std::string Dictionary::translate_plural(const Entries& dict, const std::string& msgid, const std::string& msgid_plural, int count) { Entries::const_iterator i = dict.find(msgid); if (i != dict.end()) { const std::vector<std::string>& msgstrs = i->second; unsigned int n = 0; n = plural_forms.get_plural(count); assert(/*n >= 0 &&*/ n < msgstrs.size()); if (!msgstrs[n].empty()) return msgstrs[n]; else if (count == 1) // default to english rules return msgid; else return msgid_plural; } else { log_info << "Couldn't translate: " << msgid << std::endl; log_info << "Candidates: " << std::endl; for (i = dict.begin(); i != dict.end(); ++i) log_info << "'" << i->first << "'" << std::endl; if (count == 1) // default to english rules return msgid; else return msgid_plural; } }
bool PLS::_write(const Entries &list) { Writer *writer = ioCtrl.rawPtr< Writer >(); writer->write(QString("[playlist]\r\nNumberOfEntries=" + QString::number(list.size()) + "\r\n").toUtf8()); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { const Playlist::Entry &entry = list[i]; QString idx = QString::number(i+1); QString url = entry.url; const bool isFile = url.startsWith("file://"); if (isFile) url.remove(0, 7); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (isFile) url.replace("/", "\\"); #endif if (!url.isEmpty()) writer->write(QString("File" + idx + "=" + url + "\r\n").toUtf8()); if (! writer->write(QString("Title" + idx + "=" + QString('\n', '\001') + "\r\n").toUtf8()); if (entry.length >= 0) writer->write(QString("Length" + idx + "=" + QString::number(entry.length) + "\r\n").toUtf8()); if (entry.selected) writer->write(QString("QMPlay_sel" + idx + "=" + QString::number(entry.selected) + "\r\n").toUtf8()); if (entry.queue) writer->write(QString("QMPlay_queue" + idx + "=" + QString::number(entry.queue) + "\r\n").toUtf8()); if (entry.GID) writer->write(QString("QMPlay_GID" + idx + "=" + QString::number(entry.GID) + "\r\n").toUtf8()); if (entry.parent) writer->write(QString("QMPlay_parent" + idx + "=" + QString::number(entry.parent) + "\r\n").toUtf8()); } return true; }
Func foreach(Func func) { for(Entries::iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i) { func(i->first, i->second); } return func; }
void op_delete(void * const p, bool const array, std::size_t const s) { if (array) ::operator delete[](p); else ::operator delete(p); std::vector<boost::reference_wrapper<Entry const> > v; for (Entries::const_iterator j = entries.begin(); j != entries.end(); ++j) if (p <= j->p && boost::implicit_cast<void const *>(j->p) <= static_cast<char *>(p) + s) v.push_back(boost::cref(*j)); if (array) { info i; i() << "delete["; more_ostreaming::delimit(i(), v); i() << ']'; } else { assert(v.size() == 1); info()() << "delete(" << v.front() << ")"; } }
void ViennaMiniForm::setMaterialLibrary(MaterialManager::Library& lib) { typedef MaterialManager::Library::Entries Entries; typedef MaterialManager::Library::EntryIterator EntryIterator; Entries metals = lib.getMaterialsOfCategory("metal"); for(EntryIterator iter = metals.begin(); iter != metals.end(); iter++) { list_metals << QString::fromStdString(vmat::id(*iter)); } ui->comboBoxContactMaterial->addItems(list_metals); QObject::connect(ui->comboBoxContactMaterial, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(setSegmentMaterial(QString))); Entries oxides = lib.getMaterialsOfCategory("oxide"); for(EntryIterator iter = oxides.begin(); iter != oxides.end(); iter++) { list_oxides << QString::fromStdString(vmat::id(*iter)); } ui->comboBoxOxideMaterial->addItems(list_oxides); QObject::connect(ui->comboBoxOxideMaterial, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(setSegmentMaterial(QString))); Entries semiconductors = lib.getMaterialsOfCategory("semiconductor"); for(EntryIterator iter = semiconductors.begin(); iter != semiconductors.end(); iter++) { list_semiconductors << QString::fromStdString(vmat::id(*iter)); } ui->comboBoxSemiconductorMaterial->addItems(list_semiconductors); QObject::connect(ui->comboBoxSemiconductorMaterial, SIGNAL(activated(QString)), this, SLOT(setSegmentMaterial(QString))); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc < 3) { printf("Usage whateveryoujusttyped.exe readFileName writeFileName\n"); return -1; } const char* readFilename = argv[1]; const char* writeFilename = argv[2]; std::ifstream readFile(readFilename); if(!readFile.is_open()) { printf("Couldn't open %s for