void USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateKinematicBonesToAnim(const TArray<FTransform>& InSpaceBases, ETeleportType Teleport, bool bNeedsSkinning, EAllowKinematicDeferral DeferralAllowed) { SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER(STAT_UpdateRBBones); // This below code produces some interesting result here // - below codes update physics data, so if you don't update pose, the physics won't have the right result // - but if we just update physics bone without update current pose, it will have stale data // If desired, pass the animation data to the physics joints so they can be used by motors. // See if we are going to need to update kinematics const bool bUpdateKinematics = (KinematicBonesUpdateType != EKinematicBonesUpdateToPhysics::SkipAllBones); const bool bTeleport = Teleport == ETeleportType::TeleportPhysics; // If desired, update physics bodies associated with skeletal mesh component to match. if(!bUpdateKinematics && !(bTeleport && IsAnySimulatingPhysics())) { // nothing to do return; } // Get the scene, and do nothing if we can't get one. FPhysScene* PhysScene = nullptr; if (GetWorld() != nullptr) { PhysScene = GetWorld()->GetPhysicsScene(); } if(PhysScene == nullptr) { return; } const FTransform& CurrentLocalToWorld = ComponentToWorld; // Gracefully handle NaN if(CurrentLocalToWorld.ContainsNaN()) { return; } // If we are only using bodies for physics, don't need to move them right away, can defer until simulation (unless told not to) if(BodyInstance.GetCollisionEnabled() == ECollisionEnabled::PhysicsOnly && DeferralAllowed == EAllowKinematicDeferral::AllowDeferral) { PhysScene->MarkForPreSimKinematicUpdate(this, Teleport, bNeedsSkinning); return; } #if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING || UE_BUILD_TEST) // If desired, draw the skeleton at the point where we pass it to the physics. if (bShowPrePhysBones && SkeletalMesh && InSpaceBases.Num() == SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.GetNum()) { for (int32 i = 1; i<InSpaceBases.Num(); i++) { FVector ThisPos = CurrentLocalToWorld.TransformPosition(InSpaceBases[i].GetLocation()); int32 ParentIndex = SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.GetParentIndex(i); FVector ParentPos = CurrentLocalToWorld.TransformPosition(InSpaceBases[ParentIndex].GetLocation()); GetWorld()->LineBatcher->DrawLine(ThisPos, ParentPos, AnimSkelDrawColor, SDPG_Foreground); } } #endif // warn if it has non-uniform scale const FVector& MeshScale3D = CurrentLocalToWorld.GetScale3D(); #if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING || UE_BUILD_TEST) if( !MeshScale3D.IsUniform() ) { UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("USkeletalMeshComponent::UpdateKinematicBonesToAnim : Non-uniform scale factor (%s) can cause physics to mismatch for %s SkelMesh: %s"), *MeshScale3D.ToString(), *GetFullName(), SkeletalMesh ? *SkeletalMesh->GetFullName() : TEXT("NULL")); } #endif if (bEnablePerPolyCollision == false) { const UPhysicsAsset* const PhysicsAsset = GetPhysicsAsset(); if (PhysicsAsset && SkeletalMesh && Bodies.Num() > 0) { #if !