// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BrowseMarks* ProjectData::HashAddBrowse_Marks( const wxString fullPath )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // EditorManager calls fail during the OnEditorClose event
    //EditorBase* eb = Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager()->GetEditor(filename);

    EditorBase* eb = m_pEdMgr->GetEditor(fullPath);
    #if defined(LOGGING)
        if(not eb) asm("int3"); /*trap*/
    if(not eb) return 0;
    wxString filePath = eb->GetFilename();
    if (filePath.IsEmpty()) return 0;
    // don't add duplicates
    BrowseMarks* pBrowse_Marks = GetBrowse_MarksFromHash( filePath );
    if (pBrowse_Marks) return pBrowse_Marks ;
    pBrowse_Marks = new BrowseMarks( fullPath );
    if (pBrowse_Marks) m_FileBrowse_MarksArchive[filePath] = pBrowse_Marks;

    // allocate the equivalent BookMarks hash
    HashAddBook_Marks( fullPath );

    return pBrowse_Marks;
void MacrosManager::ReplaceMacros(wxString& buffer, ProjectBuildTarget* target, bool subrequest)
    if (buffer.IsEmpty())

    static const wxString delim(_T("$%["));
    if ( buffer.find_first_of(delim) == wxString::npos )

    cbProject* project = target
                        ? target->GetParentProject()
                        : Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->GetActiveProject();
    EditorBase* editor = Manager::Get()->GetEditorManager()->GetActiveEditor();

    if (!target)
        if (project)
            // use the currently compiling target
            target = project->GetCurrentlyCompilingTarget();
            // if none,
            if (!target)
                // use the last known active target
                target = project->GetBuildTarget(project->GetActiveBuildTarget());
    if (project != m_LastProject || target != m_LastTarget || (editor && (editor->GetFilename() != m_ActiveEditorFilename)) )
        RecalcVars(project, editor, target);

    wxString search;
    wxString replace;

    if (buffer.find(_T("$if")) != wxString::npos)
    while (m_RE_If.Matches(buffer))
        search = m_RE_If.GetMatch(buffer, 0);
        replace = EvalCondition(m_RE_If.GetMatch(buffer, 1), m_RE_If.GetMatch(buffer, 3), m_RE_If.GetMatch(buffer, 5), target);
        buffer.Replace(search, replace, false);

    while (m_RE_Script.Matches(buffer))
        search = m_RE_Script.GetMatch(buffer, 1);
        replace = Manager::Get()->GetScriptingManager()->LoadBufferRedirectOutput(m_RE_Script.GetMatch(buffer, 2));
        buffer.Replace(search, replace, false);

    while (m_RE_ToAbsolutePath.Matches(buffer))
        search = m_RE_ToAbsolutePath.GetMatch(buffer, 0);
        const wxString relativePath = m_RE_ToAbsolutePath.GetMatch(buffer, 1);
        wxFileName fn(relativePath);
        replace = fn.GetFullPath();
        buffer.Replace(search, replace, false);

    while (m_RE_To83Path.Matches(buffer))
        search = m_RE_To83Path.GetMatch(buffer, 0);
        const wxString path = m_RE_To83Path.GetMatch(buffer, 1);
        wxFileName fn(path);
        fn.MakeAbsolute(); // make absolute before translating to 8.3 notation
        replace = fn.GetShortPath();
        buffer.Replace(search, replace, false);

    while (m_RE_Unix.Matches(buffer))

        wxString search = m_RE_Unix.GetMatch(buffer, 2);
        wxString var = m_RE_Unix.GetMatch(buffer, 3).Upper();

        if (var.GetChar(0) == _T('#'))
            replace = UnixFilename(m_UserVarMan->Replace(var));
            if (var.compare(const_COIN) == 0)
                replace.assign(1u, rand() & 1 ? _T('1') : _T('0'));
            else if (var.compare(const_RANDOM) == 0)
                replace = wxString::Format(_T("%d"), rand() & 0xffff);
                MacrosMap::iterator it;
                if ((it = m_Macros.find(var)) != m_Macros.end())
                    replace = it->second;

        const wxChar l = search.Last(); // make non-braced variables work
        if (l == _T('/') || l == _T('\\') || l == _T('$') || l == _T(' '))

        if (replace.IsEmpty())
            wxGetEnv(var, &replace);

        buffer.Replace(search, replace, false);

    while (m_RE_DOS.Matches(buffer))

        wxString search = m_RE_DOS.GetMatch(buffer, 2);
        wxString var = m_RE_DOS.GetMatch(buffer, 3).Upper();

        if (var.GetChar(0) == _T('#'))
            replace = UnixFilename(m_UserVarMan->Replace(var));
            if (var.compare(const_COIN) == 0)
                replace.assign(1u, rand() & 1 ? _T('1') : _T('0'));
            else if (var.compare(const_RANDOM) == 0)
                replace = wxString::Format(_T("%d"), rand() & 0xffff);
                MacrosMap::iterator it;
                if ((it = m_Macros.find(var)) != m_Macros.end())
                    replace = it->second;

        if (replace.IsEmpty())
            wxGetEnv(var, &replace);

        buffer.Replace(search, replace, false);

    if (!subrequest)
        buffer.Replace(_T("%%"), _T("%"));
        buffer.Replace(_T("$$"), _T("$"));