        auto iter = _lockMap.find(lockHandle);
        invariant(iter != _lockMap.end());

        distLock = iter->second.get();

    return distLock->checkStatus(durationCount<Seconds>(kDefaultSocketTimeout));
        void runThread(ConnectionString& hostConn, unsigned threadId, unsigned seed,
                       BSONObj& cmdObj, BSONObjBuilder& result) {

            stringstream ss;
            ss << "thread-" << threadId;

            // Lock name
            string lockName = string_field(cmdObj, "lockName", this->name + "_lock");

            // Range of clock skew in diff threads
            int skewRange = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "skewRange", 1);

            // How long to wait with the lock
            int threadWait = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "threadWait", 30);
            if(threadWait <= 0) threadWait = 1;

            // Max amount of time (ms) a thread waits before checking the lock again
            int threadSleep = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "threadSleep", 30);
            if(threadSleep <= 0) threadSleep = 1;

            // How long until the lock is forced in ms, only compared locally
            unsigned long long takeoverMS = (unsigned long long) number_field(cmdObj, "takeoverMS", 0);

            // Whether or not we should hang some threads
            int hangThreads = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "hangThreads", 0);

            boost::mt19937 gen((boost::mt19937::result_type) seed);

            boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > randomSkew(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(0, skewRange));
            boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > randomWait(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(1, threadWait));
            boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > randomSleep(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(1, threadSleep));
            boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > randomNewLock(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(0, 3));

            int skew = 0;
            if (!lock.get()) {

                // Pick a skew, but the first two threads skew the whole range
                if(threadId == 0)
                    skew = -skewRange / 2;
                else if(threadId == 1)
                    skew = skewRange / 2;
                else skew = randomSkew() - (skewRange / 2);

                // Skew this thread
                jsTimeVirtualThreadSkew( skew );

                log() << "Initializing lock with skew of " << skew << " for thread " << threadId << endl;

                lock.reset(new DistributedLock(hostConn, lockName, takeoverMS, true ));

                log() << "Skewed time " << jsTime() << "  for thread " << threadId << endl
                      << "  max wait (with lock: " << threadWait << ", after lock: " << threadSleep << ")" << endl
                      << "  takeover in " << takeoverMS << "(ms remote)" << endl;


            DistributedLock* myLock = lock.get();

            bool errors = false;
            BSONObj lockObj;
            while (keepGoing) {
                try {

                    if (myLock->lock_try("Testing distributed lock with skew.", false, &lockObj )) {

                        log() << "**** Locked for thread " << threadId << " with ts " << lockObj["ts"] << endl;

                        if( count.loadRelaxed() % 2 == 1 && ! myLock->lock_try( "Testing lock re-entry.", true ) ) {
                            errors = true;
                            log() << "**** !Could not re-enter lock already held" << endl;

                        if( count.loadRelaxed() % 3 == 1 && myLock->lock_try( "Testing lock non-re-entry.", false ) ) {
                            errors = true;
                            log() << "**** !Invalid lock re-entry" << endl;

                        int before = count.addAndFetch(1);
                        int sleep = randomWait();
                        int after = count.loadRelaxed();

                        if(after != before) {
                            errors = true;
                            log() << "**** !Bad increment while sleeping with lock for: " << sleep << "ms" << endl;

                        // Unlock only half the time...
                        if(hangThreads == 0 || threadId % hangThreads != 0) {
                            log() << "**** Unlocking for thread " << threadId << " with ts " << lockObj["ts"] << endl;
                            myLock->unlock( &lockObj );
                        else {
                            log() << "**** Not unlocking for thread " << threadId << endl;
                            verify( DistributedLock::killPinger( *myLock ) );
                            // We're simulating a crashed process...

                catch( const DBException& ex ) {
                    log() << "*** !Could not try distributed lock." << causedBy( ex ) << endl;

                // Create a new lock 1/3 of the time
                if( randomNewLock() > 1 ){
                    lock.reset(new DistributedLock( hostConn, lockName, takeoverMS, true ));
                    myLock = lock.get();


            result << "errors" << errors
                   << "skew" << skew
                   << "takeover" << (long long) takeoverMS
                   << "localTimeout" << (takeoverMS > 0);

        void runThread(ConnectionString& hostConn, unsigned threadId, unsigned seed,
                       BSONObj& cmdObj, BSONObjBuilder& result) {

            stringstream ss;
            ss << "thread-" << threadId;

            // Lock name
            string lockName = string_field(cmdObj, "lockName", this->name + "_lock");

            // Range of clock skew in diff threads
            int skewRange = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "skewRange", 1);

            // How long to wait with the lock
            int threadWait = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "threadWait", 30);
            if(threadWait <= 0) threadWait = 1;

            // Max amount of time (ms) a thread waits before checking the lock again
            int threadSleep = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "threadSleep", 30);
            if(threadSleep <= 0) threadSleep = 1;

            // (Legacy) how long until the lock is forced in mins, measured locally
            int takeoverMins = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "takeoverMins", 0);

            // How long until the lock is forced in ms, only compared locally
            unsigned long long takeoverMS = (unsigned long long) number_field(cmdObj, "takeoverMS", 0);

            // Whether or not we should hang some threads
            int hangThreads = (int) number_field(cmdObj, "hangThreads", 0);

            boost::mt19937 gen((boost::mt19937::result_type) seed);

            boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > randomSkew(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(0, skewRange));
            boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > randomWait(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(1, threadWait));
            boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > randomSleep(gen, boost::uniform_int<>(1, threadSleep));

            int skew = 0;
            bool legacy = (takeoverMins > 0);
            if (!lock.get()) {

                // Pick a skew, but the first two threads skew the whole range
                if(threadId == 0)
                    skew = -skewRange / 2;
                else if(threadId == 1)
                    skew = skewRange / 2;
                else skew = randomSkew() - (skewRange / 2);

                // Skew this thread
                jsTimeVirtualThreadSkew( skew );

                log() << "Initializing lock with skew of " << skew << " for thread " << threadId << endl;

                lock.reset(new DistributedLock(hostConn, lockName, legacy ? (unsigned long long)takeoverMins : takeoverMS, true, legacy));

                log() << "Skewed time " << jsTime() << "  for thread " << threadId << endl
                      << "  max wait (with lock: " << threadWait << ", after lock: " << threadSleep << ")" << endl
                      << "  takeover in " << (legacy ? (unsigned long long)takeoverMins : takeoverMS) << (legacy ? " (mins local)" : "(ms remote)") << endl;


            DistributedLock* myLock = lock.get();

            bool errors = false;
            while (keepGoing) {
                try {

                    if (myLock->lock_try("Testing distributed lock with skew.")) {

                        log() << "**** Locked for thread " << threadId << endl;

                        int before = count;
                        int sleep = randomWait();
                        int after = count;

                        if(after != before) {
                            errors = true;
                            log() << "**** !Bad increment while sleeping with lock for: " << sleep << "ms" << endl;

                        // Unlock only half the time...
                        if(hangThreads == 0 || threadId % hangThreads != 0) {
                            log() << "**** Unlocking for thread " << threadId << endl;
                        else {
                            log() << "**** Not unlocking for thread " << threadId << endl;
                            DistributedLock::killPinger( *myLock );
                            // We're simulating a crashed process...

                catch( LockException& e ) {
                    log() << "*** !Could not try distributed lock." << m_caused_by(e) << endl;


            result << "errors" << errors
                   << "skew" << skew
                   << "takeover" << (long long) (legacy ? takeoverMS : (unsigned long long)takeoverMins)
                   << "localTimeout" << (takeoverMS > 0);