(UE_BUILD_SHIPPING || UE_BUILD_TEST) if (!ensure(PhysicsAsset->BodySetup.Num() == Bodies.Num())) { // related to TTP 280315 UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning, TEXT("Mesh (%s) has PhysicsAsset(%s), and BodySetup(%d) and Bodies(%d) don't match"), *SkeletalMesh->GetName(), *PhysicsAsset->GetName(), PhysicsAsset->BodySetup.Num(), Bodies.Num()); return; } #endif #if WITH_PHYSX // Lock the scenes we need (flags set in InitArticulated) if(bHasBodiesInSyncScene) { SCENE_LOCK_WRITE(PhysScene->GetPhysXScene(PST_Sync)) } if (bHasBodiesInAsyncScene) { SCENE_LOCK_WRITE(PhysScene->GetPhysXScene(PST_Async)) } #endif // Iterate over each body for (int32 i = 0; i < Bodies.Num(); i++) { // If we have a physics body, and its kinematic... FBodyInstance* BodyInst = Bodies[i]; check(BodyInst); if (BodyInst->IsValidBodyInstance() && (bTeleport || !BodyInst->IsInstanceSimulatingPhysics())) { const int32 BoneIndex = BodyInst->InstanceBoneIndex; // If we could not find it - warn. if (BoneIndex == INDEX_NONE || BoneIndex >= GetNumSpaceBases()) { const FName BodyName = PhysicsAsset->BodySetup[i]->BoneName; UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log, TEXT("UpdateRBBones: WARNING: Failed to find bone '%s' need by PhysicsAsset '%s' in SkeletalMesh '%s'."), *BodyName.ToString(), *PhysicsAsset->GetName(), *SkeletalMesh->GetName()); } else { #if WITH_PHYSX // update bone transform to world const FTransform BoneTransform = InSpaceBases[BoneIndex] * CurrentLocalToWorld; if(!BoneTransform.IsValid()) { const FName BodyName = PhysicsAsset->BodySetup[i]->BoneName; UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning, TEXT("UpdateKinematicBonesToAnim: Trying to set transform with bad data %s on PhysicsAsset '%s' in SkeletalMesh '%s' for bone '%s'"), *BoneTransform.ToHumanReadableString(), *PhysicsAsset->GetName(), *SkeletalMesh->GetName(), *BodyName.ToString()); BoneTransform.DiagnosticCheck_IsValid(); //In special nan mode we want to actually ensure continue; } // If kinematic and not teleporting, set kinematic target if (!BodyInst->IsInstanceSimulatingPhysics() && !bTeleport) { PhysScene->SetKinematicTarget_AssumesLocked(BodyInst, BoneTransform, true); } // Otherwise, set global pose else { const PxTransform PNewPose = U2PTransform(BoneTransform); ensure(PNewPose.isValid()); PxRigidActor* RigidActor = BodyInst->GetPxRigidActor_AssumesLocked(); // This should never fail because IsValidBodyInstance() passed above RigidActor->setGlobalPose(PNewPose); } #endif // now update scale // if uniform, we'll use BoneTranform if (MeshScale3D.IsUniform()) { // @todo UE4 should we update scale when it's simulated? BodyInst->UpdateBodyScale(BoneTransform.GetScale3D()); } else { // @note When you have non-uniform scale on mesh base, // hierarchical bone transform can update scale too often causing performance issue // So we just use mesh scale for all bodies when non-uniform // This means physics representation won't be accurate, but // it is performance friendly by preventing too frequent physics update BodyInst->UpdateBodyScale(MeshScale3D); } } } else { //make sure you have physics weight or blendphysics on, otherwise, you'll have inconsistent representation of bodies // @todo make this to be kismet log? But can be too intrusive if (!bBlendPhysics && BodyInst->PhysicsBlendWeight <= 0.f && BodyInst->BodySetup.IsValid()) { //It's not clear whether this should be a warning. There are certainly cases where you interpolate the blend weight towards 0. The blend feature needs some work which will probably change this in the future. //Making it Verbose for now UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Verbose, TEXT("%s(Mesh %s, PhysicsAsset %s, Bone %s) is simulating, but no blending. "), *GetName(), *GetNameSafe(SkeletalMesh), *GetNameSafe(PhysicsAsset), *BodyInst->BodySetup.Get()->BoneName.ToString()); } } } #if WITH_PHYSX // Unlock the scenes if (bHasBodiesInSyncScene) { SCENE_UNLOCK_WRITE(PhysScene->GetPhysXScene(PST_Sync)) } if (bHasBodiesInAsyncScene) { SCENE_UNLOCK_WRITE(PhysScene->GetPhysXScene(PST_Async)) } #endif } } else { //per poly update requires us to update all vertex positions if (MeshObject)