文件: CmdEdit.cpp 项目: codito/task
void CmdEdit::parseTask (Task& task, const std::string& after, const std::string& dateformat)
  // project
  std::string value = findValue (after, "\n  Project:");
  if (task.get ("project") != value)
    if (value != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_PROJECT_MOD);
      task.set ("project", value);
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_PROJECT_DEL);
      task.remove ("project");

  // priority
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Priority:");
  if (task.get ("priority") != value)
    if (value != "")
      if (context.columns["priority"]->validate (value))
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_PRIORITY_MOD);
        task.set ("priority", value);
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_PRIORITY_DEL);
      task.remove ("priority");

  // tags
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Tags:");
  std::vector <std::string> tags;
  split (tags, value, ' ');
  task.remove ("tags");
  task.addTags (tags);

  // description.
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Description:");
  if (task.get ("description") != value)
    if (value != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_DESC_MOD);
      task.set ("description", value);
      throw std::string (STRING_EDIT_DESC_REMOVE_ERR);

  // entry
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Created:");
  if (value != "")
    std::string formatted = formatDate (task, "entry", dateformat);

    if (formatted != value)
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_ENTRY_MOD);
      task.set ("entry", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
    throw std::string (STRING_EDIT_ENTRY_REMOVE_ERR);

  // start
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Started:");
  if (value != "")
    if (task.get ("start") != "")
      std::string formatted = formatDate (task, "start", dateformat);

      if (formatted != value)
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_START_MOD);
        task.set ("start", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_START_MOD);
      task.set ("start", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
    if (task.get ("start") != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_START_DEL);
      task.remove ("start");

  // end
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Ended:");
  if (value != "")
    if (task.get ("end") != "")
      std::string formatted = formatDate (task, "end", dateformat);

      if (formatted != value)
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_END_MOD);
        task.set ("end", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
    else if (task.getStatus () != Task::deleted)
      throw std::string (STRING_EDIT_END_SET_ERR);
    if (task.get ("end") != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_END_DEL);
      task.setStatus (Task::pending);
      task.remove ("end");

  // scheduled
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Scheduled:");
  if (value != "")
    if (task.get ("scheduled") != "")
      std::string formatted = formatDate (task, "scheduled", dateformat);

      if (formatted != value)
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_SCHED_MOD);
        task.set ("scheduled", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_SCHED_MOD);
      task.set ("scheduled", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
    if (task.get ("scheduled") != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_SCHED_DEL);
      task.setStatus (Task::pending);
      task.remove ("scheduled");

  // due
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Due:");
  if (value != "")
    if (task.get ("due") != "")
      std::string formatted = formatDate (task, "due", dateformat);

      if (formatted != value)
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_DUE_MOD);
        task.set ("due", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_DUE_MOD);
      task.set ("due", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
    if (task.get ("due") != "")
      if (task.getStatus () == Task::recurring ||
          task.get ("parent") != "")
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_DUE_DEL_ERR);
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_DUE_DEL);
        task.remove ("due");

  // until
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Until:");
  if (value != "")
    if (task.get ("until") != "")
      std::string formatted = formatDate (task, "until", dateformat);

      if (formatted != value)
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_UNTIL_MOD);
        task.set ("until", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_UNTIL_MOD);
      task.set ("until", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
    if (task.get ("until") != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_UNTIL_DEL);
      task.remove ("until");

  // recur
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Recur:");
  if (value != task.get ("recur"))
    if (value != "")
      Duration d;
      if (d.valid (value))
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_RECUR_MOD);
        if (task.get ("due") != "")
          task.set ("recur", value);
          task.setStatus (Task::recurring);
          throw std::string (STRING_EDIT_RECUR_DUE_ERR);
        throw std::string (STRING_EDIT_RECUR_ERR);
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_RECUR_DEL);
      task.setStatus (Task::pending);
      task.remove ("recur");
      task.remove ("until");
      task.remove ("mask");
      task.remove ("imask");

