Expression *ArrayInitializer::toExpression() { Expressions *elements; Expression *e; //printf("ArrayInitializer::toExpression()\n"); //static int i; if (++i == 2) halt(); elements = new Expressions(); for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++) { if ([i]) goto Lno; Initializer *iz = (Initializer *)[i]; if (!iz) goto Lno; Expression *ex = iz->toExpression(); if (!ex) goto Lno; elements->push(ex); } e = new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, elements); e->type = type; return e; Lno: delete elements; //error(loc, "array initializers as expressions are not allowed"); return NULL; }
Expression *ArrayInitializer::toAssocArrayLiteral() { Expression *e; //printf("ArrayInitializer::toAssocArrayInitializer()\n"); //static int i; if (++i == 2) halt(); Expressions *keys = new Expressions(); keys->setDim(value.dim); Expressions *values = new Expressions(); values->setDim(value.dim); for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++) { e = index[i]; if (!e) goto Lno; (*keys)[i] = e; Initializer *iz = value[i]; if (!iz) goto Lno; e = iz->toExpression(); if (!e) goto Lno; (*values)[i] = e; } e = new AssocArrayLiteralExp(loc, keys, values); return e; Lno: delete keys; delete values; error(loc, "not an associative array initializer"); return new ErrorExp(); }
/*************************************** * This works by transforming a struct initializer into * a struct literal. In the future, the two should be the * same thing. */ Expression *StructInitializer::toExpression() { Expression *e; //printf("StructInitializer::toExpression() %s\n", toChars()); if (!ad) // if fwd referenced { return NULL; } StructDeclaration *sd = ad->isStructDeclaration(); if (!sd) return NULL; Expressions *elements = new Expressions(); for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++) { if ([i]) goto Lno; Initializer *iz = (Initializer *)[i]; if (!iz) goto Lno; Expression *ex = iz->toExpression(); if (!ex) goto Lno; elements->push(ex); } e = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements); e->type = sd->type; return e; Lno: delete elements; //error(loc, "struct initializers as expressions are not allowed"); return NULL; }
void TypeChecker::after(block_class *node) { Expressions body = node->get_body(); Symbol last_body_type = body->nth(body->len() - 1)->get_type(); if (!last_body_type) { return; } node->set_type(last_body_type); }
void visit(SliceExp *e) { Identifier *id = Identifier::generateId("p", fparams->dim); Parameter *param = new Parameter(STCconst, e->type, id, NULL); fparams->shift(param); Expression *ie = new IdentifierExp(Loc(), id); Expressions *arguments = new Expressions(); Expression *index = new IdentifierExp(Loc(), Id::p); arguments->push(index); result = new ArrayExp(Loc(), ie, arguments); }
Expression *SliceExp::buildArrayLoop(Parameters *fparams) { Identifier *id = Identifier::generateId("p", fparams->dim); Parameter *param = new Parameter(STCconst, type, id, NULL); fparams->shift(param); Expression *e = new IdentifierExp(0, id); Expressions *arguments = new Expressions(); Expression *index = new IdentifierExp(0, Id::p); arguments->push(index); e = new ArrayExp(0, e, arguments); return e; }
ProblemDomain mtac::global_cse::Boundary(mtac::Function& function){ this->function = &function; pointer_escaped = mtac::escape_analysis(function); typename ProblemDomain::Values values; //Compute Eval(i) for(auto& block : function){ for(auto& q : block->statements){ if(mtac::is_expression(q.op) && mtac::is_valid(q, pointer_escaped) && mtac::is_interesting(q)){ Eval[block].insert({0, *q.arg1, *q.arg2, q.op, nullptr, q.result->type()}); } mtac::kill_expressions(q, Eval[block]); } } //Compute Kill(i) for(auto& block : function){ for(auto& q : block->statements){ auto op = q.op; if(mtac::erase_result(op) || op == mtac::Operator::DOT_ASSIGN || op == mtac::Operator::DOT_FASSIGN || op == mtac::Operator::DOT_PASSIGN){ for(auto& b : function){ if(b != block){ for(auto& expression : Eval[b]){ if(mtac::is_killing(q, expression)){ Kill[block].insert(expression); } } } } } } } Expressions expressions; //Compute Uexp for(auto& block : function){ for(auto& expression : Eval[block]){ expressions.insert(expression); } } init = std::move(expressions); return ProblemDomain(ProblemDomain::Values()); }
FuncDeclaration *hasIdentityOpAssign(AggregateDeclaration *ad, Scope *sc) { Dsymbol *assign = search_function(ad, Id::assign); if (assign) { /* check identity opAssign exists */ Expression *er = new NullExp(ad->loc, ad->type); // dummy rvalue Expression *el = new IdentifierExp(ad->loc, Id::p); // dummy lvalue el->type = ad->type; Expressions *a = new Expressions(); a->setDim(1); FuncDeclaration *f = NULL; unsigned errors = global.startGagging(); // Do not report errors, even if the unsigned oldspec = global.speculativeGag; // template opAssign fbody makes it. global.speculativeGag = global.gag; sc = sc->push(); sc->speculative = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { (*a)[0] = (i == 0 ? er : el); f = resolveFuncCall(ad->loc, sc, assign, NULL, ad->type, a, 1); if (f) break; } sc = sc->pop(); global.speculativeGag = oldspec; global.endGagging(errors); if (f) { if (f->errors) return NULL; int varargs; Parameters *fparams = f->getParameters(&varargs); if (fparams->dim >= 1) { Parameter *arg0 = Parameter::getNth(fparams, 0); if (arg0->type->toDsymbol(NULL) != ad) f = NULL; } } // BUGS: This detection mechanism cannot find some opAssign-s like follows: // struct S { void opAssign(ref immutable S) const; } return f; } return NULL; }
