bool PlayerSpawnSystem::OnPlayerSpawned(Events::PlayerSpawned& e)
    // Store the player for future reference
    m_PlayerEntities[e.PlayerID] = e.Player;
    m_PlayerIDs[e.Player.ID] = e.PlayerID;

    // When a player is actually spawned (since the actual spawning is handled on the server)
    // Hack should be moved.

    // TODO: Set the player name to whatever
    EntityWrapper playerName = e.Player.FirstChildByName("PlayerName");
    if (playerName.Valid()) {
        playerName["Text"]["Content"] = e.PlayerName;

    if (!IsClient) {
        return false;

    // Set the camera to the correct entity
    EntityWrapper cameraEntity = e.Player.FirstChildByName("Camera");
    bool outOfBodyExperience = ResourceManager::Load<ConfigFile>("Config.ini")->Get<bool>("Debug.OutOfBodyExperience", false);
    if (cameraEntity.Valid() && !outOfBodyExperience) {
        Events::SetCamera e;
        e.CameraEntity = cameraEntity;
        Events::LockMouse lock;

    return true;
void DefenderWeaponBehaviour::spawnTracers(ComponentWrapper cWeapon, WeaponInfo& wi, std::vector<glm::vec2> pattern)
    EntityWrapper flashSpawner = getRelevantWeaponEntity(wi).FirstChildByName("WeaponMuzzleFlash");
    if (flashSpawner.Valid()) {
        std::uniform_real_distribution<float> randomSpreadAngle(0.f, 3.1415f*2);
        EntityWrapper flash = SpawnerSystem::Spawn(flashSpawner, flashSpawner);
        if (flash.Valid()) {

    EntityWrapper muzzle = getRelevantWeaponEntity(wi).FirstChildByName("WeaponMuzzleRay");
    if (!muzzle.Valid()) {

    EntityWrapper camera = wi.Player.FirstChildByName("Camera");
    if (!camera.Valid()) {

    float spreadAngle = glm::radians((float)cWeapon["SpreadAngle"]);

    for (auto& pellet : pattern) {
        glm::quat pelletRotation = glm::quat(TransformSystem::AbsoluteOrientationEuler(camera)) * glm::quat(glm::vec3(pellet.y, pellet.x, 0) * spreadAngle);
        glm::vec3 cameraPosition = TransformSystem::AbsolutePosition(camera);
        glm::vec3 direction = pelletRotation * glm::vec3(0, 0, -1);

        float distance;
        glm::vec3 hitPosition;
        if (Collision::EntityFirstHitByRay(Ray(cameraPosition, direction), m_CollisionOctree, distance, hitPosition) != boost::none) { // don't spawn ray if you "miss the world"

            EntityWrapper ray = SpawnerSystem::Spawn(muzzle);
            if (ray.Valid()) {
                ComponentWrapper cTransform = ray["Transform"];
                Field<glm::vec3> rayOrigin = cTransform["Position"];
                Field<glm::vec3> rayOrientation = cTransform["Orientation"];
                Field<glm::vec3> rayScale = cTransform["Scale"];

                glm::vec3 muzzlePosition = TransformSystem::AbsolutePosition(muzzle);
                glm::quat muzzleOrientation = TransformSystem::AbsoluteOrientation(muzzle);

                glm::vec3 muzzleToHit = hitPosition - muzzlePosition;

                rayOrigin = muzzlePosition + (muzzleToHit/2.f);

                glm::vec3 lookVector = glm::normalize(-muzzleToHit);
                float pitch = std::asin(-lookVector.y);
                float yaw = std::atan2(lookVector.x, lookVector.z);
                glm::quat orientation = glm::quat(glm::vec3(pitch, yaw, 0));
                rayOrientation = glm::eulerAngles(orientation);
glm::vec3 TransformSystem::AbsoluteOrientationEuler(EntityWrapper entity)
    glm::vec3 orientation;

    while (entity.Valid()) {
        ComponentWrapper transform = entity["Transform"];
        orientation += (Field<glm::vec3>)transform["Orientation"];
        entity = entity.Parent();