  // wait
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Wait until:");
  if (value != "")
    if (task.get ("wait") != "")
      std::string formatted = formatDate (task, "wait", dateformat);

      if (formatted != value)
        context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_WAIT_MOD);
        task.set ("wait", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
        task.setStatus (Task::waiting);
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_WAIT_MOD);
      task.set ("wait", Date(value, dateformat).toEpochString ());
      task.setStatus (Task::waiting);
    if (task.get ("wait") != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_WAIT_DEL);
      task.remove ("wait");
      task.setStatus (Task::pending);

  // parent
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Parent:");
  if (value != task.get ("parent"))
    if (value != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_PARENT_MOD);
      task.set ("parent", value);
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_PARENT_DEL);
      task.remove ("parent");

  // fg
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Foreground color:");
  if (value != task.get ("fg"))
    if (value != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_FG_MOD);
      task.set ("fg", value);
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_FG_DEL);
      task.remove ("fg");

  // bg
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Background color:");
  if (value != task.get ("bg"))
    if (value != "")
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_BG_MOD);
      task.set ("bg", value);
      context.footnote (STRING_EDIT_BG_DEL);
      task.remove ("bg");

  // Annotations
  std::map <std::string, std::string> annotations;
  std::string::size_type found = 0;
  while ((found = after.find ("\n  Annotation:", found)) != std::string::npos)
    found += 14;  // Length of "\n  Annotation:".

    std::string::size_type eol = after.find ("\n", found + 1);
    if (eol != std::string::npos)
      std::string value = trim (after.substr (
        eol - found), "\t ");

      std::string::size_type gap = value.find (" -- ");
      if (gap != std::string::npos)
        // TODO keeping the initial dates even if dateformat approximates them
        // is complex as finding the correspondence between each original line
        // and edited line may be impossible (bug #705). It would be simpler if
        // each annotation was put on a line with a distinguishable id (then
        // for each line: if the annotation is the same, then it is copied; if
        // the annotation is modified, then its original date may be kept; and
        // if there is no corresponding id, then a new unique date is created).
        Date when (value.substr (0, gap), dateformat);

        // This guarantees that if more than one annotation has the same date,
        // that the seconds will be different, thus unique, thus not squashed.
        // Bug #249
        when += (const int) annotations.size ();

        std::stringstream name;
        name << "annotation_" << when.toEpoch ();
        std::string text = trim (value.substr (gap + 4), "\t ");
        annotations.insert (std::make_pair (name.str (), text));

  task.setAnnotations (annotations);

  // Dependencies
  value = findValue (after, "\n  Dependencies:");
  std::vector <std::string> dependencies;
  split (dependencies, value, ",");

  task.remove ("depends");
  std::vector <std::string>::iterator dep;
  for (dep = dependencies.begin (); dep != dependencies.end (); ++dep)
    std::vector <int> ids;

    // Crude UUID check
    if (dep->length () == 36)
      int id = context.tdb2.pending.id (*dep);
      ids.push_back (id);
      A3::extract_id (*dep, ids);

    std::vector <int>::iterator id;
    for (id = ids.begin (); id != ids.end(); id++)
      task.addDependency (*id);

  // UDAs
  std::map <std::string, Column*>::iterator col;
  for (col = context.columns.begin (); col != context.columns.end (); ++col)
    std::string type = context.config.get ("uda." + col->first + ".type");
    if (type != "")
      std::string value = findValue (after, "\n  UDA " + col->first + ":");
      if (task.get (col->first) != value)
        if (value != "")
          context.footnote (format (STRING_EDIT_UDA_MOD, col->first));