FuncDeclaration *hasIdentityOpEquals(AggregateDeclaration *ad, Scope *sc) { Dsymbol *eq = search_function(ad, Id::eq); if (eq) { /* check identity opEquals exists */ Expression *er = new NullExp(ad->loc, NULL); // dummy rvalue Expression *el = new IdentifierExp(ad->loc, Id::p); // dummy lvalue Expressions *a = new Expressions(); a->setDim(1); for (size_t i = 0; ; i++) { Type *tthis; if (i == 0) tthis = ad->type; if (i == 1) tthis = ad->type->constOf(); if (i == 2) tthis = ad->type->immutableOf(); if (i == 3) tthis = ad->type->sharedOf(); if (i == 4) tthis = ad->type->sharedConstOf(); if (i == 5) break; FuncDeclaration *f = NULL; unsigned errors = global.startGagging(); // Do not report errors, even if the unsigned oldspec = global.speculativeGag; // template opAssign fbody makes it. global.speculativeGag = global.gag; sc = sc->push(); sc->speculative = true; for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) { (*a)[0] = (j == 0 ? er : el); (*a)[0]->type = tthis; f = resolveFuncCall(ad->loc, sc, eq, NULL, tthis, a, 1); if (f) break; } sc = sc->pop(); global.speculativeGag = oldspec; global.endGagging(errors); if (f) { if (f->errors) return NULL; return f; } } } return NULL; }
Expressions *UserAttributeDeclaration::getAttributes() { if (scope) { Scope *sc = scope; scope = NULL; arrayExpressionSemantic(atts, sc); } Expressions *exps = new Expressions(); if (userAttribDecl) exps->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), userAttribDecl->getAttributes())); if (atts && atts->dim) exps->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), atts)); return exps; }
Expressions *UserAttributeDeclaration::concat(Expressions *udas1, Expressions *udas2) { Expressions *udas; if (!udas1 || udas1->dim == 0) udas = udas2; else if (!udas2 || udas2->dim == 0) udas = udas1; else { /* Create a new tuple that combines them * (do not append to left operand, as this is a copy-on-write operation) */ udas = new Expressions(); udas->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), udas1)); udas->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), udas2)); } return udas; }
Expressions *arrayExpressiondoInline(Expressions *a, InlineDoState *ids) { Expressions *newa = NULL; if (a) { newa = new Expressions(); newa->setDim(a->dim); for (size_t i = 0; i < a->dim; i++) { Expression *e = (*a)[i]; if (e) e = e->doInline(ids); (*newa)[i] = e; } } return newa; }
FuncDeclaration *AggregateDeclaration::hasIdentityOpAssign(Scope *sc, Dsymbol *assign) { if (assign) { /* check identity opAssign exists */ Expression *er = new NullExp(loc, type); // dummy rvalue Expression *el = new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::p); // dummy lvalue el->type = type; Expressions ar; ar.push(er); Expressions al; al.push(el); FuncDeclaration *f = NULL; unsigned errors = global.startGagging(); // Do not report errors, even if the unsigned oldspec = global.speculativeGag; // template opAssign fbody makes it. global.speculativeGag = global.gag; sc = sc->push(); sc->speculative = true; f = resolveFuncCall(loc, sc, assign, NULL, er, &ar, 1); if (!f) f = resolveFuncCall(loc, sc, assign, NULL, er, &al, 1); sc = sc->pop(); global.speculativeGag = oldspec; global.endGagging(errors); if (f) { int varargs; Parameters *fparams = f->getParameters(&varargs); if (fparams->dim >= 1) { Parameter *arg0 = Parameter::getNth(fparams, 0); if (arg0->type->toDsymbol(NULL) != this) f = NULL; } } // BUGS: This detection mechanism cannot find some opAssign-s like follows: // struct S { void opAssign(ref immutable S) const; } return f; } return NULL; }
Expressions *arrayExpressiondoInline(Expressions *a, InlineDoState *ids) { Expressions *newa = NULL; if (a) { newa = new Expressions(); newa->setDim(a->dim); for (int i = 0; i < a->dim; i++) { Expression *e = (Expression *)a->data[i]; if (e) { e = e->doInline(ids); newa->data[i] = (void *)e; } } } return newa; }
Expression *ExpInitializer::toExpression(Type *t) { if (t) { Type *tb = t->toBasetype(); if (tb->ty == Tsarray && exp->implicitConvTo(tb->nextOf())) { TypeSArray *tsa = (TypeSArray *)tb; size_t d = tsa->dim->toInteger(); Expressions *elements = new Expressions(); elements->setDim(d); for (size_t i = 0; i < d; i++) (*elements)[i] = exp; ArrayLiteralExp *ae = new ArrayLiteralExp(exp->loc, elements); ae->type = t; exp = ae; } } return exp; }
/*********************************** * Parse list of extended asm clobbers. * Grammar: * | Clobbers: * | StringLiteral * | StringLiteral , Clobbers * Params: * p = parser state * Returns: * array of parsed clobber expressions */ static Expressions *parseExtAsmClobbers(Parser *p) { Expressions *clobbers = NULL; while (1) { Expression *clobber; switch (p->token.value) { case TOKsemicolon: case TOKcolon: case TOKeof: return clobbers; case TOKstring: clobber = p->parsePrimaryExp(); if (!clobbers) clobbers = new Expressions(); clobbers->push(clobber); if (p->token.value == TOKcomma) p->nextToken(); break; default: p->error("expected constant string constraint for clobber name, not `%s`", p->token.toChars()); goto Lerror; } } Lerror: while (p->token.value != TOKrcurly && p->token.value != TOKsemicolon && p->token.value != TOKeof) p->nextToken(); return clobbers; }
Expression *ExpInitializer::toExpression(Type *t) { if (t) { //printf("ExpInitializer::toExpression(t = %s) exp = %s\n", t->toChars(), exp->toChars()); Type *tb = t->toBasetype(); Expression *e = (exp->op == TOKconstruct || exp->op == TOKblit) ? ((AssignExp *)exp)->e2 : exp; if (tb->ty == Tsarray && e->implicitConvTo(tb->nextOf())) { TypeSArray *tsa = (TypeSArray *)tb; size_t d = (size_t)tsa->dim->toInteger(); Expressions *elements = new Expressions(); elements->setDim(d); for (size_t i = 0; i < d; i++) (*elements)[i] = e; ArrayLiteralExp *ae = new ArrayLiteralExp(e->loc, elements); ae->type = t; return ae; } } return exp; }
void UserAttributeDeclaration::setScope(Scope *sc) { //printf("UserAttributeDeclaration::setScope() %p\n", this); if (decl) { Scope *newsc = sc; #if 1 if (atts && atts->dim) { // create new one for changes newsc = new Scope(*sc); newsc->flags &= ~SCOPEfree; // Append new atts to old one if (!newsc->userAttributes || newsc->userAttributes->dim == 0) newsc->userAttributes = atts; else { // Create a tuple that combines them Expressions *exps = new Expressions(); exps->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), newsc->userAttributes)); exps->push(new TupleExp(Loc(), atts)); newsc->userAttributes = exps; } } #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < decl->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*decl)[i]; s->setScope(newsc); // yes, the only difference from semantic() } if (newsc != sc) { sc->offset = newsc->offset; newsc->pop(); } } }