    return orientation;
glm::quat TransformSystem::AbsoluteOrientation(EntityWrapper entity)
    if (!entity.Valid()) {
        return glm::quat();

    auto cacheIt = OrientationCache.find(entity);
    ComponentWrapper cTransform = entity["Transform"];
    ComponentWrapper::SubscriptProxy cTransformOrientation = cTransform["Orientation"];
    if (cacheIt != OrientationCache.end() && !cTransformOrientation.Dirty(DirtySetType::Transform)) {
        return cacheIt->second;
    } else {
        EntityWrapper parent = entity.Parent();
        // Calculate orientation
        glm::quat orientation = AbsoluteOrientation(parent) * glm::quat((const glm::vec3&)cTransformOrientation);
        // Cache it
        OrientationCache[entity] = orientation;
        // Unset dirty flag
        cTransformOrientation.SetDirty(DirtySetType::Transform, false);
        return orientation;
glm::vec3 TransformSystem::AbsoluteScale(EntityWrapper entity)
    if (!entity.Valid()) {
        return glm::vec3(1.f);

    auto cacheIt = ScaleCache.find(entity);
    ComponentWrapper cTransform = entity["Transform"];
    ComponentWrapper::SubscriptProxy cTransformScale = cTransform["Scale"];
    if (cacheIt != ScaleCache.end() && !cTransformScale.Dirty(DirtySetType::Transform)) {
        return cacheIt->second;
    } else {
        EntityWrapper parent = entity.Parent();
        // Calculate scale
        glm::vec3 scale = AbsoluteScale(parent) * (const glm::vec3&)cTransformScale;
        // Cache it
        ScaleCache[entity] = scale;
        // Unset dirty flag
        cTransformScale.SetDirty(DirtySetType::Transform, false);
        return scale;
void PlayerSpawnSystem::Update(double dt)
    // If there are no CapturePointGameMode components we will just spawn immediately.
    // Should be able to support older maps with this.
    // TODO: In the future we might want to return instead, to avoid spawning in the menu for instance.
    auto pool = m_World->GetComponents("CapturePointGameMode");
    if (pool != nullptr && pool->size() > 0)
        // Take the first CapturePointGameMode component found.
        ComponentWrapper& modeComponent = *pool->begin();
        // Increase timer.
        Field<double> timer = modeComponent["RespawnTime"];
        timer += dt;
        if (m_DbgConfigForceRespawn) {
            (Field<double>)modeComponent["MaxRespawnTime"] = m_ForcedRespawnTime;
        double maxRespawnTime = (double)modeComponent["MaxRespawnTime"];
        EntityWrapper spectatorCam = m_World->GetFirstEntityByName("SpectatorCamera");
        if (spectatorCam.Valid()) {
            EntityWrapper HUD = spectatorCam.FirstChildByName("SpectatorHUD");
            if (HUD.Valid()) {
                EntityWrapper respawnTimer = spectatorCam.FirstChildByName("RespawnTimer");
                if (respawnTimer.Valid()) {
                    //Update respawn time in the HUD element.
                    respawnTimer["Text"]["Content"] = std::to_string(1 + (int)(maxRespawnTime - timer));
        if (timer < maxRespawnTime) {
        // If respawn time has passed, we spawn all players that have requested to be spawned.
        timer = 0;

    // If there are no spawn requests, return immediately, if we are client the SpawnRequests should always be empty.
    if (m_SpawnRequests.size() == 0) {

    auto playerSpawns = m_World->GetComponents("PlayerSpawn");
    if (playerSpawns == nullptr) {

    int numSpawnedPlayers = 0;
    int playersSpectating = 0;
    const int numRequestsToHandle = (int)m_SpawnRequests.size();
    for (auto it = m_SpawnRequests.begin(); it != m_SpawnRequests.end(); ++it) {
        // It is valid if they didn't pick class yet
        // but don't spawn anything, goto next spawnrequest.
        if (it->Class == PlayerClass::None) {
        for (auto& cPlayerSpawn : *playerSpawns) {
            EntityWrapper spawner(m_World, cPlayerSpawn.EntityID);
            if (!spawner.HasComponent("Spawner")) {

