void FAnimationRuntime::CreateMaskWeights(TArray<FPerBoneBlendWeight> & BoneBlendWeights, const TArray<FInputBlendPose>	&BlendFilters, const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones, const USkeleton* Skeleton)
	if ( Skeleton )
		const TArray<FBoneIndexType> & RequiredBoneIndices = RequiredBones.GetBoneIndicesArray();

		// base mask bone
		for (int32 PoseIndex=0; PoseIndex<BlendFilters.Num(); ++PoseIndex)
			const FInputBlendPose& BlendPose = BlendFilters[PoseIndex];

			for (int32 BranchIndex=0; BranchIndex<BlendPose.BranchFilters.Num(); ++BranchIndex)
				const FBranchFilter& BranchFilter = BlendPose.BranchFilters[BranchIndex];
				int32 MaskBoneIndex = RequiredBones.GetPoseBoneIndexForBoneName(BranchFilter.BoneName);

				// how much weight increase Per depth
				float MaxWeight = (BranchFilter.BlendDepth > 0) ? 1.f : -1.f;
				float IncreaseWeightPerDepth = (BranchFilter.BlendDepth != 0) ? (1.f/((float)BranchFilter.BlendDepth)) : 1.f;
				// go through skeleton tree requiredboneindices
				for (int32 BoneIndex = 0; BoneIndex<RequiredBoneIndices.Num(); ++BoneIndex)
					int32 MeshBoneIndex = RequiredBoneIndices[BoneIndex];
					int32 Depth = RequiredBones.GetDepthBetweenBones(MeshBoneIndex, MaskBoneIndex);

					// if Depth == -1, it's not a child
					if( Depth != -1 )
						// when you write to buffer, you'll need to match with BasePoses BoneIndex
						FPerBoneBlendWeight& BoneBlendWeight = BoneBlendWeights[BoneIndex];

						BoneBlendWeight.SourceIndex = PoseIndex;
						float BlendIncrease = IncreaseWeightPerDepth * (float)(Depth + 1);
						BoneBlendWeight.BlendWeight = FMath::Clamp<float>(BoneBlendWeight.BlendWeight + BlendIncrease, 0.f, 1.f);
bool FBoneReference::Initialize(const FBoneContainer& RequiredBones)
	BoneName = *BoneName.ToString().Trim().TrimTrailing();
	BoneIndex = RequiredBones.GetPoseBoneIndexForBoneName(BoneName);

	// If bone name is not found, look into the master skeleton to see if it's found there.
	// SkeletalMeshes can exclude bones from the master skeleton, and that's OK.
	// If it's not found in the master skeleton, the bone does not exist at all! so we should report it as a warning.
	if( (BoneIndex == INDEX_NONE) && RequiredBones.GetSkeletonAsset() )
		if( RequiredBones.GetSkeletonAsset()->GetReferenceSkeleton().FindBoneIndex(BoneName) == INDEX_NONE )
			UE_LOG(LogAnimation, Warning, TEXT("FBoneReference::Initialize BoneIndex for Bone '%s' does not exist in Skeleton '%s'"), 
				*BoneName.ToString(), *GetNameSafe(RequiredBones.GetSkeletonAsset()));

	return (BoneIndex != INDEX_NONE);
void FAnimNode_TwoBoneIK::EvaluateBoneTransforms(USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, const FBoneContainer & RequiredBones, FA2CSPose& MeshBases, TArray<FBoneTransform>& OutBoneTransforms)
	check(OutBoneTransforms.Num() == 0);

	// Get indices of the lower and upper limb bones and check validity.
	bool bInvalidLimb = false;

	const int32 EndBoneIndex = IKBone.BoneIndex;
	const int32 LowerLimbIndex = RequiredBones.GetParentBoneIndex(EndBoneIndex);
	if (LowerLimbIndex == INDEX_NONE)
		bInvalidLimb = true;

	const int32 UpperLimbIndex = RequiredBones.GetParentBoneIndex(LowerLimbIndex);
	if (UpperLimbIndex == INDEX_NONE)
		bInvalidLimb = true;

	const bool bInBoneSpace = (EffectorLocationSpace == BCS_ParentBoneSpace) || (EffectorLocationSpace == BCS_BoneSpace);
	const int32 EffectorSpaceBoneIndex = bInBoneSpace ? RequiredBones.GetPoseBoneIndexForBoneName(EffectorSpaceBoneName) : INDEX_NONE;

	if (bInBoneSpace && ((EffectorSpaceBoneIndex == INDEX_NONE) || !RequiredBones.Contains(EffectorSpaceBoneIndex)))
		bInvalidLimb = true;

	// If we walked past the root, this controlled is invalid, so return no affected bones.
	if( bInvalidLimb )