Initializer *ArrayInitializer::toAssocArrayInitializer() { Expressions *keys; Expressions *values; Expression *e; //printf("ArrayInitializer::toAssocArrayInitializer()\n"); //static int i; if (++i == 2) halt(); keys = new Expressions(); keys->setDim(value.dim); values = new Expressions(); values->setDim(value.dim); for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++) { e = (Expression *)[i]; if (!e) goto Lno; keys->data[i] = (void *)e; Initializer *iz = (Initializer *)[i]; if (!iz) goto Lno; e = iz->toExpression(); if (!e) goto Lno; values->data[i] = (void *)e; } e = new AssocArrayLiteralExp(loc, keys, values); return new ExpInitializer(loc, e); Lno: delete keys; delete values; // error(loc, "not an associative array initializer"); return this; }
void TypeChecker::check_formals(tree_node *node, Symbol name, Symbol callee_type, const vector<Symbol> &formals, Expressions actuals) { if (formals.size() != actuals->len()) { semant_error.semant_error(type_env.current_class, node) << "Method '" << callee_type << "." << name <<"' formal parameter count (" << formals.size() << ") does not match actual parameter count (" << actuals->len() << ")" << endl; } for(int i = actuals->first(); actuals->more(i); i = actuals->next(i)) { Expression actual = actuals->nth(i); if (i == formals.size() || !actual->get_type()) { break; } Symbol formal = formals[i]; if (formal == SELF_TYPE) { formal = callee_type; } if (!type_env.class_table.is_subtype(actual->get_type(), formal)) { semant_error.semant_error(type_env.current_class, node) << "Method '" << callee_type << "." << name << "' parameter #" << i << " type mismatch. Actual: '" << actual->get_type() << "' should be a subtype of '" << formal << "'" << endl; } } }
void FuncDeclaration_toObjFile(FuncDeclaration *fd, bool multiobj) { ClassDeclaration *cd = fd->parent->isClassDeclaration(); //printf("FuncDeclaration::toObjFile(%p, %s.%s)\n", fd, fd->parent->toChars(), fd->toChars()); //if (type) printf("type = %s\n", type->toChars()); #if 0 //printf("line = %d\n", getWhere() / LINEINC); EEcontext *ee = env->getEEcontext(); if (ee->EEcompile == 2) { if (ee->EElinnum < (getWhere() / LINEINC) || ee->EElinnum > (endwhere / LINEINC) ) return; // don't compile this function ee->EEfunc = toSymbol(this); } #endif if (fd->semanticRun >= PASSobj) // if toObjFile() already run return; if (fd->type && fd->type->ty == Tfunction && ((TypeFunction *)fd->type)->next == NULL) return; // If errors occurred compiling it, such as bugzilla 6118 if (fd->type && fd->type->ty == Tfunction && ((TypeFunction *)fd->type)->next->ty == Terror) return; if (global.errors) return; if (!fd->fbody) return; UnitTestDeclaration *ud = fd->isUnitTestDeclaration(); if (ud && !global.params.useUnitTests) return; if (multiobj && !fd->isStaticDtorDeclaration() && !fd->isStaticCtorDeclaration()) { obj_append(fd); return; } if (fd->semanticRun == PASSsemanticdone) { /* What happened is this function failed semantic3() with errors, * but the errors were gagged. * Try to reproduce those errors, and then fail. */ fd->error("errors compiling the function"); return; } assert(fd->semanticRun == PASSsemantic3done); assert(fd->ident != Id::empty); for (FuncDeclaration *fd2 = fd; fd2; ) { if (fd2->inNonRoot()) return; if (fd2->isNested()) fd2 = fd2->toParent2()->isFuncDeclaration(); else break; } FuncDeclaration *fdp = fd->toParent2()->isFuncDeclaration(); if (fd->isNested()) { if (fdp && fdp->semanticRun < PASSobj) { if (fdp->semantic3Errors) return; /* Can't do unittest's out of order, they are order dependent in that their * execution is done in lexical order. */ if (UnitTestDeclaration *udp = fdp->isUnitTestDeclaration()) { udp->deferredNested.push(fd); return; } } } if (fd->isArrayOp && isDruntimeArrayOp(fd->ident)) { // Implementation is in druntime return; } // start code generation fd->semanticRun = PASSobj; if (global.params.verbose) fprintf(global.stdmsg, "function %s\n", fd->toPrettyChars()); Symbol *s = toSymbol(fd); func_t *f = s->Sfunc; // tunnel type of "this" to debug info generation if (AggregateDeclaration* ad = fd->parent->isAggregateDeclaration()) { ::type* t = Type_toCtype(ad->getType()); if (cd) t = t->Tnext; // skip reference f->Fclass = (Classsym *)t; } #if TARGET_WINDOS /* This is done so that the 'this' pointer on the stack is the same * distance away from the function parameters, so that an overriding * function can call the nested fdensure or fdrequire of its overridden function * and the stack offsets are the same. */ if (fd->isVirtual() && (fd->fensure || fd->frequire)) f->Fflags3 |= Ffakeeh; #endif #if TARGET_OSX s->Sclass = SCcomdat; #else s->Sclass = SCglobal; #endif for (Dsymbol *p = fd->parent; p; p = p->parent) { if (p->isTemplateInstance()) { s->Sclass = SCcomdat; break; } } /* Vector operations should be comdat's */ if (fd->isArrayOp) s->Sclass = SCcomdat; if (fd->isNested()) { //if (!