void LoadIsawUB::readModulatedUB(std::ifstream &in, DblMatrix &ub) {
  int ModDim = 0;
  Kernel::DblMatrix modub(3, 3);
  Kernel::DblMatrix ModVecErr(3, 3);
  int maxorder = 0;
  bool crossterm = false;
  std::string s;
  double val;
  s = getWord(in, true);
  if (!convert(s, val)) {
    readToEndOfLine(in, true);
    for (size_t row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
      for (size_t col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
        s = getWord(in, true);
        if (!convert(s, val))
          throw std::runtime_error(
              "The string '" + s +
              "' in the file was not understood as a number.");
        modub[row][col] = val;
      readToEndOfLine(in, true);
      if (modub[row][0] != 0.0 || modub[row][1] != 0.0 || modub[row][2] != 0.0)

  readToEndOfLine(in, true);

  double latVals[6];
  for (double &latVal : latVals) {
    s = getWord(in, true);
    if (!convert(s, val))
      throw std::runtime_error("The string '" + s +
                               "' in the file was not understood as a number.");
    latVal = val;

  if (ModDim > 0) {
    readToEndOfLine(in, true);
    readToEndOfLine(in, true);
    for (int i = 0; i < ModDim; i++) {
      readToEndOfLine(in, true);
      for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
        s = getWord(in, true);
      for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
        s = getWord(in, true);
        if (!convert(s, val))
          throw std::runtime_error(
              "The string '" + s +
              "' in the file was not understood as a number.");
        ModVecErr[i][j] = val;
      readToEndOfLine(in, true);

    readToEndOfLine(in, true);
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      s = getWord(in, true);
    if (!convert(s, val))
      throw std::runtime_error("The string '" + s +
                               "' in the file was not understood as a number.");
    maxorder = static_cast<int>(val);
    readToEndOfLine(in, true);
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      s = getWord(in, true);
    bool valBool;
    if (!convert(s, valBool))
      throw std::runtime_error("The string '" + s +
                               "' in the file was not understood as a number.");
    crossterm = valBool;
  // Adjust the UB by transposing
  ub = ub.Transpose();
  modub = modub.Transpose();

  /* The method in OrientedLattice gets both the lattice parameters and the U
   * matrix from the UB matrix.
   * This is compatible (same results) with the ISAW lattice parameters */
  OrientedLattice *latt = new OrientedLattice();
  latt->setError(latVals[0], latVals[1], latVals[2], latVals[3], latVals[4],

  for (int i = 0; i < ModDim; i++)
    latt->setModerr(i, ModVecErr[i][0], ModVecErr[i][1], ModVecErr[i][2]);


  DblMatrix U = latt->getU();

  // Swap rows around to accound for IPNS convention
  DblMatrix U2 = U;
  // Swap rows around
  for (size_t r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
    U2[2][r] = U[0][r];
    U2[1][r] = U[2][r];
    U2[0][r] = U[1][r];
  U = U2;
  const bool checkU = getProperty("CheckUMatrix");
  latt->setU(U, !checkU);

  // In and Out workspace.
  Workspace_sptr ws1 = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

  ExperimentInfo_sptr ws;
  MultipleExperimentInfos_sptr MDWS =
  if (MDWS != nullptr) {
    ws = MDWS->getExperimentInfo(0);
  } else {
    ws = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<ExperimentInfo>(ws1);
  if (!ws)
    throw std::invalid_argument("Must specify either a MatrixWorkspace or a "
                                "PeaksWorkspace or a MDWorkspace.");

  // Save it into the workspace

  // Save it to every experiment info in MD workspaces
  if ((MDWS != nullptr) && (MDWS->getNumExperimentInfo() > 1)) {
    for (uint16_t i = 1; i < MDWS->getNumExperimentInfo(); i++) {
      ws = MDWS->getExperimentInfo(i);

  delete latt;
  this->setProperty("InputWorkspace", ws1);
void LoadFlexiNexus::addMetaData(NeXus::File *fin, Workspace_sptr ws,
                                 ExperimentInfo_sptr info) {
  std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it;

  // assign a title
  if ((it = dictionary.find("title")) == dictionary.end()) {
    const std::string title("No title found");
  } else {
    if (it->second.find('/') == it->second.npos) {
      const std::string title(it->second);
    } else {
      if (safeOpenpath(fin, it->second)) {
        const std::string title = fin->getStrData();

  // assign a sample name
  std::string sample;
  if ((it = dictionary.find("sample")) == dictionary.end()) {
    sample = "No sample found";
  } else {
    if (it->second.find('/') == it->second.npos) {
      sample = it->second;
    } else {
      if (safeOpenpath(fin, it->second)) {
        sample = fin->getStrData();
      } else {
        sample = "Sampe plath not found";

  * load all the extras into the Run information
  Run &r = info->mutableRun();
  std::set<std::string> specialMap = populateSpecialMap();
  for (it = dictionary.begin(); it != dictionary.end(); ++it) {
    if (specialMap.find(it->first) == specialMap.end()) {
      // not in specials!
      if (it->second.find('/') == it->second.npos) {
        r.addProperty(it->first, it->second, true);
      } else {
        if (safeOpenpath(fin, it->second)) {
          NeXus::Info inf = fin->getInfo();
          if (inf.type == ::NeXus::CHAR) {
            std::string data = fin->getStrData();
            r.addProperty(it->first, data, true);
          } else if (inf.type == ::NeXus::FLOAT32 ||
                     inf.type == ::NeXus::FLOAT64) {
            std::vector<double> data;
            r.addProperty(it->first, data, true);
          } else {
            std::vector<int> data;
            r.addProperty(it->first, data, true);