            // If the spawner has a team affiliation, check it
            if (spawner.HasComponent("Team")) {
                auto cSpawnerTeam = spawner["Team"];
                if ((int)cSpawnerTeam["Team"] != it->Team) {
                    // If they somehow has a valid class as spectator, don't spawn them.
                    if (it->Team == cSpawnerTeam["Team"].Enum("Spectator")) {
                    } else {

            // TODO: Choose a different spawner depending on class picked?
            std::string playerEntityFile;
            if (it->Class == PlayerClass::Assault) {
                playerEntityFile = (const std::string&)cPlayerSpawn["AssaultFile"];
            } else if (it->Class == PlayerClass::Defender) {
                playerEntityFile = (const std::string&)cPlayerSpawn["DefenderFile"];
            } else if (it->Class == PlayerClass::Sniper) {
                playerEntityFile = (const std::string&)cPlayerSpawn["SniperFile"];

            // Spawn the player!
            EntityWrapper player = SpawnerSystem::SpawnEntityFile(playerEntityFile, spawner, EntityWrapper::Invalid, "Player");
            // Set the player team affiliation
            player["Team"]["Team"] = it->Team;

            // Publish a PlayerSpawned event
            Events::PlayerSpawned e;
            e.PlayerID = it->PlayerID;
            e.Player = player;
            e.Spawner = spawner;
            it = m_SpawnRequests.erase(it);
        if (it == m_SpawnRequests.end()) {
    if (numSpawnedPlayers != numRequestsToHandle - playersSpectating) {
        LOG_DEBUG("%i players were supposed to be spawned, but only %i was successfully.", numRequestsToHandle - playersSpectating, numSpawnedPlayers);
    } else {
        std::string dbg = numSpawnedPlayers != 0 ? std::to_string(numSpawnedPlayers) + " players were spawned. " : "";
        dbg += playersSpectating != 0 ? std::to_string(playersSpectating) + " players are spectating/picking class. " : "";
void DefenderWeaponBehaviour::CheckBoost(ComponentWrapper cWeapon, WeaponInfo& wi)
    // Only check ammo client side
    if (!IsClient) {

    // Only handle ammo check for the local player
    if (wi.Player != LocalPlayer) {

    // Make sure the player isn't checking from the grave
    if (!wi.Player.Valid()) {

    // 3D-pick middle of screen
    Rectangle viewport = m_Renderer->GetViewportSize();
    glm::vec2 centerScreen(viewport.Width / 2, viewport.Height / 2);
    // TODO: Some horizontal spread
    PickData pickData = m_Renderer->Pick(centerScreen);
    EntityWrapper victim(m_World, pickData.Entity);
    if (!victim.Valid()) {

    // Don't let us somehow shoot ourselves in the foot
    if (victim == LocalPlayer) {

    // Only care about players being hit
    if (!victim.HasComponent("Player")) {
        victim = victim.FirstParentWithComponent("Player");
    if (!victim.Valid()) {

    // If friendly fire, reduce damage to 0 (needed to make Boosts, Ammosharing work)
    if ((ComponentInfo::EnumType)victim["Team"]["Team"] == (ComponentInfo::EnumType)wi.Player["Team"]["Team"]) {

        EntityWrapper friendlyBoostHudSpawner = wi.FirstPersonPlayerModel.FirstChildByName("FriendlyBoostAttachment");
        if (friendlyBoostHudSpawner.Valid()) {

            EntityWrapper assaultBoost = victim.FirstChildByName("BoostAssault");
            EntityWrapper defenderBoost = victim.FirstChildByName("BoostDefender");
            EntityWrapper sniperBoost = victim.FirstChildByName("BoostSniper");

            auto children = m_World->GetDirectChildren(friendlyBoostHudSpawner.ID);

            if (children.first == children.second) {
                if (friendlyBoostHudSpawner.HasComponent("Spawner")) {