(config.flags3 & CFG3pic)) // s->Sclass = SCstatic; f->Fflags3 |= Fnested; /* The enclosing function must have its code generated first, * in order to calculate correct frame pointer offset. */ if (fdp && fdp->semanticRun < PASSobj) { toObjFile(fdp, multiobj); } } else { const char *libname = (global.params.symdebug) ? global.params.debuglibname : global.params.defaultlibname; // Pull in RTL startup code (but only once) if (fd->isMain() && onlyOneMain(fd->loc)) { #if TARGET_LINUX || TARGET_OSX || TARGET_FREEBSD || TARGET_OPENBSD || TARGET_SOLARIS objmod->external_def("_main"); objmod->ehsections(); // initialize exception handling sections #endif #if TARGET_WINDOS if (global.params.mscoff) { objmod->external_def("main"); objmod->ehsections(); // initialize exception handling sections } else { objmod->external_def("_main"); objmod->external_def("__acrtused_con"); } #endif objmod->includelib(libname); s->Sclass = SCglobal; } else if (strcmp(s->Sident, "main") == 0 && fd->linkage == LINKc) { #if TARGET_WINDOS if (global.params.mscoff) { objmod->includelib("LIBCMT"); objmod->includelib("OLDNAMES"); } else { objmod->external_def("__acrtused_con"); // bring in C startup code objmod->includelib("snn.lib"); // bring in C runtime library } #endif s->Sclass = SCglobal; } #if TARGET_WINDOS else if (fd->isWinMain() && onlyOneMain(fd->loc)) { if (global.params.mscoff) { objmod->includelib("uuid"); objmod->includelib("LIBCMT"); objmod->includelib("OLDNAMES"); objmod->ehsections(); // initialize exception handling sections } else { objmod->external_def("__acrtused"); } objmod->includelib(libname); s->Sclass = SCglobal; } // Pull in RTL startup code else if (fd->isDllMain() && onlyOneMain(fd->loc)) { if (global.params.mscoff) { objmod->includelib("uuid"); objmod->includelib("LIBCMT"); objmod->includelib("OLDNAMES"); objmod->ehsections(); // initialize exception handling sections } else { objmod->external_def("__acrtused_dll"); } objmod->includelib(libname); s->Sclass = SCglobal; } #endif } symtab_t *symtabsave = cstate.CSpsymtab; cstate.CSpsymtab = &f->Flocsym; // Find module m for this function Module *m = NULL; for (Dsymbol *p = fd->parent; p; p = p->parent) { m = p->isModule(); if (m) break; } IRState irs(m, fd); Dsymbols deferToObj; // write these to OBJ file later irs.deferToObj = &deferToObj; symbol *shidden = NULL; Symbol *sthis = NULL; tym_t tyf = tybasic(s->Stype->Tty); //printf("linkage = %d, tyf = x%x\n", linkage, tyf); int reverse = tyrevfunc(s->Stype->Tty); assert(fd->type->ty == Tfunction); TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)fd->type; RET retmethod = retStyle(tf); if (retmethod == RETstack) { // If function returns a struct, put a pointer to that // as the first argument ::type *thidden = Type_toCtype(tf->next->pointerTo()); char hiddenparam[5+4+1]; static int hiddenparami; // how many we've generated so far sprintf(hiddenparam,"__HID%d",++hiddenparami); shidden = symbol_name(hiddenparam,SCparameter,thidden); shidden->Sflags |= SFLtrue | SFLfree; if (fd->nrvo_can && fd->nrvo_var && fd->nrvo_var->nestedrefs.dim) type_setcv(&shidden->Stype, shidden->Stype->Tty | mTYvolatile); irs.shidden = shidden; fd->shidden = shidden; } else { // Register return style cannot make nrvo. // Auto functions keep the nrvo_can flag up to here, // so we should eliminate it before entering backend. fd->nrvo_can = 0; } if (fd->vthis) { assert(!fd->vthis->csym); sthis = toSymbol(fd->vthis); irs.sthis = sthis; if (!(f->Fflags3 & Fnested)) f->Fflags3 |= Fmember; } // Estimate number of parameters, pi size_t pi = (fd->v_arguments != NULL); if (fd->parameters) pi += fd->parameters->dim; // Create a temporary buffer, params[], to hold function parameters Symbol *paramsbuf[10]; Symbol **params = paramsbuf; // allocate on stack if possible if (pi + 2 > 10) // allow extra 2 for sthis and shidden { params = (Symbol **)malloc((pi + 2) * sizeof(Symbol *)); assert(params); } // Get the actual number of parameters, pi, and fill in the params[] pi = 0; if (fd->v_arguments) { params[pi] = toSymbol(fd->v_arguments); pi += 1; } if (fd->parameters) { for (size_t i = 0; i < fd->parameters->dim; i++) { VarDeclaration *v = (*fd->parameters)[i]; //printf("param[%d] = %p, %s\n", i, v, v->toChars()); assert(!v->csym); params[pi + i] = toSymbol(v); } pi += fd->parameters->dim; } if (reverse) { // Reverse params[] entries for (size_t i = 0; i < pi/2; i++) { Symbol *sptmp = params[i]; params[i] = params[pi - 1 - i]; params[pi - 1 - i] = sptmp; } } if (shidden) { #if 0 // shidden becomes last parameter params[pi] = shidden; #else // shidden becomes first parameter memmove(params + 1, params, pi * sizeof(params[0])); params[0] = shidden; #endif pi++; } if (sthis) { #if 0 // sthis becomes last parameter params[pi] = sthis; #else // sthis becomes first parameter memmove(params + 1, params, pi * sizeof(params[0])); params[0] = sthis; #endif pi++; } if ((global.params.isLinux || global.params.isOSX || global.params.isFreeBSD || global.params.isSolaris) && fd->linkage != LINKd && shidden && sthis) { /* swap shidden and sthis */ Symbol *sp = params[0]; params[0] = params[1]; params[1] = sp; } for (size_t i = 0; i < pi; i++) { Symbol *sp = params[i]; sp->Sclass = SCparameter; sp->Sflags &= ~SFLspill; sp->Sfl = FLpara; symbol_add(sp); } // Determine register assignments if (pi) { FuncParamRegs fpr(tyf); for (size_t i = 0; i < pi; i++) { Symbol *sp = params[i]; if (fpr.alloc(sp->Stype, sp->Stype->Tty, &sp->Spreg, &sp->Spreg2)) { sp->Sclass = (config.exe == EX_WIN64) ? SCshadowreg : SCfastpar; sp->Sfl = (sp->Sclass == SCshadowreg) ? FLpara : FLfast; } } } // Done with params if (params != paramsbuf) free(params); params = NULL; if (fd->fbody) { localgot = NULL; Statement *sbody = fd->fbody; Blockx bx; memset(&bx,0,sizeof(bx)); bx.startblock = block_calloc(); bx.curblock = bx.startblock; bx.funcsym = s; bx.scope_index = -1; bx.classdec = cd; bx.member = fd; bx.module = fd->getModule(); irs.blx = &bx; /* Doing this in semantic3() caused all kinds of problems: * 1. couldn't reliably get the final mangling of the function name due to fwd refs * 2. impact on function inlining * 3. what to do when writing out .di files, or other pretty printing */ if (global.params.trace && !fd->isCMain()) { /* The profiler requires TLS, and TLS may not be set up yet when C main() * gets control (i.e. OSX), leading to a crash. */ /* Wrap the entire function body in: * trace_pro("funcname"); * try * body; * finally * _c_trace_epi(); */ StringExp *se = StringExp::create(Loc(), s->Sident); se->type = Type::tstring; se->type = se->type->semantic(Loc(), NULL); Expressions *exps = Expressions_create(); exps->push(se); FuncDeclaration *fdpro = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(NULL, Type::tvoid, "trace_pro"); Expression *ec = VarExp::create(Loc(), fdpro); Expression *e = CallExp::create(Loc(), ec, exps); e->type = Type::tvoid; Statement *sp = ExpStatement::create(fd->loc, e); FuncDeclaration *fdepi = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(NULL, Type::tvoid, "_c_trace_epi"); ec = VarExp::create(Loc(), fdepi); e = CallExp::create(Loc(), ec); e->type = Type::tvoid; Statement *sf = ExpStatement::create(fd->loc, e); Statement *stf; if (sbody->blockExit(fd, false) == BEfallthru) stf = CompoundStatement::create(Loc(), sbody, sf); else stf = TryFinallyStatement::create(Loc(), sbody, sf); sbody = CompoundStatement::create(Loc(), sp, stf); } buildClosure(fd, &irs); #if TARGET_WINDOS if (fd->isSynchronized() && cd && config.flags2 & CFG2seh && !fd->isStatic() && !sbody->usesEH() && !global.params.trace) { /* The "jmonitor" hack uses an optimized exception handling frame * which is a little shorter than the more general EH frame. */ s->Sfunc->Fflags3 |= Fjmonitor; } #endif Statement_toIR(sbody, &irs); bx.curblock->BC = BCret; f->Fstartblock = bx.startblock; // einit = el_combine(einit,bx.init); if (fd->isCtorDeclaration()) { assert(sthis); for (block *b = f->Fstartblock; b; b = b->Bnext) { if (b->BC == BCret) { b->BC = BCretexp; b->Belem = el_combine(b->Belem, el_var(sthis)); } } } } // If static constructor if (fd->isSharedStaticCtorDeclaration()) // must come first because it derives from StaticCtorDeclaration { ssharedctors.push(s); } else if (fd->isStaticCtorDeclaration()) { sctors.push(s); } // If static destructor if (fd->isSharedStaticDtorDeclaration()) // must come first because it derives from StaticDtorDeclaration { SharedStaticDtorDeclaration *f = fd->isSharedStaticDtorDeclaration(); assert(f); if (f->vgate) { /* Increment destructor's vgate at construction time */ esharedctorgates.push(f); } sshareddtors.shift(s); } else if (fd->isStaticDtorDeclaration()) { StaticDtorDeclaration *f = fd->isStaticDtorDeclaration(); assert(f); if (f->vgate) { /* Increment destructor's vgate at construction time */ ectorgates.push(f); } sdtors.shift(s); } // If unit test if (ud) { stests.push(s); } if (global.errors) { // Restore symbol table cstate.CSpsymtab = symtabsave; return; } writefunc(s); // Restore symbol table cstate.CSpsymtab = symtabsave; if (fd->isExport()) objmod->export_symbol(s, Para.offset); for (size_t i = 0; i < irs.deferToObj->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*irs.deferToObj)[i]; toObjFile(s, false); } if (ud) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ud->deferredNested.dim; i++) { FuncDeclaration *fd = ud->deferredNested[i]; toObjFile(fd, false); } } #if TARGET_LINUX || TARGET_OSX || TARGET_FREEBSD || TARGET_OPENBSD || TARGET_SOLARIS // A hack to get a pointer to this function put in the .dtors segment if (fd->ident && memcmp(fd->ident->toChars(), "_STD", 4) == 0) objmod->staticdtor(s); #endif if (irs.startaddress) { //printf("Setting start address\n"); objmod->startaddress(irs.startaddress); } }
Expression *ArrayInitializer::toExpression() { Expressions *elements; //printf("ArrayInitializer::toExpression(), dim = %d\n", dim); //static int i; if (++i == 2) halt(); size_t edim; Type *t = NULL; if (type) { if (type == Type::terror) return new ErrorExp(); t = type->toBasetype(); switch (t->ty) { case Tsarray: edim = ((TypeSArray *)t)->dim->toInteger(); break; case Tpointer: case Tarray: edim = dim; break; default: assert(0); } } else { edim = value.dim; for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < value.dim; i++, j++) { if (index[i]) j = index[i]->toInteger(); if (j >= edim) edim = j + 1; } } elements = new Expressions(); elements->setDim(edim); elements->zero(); for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < value.dim; i++, j++) { if (index[i]) j = (index[i])->toInteger(); assert(j < edim); Initializer *iz = value[i]; if (!iz) goto Lno; Expression *ex = iz->toExpression(); if (!ex) { goto Lno; } (*elements)[j] = ex; } /* Fill in any missing elements with the default initializer */ { Expression *init = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < edim; i++) { if (!(*elements)[i]) { if (!type) goto Lno; if (!init) init = ((TypeNext *)t)->next->defaultInit(); (*elements)[i] = init; } } Expression *e = new ArrayLiteralExp(loc, elements); e->type = type; return e; } Lno: return NULL; }
/*************************************** * This works by transforming a struct initializer into * a struct literal. In the future, the two should be the * same thing. */ Expression *StructInitializer::toExpression() { Expression *e; size_t offset; //printf("StructInitializer::toExpression() %s\n", toChars()); if (!ad) // if fwd referenced return NULL; StructDeclaration *sd = ad->isStructDeclaration(); if (!sd) return NULL; Expressions *elements = new Expressions(); size_t nfields = ad->fields.dim; #if DMDV2 if (sd->isnested) nfields--; #endif elements->setDim(nfields); for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; i++) { (*elements)[i] = NULL; } unsigned fieldi = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < value.dim; i++) { Identifier *id = field[i]; if (id) { Dsymbol * s = ad->search(loc, id, 0); if (!s) { error(loc, "'%s' is not a member of '%s'", id->toChars(), sd->toChars()); goto Lno; } s = s->toAlias(); // Find out which field index it is for (fieldi = 0; 1; fieldi++) { if (fieldi >= nfields) { s->error("is not a per-instance initializable field"); goto Lno; } if (s == ad->fields[fieldi]) break; } } else if (fieldi >= nfields) { error(loc, "too many initializers for '%s'", ad->toChars()); goto Lno; } Initializer *iz = value[i]; if (!iz) goto Lno; Expression *ex = iz->toExpression(); if (!ex) goto Lno; if ((*elements)[fieldi]) { error(loc, "duplicate initializer for field '%s'", ad->fields[fieldi]->toChars()); goto Lno; } (*elements)[fieldi] = ex; ++fieldi; } // Now, fill in any missing elements with default initializers. // We also need to validate any anonymous unions offset = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < elements->dim; ) { VarDeclaration * vd = ad->fields[i]->isVarDeclaration(); //printf("test2 [%d] : %s %d %d\n", i, vd->toChars(), (int)offset, (int)vd->offset); if (vd->offset < offset) { // Only the first field of a union can have an initializer if ((*elements)[i]) goto Lno; } else { if (!