void FStreamingLevelCollectionModel::SetStreamingLevelsClass_Executed(UClass* InClass)
	// First prompt to save the selected levels, as changing the streaming method will unload/reload them

	// Stash off a copy of the original array, as changing the streaming method can destroy the selection
	FLevelModelList SelectedLevelsCopy = GetSelectedLevels();

	// Apply the new streaming method to the selected levels
	for (auto It = SelectedLevelsCopy.CreateIterator(); It; ++It)
		TSharedPtr<FStreamingLevelModel> TargetModel = StaticCastSharedPtr<FStreamingLevelModel>(*It);


	// Force a cached level list rebuild
void FLevelCollectionModel::UpdateTranslationDelta(const FLevelModelList& InLevelList, FVector2D InTranslationDelta, bool bBoundsSnapping, float InSnappingValue)
	FLevelModelList EditableLevels;
	// Only editable levels could be moved
	for (auto It = InLevelList.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		if ((*It)->IsEditable())
	// Snap	translation delta
	if (InTranslationDelta != FVector2D::ZeroVector)
		InTranslationDelta = SnapTranslationDelta(EditableLevels, InTranslationDelta, bBoundsSnapping, InSnappingValue);
	for (auto It = EditableLevels.CreateIterator(); It; ++It)