                    EntityWrapper friendlyBoostHud = SpawnerSystem::Spawn(friendlyBoostHudSpawner, friendlyBoostHudSpawner);
                    if (friendlyBoostHud.Valid()) {
                        EntityWrapper assaultBoostEntity = friendlyBoostHud.FirstChildByName("AssaultBoost");
                        if (assaultBoostEntity.Valid()) {
                            EntityWrapper active = assaultBoostEntity.FirstChildByName("Active");
                            if (active.HasComponent("Text")) {
                                if (assaultBoost.Valid()) {
                                    (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = true;
                                } else {
                                    (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = false;

                        EntityWrapper defenderBoostEntity = friendlyBoostHud.FirstChildByName("DefenderBoost");
                        if (defenderBoostEntity.Valid()) {
                            EntityWrapper active = defenderBoostEntity.FirstChildByName("Active");
                            if (active.HasComponent("Text")) {
                                if (defenderBoost.Valid()) {
                                    (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = true;
                                } else {
                                    (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = false;

                        EntityWrapper sniperBoostEntity = friendlyBoostHud.FirstChildByName("SniperBoost");
                        if (sniperBoostEntity.Valid()) {
                            EntityWrapper active = sniperBoostEntity.FirstChildByName("Active");
                            if (active.HasComponent("Text")) {
                                if (sniperBoost.Valid()) {
                                    (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = true;
                                } else {
                                    (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = false;
            } else {
                EntityWrapper friendlyBoostHud = friendlyBoostHudSpawner.FirstChildByName("FriendlyBoostHUD");
                if (friendlyBoostHud.Valid()) {
                    if (friendlyBoostHud.HasComponent("Lifetime")) {
                        (Field<double>)friendlyBoostHud["Lifetime"]["Lifetime"] = 0.5;

                    EntityWrapper assaultBoostEntity = friendlyBoostHud.FirstChildByName("AssaultBoost");
                    if (assaultBoostEntity.Valid()) {
                        EntityWrapper active = assaultBoostEntity.FirstChildByName("Active");
                        if (active.HasComponent("Text")) {
                            if (assaultBoost.Valid()) {
                                (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = true;
                            } else {
                                (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = false;

                    EntityWrapper defenderBoostEntity = friendlyBoostHud.FirstChildByName("DefenderBoost");
                    if (defenderBoostEntity.Valid()) {
                        EntityWrapper active = defenderBoostEntity.FirstChildByName("Active");
                        if (active.HasComponent("Text")) {
                            if (defenderBoost.Valid()) {
                                (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = true;
                            } else {
                                (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = false;

                    EntityWrapper sniperBoostEntity = friendlyBoostHud.FirstChildByName("SniperBoost");
                    if (sniperBoostEntity.Valid()) {
                        EntityWrapper active = sniperBoostEntity.FirstChildByName("Active");
                        if (active.HasComponent("Text")) {
                            if (sniperBoost.Valid()) {
                                (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = true;
                            } else {
                                (Field<bool>)active["Text"]["Visible"] = false;
void DefenderWeaponBehaviour::fireShell(ComponentWrapper cWeapon, WeaponInfo& wi)
    cWeapon["FireCooldown"] = 60.0 / (double)cWeapon["RPM"];

    // Stop reloading
    Field<bool> isReloading = cWeapon["IsReloading"];
    isReloading = false;

    // Ammo
    Field<int> magAmmo = cWeapon["MagazineAmmo"];
    if (magAmmo <= 0) {
    } else {
        magAmmo -= 1;

    // We can't really do any valuable calculations without a valid camera
    if (!m_CurrentCamera.Valid()) {

    int numPellets = cWeapon["NumPellets"];

    // Create a spread pattern
    std::vector<glm::vec2> pattern;
    // The first pellet is always centered
    pattern.push_back(glm::vec2(0, 0));
    // Any additional pellets form circles around the middle
    int numOuterPellets = numPellets - 1;
    float angleIncrement = glm::two_pi<float>() / numOuterPellets;
    for (int i = 0; i < numOuterPellets; ++i) {
        float angle = angleIncrement * i;
        glm::vec2 pellet = glm::vec2(glm::cos(angle), glm::sin(angle));