	// Get Local Space transforms for our bones. We do this first in case they already are local.
	// As right after we get them in component space. (And that does the auto conversion).
	// We might save one transform by doing local first...
	const FTransform EndBoneLocalTransform = MeshBases.GetLocalSpaceTransform(IKBone.BoneIndex);

	// Now get those in component space...
	FTransform UpperLimbCSTransform = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(UpperLimbIndex);
	FTransform LowerLimbCSTransform = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(LowerLimbIndex);
	FTransform EndBoneCSTransform = MeshBases.GetComponentSpaceTransform(IKBone.BoneIndex);

	// Get current position of root of limb.
	// All position are in Component space.
	const FVector RootPos = UpperLimbCSTransform.GetTranslation();
	const FVector InitialJointPos = LowerLimbCSTransform.GetTranslation();
	const FVector InitialEndPos = EndBoneCSTransform.GetTranslation();

	// Transform EffectorLocation from EffectorLocationSpace to ComponentSpace.
	FTransform EffectorTransform(EffectorLocation);
	FAnimationRuntime::ConvertBoneSpaceTransformToCS(SkelComp, MeshBases, EffectorTransform, EffectorSpaceBoneIndex, EffectorLocationSpace);

	// This is our reach goal.
	FVector DesiredPos = EffectorTransform.GetTranslation();
	FVector DesiredDelta = DesiredPos - RootPos;
	float DesiredLength = DesiredDelta.Size();

	// Check to handle case where DesiredPos is the same as RootPos.
	FVector	DesiredDir;
	if (DesiredLength < (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
		DesiredLength = (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER;
		DesiredDir = FVector(1,0,0);
		DesiredDir = DesiredDelta / DesiredLength;

	// Get joint target (used for defining plane that joint should be in).
	FTransform JointTargetTransform(JointTargetLocation);
	const int32 JointTargetSpaceBoneIndex = (JointTargetLocationSpace == BCS_ParentBoneSpace || JointTargetLocationSpace == BCS_BoneSpace) ? RequiredBones.GetPoseBoneIndexForBoneName(JointTargetSpaceBoneName) : INDEX_NONE;
	FAnimationRuntime::ConvertBoneSpaceTransformToCS(SkelComp, MeshBases, JointTargetTransform, JointTargetSpaceBoneIndex, JointTargetLocationSpace);

	FVector	JointTargetPos = JointTargetTransform.GetTranslation();
	FVector JointTargetDelta = JointTargetPos - RootPos;
	float JointTargetLength = JointTargetDelta.Size();

	// Same check as above, to cover case when JointTarget position is the same as RootPos.
	FVector JointPlaneNormal, JointBendDir;
	if (JointTargetLength < (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
		JointBendDir = FVector(0,1,0);
		JointPlaneNormal = FVector(0,0,1);
		JointPlaneNormal = DesiredDir ^ JointTargetDelta;

		// If we are trying to point the limb in the same direction that we are supposed to displace the joint in, 
		// we have to just pick 2 random vector perp to DesiredDir and each other.
		if (JointPlaneNormal.Size() < (float)KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
			DesiredDir.FindBestAxisVectors(JointPlaneNormal, JointBendDir);

			// Find the final member of the reference frame by removing any component of JointTargetDelta along DesiredDir.
			// This should never leave a zero vector, because we've checked DesiredDir and JointTargetDelta are not parallel.
			JointBendDir = JointTargetDelta - ((JointTargetDelta | DesiredDir) * DesiredDir);

	// Find lengths of upper and lower limb in the ref skeleton.
	// Use actual sizes instead of ref skeleton, so we take into account translation and scaling from other bone controllers.
	float LowerLimbLength = (InitialEndPos - InitialJointPos).Size();
	float UpperLimbLength = (InitialJointPos - RootPos).Size();
	float MaxLimbLength	= LowerLimbLength + UpperLimbLength;

	if (bAllowStretching)
		const float ScaleRange = StretchLimits.Y - StretchLimits.X;
		if( ScaleRange > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER && MaxLimbLength > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER )
			const float ReachRatio = DesiredLength / MaxLimbLength;
			const float ScalingFactor = (StretchLimits.Y - 1.f) * FMath::Clamp<float>((ReachRatio - StretchLimits.X) / ScaleRange, 0.f, 1.f);
			if (ScalingFactor > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
				LowerLimbLength *= (1.f + ScalingFactor);
				UpperLimbLength *= (1.f + ScalingFactor);
				MaxLimbLength	*= (1.f + ScalingFactor);

	FVector OutEndPos = DesiredPos;
	FVector OutJointPos = InitialJointPos;

