   const SipMessage& message,
   UtlString& callerLocation )
   OsStatus result = OS_FAILED;
   callerLocation.remove( 0 );

  // First, determine the identity of the caller.  This is done by looking for
  // a properly signed P-Asserted identity in the request message.
  // If the request contains a P-Asserted-Identity header and is not signed,
  // we will not trust it the returned location will be blank.
  UtlString matchedIdentityHeader;
  SipXauthIdentity sipxIdentity;
  Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG, "SipRedirectorFallback:: unbound entities allowing: %s", mAllowUnbound ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
  if (!mAllowUnbound) {
	  SipXauthIdentity sipxIdentity( message, matchedIdentityHeader, false );
  } else {
	  SipXauthIdentity sipxIdentity( message, matchedIdentityHeader, false, SipXauthIdentity::allowUnbound);

  if( !matchedIdentityHeader.isNull() )

     UtlString authenticatedUserIdentity;
     bool bRequestIsAuthenticated;
     bRequestIsAuthenticated = sipxIdentity.getIdentity( authenticatedUserIdentity );
     if( bRequestIsAuthenticated )
        // we now have the autheticated identity of the caller.  Look up the user location
        // database to find out the location that is mapped to it.
        //ResultSet userLocationsResult;

        // Check in User Location database if user has locations
        //mpUserLocationDbInstance->getLocations( authenticatedUserIdentity, userLocationsResult );

        // Get the caller's site location. Only the first returned location is used.
        // This is not a problem given that a user should only belong to one location.

         EntityRecord entity;
         EntityDB* entityDb = SipRegistrar::getInstance(NULL)->getEntityDB();
         if (entityDb->findByIdentity(authenticatedUserIdentity.str(), entity))

              callerLocation = entity.location().c_str();
              result = OS_SUCCESS;
              Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                            "%s::determineCallerLocationFromProvisionedUserLocation mapped user '%s' taken from header '%s' to location '%s' based on its provisioned location",
                            mLogName.data(), authenticatedUserIdentity.data(),
                            entity.location().c_str() );
   return result;
   const SipMessage& message,
   UtlString& requestString,
   Url& requestUri,
   const UtlString& method,
   ContactList& contactList,
   RequestSeqNo requestSeqNo,
   int redirectorNo,
   SipRedirectorPrivateStorage*& privateStorage,
   ErrorDescriptor& errorDescriptor)
   unsigned long timeNow = OsDateTime::getSecsSinceEpoch();
   // Local copy of requestUri
   Url requestUriCopy = requestUri;

   // Look for any grid parameter and remove it.
   UtlString gridParameter;
   UtlBoolean gridPresent =
      requestUriCopy.getUrlParameter("grid", gridParameter, 0);
   if (gridPresent)
   if (Os::Logger::instance().willLog(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG))
      UtlString temp;
      Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                    "%s::lookUp gridPresent = %d, gridParameter = '%s', "
                    "requestUriCopy after removing grid = '%s'",
                    mLogName.data(), gridPresent, gridParameter.data(),

   RegDB::Bindings registrations;

   // Give the ~~in~ URIs separate processing.
   UtlString user;
   RegDB* regDb = SipRegistrar::getInstance(NULL)->getRegDB();
   if (user.index(URI_IN_PREFIX) == 0)
      // This is a ~~in~ URI.
      // Check for an '&' separator.
      ssize_t s = user.last('&');
      if (s != UTL_NOT_FOUND)
         // This is a ~~in~[user]&[instrument] URI.
         const char* instrumentp = user.data() + s + 1;
         UtlString u;
                  sizeof (URI_IN_PREFIX) - 1,
                  s - (sizeof (URI_IN_PREFIX) - 1));

         //   getUnexpiredContactsUserInstrument(requestUriCopy, instrumentp, timeNow, registrations);
         UtlString identity;
         regDb->getUnexpiredContactsUserInstrument(identity.str(), instrumentp, timeNow, registrations);
         // This is a ~~in~[instrument] URI.
         const char* instrumentp = user.data() + sizeof (URI_IN_PREFIX) - 1;
         regDb->getUnexpiredContactsInstrument(instrumentp, timeNow, registrations);
      // Note that getUnexpiredContactsUser will reduce the requestUri to its
      // identity (user/host/port) part before searching in the
      // database.  The requestUri identity is matched against the
      // "identity" column of the database, which is the identity part of
      // the "uri" column which is stored in registration.xml.

      UtlString identity;
     regDb->getUnexpiredContactsUser(identity.str(), timeNow, registrations);


   int numUnexpiredContacts = registrations.size();

   Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                 "%s::lookUp got %d unexpired contacts",
                 mLogName.data(), numUnexpiredContacts);

   // Check for a per-user call forward timer.
   // Don't set timer if we're not going to forward to voicemail.
   std::ostringstream userCfwdTimer;
   bool foundUserCfwdTimer = false;

   if (method.compareTo(SIP_INVITE_METHOD) == 0)
      UtlString noRoute;
      requestUriCopy.getUrlParameter("sipx-noroute", noRoute);

      if ((!noRoute.isNull()) && (noRoute.compareTo("Voicemail") == 0))
          // This is not a call scenerio controlled by this users "forward to voicemail" timer
          UtlString identity;
          EntityRecord entity;

          EntityDB* entityDb = SipRegistrar::getInstance(NULL)->getEntityDB();
          foundUserCfwdTimer = entityDb->findByIdentity(identity.str(), entity);
          if (foundUserCfwdTimer)
            userCfwdTimer << entity.callForwardTime();

   for (RegDB::Bindings::const_iterator iter = registrations.begin(); iter != registrations.end(); iter++)
      // Query the Registration DB for the contact, expires and qvalue columns.

      Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SIP, PRI_DEBUG,
                    "%s::lookUp contact = '%s', qvalue = '%s', path = '%s'",
                    mLogName.data(), iter->getContact().c_str(), iter->getQvalue().c_str(), iter->getPath().c_str() );
      Url contactUri(iter->getContact().c_str());

      // If available set the per-user call forward timer.
      if (foundUserCfwdTimer)
          contactUri.setHeaderParameter("expires", userCfwdTimer.str().c_str());

      // If the contact URI is the same as the request URI, ignore it.
      if (!contactUri.isUserHostPortEqual(requestUriCopy))
         // Check if the q-value from the database is valid, and if so,
         // add it into contactUri.
         if (!iter->getQvalue().empty())
            // :TODO: (XPL-3) need a RegEx copy constructor here
            // Check if q value is numeric and between the range 0.0 and 1.0.
            static RegEx qValueValid("^(0(\\.\\d{0,3})?|1(\\.0{0,3})?)$");
            if (qValueValid.Search(iter->getQvalue().c_str()))
               contactUri.setFieldParameter(SIP_Q_FIELD, iter->getQvalue().c_str());

         // Re-apply any grid parameter.
         if (gridPresent)
            contactUri.setUrlParameter("grid", gridParameter);

         contactUri.setUrlParameter(SIP_SIPX_CALL_DEST_FIELD, "INT");
         // Check if database contained a Path value.  If so, add a Route
         // header parameter to the contact with the Path vector taken from
         // the registration data.
         if (!iter->getPath().empty())
            UtlString existingRouteValue;
            std::string pathVector = iter->getPath();
            if ( contactUri.getHeaderParameter(SIP_ROUTE_FIELD, existingRouteValue))
               // there is already a Route header parameter in the contact; append it to the
               // Route derived from the Path vector.
                pathVector += SIP_MULTIFIELD_SEPARATOR;
                pathVector += existingRouteValue.str();
            contactUri.setHeaderParameter(SIP_ROUTE_FIELD, pathVector.c_str());

         // Add the contact.
         contactList.add( contactUri, *this );

   return RedirectPlugin::SUCCESS;
SubscribeServerThread::isAuthorized (
    const SipMessage* message,
    SipMessage *responseMessage,
    StatusPluginReference* pluginContainer)
    UtlBoolean retIsAuthorized = FALSE;
    UtlString  requestUser;
    Url       identityUrl;
    message->getUri(NULL, NULL, NULL, &requestUser);

    EntityDB* entityDb = StatusServer::getInstance()->getEntityDb();

    if( pluginContainer )
        // if the plugin has permissions, we must match all these against the IMDB
        if( pluginContainer->hasPermissions() )
            // permission required. Check for required permission in permission IMDB
            // All required permissions should match

            EntityRecord entity;
            entityDb->findByIdentity(identityUrl, entity);
            std::set<std::string> permissions = entity.permissions();

            int numDBPermissions = permissions.size();

            if( numDBPermissions > 0 )
                UtlBoolean nextPermissionMatched = TRUE;

                UtlSListIterator* pluginPermissionIterator = pluginContainer->permissionsIterator();
                UtlString* pluginPermission;
                // Iterated through the plugin permissions matching
                // them one by one against the IMDB
                while(   (pluginPermission = (UtlString*)(*pluginPermissionIterator)())
                      && nextPermissionMatched
                    //check againt all permissions in IMDB
                    nextPermissionMatched = FALSE;
                    UtlString identity, permission;
                    for ( std::set<std::string>::iterator iter = permissions.begin(); iter != permissions.end(); iter++ )


                        permission = iter->c_str();
                        if (pluginPermission->compareTo(permission, UtlString::ignoreCase ) == 0)
                            nextPermissionMatched = TRUE;
                delete pluginPermissionIterator;

                // after going thru all permissions find out if all matched or not
                if( nextPermissionMatched )
                   Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_AUTH, PRI_DEBUG, "SubscribeServerThread::isAuthorized() -"
                        " All permissions matched - request is AUTHORIZED");
                    retIsAuthorized = TRUE;
                    Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_AUTH, PRI_DEBUG, "SubscribeServerThread::isAuthorized() -"
                        " One or more Permissions did not match - request is UNAUTHORIZED");
                    retIsAuthorized = FALSE;
                // one or more permissions needed by plugin and none in IMDB => UNAUTHORIZED
                Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_AUTH, PRI_DEBUG, "SubscribeServerThread::isAuthorized() -"
                    " No Permissions in IMDB - request is UNAUTHORIZED");
                retIsAuthorized = FALSE;
            Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_AUTH, PRI_DEBUG, "SubscribeServerThread::isAuthorized() -"
                " No Permissions required - request is always AUTHORIZED");
            retIsAuthorized = TRUE;
    //set the error response message id unauthorized
        responseMessage->setResponseData(message,SIP_FORBIDDEN_CODE, SIP_FORBIDDEN_TEXT);
    return retIsAuthorized;