(*elements)[i]) // Default initialize (*elements)[i] = vd->type->defaultInit(); } offset = vd->offset + vd->type->size(); i++; #if 0 int unionSize = ad->numFieldsInUnion(i); if (unionSize == 1) { // Not a union -- default initialize if missing if (!(*elements)[i]) (*elements)[i] = vd->type->defaultInit(); } else { // anonymous union -- check for errors int found = -1; // index of the first field with an initializer for (size_t j = i; j < i + unionSize; ++j) { if (!(*elements)[j]) continue; if (found >= 0) { VarDeclaration * v1 = ((Dsymbol *)ad->[found])->isVarDeclaration(); VarDeclaration * v = ((Dsymbol *)ad->[j])->isVarDeclaration(); error(loc, "%s cannot have initializers for fields %s and %s in same union", ad->toChars(), v1->toChars(), v->toChars()); goto Lno; } found = j; } if (found == -1) { error(loc, "no initializer for union that contains field %s", vd->toChars()); goto Lno; } } i += unionSize; #endif } e = new StructLiteralExp(loc, sd, elements); e->type = sd->type; return e; Lno: delete elements; return NULL; }
void visit(SliceExp *e) { buf->writestring("Slice"); arguments->shift(e); }
void visit(ArrayLiteralExp *e) { buf->writestring("Slice"); arguments->shift(e); }
void visit(Expression *e) { buf->writestring("Exp"); arguments->shift(e); }
/********************************* * Operator overloading for op= */ Expression *BinAssignExp::op_overload(Scope *sc) { //printf("BinAssignExp::op_overload() (%s)\n", toChars()); #if DMDV2 if (e1->op == TOKarray) { ArrayExp *ae = (ArrayExp *)e1; ae->e1 = ae->e1->semantic(sc); ae->e1 = resolveProperties(sc, ae->e1); AggregateDeclaration *ad = isAggregate(ae->e1->type); if (ad) { /* Rewrite a[args]+=e2 as: * a.opIndexOpAssign!("+")(e2, args); */ Dsymbol *fd = search_function(ad, Id::opIndexOpAssign); if (fd) { Expressions *a = new Expressions(); a->push(e2); for (size_t i = 0; i < ae->arguments->dim; i++) a->push(ae->arguments->tdata()[i]); Objects *targsi = opToArg(sc, op); Expression *e = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, ae->e1, fd->ident, targsi); e = new CallExp(loc, e, a); e = e->semantic(sc); return e; } // Didn't find it. Forward to aliasthis if (ad->aliasthis) { /* Rewrite a[arguments] op= e2 as: * a.aliasthis[arguments] op= e2 */ Expression *e1 = ae->copy(); ((ArrayExp *)e1)->e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, ae->e1, ad->aliasthis->ident); Expression *e = copy(); ((UnaExp *)e)->e1 = e1; e = e->trySemantic(sc); return e; } } } else if (e1->op == TOKslice) { SliceExp *se = (SliceExp *)e1; se->e1 = se->e1->semantic(sc); se->e1 = resolveProperties(sc, se->e1); AggregateDeclaration *ad = isAggregate(se->e1->type); if (ad) { /* Rewrite a[lwr..upr]+=e2 as: * a.opSliceOpAssign!("+")(e2, lwr, upr); */ Dsymbol *fd = search_function(ad, Id::opSliceOpAssign); if (fd) { Expressions *a = new Expressions(); a->push(e2); if (se->lwr) { a->push(se->lwr); a->push(se->upr); } Objects *targsi = opToArg(sc, op); Expression *e = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, se->e1, fd->ident, targsi); e = new CallExp(loc, e, a); e = e->semantic(sc); return e; } // Didn't find it. Forward to aliasthis if (ad->aliasthis) { /* Rewrite a[lwr..upr] op= e2 as: * a.aliasthis[lwr..upr] op= e2 */ Expression *e1 = se->copy(); ((SliceExp *)e1)->e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, se->e1, ad->aliasthis->ident); Expression *e = copy(); ((UnaExp *)e)->e1 = e1; e = e->trySemantic(sc); return e; } } } #endif BinExp::semantic(sc); e1 = resolveProperties(sc, e1); e2 = resolveProperties(sc, e2); Identifier *id = opId(); Expressions args2; AggregateDeclaration *ad1 = isAggregate(e1->type); Dsymbol *s = NULL; #if 1 // the old D1 scheme if (ad1 && id) { s = search_function(ad1, id); } #endif Objects *targsi = NULL; #if DMDV2 if (!s) { /* Try the new D2 scheme, opOpAssign */ if (ad1) s = search_function(ad1, Id::opOpAssign); // Set targsi, the template argument list, which will be the operator string if (s) { id = Id::opOpAssign; targsi = opToArg(sc, op); } } #endif if (s) { /* Try: * a.opOpAssign(b) */ args2.setDim(1); args2.tdata()[0] = e2; Match m; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.last = MATCHnomatch; if (s) { FuncDeclaration *fd = s->isFuncDeclaration(); if (fd) { overloadResolveX(&m, fd, NULL, &args2, sc->module); } else { TemplateDeclaration *td = s->isTemplateDeclaration(); templateResolve(&m, td, sc, loc, targsi, e1, &args2); } } if (m.count > 1) { // Error, ambiguous error("overloads %s and %s both match argument list for %s", m.lastf->type->toChars(), m.nextf->type->toChars(), m.lastf->toChars()); } else if (m.last == MATCHnomatch) { m.lastf = m.anyf; if (targsi) goto L1; } // Rewrite (e1 op e2) as e1.opOpAssign(e2) return build_overload(loc, sc, e1, e2, m.lastf ? m.lastf : s); } L1: #if DMDV2 // Try alias this on first operand if (ad1 && ad1->aliasthis) { /* Rewrite (e1 op e2) as: * (e1.aliasthis op e2) */ Expression *e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, this->e1, ad1->aliasthis->ident); Expression *e = copy(); ((BinExp *)e)->e1 = e1; e = e->trySemantic(sc); return e; } // Try alias this on second operand AggregateDeclaration *ad2 = isAggregate(e2->type); if (ad2 && ad2->aliasthis) { /* Rewrite (e1 op e2) as: * (e1 op e2.aliasthis) */ Expression *e2 = new DotIdExp(loc, this->e2, ad2->aliasthis->ident); Expression *e = copy(); ((BinExp *)e)->e2 = e2; e = e->trySemantic(sc); return e; } #endif return NULL; }