	// If we are trying to reach a goal beyond the length of the limb, clamp it to something solvable and extend limb fully.
	if (DesiredLength > MaxLimbLength)
		OutEndPos = RootPos + (MaxLimbLength * DesiredDir);
		OutJointPos = RootPos + (UpperLimbLength * DesiredDir);
		// So we have a triangle we know the side lengths of. We can work out the angle between DesiredDir and the direction of the upper limb
		// using the sin rule:
		const float TwoAB = 2.f * UpperLimbLength * DesiredLength;

		const float CosAngle = (TwoAB != 0.f) ? ((UpperLimbLength*UpperLimbLength) + (DesiredLength*DesiredLength) - (LowerLimbLength*LowerLimbLength)) / TwoAB : 0.f;

		// If CosAngle is less than 0, the upper arm actually points the opposite way to DesiredDir, so we handle that.
		const bool bReverseUpperBone = (CosAngle < 0.f);

		// If CosAngle is greater than 1.f, the triangle could not be made - we cannot reach the target.
		// We just have the two limbs double back on themselves, and EndPos will not equal the desired EffectorLocation.
		if ((CosAngle > 1.f) || (CosAngle < -1.f))
			// Because we want the effector to be a positive distance down DesiredDir, we go back by the smaller section.
			if (UpperLimbLength > LowerLimbLength)
				OutJointPos = RootPos + (UpperLimbLength * DesiredDir);
				OutEndPos = OutJointPos - (LowerLimbLength * DesiredDir);
				OutJointPos = RootPos - (UpperLimbLength * DesiredDir);
				OutEndPos = OutJointPos + (LowerLimbLength * DesiredDir);
			// Angle between upper limb and DesiredDir
			const float Angle = FMath::Acos(CosAngle);

			// Now we calculate the distance of the joint from the root -> effector line.
			// This forms a right-angle triangle, with the upper limb as the hypotenuse.
			const float JointLineDist = UpperLimbLength * FMath::Sin(Angle);

			// And the final side of that triangle - distance along DesiredDir of perpendicular.
			// ProjJointDistSqr can't be neg, because JointLineDist must be <= UpperLimbLength because appSin(Angle) is <= 1.
			const float ProjJointDistSqr = (UpperLimbLength*UpperLimbLength) - (JointLineDist*JointLineDist);
			// although this shouldn't be ever negative, sometimes Xbox release produces -0.f, causing ProjJointDist to be NaN
			// so now I branch it. 						
			float ProjJointDist = (ProjJointDistSqr>0.f)? FMath::Sqrt(ProjJointDistSqr) : 0.f;
			if( bReverseUpperBone )
				ProjJointDist *= -1.f;

			// So now we can work out where to put the joint!
			OutJointPos = RootPos + (ProjJointDist * DesiredDir) + (JointLineDist * JointBendDir);

	// Update transform for upper bone.
		// Get difference in direction for old and new joint orientations
		FVector const OldDir = (InitialJointPos - RootPos).SafeNormal();
		FVector const NewDir = (OutJointPos - RootPos).SafeNormal();
		// Find Delta Rotation take takes us from Old to New dir
		FQuat const DeltaRotation = FQuat::FindBetween(OldDir, NewDir);
		// Rotate our Joint quaternion by this delta rotation
		UpperLimbCSTransform.SetRotation( DeltaRotation * UpperLimbCSTransform.GetRotation() );
		// And put joint where it should be.
		UpperLimbCSTransform.SetTranslation( RootPos );

		// Order important. First bone is upper limb.
		OutBoneTransforms.Add( FBoneTransform(UpperLimbIndex, UpperLimbCSTransform) );

	// Update transform for lower bone.
		// Get difference in direction for old and new joint orientations
		FVector const OldDir = (InitialEndPos - InitialJointPos).SafeNormal();
		FVector const NewDir = (OutEndPos - OutJointPos).SafeNormal();

		// Find Delta Rotation take takes us from Old to New dir
		FQuat const DeltaRotation = FQuat::FindBetween(OldDir, NewDir);
		// Rotate our Joint quaternion by this delta rotation
		LowerLimbCSTransform.SetRotation( DeltaRotation * LowerLimbCSTransform.GetRotation() );
		// And put joint where it should be.
		LowerLimbCSTransform.SetTranslation( OutJointPos );

		// Order important. Second bone is lower limb.
		OutBoneTransforms.Add( FBoneTransform(LowerLimbIndex, LowerLimbCSTransform) );

	// Update transform for end bone.
		if( bTakeRotationFromEffectorSpace )
			EndBoneCSTransform.SetRotation( EffectorTransform.GetRotation() );
		else if( bMaintainEffectorRelRot )
			EndBoneCSTransform = EndBoneLocalTransform * LowerLimbCSTransform;

		// Set correct location for end bone.

		// Order important. Third bone is End Bone.
		OutBoneTransforms.Add( FBoneTransform(IKBone.BoneIndex, EndBoneCSTransform) );

	// Make sure we have correct number of bones
	check(OutBoneTransforms.Num() == 3);