    // Deal damage (clientside)
    dealDamage(cWeapon, wi, pattern);

    // Spawn tracers
    spawnTracers(cWeapon, wi, pattern);

    // View punch
    if (IsClient) {
        EntityWrapper camera = wi.Player.FirstChildByName("Camera");
        if (camera.Valid()) {
            Field<glm::vec3> cameraOrientation = camera["Transform"]["Orientation"];
            float viewPunch = cWeapon["ViewPunch"];
            float maxTravelAngle = (const float&)cWeapon["MaxTravelAngle"];
            Field<float> currentTravel = cWeapon["CurrentTravel"];
            if (currentTravel < maxTravelAngle) {
                float change = viewPunch;
                if (currentTravel + change > maxTravelAngle) {
                    change = maxTravelAngle - currentTravel;
                cameraOrientation.x(cameraOrientation.x() + change);
                currentTravel += change;

    // Play animation
    playAnimationAndReturn(wi.FirstPersonEntity, "FinalBlend", "Fire");
    playAnimationAndReturn(wi.ThirdPersonPlayerModel, "FinalBlend", "Fire");

    // Sound
    Events::PlaySoundOnEntity e;
    e.Emitter = wi.Player;
    e.FilePath = "Audio/weapon/Blast.wav";
bool DefenderWeaponBehaviour::OnInputCommand(ComponentWrapper cWeapon, WeaponInfo& wi, const Events::InputCommand& e)
    if (e.Command == "SpecialAbility") {
        EntityWrapper attachment = wi.Player.FirstChildByName("ShieldAttachment");
        if (attachment.Valid()) {
            if (e.Value > 0) {

                if(wi.Player.Valid()) {
                    if(wi.Player.HasComponent("ShieldAbility")) {
                        (Field<bool>)wi.Player["ShieldAbility"]["Active"] = true;

                if (IsServer) {
                    SpawnerSystem::Spawn(attachment, attachment);

                EntityWrapper backAttachment = attachment.FirstChildByName("Back");
                if (backAttachment.Valid()) {
                    Events::AutoAnimationBlend eDeployShieldAttachement;
                    eDeployShieldAttachement.RootNode = backAttachment;
                    eDeployShieldAttachement.NodeName = "Deploy";
                    eDeployShieldAttachement.Restart = true;
                    eDeployShieldAttachement.Start = true;
                EntityWrapper frontAttachment = attachment.FirstChildByName("Front");
                if (frontAttachment.Valid()) {
                    Events::AutoAnimationBlend eDeployShieldAttachement;
                    eDeployShieldAttachement.RootNode = frontAttachment;
                    eDeployShieldAttachement.NodeName = "Deploy";
                    eDeployShieldAttachement.Restart = true;
                    eDeployShieldAttachement.Start = true;


                if (IsClient) {
                    EntityWrapper root = wi.FirstPersonEntity;
                    if (root.Valid()) {
                        EntityWrapper animationNode = root.FirstChildByName("Shield");
                        if (animationNode.Valid()) {
                            Events::AutoAnimationBlend eShieldBlend;
                            eShieldBlend.RootNode = root;
                            eShieldBlend.NodeName = "Shield";
                            eShieldBlend.Restart = true;
                            eShieldBlend.Start = true;
                } else { // server only
                    EntityWrapper root = wi.ThirdPersonPlayerModel;
                    if (root.Valid()) {
                        Events::AutoAnimationBlend eShieldActivateBlend;
                        eShieldActivateBlend.RootNode = root;
                        eShieldActivateBlend.NodeName = "ActivateShield";
                        eShieldActivateBlend.Restart = true;
                        eShieldActivateBlend.Start = true;