reading\n", readFilename); return -1; } std::ofstream writeFile(writeFilename); if(!writeFile.is_open()) { printf("Couldn't open %s for writing\n", writeFilename); return -1; } typedef std::list<std::string> Entries; Entries entries; std::string currentEntry; std::string line; while(std::getline(readFile, line)) { if(strstr(line.c_str(), "===") != NULL) { if(!currentEntry.empty()) { entries.push_back(currentEntry); } currentEntry.clear(); } currentEntry += line; currentEntry += "\n"; } if(!currentEntry.empty()) { entries.push_back(currentEntry); } readFile.close(); for(auto entryIt = entries.rbegin(); entryIt != entries.rend(); ++entryIt) { writeFile << (*entryIt); } writeFile.close(); return 0; }
~LeakReporter() { std::vector<boost::reference_wrapper<Entry const> > v; for (Entries::const_iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i) if (i->status != destructed) v.push_back(boost::cref(*i)); if (!v.empty() && !muted) { std::ostringstream oss; // We don't use cout here because apparently it can be unavailable by the time this code runs (judging by the segfaults I observed when this code used cout). more_ostreaming::delimit(oss, v); std::printf("%sleaked: %s.", parsep, oss.str().c_str()); abort(); } }
std::string Dictionary::translate(const Entries& dict, const std::string& msgid) { Entries::const_iterator i = dict.find(msgid); if (i != dict.end() && !i->second.empty()) { return i->second[0]; } else { log_info << "Couldn't translate: " << msgid << std::endl; return msgid; } }
void CalendarCell::update(const dbo::ptr<UserAccount>& user, const WDate& date) { date_ = date; user_ = user; clear(); dbo::Session& session = PlannerApplication::plannerApplication()->session; dbo::Transaction transaction(session); WString day; day += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(; if ( == 1) day += " " + WDate::longMonthName(date.month()); WText* header = new WText(day); header->setStyleClass("cell-header"); addWidget(header); typedef dbo::collection< dbo::ptr<Entry> > Entries; Entries entries = user->entriesInRange(date, date.addDays(1)); const unsigned maxEntries = 4; unsigned counter = 0; for (Entries::const_iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i, ++counter) { if (counter == maxEntries) { WText* extra = new WText(tr("calendar.cell.extra") .arg((int)(entries.size() - maxEntries))); extra->setStyleClass("cell-extra"); addWidget(extra); extra->clicked().preventPropagation(); extra->clicked().connect(this, &CalendarCell::showAllEntriesDialog); break; } WString format = EntryDialog::timeFormat; addWidget(new WText((*i)->start.toString(format) + "-" + (*i)->stop.toString(format) + ": " + (*i)->summary)); } transaction.commit(); }
std::string Dictionary::translate_plural(const Entries& dict, const std::string& msgid, const std::string& msgid_plural, int count) const { Entries::const_iterator it = dict.find(msgid); if (it != dict.end()) { unsigned int n = plural_forms.get_plural(count); const std::vector<std::string>& msgstrs = it->second; if (n >= msgstrs.size()) { log_error << "Plural translation not available (and not set to empty): '" << msgid << "'" << std::endl; log_error << "Missing plural form: " << n << std::endl; return msgid; } if (!msgstrs[n].empty()) { return msgstrs[n]; } else if (count == 1) // default to english rules { return msgid; } else { return msgid_plural; } } else { log_info << "Couldn't translate: " << msgid << std::endl; log_info << "Candidates: " << std::endl; for (it = dict.begin(); it != dict.end(); ++it) log_info << "'" << it->first << "'" << std::endl; if (count == 1) // default to english rules { return msgid; } else { return msgid_plural; } } }
Path Directory::find(const Path& fileName, SensType sens) const { if( fileName.toString().empty() ) { Logger::warning( "!!! WARNING: Directory: cannot try find zero lenght name" ); return ""; } Entries files = entries(); files.setSensType( sens ); int index = files.findFile( fileName.baseName() ); if( index >= 0 ) { return files.item( index ).fullpath; } return ""; }