FuncDeclaration *StructDeclaration::buildOpEquals(Scope *sc) { Dsymbol *eq = search_function(this, Id::eq); if (eq) { /* check identity opEquals exists */ Type *tthis = type->constOf(); Expression *er = new NullExp(loc, tthis); // dummy rvalue Expression *el = new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::p); // dummy lvalue el->type = tthis; Expressions ar; ar.push(er); Expressions al; al.push(el); FuncDeclaration *f = NULL; unsigned errors = global.startGagging(); // Do not report errors, even if the unsigned oldspec = global.speculativeGag; // template opAssign fbody makes it. global.speculativeGag = global.gag; sc = sc->push(); sc->speculative = true; f = resolveFuncCall(loc, sc, eq, NULL, er, &ar, 1); if (!f) f = resolveFuncCall(loc, sc, eq, NULL, er, &al, 1); sc = sc->pop(); global.speculativeGag = oldspec; global.endGagging(errors); if (f) return (f->storage_class & STCdisable) ? NULL : f; return NULL; } if (!needOpEquals()) return NULL; //printf("StructDeclaration::buildOpEquals() %s\n", toChars()); Parameters *parameters = new Parameters; parameters->push(new Parameter(STCin, type, Id::p, NULL)); TypeFunction *tf = new TypeFunction(parameters, Type::tbool, 0, LINKd); tf->mod = MODconst; tf = (TypeFunction *)tf->semantic(loc, sc); FuncDeclaration *fop = new FuncDeclaration(loc, 0, Id::eq, STCundefined, tf); Expression *e = NULL; /* Do memberwise compare */ //printf("\tmemberwise compare\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = fields[i]; VarDeclaration *v = s->isVarDeclaration(); assert(v && v->isField()); if (v->storage_class & STCref) assert(0); // what should we do with this? // this.v == s.v; EqualExp *ec = new EqualExp(TOKequal, loc, new DotVarExp(loc, new ThisExp(loc), v, 0), new DotVarExp(loc, new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::p), v, 0)); if (e) e = new AndAndExp(loc, e, ec); else e = ec; } if (!e) e = new IntegerExp(loc, 1, Type::tbool); fop->fbody = new ReturnStatement(loc, e); members->push(fop); fop->addMember(sc, this, 1); sc = sc->push(); sc->stc = 0; sc->linkage = LINKd; fop->semantic(sc); sc->pop(); //printf("-StructDeclaration::buildOpEquals() %s\n", toChars()); return fop; }
void StructDeclaration::semantic(Scope *sc) { Scope *sc2; //printf("+StructDeclaration::semantic(this=%p, %s '%s', sizeok = %d)\n", this, parent->toChars(), toChars(), sizeok); //static int count; if (++count == 20) halt(); assert(type); if (!members) // if opaque declaration { return; } if (symtab) { if (sizeok == SIZEOKdone || !scope) { //printf("already completed\n"); scope = NULL; return; // semantic() already completed } } else symtab = new DsymbolTable(); Scope *scx = NULL; if (scope) { sc = scope; scx = scope; // save so we don't make redundant copies scope = NULL; } int errors = global.errors; unsigned dprogress_save = Module::dprogress; parent = sc->parent; type = type->semantic(loc, sc); handle = type; protection = sc->protection; alignment = sc->structalign; storage_class |= sc->stc; if (sc->stc & STCdeprecated) isdeprecated = true; assert(!isAnonymous()); if (sc->stc & STCabstract) error("structs, unions cannot be abstract"); userAttributes = sc->userAttributes; if (sizeok == SIZEOKnone) // if not already done the addMember step { for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i]; //printf("adding member '%s' to '%s'\n", s->toChars(), this->toChars()); s->addMember(sc, this, 1); } } sizeok = SIZEOKnone; sc2 = sc->push(this); sc2->stc &= STCsafe | STCtrusted | STCsystem; sc2->parent = this; if (isUnionDeclaration()) sc2->inunion = 1; sc2->protection = PROTpublic; sc2->explicitProtection = 0; sc2->structalign = STRUCTALIGN_DEFAULT; sc2->userAttributes = NULL; /* Set scope so if there are forward references, we still might be able to * resolve individual members like enums. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i]; /* There are problems doing this in the general case because * Scope keeps track of things like 'offset' */ //if (s->isEnumDeclaration() || (s->isAggregateDeclaration() && s->ident)) { //printf("struct: setScope %s %s\n", s->kind(), s->toChars()); s->setScope(sc2); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i]; /* If this is the last member, see if we can finish setting the size. * This could be much better - finish setting the size after the last * field was processed. The problem is the chicken-and-egg determination * of when that is. See Bugzilla 7426 for more info. */ if (i + 1 == members->dim) { if (sizeok == SIZEOKnone && s->isAliasDeclaration()) finalizeSize(sc2); } // Ungag errors when not speculative unsigned oldgag = global.gag; if (global.isSpeculativeGagging() && !isSpeculative()) { global.gag = 0; } s->semantic(sc2); global.gag = oldgag; } finalizeSize(sc2); if (sizeok == SIZEOKfwd) { // semantic() failed because of forward references. // Unwind what we did, and defer it for later for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = fields[i]; VarDeclaration *vd = s->isVarDeclaration(); if (vd) vd->offset = 0; } fields.setDim(0); structsize = 0; alignsize = 0; // structalign = 0; scope = scx ? scx : new Scope(*sc); scope->setNoFree(); scope->module->addDeferredSemantic(this); Module::dprogress = dprogress_save; //printf("\tdeferring %s\n", toChars()); return; } Module::dprogress++; //printf("-StructDeclaration::semantic(this=%p, '%s')\n", this, toChars()); // Determine if struct is all zeros or not zeroInit = 1; for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = fields[i]; VarDeclaration *vd = s->isVarDeclaration(); if (vd && !vd->isDataseg()) { if (vd->init) { // Should examine init to see if it is really all 0's zeroInit = 0; break; } else { if (!vd->type->isZeroInit(loc)) { zeroInit = 0; break; } } } } #if DMDV1 /* This doesn't work for