                        EntityWrapper animationNode = root.FirstChildByName("ActivateShield");
                        if (animationNode.Valid()) {
                            Events::AutoAnimationBlend eShieldIdleBlend;
                            eShieldIdleBlend.RootNode = root;
                            eShieldIdleBlend.NodeName = "ShieldFront";
                            eShieldIdleBlend.Restart = true;
                            eShieldIdleBlend.Start = true;
                            eShieldIdleBlend.AnimationEntity = animationNode;
            } else {

                if (wi.Player.Valid()) {
                    if (wi.Player.HasComponent("ShieldAbility")) {
                        (Field<bool>)wi.Player["ShieldAbility"]["Active"] = false;

                if (IsClient) {
                    EntityWrapper root = wi.FirstPersonEntity;
                    if (root.Valid()) {
                        EntityWrapper animationNode = root.FirstChildByName("ActionBlend");
                        if (animationNode.Valid()) {
                            Events::AutoAnimationBlend eFireBlend;
                            eFireBlend.RootNode = root;
                            eFireBlend.NodeName = "ActionBlend";
                            eFireBlend.Restart = true;
                            eFireBlend.Start = true;
                } else { // server only
                    EntityWrapper root = wi.ThirdPersonPlayerModel;
                    if (root.Valid()) {
                        Events::AutoAnimationBlend eShieldDeactivateBlend;
                        eShieldDeactivateBlend.RootNode = root;
                        eShieldDeactivateBlend.NodeName = "ActivateShield";
                        eShieldDeactivateBlend.Restart = true;
                        eShieldDeactivateBlend.Start = true;
                        eShieldDeactivateBlend.Reverse = true;

                        EntityWrapper animationNode = root.FirstChildByName("ActivateShield");
                        if (animationNode.Valid()) {
                            Events::AutoAnimationBlend eActionBlend;
                            eActionBlend.RootNode = root;
                            eActionBlend.NodeName = "ActionBlend";
                            eActionBlend.AnimationEntity = animationNode;

    return false;
void DefenderWeaponBehaviour::UpdateWeapon(ComponentWrapper cWeapon, WeaponInfo& wi, double dt)
    CheckBoost(cWeapon, wi);
    // Decrement reload timer
    Field<double> reloadTimer = cWeapon["ReloadTimer"];
    reloadTimer = glm::max(0.0, reloadTimer - dt);

    // Start reloading automatically if at 0 mag ammo
    Field<int> magAmmo = cWeapon["MagazineAmmo"];
    if (m_ConfigAutoReload && magAmmo <= 0) {
        OnReload(cWeapon, wi);

    // Handle reloading
    Field<bool> isReloading = cWeapon["IsReloading"];
    if (isReloading && reloadTimer <= 0.0) {
        double reloadTime = cWeapon["ReloadTime"];
        Field<int> magSize = cWeapon["MagazineSize"];
        Field<int> ammo = cWeapon["Ammo"];
        if (magAmmo < magSize && ammo > 0) {
            ammo -= 1;
            magAmmo += 1;
            reloadTimer = reloadTime;
            Events::PlaySoundOnEntity e;
            e.Emitter = wi.Player;
            e.FilePath = "Audio/weapon/Zoom.wav";
        } else {
            isReloading = false;
            playAnimationAndReturn(wi.FirstPersonEntity, "FinalBlend", "ReloadEnd");

            if (wi.ThirdPersonPlayerModel.Valid()) {
                Events::AutoAnimationBlend eFireIdle;
                eFireIdle.Duration = 0.2;
                eFireIdle.RootNode = wi.ThirdPersonPlayerModel;
                eFireIdle.NodeName = "Fire";
                eFireIdle.Start = false;


    // Restore view angle
    if (IsClient) {
        Field<float> currentTravel = cWeapon["CurrentTravel"];
        Field<float> returnSpeed = cWeapon["ViewReturnSpeed"];
        if (currentTravel > 0) {
            float change = returnSpeed * dt;
            currentTravel = glm::max(0.f, currentTravel - change);
            EntityWrapper camera = wi.Player.FirstChildByName("Camera");
            if (camera.Valid()) {
                Field<glm::vec3> cameraOrientation = camera["Transform"]["Orientation"];
                cameraOrientation.x(cameraOrientation.x() - change);

    // Fire if we're able to fire
    if (canFire(cWeapon, wi)) {
        fireShell(cWeapon, wi);