void DefineEntry::accept() { #ifdef DEBUG qDebug("DefineEntry::accpet()"); #endif if (!EntryProperties->count()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "No properties", "Please, define some entry's\nproperties", 0, 0, 0); return; } if (EntryName->text() == "") { QMessageBox::warning(this, "No entry name", "Please, define entry name", 0, 0, 0); return; } Entries *entries = IQApp->entries(); Entry *entry; if (editEntry) { if (EntryName->text() != editEntry->getName() && entries->isIn(EntryName->text())) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Entry exists", "Entry with such name\nexists. Please, choose another.", 0, 0, 0); return; } entry = editEntry; entry->clear(); entry->setName(EntryName->text()); } else if ((entry = entries->isIn(EntryName->text()))) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "Entry exists", "Entry with such name\nexists. Please, choose another.", 0, 0, 0); return; } else entry = new Entry(EntryName->text()); for (uint i = 0; true; i++) { PropertyBoxItem *pbi; if ((pbi = static_cast<PropertyBoxItem *>(EntryProperties->item(i)))) { entry->addProperty(new PropertyStruct(pbi)); } else break; } entry->setDefaultPic(defaultPic); if (!editEntry) entries->addEntry(entry); entry->checkPropertiesID(); DefineEntryBase::accept(); }
unsigned int id(Tracked const & t) { return entry(&t) - &entries.front(); }
namespace detail { using geordi::error; using geordi::parsep; bool muted = false; struct info: boost::noncopyable { info() { if(!muted) std::cout << parsep; } ~info() { if(!muted) std::cout << parsep; } std::ostream & operator()() const { static std::ostream s(0); // used as null sink return muted ? s : std::cout; } }; enum Status { fresh, pillaged, destructed }; struct Entry { Tracked const * p; char const * name; Status status; }; typedef std::vector<Entry> Entries; Entries entries; // Keeping track of Trackeds outside of the objects themselves allows us to give nice diagnostics for operations on objects that have already perished. // Invariant: If multiple entries have identical p, then all but the last have status==destructed. std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & o, Entry const & e) { return o << << &e - &entries.front(); } Entry * entry(Tracked const * const r) { for (Entries::reverse_iterator i(entries.rbegin()); i != entries.rend(); ++i) if (i->p == r) return &*i; return 0; } void make_entry(Tracked const * const r) { if (Entry * const e = entry(r)) if (e->status != destructed) error()() << "leaked: " << *e << '.'; Entry const e = { r, "?", fresh }; entries.push_back(e); } void assert_status_below(Tracked const * const r, Status const st, std::string const & s) { Entry * const e = entry(r); if(!e) error()() << "tried to " << s << " non-existent object."; if (e->status < st) return; error()() << "tried to " << s << (e->status == pillaged ? " pillaged " : " destructed ") << *e << '.'; } void * op_new(std::size_t const s, bool const array, void * const r, char const * const name) { if (!r) return 0; info()() << "new(" << name << (array ? "[]" : "") << ")"; return r; } void op_delete(void * const p, bool const array, std::size_t const s) { if (array) ::operator delete[](p); else ::operator delete(p); std::vector<boost::reference_wrapper<Entry const> > v; for (Entries::const_iterator j = entries.begin(); j != entries.end(); ++j) if (p <= j->p && boost::implicit_cast<void const *>(j->p) <= static_cast<char *>(p) + s) v.push_back(boost::cref(*j)); if (array) { info i; i() << "delete["; more_ostreaming::delimit(i(), v); i() << ']'; } else { assert(v.size() == 1); info()() << "delete(" << v.front() << ")"; } } void Tracked::set_name(char const * const s) const { entry(this)->name = s; } Tracked::Tracked() { make_entry(this); } Tracked::Tracked(Tag const & t): tag(t) { make_entry(this); } Tracked::Tracked(Tracked const & i): tag((assert_status_below(&i, pillaged, "copy"), i.tag)) { make_entry(this); } void Tracked::operator=(Tracked const & r) { assert_status_below(this, destructed, "assign to"); assert_status_below(&r, pillaged, "assign from"); entry(this)->status = fresh; } Tracked::Tracked(Tracked && r) { assert_status_below(&r, pillaged, "move"); make_entry(this); entry(&r)->status = pillaged; } void Tracked::operator=(Tracked && r) { assert_status_below(this, destructed, "move-assign to"); assert_status_below(&r, pillaged, "move"); entry(this)->status = fresh; entry(&r)->status = pillaged; } Tracked::~Tracked() { assert_status_below(this, destructed, "re-destruct"); entry(this)->status = destructed; } struct LeakReporter { ~LeakReporter() { std::vector<boost::reference_wrapper<Entry const> > v; for (Entries::const_iterator i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i) if (i->status != destructed) v.push_back(boost::cref(*i)); if (!v.empty() && !muted) { std::ostringstream oss; // We don't use cout here because apparently it can be unavailable by the time this code runs (judging by the segfaults I observed when this code used cout). more_ostreaming::delimit(oss, v); std::printf("%sleaked: %s.", parsep, oss.str().c_str()); abort(); } } } leakReporter; // Must come after entries, so it will be destructed first. unsigned int id(Tracked const & t) { return entry(&t) - &entries.front(); } } // namespace detail