DMDV2 because (ref S) and (S) parameter * lists will overload the same. */ /* The TypeInfo_Struct is expecting an opEquals and opCmp with * a parameter that is a pointer to the struct. But if there * isn't one, but is an opEquals or opCmp with a value, write * another that is a shell around the value: * int opCmp(struct *p) { return opCmp(*p); } */ TypeFunction *tfeqptr; { Parameters *arguments = new Parameters; Parameter *arg = new Parameter(STCin, handle, Id::p, NULL); arguments->push(arg); tfeqptr = new TypeFunction(arguments, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd); tfeqptr = (TypeFunction *)tfeqptr->semantic(Loc(), sc); } TypeFunction *tfeq; { Parameters *arguments = new Parameters; Parameter *arg = new Parameter(STCin, type, NULL, NULL); arguments->push(arg); tfeq = new TypeFunction(arguments, Type::tint32, 0, LINKd); tfeq = (TypeFunction *)tfeq->semantic(Loc(), sc); } Identifier *id = Id::eq; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Dsymbol *s = search_function(this, id); FuncDeclaration *fdx = s ? s->isFuncDeclaration() : NULL; if (fdx) { FuncDeclaration *fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tfeqptr); if (!fd) { fd = fdx->overloadExactMatch(tfeq); if (fd) { // Create the thunk, fdptr FuncDeclaration *fdptr = new FuncDeclaration(loc, loc, fdx->ident, STCundefined, tfeqptr); Expression *e = new IdentifierExp(loc, Id::p); e = new PtrExp(loc, e); Expressions *args = new Expressions(); args->push(e); e = new IdentifierExp(loc, id); e = new CallExp(loc, e, args); fdptr->fbody = new ReturnStatement(loc, e); ScopeDsymbol *s = fdx->parent->isScopeDsymbol(); assert(s); s->members->push(fdptr); fdptr->addMember(sc, s, 1); fdptr->semantic(sc2); } } } id = Id::cmp; } #endif #if DMDV2 dtor = buildDtor(sc2); postblit = buildPostBlit(sc2); cpctor = buildCpCtor(sc2); buildOpAssign(sc2); buildOpEquals(sc2); #endif inv = buildInv(sc2); sc2->pop(); /* Look for special member functions. */ #if DMDV2 ctor = search(Loc(), Id::ctor, 0); #endif aggNew = (NewDeclaration *)search(Loc(), Id::classNew, 0); aggDelete = (DeleteDeclaration *)search(Loc(), Id::classDelete, 0); TypeTuple *tup = type->toArgTypes(); size_t dim = tup->arguments->dim; if (dim >= 1) { assert(dim <= 2); arg1type = (*tup->arguments)[0]->type; if (dim == 2) arg2type = (*tup->arguments)[1]->type; } if (sc->func) { semantic2(sc); semantic3(sc); } if (global.errors != errors) { // The type is no good. type = Type::terror; } if (deferred && !global.gag) { deferred->semantic2(sc); deferred->semantic3(sc); } #if 0 if (type->ty == Tstruct && ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym != this) { printf("this = %p %s\n", this, this->toChars()); printf("type = %d sym = %p\n", type->ty, ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym); } #endif assert(type->ty != Tstruct || ((TypeStruct *)type)->sym == this); }
Expression *UnaExp::op_overload(Scope *sc) { //printf("UnaExp::op_overload() (%s)\n", toChars()); #if DMDV2 if (e1->op == TOKarray) { ArrayExp *ae = (ArrayExp *)e1; ae->e1 = ae->e1->semantic(sc); ae->e1 = resolveProperties(sc, ae->e1); AggregateDeclaration *ad = isAggregate(ae->e1->type); if (ad) { /* Rewrite as: * a.opIndexUnary!("+")(args); */ Dsymbol *fd = search_function(ad, Id::opIndexUnary); if (fd) { Objects *targsi = opToArg(sc, op); Expression *e = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, ae->e1, fd->ident, targsi); e = new CallExp(loc, e, ae->arguments); e = e->semantic(sc); return e; } // Didn't find it. Forward to aliasthis if (ad->aliasthis) { /* Rewrite op(a[arguments]) as: * op(a.aliasthis[arguments]) */ Expression *e1 = ae->copy(); ((ArrayExp *)e1)->e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, ae->e1, ad->aliasthis->ident); Expression *e = copy(); ((UnaExp *)e)->e1 = e1; e = e->trySemantic(sc); return e; } } } else if (e1->op == TOKslice) { SliceExp *se = (SliceExp *)e1; se->e1 = se->e1->semantic(sc); se->e1 = resolveProperties(sc, se->e1); AggregateDeclaration *ad = isAggregate(se->e1->type); if (ad) { /* Rewrite as: * a.opSliceUnary!("+")(lwr, upr); */ Dsymbol *fd = search_function(ad, Id::opSliceUnary); if (fd) { Expressions *a = new Expressions(); if (se->lwr) { a->push(se->lwr); a->push(se->upr); } Objects *targsi = opToArg(sc, op); Expression *e = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, se->e1, fd->ident, targsi); e = new CallExp(loc, e, a); e = e->semantic(sc); return e; } // Didn't find it. Forward to aliasthis if (ad->aliasthis) { /* Rewrite op(a[lwr..upr]) as: * op(a.aliasthis[lwr..upr]) */ Expression *e1 = se->copy(); ((SliceExp *)e1)->e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, se->e1, ad->aliasthis->ident); Expression *e = copy(); ((UnaExp *)e)->e1 = e1; e = e->trySemantic(sc); return e; } } } #endif e1 = e1->semantic(sc); e1 = resolveProperties(sc, e1); AggregateDeclaration *ad = isAggregate(e1->type); if (ad) { Dsymbol *fd = NULL; #if 1 // Old way, kept for compatibility with D1 if (op != TOKpreplusplus && op != TOKpreminusminus) { fd = search_function(ad, opId()); if (fd) { if (op == TOKarray) { /* Rewrite op e1[arguments] as: * e1.fd(arguments) */ Expression *e = new DotIdExp(loc, e1, fd->ident); ArrayExp *ae = (ArrayExp *)this; e = new CallExp(loc, e, ae->arguments); e = e->semantic(sc); return e; } else { // Rewrite +e1 as e1.add() return build_overload(loc, sc, e1, NULL, fd); } } } #endif #if DMDV2 /* Rewrite as: * e1.opUnary!("+")(); */ fd = search_function(ad, Id::opUnary); if (fd) { Objects *targsi = opToArg(sc, op); Expression *e = new DotTemplateInstanceExp(loc, e1, fd->ident, targsi); e = new CallExp(loc, e); e = e->semantic(sc); return e; } // Didn't find it. Forward to aliasthis if (ad->aliasthis) { /* Rewrite op(e1) as: * op(e1.aliasthis) */ Expression *e1 = new DotIdExp(loc, this->e1, ad->aliasthis->ident); Expression *e = copy(); ((UnaExp *)e)->e1 = e1; e = e->trySemantic(sc); return e; } #endif } return NULL; }