//this is time consuming. should only be used when there is a problem.
//should have been called MDIViewPage::fixWidowAndOrphans()
//void MDIViewPage::updateDrawing(bool forceUpdate)
void MDIViewPage::updateDrawing(void)
    // get all the DrawViews for this page, including the second level ones
    // if we ever have collections of collections, we'll need to revisit this
    DrawPage* thisPage = m_vpPage->getDrawPage();
    std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> pChildren  = thisPage->getAllViews();

    // if dv doesn't have a graphic, make one
    for (auto& dv: pChildren) {
        if (dv->isRemoving()) {
        QGIView* qv = m_view->findQViewForDocObj(dv);
        if (qv == nullptr) {

    // if qView doesn't have a Feature on this Page, delete it
    std::vector<QGIView*> qvs = m_view->getViews();
    App::Document* doc = getAppDocument();
    for (auto& qv: qvs) {
        App::DocumentObject* obj = doc->getObject(qv->getViewName());
        if (obj == nullptr) {
        } else {
            DrawPage* pp = qv->getViewObject()->findParentPage();
            if (thisPage != pp) {

    // Update all the QGIVxxxx
    // WF: why do we do this?  views should be keeping themselves up to date.
//    const std::vector<QGIView *> &upviews = m_view->getViews();
//    for(std::vector<QGIView *>::const_iterator it = upviews.begin(); it != upviews.end(); ++it) {
//        Base::Console().Message("TRACE - MDIVP::updateDrawing - updating a QGIVxxxx\n");
//        if((*it)->getViewObject()->isTouched() ||
//           forceUpdate) {
//            (*it)->updateView(forceUpdate);
//        }
//    }
PyObject* DrawPagePy::removeView(PyObject* args)
    //this implements iRC = pyPage.removeView(pyView)  -or-
    PyObject *pcDocObj;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &(App::DocumentObjectPy::Type), &pcDocObj)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "DrawPagePy::removeView - Bad Arg - not DocumentObject");
        return nullptr;

    DrawPage* page = getDrawPagePtr();                         //get DrawPage for pyPage
    //how to validate that obj is DrawView before use??
    DrawViewPy* pyView = static_cast<TechDraw::DrawViewPy*>(pcDocObj);
    DrawView* view = pyView->getDrawViewPtr();                 //get DrawView for pyView

    int rc = page->removeView(view);

    return PyInt_FromLong((long) rc);
PyObject* DrawPagePy::getAllViews(PyObject* args)
    (void) args;
    DrawPage* page = getDrawPagePtr();
    std::vector<App::DocumentObject*> allViews = page->getAllViews();

    PyObject* ret = PyList_New(0);
    for (auto&v: allViews) {
        if (v->isDerivedFrom(TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem::getClassTypeId())) {
            TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem* dpgi = static_cast<TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem*>(v);
            PyList_Append(ret,new TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItemPy(dpgi));   //is this legit? or need to make new copy of dv?
        } else if (v->isDerivedFrom(TechDraw::DrawViewPart::getClassTypeId())) {
            TechDraw::DrawViewPart* dvp = static_cast<TechDraw::DrawViewPart*>(v);
            PyList_Append(ret,new TechDraw::DrawViewPartPy(dvp));
        } else if (v->isDerivedFrom(TechDraw::DrawViewAnnotation::getClassTypeId())) {
            TechDraw::DrawViewAnnotation* dva = static_cast<TechDraw::DrawViewAnnotation*>(v);
            PyList_Append(ret,new TechDraw::DrawViewAnnotationPy(dva));
        } else {
            TechDraw::DrawView* dv = static_cast<TechDraw::DrawView*>(v);
            PyList_Append(ret,new TechDraw::DrawViewPy(dv));
    return ret;
PyObject* DrawPagePy::addView(PyObject* args)
    //this implements iRC = pyPage.addView(pyView)  -or-
    PyObject *pcDocObj;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &(App::DocumentObjectPy::Type), &pcDocObj)) {
        Base::Console().Error("Error: DrawPagePy::addView - Bad Arg - not DocumentObject\n");
        return NULL;
        //TODO: sb PyErr??
        //PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,"addView expects a DrawView");
        //return -1;

    DrawPage* page = getDrawPagePtr();                         //get DrawPage for pyPage
    //TODO: argument 1 arrives as "DocumentObjectPy", not "DrawViewPy"
    //how to validate that obj is DrawView before use??
    DrawViewPy* pyView = static_cast<TechDraw::DrawViewPy*>(pcDocObj);
    DrawView* view = pyView->getDrawViewPtr();                 //get DrawView for pyView

    int rc = page->addView(view);

    return PyInt_FromLong((long) rc);