inline children launch_pipeline(const Entries &entries) { BOOST_ASSERT(entries.size() >= 2); children cs; detail::file_handle fhinvalid; boost::scoped_array<detail::pipe> pipes(new detail::pipe[entries.size() - 1]); #if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API) { typename Entries::size_type i = 0; const typename Entries::value_type::context_type &ctx = entries[i].context; detail::info_map infoin, infoout; if (ctx.stdin_behavior.get_type() != stream_behavior::close) { detail::stream_info si = detail::stream_info(ctx.stdin_behavior, false); infoin.insert(detail::info_map::value_type(STDIN_FILENO, si)); } BOOST_ASSERT(ctx.stdout_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::close); detail::stream_info si2(close_stream(), true); si2.type_ = detail::stream_info::use_handle; si2.handle_ = pipes[i].wend().release(); infoout.insert(detail::info_map::value_type(STDOUT_FILENO, si2)); if (ctx.stderr_behavior.get_type() != stream_behavior::close) { detail::stream_info si = detail::stream_info(ctx.stderr_behavior, true); infoout.insert(detail::info_map::value_type(STDERR_FILENO, si)); } detail::posix_setup s; s.work_directory = ctx.work_directory; pid_t pid = detail::posix_start(entries[i].executable, entries[i].arguments, ctx.environment, infoin, infoout, s); detail::file_handle fhstdin; if (ctx.stdin_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::capture) { fhstdin = detail::posix_info_locate_pipe(infoin, STDIN_FILENO, false); BOOST_ASSERT(fhstdin.valid()); } cs.push_back(child(pid, fhstdin, fhinvalid, fhinvalid)); } for (typename Entries::size_type i = 1; i < entries.size() - 1; ++i) { const typename Entries::value_type::context_type &ctx = entries[i].context; detail::info_map infoin, infoout; BOOST_ASSERT(ctx.stdin_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::close); detail::stream_info si1(close_stream(), false); si1.type_ = detail::stream_info::use_handle; si1.handle_ = pipes[i - 1].rend().release(); infoin.insert(detail::info_map::value_type(STDIN_FILENO, si1)); BOOST_ASSERT(ctx.stdout_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::close); detail::stream_info si2(close_stream(), true); si2.type_ = detail::stream_info::use_handle; si2.handle_ = pipes[i].wend().release(); infoout.insert(detail::info_map::value_type(STDOUT_FILENO, si2)); if (ctx.stderr_behavior.get_type() != stream_behavior::close) { detail::stream_info si = detail::stream_info(ctx.stderr_behavior, true); infoout.insert(detail::info_map::value_type(STDERR_FILENO, si)); } detail::posix_setup s; s.work_directory = ctx.work_directory; pid_t pid = detail::posix_start(entries[i].executable, entries[i].arguments, ctx.environment, infoin, infoout, s); cs.push_back(child(pid, fhinvalid, fhinvalid, fhinvalid)); } { typename Entries::size_type i = entries.size() - 1; const typename Entries::value_type::context_type &ctx = entries[i].context; detail::info_map infoin, infoout; BOOST_ASSERT(ctx.stdin_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::close); detail::stream_info si1(close_stream(), false); si1.type_ = detail::stream_info::use_handle; si1.handle_ = pipes[i - 1].rend().release(); infoin.insert(detail::info_map::value_type(STDIN_FILENO, si1)); if (ctx.stdout_behavior.get_type() != stream_behavior::close) { detail::stream_info si = detail::stream_info(ctx.stdout_behavior, true); infoout.insert(detail::info_map::value_type(STDOUT_FILENO, si)); } if (ctx.stderr_behavior.get_type() != stream_behavior::close) { detail::stream_info si = detail::stream_info(ctx.stderr_behavior, true); infoout.insert(detail::info_map::value_type(STDERR_FILENO, si)); } detail::posix_setup s; s.work_directory = ctx.work_directory; pid_t pid = detail::posix_start(entries[i].executable, entries[i].arguments, ctx.environment, infoin, infoout, s); detail::file_handle fhstdout, fhstderr; if (ctx.stdout_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::capture) { fhstdout = detail::posix_info_locate_pipe(infoout, STDOUT_FILENO, true); BOOST_ASSERT(fhstdout.valid()); } if (ctx.stderr_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::capture) { fhstderr = detail::posix_info_locate_pipe(infoout, STDERR_FILENO, true); BOOST_ASSERT(fhstderr.valid()); } cs.push_back(child(pid, fhinvalid, fhstdout, fhstderr)); } #elif defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API) STARTUPINFOA si; detail::win32_setup s; s.startupinfo = &si; { typename Entries::size_type i = 0; const typename Entries::value_type::context_type &ctx = entries[i].context; detail::stream_info sii = detail::stream_info(ctx.stdin_behavior, false); detail::file_handle fhstdin; if (sii.type_ == detail::stream_info::use_pipe) fhstdin = sii.pipe_->wend(); BOOST_ASSERT(ctx.stdout_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::close); detail::stream_info sio(close_stream(), true); sio.type_ = detail::stream_info::use_handle; sio.handle_ = pipes[i].wend().release(); detail::stream_info sie(ctx.stderr_behavior, true); s.work_directory = ctx.work_directory; ::ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = detail::win32_start(entries[i].executable, entries[i].arguments, ctx.environment, sii, sio, sie, s); if (!::CloseHandle(pi.hThread)) boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::launch_pipeline: CloseHandle failed")); cs.push_back(child(pi.dwProcessId, fhstdin, fhinvalid, fhinvalid, detail::file_handle(pi.hProcess))); } for (typename Entries::size_type i = 1; i < entries.size() - 1; ++i) { const typename Entries::value_type::context_type &ctx = entries[i].context; BOOST_ASSERT(ctx.stdin_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::close); detail::stream_info sii(close_stream(), false); sii.type_ = detail::stream_info::use_handle; sii.handle_ = pipes[i - 1].rend().release(); detail::stream_info sio(close_stream(), true); sio.type_ = detail::stream_info::use_handle; sio.handle_ = pipes[i].wend().release(); detail::stream_info sie(ctx.stderr_behavior, true); s.work_directory = ctx.work_directory; ::ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = detail::win32_start(entries[i].executable, entries[i].arguments, ctx.environment, sii, sio, sie, s); if (!::CloseHandle(pi.hThread)) boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::launch_pipeline: CloseHandle failed")); cs.push_back(child(pi.dwProcessId, fhinvalid, fhinvalid, fhinvalid, detail::file_handle(pi.hProcess))); } { typename Entries::size_type i = entries.size() - 1; const typename Entries::value_type::context_type &ctx = entries[i].context; BOOST_ASSERT(ctx.stdin_behavior.get_type() == stream_behavior::close); detail::stream_info sii(close_stream(), false); sii.type_ = detail::stream_info::use_handle; sii.handle_ = pipes[i - 1].rend().release(); detail::file_handle fhstdout, fhstderr; detail::stream_info sio(ctx.stdout_behavior, true); if (sio.type_ == detail::stream_info::use_pipe) fhstdout = sio.pipe_->rend(); detail::stream_info sie(ctx.stderr_behavior, true); if (sie.type_ == detail::stream_info::use_pipe) fhstderr = sie.pipe_->rend(); s.work_directory = ctx.work_directory; ::ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = detail::win32_start(entries[i].executable, entries[i].arguments, ctx.environment, sii, sio, sie, s); if (!::CloseHandle(pi.hThread)) boost::throw_exception(boost::system::system_error(boost::system::error_code(::GetLastError(), boost::system::get_system_category()), "boost::process::launch_pipeline: CloseHandle failed")); cs.push_back(child(pi.dwProcessId, fhinvalid, fhstdout, fhstderr, detail::file_handle(pi.hProcess))); } #endif return cs; }
void Set(Entries& entries) { Set( entries.Ptr(), entries.Size() ); }
void ArchiveTestCase<ClassFactoryT>::ExtractArchive(wxInputStream& in) { typedef Ptr<EntryT> EntryPtr; typedef std::list<EntryPtr> Entries; typedef typename Entries::iterator EntryIter; auto_ptr<InputStreamT> arc(m_factory->NewStream(in)); int expectedTotal = m_testEntries.size(); EntryPtr entry; Entries entries; if ((m_options & PipeIn) == 0) OnArchiveExtracted(*arc, expectedTotal); while (entry = EntryPtr(arc->GetNextEntry()), entry.get() != NULL) { wxString name = entry->GetName(wxPATH_UNIX); // provide some context for the error message so that we know which // iteration of the loop we were on string error_entry((_T(" '") + name + _T("'")).mb_str()); string error_context(" failed for entry" + error_entry); TestEntries::iterator it = m_testEntries.find(name); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "archive contains an entry that shouldn't be there" + error_entry, it != m_testEntries.end()); const TestEntry& testEntry = *it->second; wxDateTime dt = testEntry.GetDateTime(); if (dt.IsValid()) CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("timestamp check" + error_context, dt == entry->GetDateTime()); // non-seekable entries are allowed to have GetSize == wxInvalidOffset // until the end of the entry's data has been read past CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("entry size check" + error_context, testEntry.GetLength() == entry->GetSize() || ((m_options & PipeIn) != 0 && entry->GetSize() == wxInvalidOffset)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize()" + error_context, arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize()); if (name.Last() != _T('/')) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("!IsDir" + error_context, !entry->IsDir()); wxCharBuffer buf(testEntry.GetSize() + 1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("Read until Eof" + error_context, arc->Read(, testEntry.GetSize() + 1).Eof()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("LastRead check" + error_context, arc->LastRead() == testEntry.GetSize()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("data compare" + error_context, !memcmp(, testEntry.GetData(), testEntry.GetSize())); } else { CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("IsDir" + error_context, entry->IsDir()); } // GetSize() must return the right result in all cases after all the // data has been read CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("entry size check" + error_context, testEntry.GetLength() == entry->GetSize()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize()" + error_context, arc->GetLength() == entry->GetSize()); if ((m_options & PipeIn) == 0) { OnEntryExtracted(*entry, testEntry, arc.get()); delete it->second; m_testEntries.erase(it); } else { entries.push_back(entry); } } // check that the end of the input archive was reached without error CPPUNIT_ASSERT(arc->Eof()); // for non-seekable streams these data are only guaranteed to be // available once the end of the archive has been reached if (m_options & PipeIn) { for (EntryIter i = entries.begin(); i != entries.end(); ++i) { wxString name = (*i)->GetName(wxPATH_UNIX); TestEntries::iterator j = m_testEntries.find(name); OnEntryExtracted(**i, *j->second); delete j->second; m_testEntries.erase(j); } OnArchiveExtracted(*arc, expectedTotal); } }
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & o, Entry const & e) { return o << << &e - &entries.front(); }
Playlist::Entries PLS::_read() { Reader *reader = ioCtrl.rawPtr< Reader >(); Entries list; QString playlistPath = filePath(reader->getUrl()); if (playlistPath.startsWith("file://")) playlistPath.remove(0, 7); else playlistPath.clear(); const QList< QByteArray > playlistLines = readLines(); for (int i = 0; i < playlistLines.count(); ++i) { const QByteArray &line = playlistLines[i]; if (line.isEmpty()) continue; int idx = line.indexOf('='); if (idx < 0) continue; int number_idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); ++i) { if (line[i] == '=') break; if (line[i] >= '0' && line[i] <= '9') { number_idx = i; break; } } if (number_idx == -1) continue; QByteArray key = line.left(number_idx); QByteArray value = line.mid(idx+1); int entry_idx = line.mid(number_idx, idx - number_idx).toInt() - 1; prepareList(&list, entry_idx); if (entry_idx < 0 || entry_idx > list.size() - 1) continue; if (key == "File") list[entry_idx].url = Url(value, playlistPath); else if (key == "Title") list[entry_idx].name = value.replace('\001', '\n'); else if (key == "Length") list[entry_idx].length = value.toInt(); else if (key == "QMPlay_sel") list[entry_idx].selected = value.toInt(); else if (key == "QMPlay_queue") list[entry_idx].queue = value.toInt(); else if (key == "QMPlay_GID") list[entry_idx].GID = value.toInt(); else if (key == "QMPlay_parent") list[entry_idx].parent = value.toInt(); } return list; }
Entry * entry(Tracked const * const r) { for (Entries::reverse_iterator i(entries.rbegin()); i != entries.rend(); ++i) if (i->p == r) return &*i; return 0; }
void make_entry(Tracked const * const r) { if (Entry * const e = entry(r)) if (e->status != destructed) error()() << "leaked: " << *e << '.'; Entry const e = { r, "?", fresh }; entries.push_back(e); }