          if (type == "string")
            task.set (col->first, value);
          else if (type == "numeric")
            Nibbler n (value);
            double d;
            if (n.getNumber (d) &&
                n.depleted ())
              task.set (col->first, value);
              throw format (STRING_UDA_NUMERIC, value);
          else if (type == "date")
            Date d (value, dateformat);
            task.set (col->first, d.toEpochString ());
          else if (type == "duration")
            Duration d (value);
            task.set (col->first, (time_t) d);
          context.footnote (format (STRING_EDIT_UDA_DEL, col->first));
          task.remove (col->first);
  // UDA orphans
  std::vector <std::string> orphanValues = findValues (after, "\n  UDA Orphan ");
  std::vector <std::string>::iterator orphan;
  for (orphan = orphanValues.begin (); orphan != orphanValues.end (); ++orphan)
    std::string::size_type colon = orphan->find (':');
    if (colon != std::string::npos)
      std::string name  = trim (orphan->substr (0, colon),  "\t ");
      std::string value = trim (orphan->substr (colon + 1), "\t ");

      if (value != "")
        task.set (name, value);
        task.remove (name);
文件: Task.cpp 项目: nigeil/task
// The purpose of Task::validate is three-fold:
//   1) To provide missing attributes where possible
//   2) To provide suitable warnings about odd states
//   3) To generate errors when the inconsistencies are not fixable
void Task::validate (bool applyDefault /* = true */)
  Task::status status = getStatus ();

  // 1) Provide missing attributes where possible
  // Provide a UUID if necessary.
  if (! has ("uuid"))
    set ("uuid", uuid ());

  // Recurring tasks get a special status.
  if (status == Task::pending &&
      has ("due")             &&
      has ("recur")           &&
      ! has ("parent"))
    status = Task::recurring;

  // Tasks with a wait: date get a special status.
  else if (status == Task::pending &&
           has ("wait"))
    status = Task::waiting;

  // By default, tasks are pending.
  else if (! has ("status"))
    status = Task::pending;

  // Store the derived status.
  setStatus (status);

  // Provide an entry date unless user already specified one.
  if (!has ("entry"))
    setEntry ();

  // Completed tasks need an end date, so inherit the entry date.
  if (! has ("end") &&
      (getStatus () == Task::completed ||
       getStatus () == Task::deleted))
    setEnd ();

  // Override with default.project, if not specified.
  if (applyDefault && ! has ("project"))
    std::string defaultProject = context.config.get ("default.project");
    if (defaultProject != "" &&
        context.columns["project"]->validate (defaultProject))
      set ("project", defaultProject);

  // Override with default.priority, if not specified.
  if (applyDefault && get ("priority") == "")
    std::string defaultPriority = context.config.get ("default.priority");
    if (defaultPriority != "" &&
        context.columns["priority"]->validate (defaultPriority))
      set ("priority", defaultPriority);

  // Override with default.due, if not specified.
  if (applyDefault && get ("due") == "")
    std::string defaultDue = context.config.get ("default.due");
    if (defaultDue != "" &&
        context.columns["due"]->validate (defaultDue))
      set ("due", Date (defaultDue).toEpoch ());

  // 2) To provide suitable warnings about odd states

  // Date relationships.
  validate_before ("wait",      "due");
  validate_before ("entry",     "start");
  validate_before ("entry",     "end");
  validate_before ("wait",      "scheduled");
  validate_before ("scheduled", "start");
  validate_before ("scheduled", "due");
  validate_before ("scheduled", "end");

  // 3) To generate errors when the inconsistencies are not fixable

  // There is no fixing a missing description.
  if (!has ("description"))
    throw std::string (STRING_TASK_VALID_DESC);
  else if (get ("description") == "")
    throw std::string (STRING_TASK_VALID_BLANK);

  // Cannot have a recur frequency with no due date - when would it recur?
  if (! has ("due") && has ("recur"))
    throw std::string (STRING_TASK_VALID_REC_DUE);

  // Recur durations must be valid.
  if (has ("recur"))
    Duration d;
    if (! d.valid (get ("recur")))
      throw std::string (format (STRING_TASK_VALID_RECUR, get ("recur")));

  // Priorities must be valid.
  if (has ("priority"))
    std::string priority = get ("priority");
    if (priority != "H" &&
        priority != "M" &&
        priority != "L")
      throw format (STRING_TASK_VALID_PRIORITY, priority);