bool DumpRegister(const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx, Stream &strm, RegisterContext *reg_ctx, const RegisterInfo *reg_info) { if (reg_info) { RegisterValue reg_value; if (reg_ctx->ReadRegister(reg_info, reg_value)) { strm.Indent(); bool prefix_with_altname = (bool)m_command_options.alternate_name; bool prefix_with_name = !prefix_with_altname; reg_value.Dump(&strm, reg_info, prefix_with_name, prefix_with_altname, m_format_options.GetFormat(), 8); if ((reg_info->encoding == eEncodingUint) || (reg_info->encoding == eEncodingSint)) { Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr(); if (process && reg_info->byte_size == process->GetAddressByteSize()) { addr_t reg_addr = reg_value.GetAsUInt64(LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS); if (reg_addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) { Address so_reg_addr; if (exe_ctx.GetTargetRef() .GetSectionLoadList() .ResolveLoadAddress(reg_addr, so_reg_addr)) { strm.PutCString(" "); so_reg_addr.Dump(&strm, exe_ctx.GetBestExecutionContextScope(), Address::DumpStyleResolvedDescription); } } } } strm.EOL(); return true; } } return false; }
bool DynamicCheckerFunctions::Install(DiagnosticManager &diagnostic_manager, ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) { Error error; m_valid_pointer_check.reset(exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().GetUtilityFunctionForLanguage(g_valid_pointer_check_text, lldb::eLanguageTypeC, VALID_POINTER_CHECK_NAME, error)); if (error.Fail()) return false; if (!m_valid_pointer_check->Install(diagnostic_manager, exe_ctx)) return false; Process *process = exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr(); if (process) { ObjCLanguageRuntime *objc_language_runtime = process->GetObjCLanguageRuntime(); if (objc_language_runtime) { m_objc_object_check.reset(objc_language_runtime->CreateObjectChecker(VALID_OBJC_OBJECT_CHECK_NAME)); if (!m_objc_object_check->Install(diagnostic_manager, exe_ctx)) return false; } } return true; }
bool Disassembler::PrintInstructions ( Disassembler *disasm_ptr, Debugger &debugger, const ArchSpec &arch, const ExecutionContext &exe_ctx, uint32_t num_instructions, uint32_t num_mixed_context_lines, uint32_t options, Stream &strm ) { // We got some things disassembled... size_t num_instructions_found = disasm_ptr->GetInstructionList().GetSize(); if (num_instructions > 0 && num_instructions < num_instructions_found) num_instructions_found = num_instructions; const uint32_t max_opcode_byte_size = disasm_ptr->GetInstructionList().GetMaxOpcocdeByteSize (); uint32_t offset = 0; SymbolContext sc; SymbolContext prev_sc; AddressRange sc_range; const Address *pc_addr_ptr = NULL; StackFrame *frame = exe_ctx.GetFramePtr(); TargetSP target_sp (exe_ctx.GetTargetSP()); SourceManager &source_manager = target_sp ? target_sp->GetSourceManager() : debugger.GetSourceManager(); if (frame) { pc_addr_ptr = &frame->GetFrameCodeAddress(); } const uint32_t scope = eSymbolContextLineEntry | eSymbolContextFunction | eSymbolContextSymbol; const bool use_inline_block_range = false; const FormatEntity::Entry *disassembly_format = NULL; FormatEntity::Entry format; if (exe_ctx.HasTargetScope()) { disassembly_format = exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().GetDebugger().GetDisassemblyFormat (); } else { FormatEntity::Parse("${addr}: ", format); disassembly_format = &format; } // First pass: step through the list of instructions, // find how long the initial addresses strings are, insert padding // in the second pass so the opcodes all line up nicely. size_t address_text_size = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < num_instructions_found; ++i) { Instruction *inst = disasm_ptr->GetInstructionList().GetInstructionAtIndex (i).get(); if (inst) { const Address &addr = inst->GetAddress(); ModuleSP module_sp (addr.GetModule()); if (module_sp) { const uint32_t resolve_mask = eSymbolContextFunction | eSymbolContextSymbol; uint32_t resolved_mask = module_sp->ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(addr, resolve_mask, sc); if (resolved_mask) { StreamString strmstr; Debugger::FormatDisassemblerAddress (disassembly_format, &sc, NULL, &exe_ctx, &addr, strmstr); size_t cur_line = strmstr.GetSizeOfLastLine(); if (cur_line > address_text_size) address_text_size = cur_line; } sc.Clear(false); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_instructions_found; ++i) { Instruction *inst = disasm_ptr->GetInstructionList().GetInstructionAtIndex (i).get(); if (inst) { const Address &addr = inst->GetAddress(); const bool inst_is_at_pc = pc_addr_ptr && addr == *pc_addr_ptr; prev_sc = sc; ModuleSP module_sp (addr.GetModule()); if (module_sp) { uint32_t resolved_mask = module_sp->ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(addr, eSymbolContextEverything, sc); if (resolved_mask) { if (num_mixed_context_lines) { if (!sc_range.ContainsFileAddress (addr)) { sc.GetAddressRange (scope, 0, use_inline_block_range, sc_range); if (sc != prev_sc) { if (offset != 0) strm.EOL(); sc.DumpStopContext(&strm, exe_ctx.GetProcessPtr(), addr, false, true, false, false, true); strm.EOL(); if (sc.comp_unit && sc.line_entry.IsValid()) { source_manager.DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers (sc.line_entry.file, sc.line_entry.line, num_mixed_context_lines, num_mixed_context_lines, ((inst_is_at_pc && (options & eOptionMarkPCSourceLine)) ? "->" : ""), &strm); } } } } } else { sc.Clear(true); } } const bool show_bytes = (options & eOptionShowBytes) != 0; inst->Dump (&strm, max_opcode_byte_size, true, show_bytes, &exe_ctx, &sc, &prev_sc, NULL, address_text_size); strm.EOL(); } else { break; } } return true; }
bool ClangUserExpression::AddArguments(ExecutionContext &exe_ctx, std::vector<lldb::addr_t> &args, lldb::addr_t struct_address, DiagnosticManager &diagnostic_manager) { lldb::addr_t object_ptr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS; lldb::addr_t cmd_ptr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS; if (m_needs_object_ptr) { lldb::StackFrameSP frame_sp = exe_ctx.GetFrameSP(); if (!frame_sp) return true; ConstString object_name; if (m_in_cplusplus_method) { object_name.SetCString("this"); } else if (m_in_objectivec_method) { object_name.SetCString("self"); } else { diagnostic_manager.PutString( eDiagnosticSeverityError, "need object pointer but don't know the language"); return false; } Status object_ptr_error; object_ptr = GetObjectPointer(frame_sp, object_name, object_ptr_error); if (!object_ptr_error.Success()) { exe_ctx.GetTargetRef().GetDebugger().GetAsyncOutputStream()->Printf( "warning: `%s' is not accessible (substituting 0)\n", object_name.AsCString()); object_ptr = 0; } if (m_in_objectivec_method) { ConstString cmd_name("_cmd"); cmd_ptr = GetObjectPointer(frame_sp, cmd_name, object_ptr_error); if (!object_ptr_error.Success()) { diagnostic_manager.Printf( eDiagnosticSeverityWarning, "couldn't get cmd pointer (substituting NULL): %s", object_ptr_error.AsCString()); cmd_ptr = 0; } } args.push_back(object_ptr); if (m_in_objectivec_method) args.push_back(cmd_ptr); args.push_back(struct_address); } else { args.push_back(struct_address); } return true; }